Indian Daily Mail, 17 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VI. NO. 34. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1950. FOUR PAGES. 10 CENTS
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  • 306 1 Sequel To Pakistani Raid On Bhompore Village Keskar's Statement In Parliament (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 16. The border raid by Pakistan on the village of Bhompore m Bikaner on Feb. 4 figured prominently as a subject matter of question m the
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  • 147 1 AFRICAN TRIBESMEN ACCEPT WHITE WOMAN AS QUEEN LONDON, Mar. 16.— The Ser«-ts« Khatna fighting committee m London announce*! today that they had received a cablegram from Bechuanaland stating that the Bamangwato tribesmen had accepted Seretse's English-born wife Ruth as "Queen and mother of the future chief." Meanwhile Prime Minister Clement
    Reuter; A.P.  -  147 words
  • 109 1 WASHINGTON, Mar. 16— Poland has withdrawn from tne World Bank and irom tne International Monetary Fund. Tne Polish Ambassador m Washington, JVk Josef Wirnewicz, formally notified botn organisations of Poianas withdrawal Tuesday afternoon. Tins was tne first resignation from the Bank since it wa& lormeu
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  • 93 1 LONDON, Mar. 16. Since the start of the anti-Communist campaign m Malaya 1,115 terrorists nave been kilted, 358 wounded, 644 captured and about 350 have surrendered, Mr. John Dugdale, Minister of State for the Colonies, told Parliament yesterday. Security forces nad made 700 operations against
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  • 148 1 BOMBAY, Mar. 16.— Commodore G. Barnard, XX. today formally assumed command of an Indian naval squadron at an impressive ceremony aboard the flagship Delhi. Commodore Barnard relieves Commodore H. N. S. Brown, RN, who is leaving shortly for the United Kingdom to rejoin the
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  • 67 1 SYDNEY. Mar. 16.— Bert Smith. a grocer, has started a backyard gold rush m the old gold mining town of Wedderburn, 150 miles north west of Melbourne. Last Friday Smith found a nugget of gold five feet under Wilson Street. It was worth US $2,475 more than
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 196 1 French Assembly Ratifies Atlantic Pact After Stormy Debate PARIS, Mar. 16.— Amid banging of desks and cries of 'Fascists, swine" the French National Assembly early today gave a 416 to 181 vote for ra tificutiun of the Atlantic Pact agreement by which the United States will send arms to France.
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  • 53 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) TRIVANDRUM, Mar. 16.— The Travancore-Cochin Government, have constituted a Planning Board which m collaboration with the Planning Commission set up by the Government would evolve suitable plans for the industrialisation of the State. The chairman of the Board is Mr. K
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  • 100 1 COMMUNIST PLOT AGAINST ASSAM GOVT. UNEARTHED Deputy Prime Minister. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, replied m the affimative to a question m the Indian Parliament yesterday whether any Communist plan for dislocating the Government of the Eastern Indian Province of Assam had been discovered. But he negatived the suggestion that there had
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  • 127 1 (from Our Own Correspondent) BANGALORE, Mar. 16.— The Rajpramnkh of Mysore addressing the first session of the State Legislature yesterday welcomed the fusion of hundreds of Indian States and paid tribute to Sardar Patel for his great achievement. The Rajpramukh declared: "Never before m
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  • 125 1 NO NEED FOR AN ALL-INDIA CAMPAIGN, SAYS PATEL (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 16— Deputy Prime Minister Sardar Patel declared m Parliament yesterday that Communist atrocities were not widespread throughout India but were confined to certain areas especially m Andhradesa. He said that
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  • 142 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 16. Law Minister Mr. Madhava Menon assured the members of the Legislative Assembly yesterday that Government were taking all measures to combat Communist atrocities m certain parts of the State, especially Tanjore and Gbdavari Districts. He denied a suggestion that widespread
    A.P.  -  142 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 1 PHOTO L A.P. PRESIDENT SOEKARNO and his wide-eyed, six year old son seen aboard the "Hang Tuah" Flagship of Indonesia's Infant Navy. The President recently took his family on a cruise to inspect operation of the ship, first to be manned by Indonesians.—
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 148 1 BOMBAY. Mar. 16. When the curfew was lifted yesterday Lie total casualties m disturbed Bombay bad mounted to 10 killed and 24 founded since the disturbances started on Sunday. An official communique said that there were three stabbings overnight. Other stray incidents have brought out
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  • 831 1 MILITARY CONVOY AMBUSHED NORTH OF K.L. TWO REPORTED SERIOUSLY INJURED A preliminary report states that at about midday yesterday, Mar. 16, a military convoy was ambushed at the 15th mile Bentong Road. Casualties so far known are: Two military seriously injured. No further details are yet available, says a Police
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  • 319 1 Anti-Bandit Month started on the evening of 26fli February and it was clear to Government that the organisation would require a few days to get going; and to deploy the large number of volunteers on their respective tasks. For this reason and also because
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  • 82 1 KING LEOPOLD I> ITOCM C* m* m BRUSSELS, Mar. 16. King Leopold, provisionally exiled since the liberation of «Belgium, has decided to return to his throne, circles close to the Belgian Cabinet said today. They said the talks Belgian Premier Gaston Eyskens and the presjdents of the Lower
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  • 96 1 LONDON, Mar. 16. CommoawaLth Secretary Patrick GordonWalker announced m the House ol Commons today that it had agreed to Seretse Khama. chief-designate of the Bamawgwato tribe, returning by air to Lobatsi, Bechuanaland, for his impeoiding lawsuit. The Government had also agree ci to pay the cost of hLs
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY POST Malaya, B.N. Borneo and Sarawak 1 Month 4.00 3 12.00 6 24.00 1 Year 48.00 Other Places 1 Month 5.00 3 15.00 6 30.00 1 Year 60.00
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  • 662 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Friday Mar. 17, 1950. A BLOT ON INDIA THE arrival yesterday of an Indian Navy ship the "Jumna under tne command of Capt. JS. b, aoman, one of tne seniormost otricers of the Indian Navy, and the announcement earlier this week (viue IDM of 14-3-50) 01
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  • 4132 2 Parliament's Right To Discuss Issue Patel Ambedkar Explain! Position NEW DELHI, Mar. 8 (By Air Mail).— The escape of Mir Laik Ali from house-arrest m Hyderabad again figured prominently m Parliament today when three different aspects of the question were raised. Th« first
    A.P.; FOC  -  4,132 words
  • 77 2 BEIRUT, Mar. 16.— King Abdullah of Jordan yesterday told Arab states representatives of a new agreement between Jordan, and Israel the Lebanese Minister m Amman reported to the Lebanese Foreign Ministry last night. Official quarters here had no comment, but Communist circles feared that under the
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  • 62 2 (Fmm Our Own Correspondent) BARODA, Mar. 16.— Ninety-two per cent employees of the Baroda State Railway have decided m favour of strike at a ballot taken recently. The strike is resorted to m nupporr of their demands for the Central Pay Commission's pay scaled. The G.B.S.
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  • 493 3 To Settle Present World Problem ACHESON'S 7-POINTS IN WHICH KREMLIN COULD HELP FOR WORLD PEACE BERKELEY, California. Mar. 16. American Secretary of State Dean Ache son today called on the leaders ot the Soviet Union to co-operate sincerely with the United States m finding
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 PHOTO. King Gustav of Sweden (left) is pictured with King Leopold of the Belgians m Gustav s Hotel m Nice, South France on Mar 9 The 91--year-old Swedish ruler is taking a sprint holiday at tho v\. an »v sort.— A.P.
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  • 31 3 PARIS, Mar. 16.— Venezuela has recognised the new Indochinese states of Vietnam, Laos and Camjodia within the framework of the French Union, the Foreign. Ministry announced yesterday.- A.P.
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  • 211 3 SAN FRANCISCO. Mar. 16.— U.S Secretary of State Dean Acheron -aid yesterday the United States m ■some situations would give military aid to "free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures." In his first important policy speech dealing
    A.P.  -  211 words
  • 160 3 WASHINGTON, Mar. 16.—American occupation authorities will permit Japan to trade freely witli Communist China, the State Department disclosed yesterday. The only restriction on Japanese exports to the Chinese mainland will be that they do ncit include goods of direct military value. The State
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  • 151 3 Malayan Leopard Killed AUCKLAND, New Zealand, Mar 16.— An Army captain, killed an escaped leopard with a burst of fire from a sten sub-machine gun on Wednesday after the animal had enjoyed one night of freedom. The leopard, a half grown female newly arrived from Singapore, got out of its
    A.P.  -  151 words
  • 71 3 NEW DELHI, Mar. 16. The Afghan Embassy here described m •baseless" a radio Pakistan report that a large number of Afghan nationals w:re killed or suffered locs of property m disturbances m the West Bengal Province of India A statement issued by the Embassy declared:
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  • 59 3 INDIA IRAN SIGNS FRIENDSHIP PACT TEHERAN, Mar. 16.— A treaty of friendship was signed yesterday between Iran and India. The Foreign Ministry's press release said that besides ing friendly relations and lasting peace between the two countries" the treaty provides for "maintance of political and consular relations and the future
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 96 3 NEW YORK, Mar. 16.— U.S. ambassador at large Dr. Philip Jessup returned yesterday by air from Europe to answer charges made before a Senate committee that he had been "friendly towards Communism." ASKea about statements by Senator J-csepn R. McCarthy, Republican, Wisconsin, tnat tne btate
    A.P.; Reuter  -  96 words
  • 768 3 INVESTIGATION INTO HIS ESCAPE PROCEEDING AH were still proceeding and it »af tooTarl" to Sy^^aHd to What circumstances He bad escaped. So far" inauiite inSuottdthLtbe nSna-eT-.M.SO I^"^ wSrch T He <>■«* c A report that Mir Laik Ali had grown a beard
    FOC  -  768 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 253 3 tit al m, v\w»uu "> y^k^ Do you feel nervous, weak, run-down, tired, dfereissed and irritable? Why deny yourself the real pleasures of Mnithful days? If you want to look young and feel young, have#he sparkle of 7<>u, th ,J*L v OUr cv c* and the bloom of health In
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  • 455 4 Immediate Action On Salaries Etc Demanded Further Delay Will Result In 'Breakdown Of Relations 9 Ihe executive Council ot the Army Civil Service Union at a meeting held on Sunday, Mar. 12, unanimously adopted the following resolution: tiiai w**s union uepieres tne uelay Dy me war
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  • 102 4 The uiucer AunuxuaLeiuig he Governmexio oi tne ooiony vi auigapore nas approved tne ioiiowuig appointment: ivir. a. V. ouxmyngham-Perdriau, Supermteiidexii. 01 .roiice to act as ucputy vuuuniosioxier ox rolice, taixx^apore tf/MMBt rorct; witn exxcCc lxoai wov. ju, iyiy to Dec. 13, iy*y muni aaies inclusive;. ivir. C/. j. a.
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  • 83 4 II worK oecomes a monotonous rouna wxiy not ma*e a cnange anu put pep xxxtc> your actions anu get a uuck xxxto your oyes. ijivc ag«uxi aau recapture txibse youtnxui kiiuxudiasms oi tne ja^s oi living, uooa utaxin is a tnx«g to cuerisn. lkui t
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  • 31 4 CANBERRA. Mar. 16.— The Australian government will not consider -sending Australian trcops to xviaiaya to suouue communist terrorism, Araay Minister J. *'rancis Wid reporters yesterday.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 158 4 ADMIRAL BRIND CONCLUDES MANILA VISIT Artmirai Sir Patrick Brind, Hying nis flag m tne aespaicn vessei "Alert" .(Commander A. A. it. Taibot, CfcJ.O.) was scneduiea to rtturn t^ cjingapore ye&terday tile: spending a loi might with tne rice., ac ±ior<g tiong and visiting the Philippines. RECEIVED BY QUIRINO At Manua
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  • 42 4 Mr. H. Martin Doyle relinquished duty as Chief Superintending Assessor. War Damage Claims Commission, with effect from Dec. 30, 1949, Mr. J. F. Arthur relinquished duty as Superintending Assessor, War Damage Claims Commission, with effect from Dec. 30, 1949.
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  • 287 4 one way traffic will be possible along Bukit Timah Road with the decision taken by the Singapore Rural Board on Wednesday, Mar. 15 to widen Bukit Timah Road by twenty-two feet on the West side. The Government will be approached to defer the construction
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  • 53 4 The Government of Singapore has decided that as from Monday. Mar. 20, the retail price of Government Imported flour will be reduced by I cents per kati. The new prices will be: Wholesale $17.64 (per picul. To Industries $17.82 per picul Retail Price— l 9
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  • 75 4 The 13th annual general meeting of the Khalsa pnarmic Jatna (Sikn rleligious Associatiooi) was held at their premises, 74, Malacca Street, Penang on Sunday, Mar. 12 and the following were elected office-bearer*, for the ensuing year: President: Mr. Chanan Singh; Vice-Preside<nt: Mr. Partap Singh; Hon. Secy:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 387 4 M.M.XJMJMJMM. tlVlLnCi^ SONG STUDDED DANCE DAZZLED LAUGH LOADED STAR SPANGLED MUSICAL COMEDY OPENING TODAY AT DAILY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 p.m. DI A JViOND Ki.%^9^L^^Slk jflr il W If if iT| Vnl f|| hbs:..^ < y v .^HH^^ s 8 S b H s ■s S vis PLUS SPECIAL NEWS REEL
      387 words
    • 42 4 "HIMMAT" IS COMING YOUR WAY A TUNEFUL SOCIAL Starring LUSH' MANORAMA !52£*****525Z5Z**********525H52£ !SESSS2SESZSHSHSZSESfaSHSaS(£SHSHS TODAY: 7.00 9.15 p.m. The Avenging Rider (A Western Action Picture) HX>OOOCXXXX?qtfbotXXX)CKXXX3 sifßiir TODAY/ 7.00 and 9 30 p.m. 'Pah Wangso Tersangk; (Malay Film) SATURDAY MIDNIGHT "CHANDRALEKHA" (New Copy)
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