Indian Daily Mail, 20 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VUi.. VI. NO. 37. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 288 1 Prominent Muslims Of Bombay Hyderabid Under Arrest HYDERABAD, Mar. 19.— 1t is learnt that investigations regarding the escape of Mir Laik Ali from detention to Pakistan have now been completed by fhc Special Investigation Officer Mr. S. Malik Deputy Director General of Central Intelligence,
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  • 151 1 PARIS, Mar. 19. About 4,000 Vietnamese students supporting Vietminh < Communist-led insurgents) today set fire to street stalls and motor cars m the central market piace m Saigon m protest against American aid for Frenchsupported Vietnam, the French newts agency reported. The students first tried to
    A.P.  -  151 words
  • 55 1 ACCRA, Gold Coast, Mar. 19.— A combined exercise by military and civil security forces will be held throughout the Gold Coast next Monday and Tuesday, for the first timo m the colony's history. Fully equipped police will be moved by air. Mobile and stationary radio
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 729 1 Pre-Arranged Plan Unearthed BOMBAY, Mar. 1J). A high Government source confirmed here that Mir Laik AH, former Premier of Hyderabad, escaped Jo Karachi from Bombay on Mar. 4 by a regular service plane. He had arrived m Bombay by train from Secunderabad. The source added that
    F.O.C.  -  729 words
  • 114 1 RANGOON, Mar. 19.— Two members of the U.S. Technical Mission investigating possible American technical aid to needy countries arrived m Rangoon on Saturday to link up with R. Alleai Griffin's group due shortly. They axe Drs. Howard Kline, U.S. Public Health representative and Ross E.
    A.P.  -  114 words
  • 69 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 19.— The Peiping Radio announced on Saturday that all Chinese vessels m Singapore, Hong Kong, and other ports "belong to the People's Republic of China." The broadcast, heard by the Associated Press here, attributed the statement to Chang Po-chun, Communist Minister
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 97 1 PAKISTAN POLICE KILL HILL TRIBESMEN CALCUTTA, Mar. 19.— At least three tribesmen were killed and several injured when Pakistan police and Moslem volunteers fired on fleeing groups of san thuls (hill tribes) crossing into India near Patnitaly, 300 miles from here, on Friday., Mar. 17. Reports received m official quarters
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 99 1 LONDON, Mar. 19. Britain and Burma have signed an agreement to avoid double taxation of incom and profits subjects to ratification the British Inland 'Rjvenue Office said yesterday. The agreement Ls similar U, those already made with the United States the Netherlands and certain Commonwealth
    A.P.  -  99 words
  • 79 1 HELSINKI. Finland. Mar. 19.— Dr. Umo Kekkonen, Finland's new Premier, on Saturday stressed his government's desire to maintain friendly relations with Russia. "It is the government's aim to maintain our country's relations with the Soviet Union m accordance with the Soviet-Finnish friendship
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 303 1 INDIAN VIEWPOINT IS COMPLETELY BLACKED OUT! NEW DELHI, Mar. 19. Radio broadcasts of the Azad Kashmir government bulletins were cited m Parliament yesterday as an example of the kind of news reports abroad about which India can do nothing. Dr. B. V. Keskar, Deputy Foreign
    A.P.  -  303 words
  • 40 1 BOMBAY. Mar. 19.— Four knifings, one of them fatal, were reported on Saturday night, the Seventh of t u .c dislurbs'icea. A communique gave the week's figures as 14 killed. 33 wounded and 790 arrested.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 115 1 BERKELEY, Mar. 18.— A new kind ol atom, the neaviest ever known, has been found by University of California researchers and added to the growing list of elemental substances. Tne new substance Ls Element 98. It never before was observed and probably never will be
    A.P.  -  115 words
  • 118 1 NON SOCIALIST COALITION GOVT. FOR FINLAND HELSINKI, Mar. 19.— Finnish Agrarian leader Urno Kokkonen yesterday formed a non-socialist coalition government to succeed the Social Democrat minority government of Karl Fagerholm which resigned on Mar. 1. The new government has ten Agrarians, three members of the Swedish People's Party and two
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 57 1 nious currency reform designed to halt the inflated internal circulation of money The move logically follows that of last woek-end, when the Indonesian guilder was devalued by half for exports and by two-thirds for imports. "It should powerfully reinforce last week's changes m reviving Indonesia's exports, which have been almost
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 54 1 MADKAS, Mar. 10. west coast pepper exporters said today that the impending Indonesian currency devaluation depressed Indian pepper prices at Rs. 3,450 per 700 pounds. They feared Indonesia's action was apparently to bring her pepper prices to competative levels with India. Ten exporters reported an increased American
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 196 1 DJAKARTA, Mar. 19.— The Indonesian Government announced that the Indonesian currency had been devalued by 50 per cent as from noon GMT today. The announcement said that all money m circulation as well as hi banks throughout the country would lose its nominal value as from noon,
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  • 167 1 DJAKARTA, Mar. 19.— Indonesians were told today that the money m their pockets is now worth only half s face value m cash Government announcements on all Indonesian wavelengths told citizens of the new republic to tear their currency notes m half. Tlie lefthand portion becomes legal lender
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 9 (BY POST Malaya, B.N. Borneo and Sarawal 1 Month 4.00 3 12.00 6 24.00 1 Year 48.00 Other Places 1 Month 5.00 3 15.00 6 30.00 1 Year 60.00
      32 words
    • 74 1 TILL YOUR raOOOOB TO TBM HBGW thnwgfe TAMIL MURASI The Leading TAMIL Daily m Malaya over 14 yean 71, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. *a/ton, fj fj &> HONG KONG (Tuesdays or Fridays) M $321.42 BANGKOK i Tuesdays or Fridays M 5166.07 IN <».--NGINED SPEED AND COMFORT' Connections at Bangkok 'c> Rangoon,
      74 words

  • 610 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Mon. Mar. 20. 1950. WANTED, ACTIONS NOT WORDS! WORDS alone cannot destroy •an evil. However vehement they may 'be, they simply evaporate into thin air, disappear quickly &n d are forgotten everafter. That is why people seldom take any utterance seriously unless it is backed by
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  • 1062 2 Institute Opened At Chidambaram CHIDAMBARAM, Mar. 19.— Sardar K. M. Panikkar, India's Ambassador to the Republic of China, inaugurated the Indian Institute for Population Studies on Mar. 7 evening before a large gathering of staff and students of the Annamalai University m the Srinivasa Sastri HaU
    FOC  -  1,062 words
  • 65 2 HONGKONG, Mar. 19.— The Chines* Nationalists are reinforcing Hainan Island, off South China, with medium bombers and naval craft from Formosa, a dispatch from Hoihow to the Wah Kiu Vat Po said yesterdaty. Reds on the mainland recently attempted to send at least three small sc«ile invasion
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 84 2 KRARTOUM, Mar. 19. Sudan Government workers are to receive bonuses up to £13 payable m two instalments and a rise of 25 per cent m overtime pay. New cost of living allowances will be announced m May, it was officially stated yesterday. Questions of leave
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 313 2 All Outstanding Differences Must Solved First, Says Central Gov t. FORMATION OF ANDHRA PROVINCE: (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 19. A gist of the final reply received by the Madras Government from the Governmeit of India rejecting the Partition Committee's report recommending the immediate formation of Andhra Province was
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  • 71 2 WASHINGTON, Mar. 19. Arab diplomats on, Friday declined an invitation to address the annual conference of the Middle East. Institute because Israeli are on the speakers list. The conferences started on Friday. They said their appearance en the same platform might be misinterpreted as recognition of
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 105 2 Photo. NICE, Mar. 19 Tne Aga Khan is to go to Gstaad, Switzerland, from his villa near here on Monday for his first visit to his two-and-a-half month old first grand-daughter Yasmin, daughter of Prince Aly Khan and his wife, the film star Rita
    Reuter; A.P.  -  105 words
  • 119 2 500 PERSONS RENDERED HOMELESS (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 19.— A disastrous fire broke out m the early hours oi Thursday morning m slum area of Khadarmahal m Washermanpet m the northern part of the City and more than a hundred huts were burnt and 500 persons rendered homeless
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  • 87 2 Truman Ignores RadioPhone Talk Suggestions With Stalin KEY WEST, Florida, Mar. 19. President Truman on Friday ignored a suggested radio -telephone tatk with Premier Stalin. The suggestion was made by the Duncan-Paria American Legion Post of New York, which proposed that Truman talk with Stalin on the telephone while members
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 605 2 BELUR (Hassan), Mar. 19. Mrs. Yasodhara Dasappa, Agent, Kasturba Trust, Mysore State, and wife of Mysore's Finance Minister. Mr. H. C. Dasappa was on Mar. 11 night elected President of the Mysore Congress by the AU-Mysore Congress Committee by 68 votes as against
    FOC  -  605 words
  • 69 2 PAPAL ENVOY TO CZECH ASKED TO QUIT! PRAGUE. Mar. 19. The Czech Government Thursday crdered Mcn&ignore, Ottavio De Liva, Secretary of the Papal Pronounciatura m Prague, to leave Czechoslovakia within three days. An official announce rent accused him of carrying on subversive activity. The not:< .said the high:r church hierarcny
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 65 2 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 19.— Armed police squads surrounded the building which boused the United Nations Friday after a report that a notorious bandit named "Willie .the Actor" planned to capture the payroll cf the Speary Corporation, owners of the building. "Willie" believed to have carried
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 106 2 vSWj&J PEOPLE THE WORLD OVER ,JJJ A^ Smoking "CHELSEA" W Mi CIGARETTES FOR PREFERENCE! \^^P Agents F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD. USE I ZANDU'S DRAKSHA ASAVA m chronic aAd wasting diseases such as phthisis, insomnia, loss of appitite, sudden fainting, coughs, colds, hoarseness of voice and general debility. wnparts new Life
      106 words

  • 507 3 Chou En-la?s Reply To Acheson's F.E. Policy Speech LONDON, Mar. 19.— The affairs of the Asian peoples must be settled by the Asian peoples themselves and not interfered with by American imperialists, the Chinese Communist Foreign Minister, Mr. Chou En-lai said according
    Reuter  -  507 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 3 PHOTO. Th^( West United States' first public Helicopter landing area was opened at San Francisco, California on Feb. 28. The first machine to land is parked on the dock while second Hovers above as it transfers a person (m Bo 1 Sun's chair) from a small craft m the Bay
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 80 3 PARIS, Mar. 19.— Ten blind men will meet here this week to try to find a single international system of writing for th.d world's 7,000.0 sightless. The blind men and ten othf-r braille experts, representing the world's chief linguistic areas, will attend a
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 48 3 NEW DELHI. Mar. 19.— Two Canadian ships were bought by the ?^vernment of India last year at a ?ro;S purchase price of U*****.0G0 rach. Commerce Minister K. C. N.ogy told questioners m Parliament. He said these are presently employed m India-Australia service.-- A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 238 3 WASHINGTON, Mar. 19. Mr. Dean Acheson, United States Secretary of State, was reported yesterday to be planning a move this week to enlist Congressional support for a new United States policy m the Far East. A United States Senator who wished to remain anonymous,
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 157 3 TRUMAN SUPPORTS ACHESON'S PROPOSALS TO END COLD WAR KEY WEST. Florida, Mar. 19.— President Truman yesterday backed up Secretary of State Dean Acheson's At.yen-point proposal for ending the cold war with Russia. His Press Secretary, Charles G. Ross, disclosed that the President was consulted m the drafting <A Acheson's two
    A.P.  -  157 words
  • 46 3 HONGKONG, Mar. 19.— An un:xploded shell, weighing 350 lbs., was found at a Hongkong hillside by building excavatara Relic of the Japanese war, it was carefully hauled to the waterfront, carried to a deep part of the bay and dumped into the sea.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 143 3 PARIS, Mar. 19. The Vietminh llndc Chinese insurgents) Command n Southern Indochina has ordered t£ troops to fire on any American aircraft flying over the territory according to an Agence Franc. ?retse Report from Saigon yesterlay. Fighter planes from a United States aircraft
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 105 3 S. ASHAN LABUHAN BATU TO HOLD PLEBISCITE DJAKARTA, Mar. 19.— A plebiscite will be held m South. Ashan and Labuhan Batu as soon as pos sible to decide the future status of these regions, the U.S.I. Home Affairs Ministry announced Friday, according to Aneta news agency. The announcement said this
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 422 3 THE DAILY HERALD LONDON, Mar. 19.— The labour Daily Herald declared yesterday that Seretse Khama's position with regard to his chieftainship was similar to that of King Edward VIII of England, who abdicated before marrying the American woman, Mrs. Wallace Simpson.
    Reuter  -  422 words
  • 318 3 SEQUEL TO REJECTION OF CATHOLIC PARTY'S PLAN TO VOTE FOR KING LEOPOLD'S RETURN BRUSSELS, Mar. 19.— Belgian's Catholic Liberal coalition Government resigned yesterday when Liberal Ministers rejected a Catholic plan to vote King Leopold's return to the throne at a joint session of the two Houses
    Reuter; A.P.  -  318 words
  • 136 3 Exchange Of Envoys Agreement Reached Between USI Australia CANBERRA. Mar. 19.— Australia has reached agreement with the United States of Indonesia for the exchange of ambassadors, the Australian External Affairs Minister Percy Spender disclosed on Friday He also announced an Australian agreement with Holland to raise their respective Legations m
    A.P.  -  136 words
  • 161 3 Call For Understanding Between Communist Capitalist Forces BELGRADE. Mar. 19.— The Yugoslav Foreign Minister, Edward Kardelj, last night called for understanding between Communist and capitalist forces m the: world. "The whole of humanity would greet such an understanding," he said m an election speech at Canomels, Slavania but there was
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 46 3 GENEVA. New York, Mar. 19.--Apple-flavcuivd Ice cream drew a 90-per favourable reaction m a consumer test, a local firm reports The firm .sold 700 pints made with a fomula develonei at the State Agricultural Experiment Station here. The purchasers were poll?d by telephone.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 93 3 S. AFRICAN PRIEST FINED FOR OFFICIATING MIXED MARRIAGE CAPETOWN, Mar. 19.— A Catholic priest, the Reverend Thomas Laurence Gilt found guilty here yesterday of marrying a European man to a "slightly coloured" woman, was fined £20. But the fine was suspended pending an appeal. The prosecution was the first under
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 I me4WM "^Sin's pills do '°J/Jp »U over *5^ n f L^i i v aiMMMMiiMßßßfciMri SEA and/A I R PASSAGES ARRANGED AT OE^CIAL RATES FOR MADRAS, COLOMBO, BOMBJ^ and other ports. For particulars please applj^ AMERICitN^.OYD AGENCY LTD. 64, Rc^ison Road, Singapore. Telephone: ***** Telegrams "Amerloyd".
      46 words
    • 60 3 How the family loves Huntley Bailey Biscuits'! The only trouble is they gfl^o quickly with children around. N«t that you can really jnrtd these delicious biscuits are so nourishing, and ane Upmajl) economical way of providing the goodness that vhWmsn need HUNTLEY PALMERS iWrA*^ 5^ Crisp heahhy and -^W^^" %^<
      60 words

  • 80 4 If work becomes a monotonous Found why not make a change and put pep into your actions and get a sparkle back into y6ur eyes. Live again and recaptureithose youthful enthusiasms of the joys of living. Good health jfr tMng to cherish. Don't wait unTHnyltoo
    80 words
  • 632 4 TELEPHONE WIRES CUT IN 20 PUCES AT JOHORE BAHRU-PONTIAN ROAD Between 7.15 p.m. and 8 P-™- on Mar. 18, a gang of bandits burnt down the Main Kongsl on Bruntong Division of Ulu Kelamah estate m Gemas area (Negn Sembilan). The bandits al*<> stole
    632 words
  • 197 4 A Federal. Government Press Re lease issued m Kuala Lumpur on Saturday on School Enrolments stated: Enrolments m January 1949 English Schools 9l.6G'i Malay Schools 240.U88 Chinese Schools 194,239 Indian Schools 39,370 TOTAL 566,160 Enrolments m January 1950— (figures increased stated m brackets): English Schools (11.3%) 101,098 >Malay
    197 words
  • 150 4 Tne umcer Administering tut Government, has appointed the undermentioned persons to be members of the Income Tax Board ut Review under (sub-sections (l) and 2 (a) of Section 74 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1947) Mr. J. C. Cobbett (Chairman;, Mr. T. Atken,
    150 words
  • 110 4 The old dts.psnsarv on Puiau Brani was run m buildings belonging tc the War Department and had to be moved at short notice but is now functioning m a building belonging x> the Master Attendant, and a Hospital Assistant visits the island twice week to
    110 words
  • 151 4 The 1 first part of the Journal of the Malayan Branch, of the Royal \siatic Society for 1950 will be published on Mar. 27. It Is a miscellaneous number containing 6 papers by 5 different au:hcrs. These include a further ifction of Dato Sir Roland
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  • 557 4 SAYS MR. SARANGAPANY AT OPENING OF UMAR PULAVAR SCHOOL A large number of distinguished guests including a sprinkling of ladies attended the tea party given by the Management Committee of the Umar Pulavar Tamil school m Maxwell Road on Friday evening to celebrate
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  • 57 4 MR. THIVY ENTERTAINS CAPT. SOMAN Mr. J. A. Thivy, the Representative of the Govt. of India, entertained Capt. B. S. Soman, Commander of the Indian Naval vessel "Jumna" to a cocktail party at hLs residence yesterday. There was a large and distinguished gathering present, including British Naval Officers m Singapore.
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  • 67 4 The Hony. General Secretary, Singapore Kerala Samajam, writes:"Those who have donated v r promised to donate monetary contributions for the relief of the late Mr. Vakkom Ramakrishnan's family who will be sailing for India very shortly, are requested to assemble at No. 6, Race Course Lane,
    67 words
  • 32 4 BUCHAREST. Mar. 19.— The Cominform journal published here complained on Friday that it was prevented from reaching India, Australia and South Africa. Copies were always confiscated, it said.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 69 4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 9KRAP BUYER from Gt. Britain arriving 21st March for short visit is interested m baying for immediate cash large stocks of USED OR NEW MARINE AIRCRAFT SPARKING PLUGSj RELAYS, LANDING LAMPS AND OTHER RADIO, TELEPHONE AIRCRAFT SPARES EQUIPMENT. Interested parties please contact Mr. Edward Harris, Raffles Hotel, Singapore
      69 words
    • 170 4 Farewell Tea Party To Sardar Lachhman Singh The Khalsa Dharmak Sabha, Singapore, will give a farewell Tea Party at the Cathay Restaurant today, Monday, Mar. 20 at 5 p.m. to Sardar Lachhman Singh on the eve of his departure tc India after retirement^ Last Day: Z\W- 6.30 9.1? p.m. DILIP
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