Indian Daily Mail, 16 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail PL. VI, NO. 33. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 302 1 Visits 12,000 Refugees At Ranaghat Camp (From Our Own Correspondent) CALCUTTA, Mar. 15.— Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal IVehru now here told East Bengal Refugees today they must face the present difficulties with courage and conviction and not be dismayed m any manner. He hoped that
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 104 1 BOMBAY, Mar. 15. Thr communal situation m Bombay W( rsened yesterday afternoon when three Muslims were report d stabbed mar the King Edwara Memorial Hospital, m the Hindu area, says an AP report. 75 ARRESTS iWADK Three person^ died from knife attacks m dillerent localities ol
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 286 1 German Police Reds Demonstrators Clash HANOVER. Mar. 15. German police and Communist demonstrators clashed m a one-hour street fight m Hanover yesterday. The clash occurred after abou: 1.000 Communists prevented a British officer from entering tin plant of the forbidden Communist newspaper, Volkstimme. The officer, Colonel Walter Witham, summoned police
    A.P.  -  286 words
  • 76 1 JOINT APPEAL BY NEHRU LIAQUAT ALI NEW DELHI, Mar. 15.— Nehru and Liaquat All Khan may soon, issue a joint appal asking the people of the two Bengal States to maintain peace and take steps to allay the distress among the minorities the "Indian News Chronicle" reported on Monday. The
    A.P.  -  76 words
  • 229 1 Socialist Leader Advocates Stronger Measures NEW DELHI. Mar. 15. Indian. Socialist leader Dr. Ram Manoh \r Lohia said m Poona on Mar. 19 that, recent disturbances m East Bengal constituted an "act of aggression" en the independence and integrity of the Indian Republic and a "threat to peace of the
    GIIS; A.P.  -  229 words
  • 78 1 SA ABOLISHES RIGHT OF APPEAL TO PRIVY COUNCIL CAPETOWN, Mar. 14.— South Africa Monday became the third dominion to abolish the right of appeal to the Privy Council m London. A hill making the severance was adopted by the Senate today. It has already been passed by the House of
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  • 57 1 POME, I£m 15.— Sir Victor Mallei, British Ambassador to Italy has resigned from the exclusive Pome club "Circolo Delia Caccia", the British Embassy said on Monday. An Embassy spokesman said Sir Victor resigned "because his name was associated with a line of conduct of which
    A.P.; Reuter  -  57 words
  • 117 1 SIR MD. USMAN'S APPEAL TO INDIAN MUSLIMS (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 15— Sir Mohamed Uiman, former Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council, declared today: "It is the duty of every Muslim In India to support Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India, hi any action that be
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  • 94 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) HYDERABAD, Mar. 15.— After submission by the Razakr leader Syed Ka.sini Razvi that he will not defend himself any further In the cases now being tried by a Special Tribunal, the Chairman Mr. J. A. Pinto has ordered adjournment of both
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  • 94 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) ViJAYAVADA. Mar. 15. Se^n villages m Nuzvid Taluk m Krishna District were reported raided last week-end by an armed band ot thirty Communists. Guns, spears, axes ana crowbars were freely used by the raiders m order to break into houses and
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  • 648 1 Prior to the shooting about 400 yards from Labis Police Station on xMar. 13, the bandit gang went to Melville Estate and burned down the clerk's quarters and two kongsls. They then went to Sungei Katong and Kampong Temeroh areas where they stole about
    Reuter  -  648 words
  • 76 1 Pakistan "Hostile" To India, Says Assam Premier .SHILLONG, Assam, Mar. 15.— Gopinath Bardnloi. chief Minister of Assam strategic North-east Frontier Province bordering Pakistan, Burma, Tihet and Bhutan today charged Pakistan with pursuing a policy "increasingly and pronouncedly hostile to Assam and India". Addressing the State Assembly Mr. Bardoloi said Pakistan
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 41 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI. Mar. 15.— Giani Gurmukh Singh Musafir, President of the Punjab State Congress Committee, appealed today to the people of India to celebrate Bhag&t Singh's "Martyrdom Day" on Mar. 22 and 23 Copyright.
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  • 168 1 HUGE CONSPIRACY RESPONSIBLE FOR LAIK ALTS ESCAPE? (From Our Own Correspondent) HYDERABAD, Mar. 15.— A sequel to the escape of Mir Laik Aii, from the State has been the relieving of Mr. B. B. S. Jetley of his office as Inspector- General of Ponce. The Hyderabad Government
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  • 181 1 SAIGON, Mar. 15. The rebel Vietminh radio stepped up its attack on the government of Premier Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia on Tuesday and ignored Tito's recognition of Ho Chi Minn's guerrilla government Tito was called a "spy for American imp? rialists." The apparent about face by
    A.P.  -  181 words
  • 128 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 15.— Fifteen sleeted and three nominated Member! of the Madras Legislative Council whose terms of office are due to expire this month have been granted extension till the general eleocioaa under the new Constitution. Among these were two Ministers Mr.
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  • 120 1 SERETSE'S TRIBESMEN LAUNCH SATYAGRAHA SEROWE, Bechuanaland, Mar. 15. —The Bamangwato tribe, protesting against the British Government's decision to exile its chief- designate, Seretse Khama, for rive yeans, began "non-co-operation" today. They refused to distribute a Government statement. The tribe had already decided to pay no more taxes. Today
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY POST Malaya, B.N. Borneo and Sarawak 1 Month 4.00 3 12.00 6 24.00 1 Yeax 48.00 Other Places 1 Month 5.00 3 15.00 6 30.00 1 Year 60.00
      31 words
    • 95 1 TELL YOCB PIOCTOTS TOTEIfIOfIJ ttflMNSjjßtf ♦IT^'V TAMIL MVMSI The Leading TAMIL Daily m Malaya over 14 yean 71, SELEGIE ROAD. i SINGAPORE. s^jk\ ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES Mj/ EUROPE^WAITS YOU! Fly thej^with KLM, by luxurious 4 engined Constellations and visit famous pities and beauty spots. AUr these await you only two
      95 words

  • 675 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Thurs, Mar. 16, 1950 MIC PRESIDENT ON SOME VITAL PROBLEMS QN some of the vital matters of the moment, the Malayan Indian Confess President Sardar Budh Sintrh has voiced his views quite frankly a nd boldly, speaking at a meeting of representatives of Regional and Local
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  • 430 2 Rs. 60m* Worth Ot Property Looted Or Burnt REFUGEES ALREADY ARRIVED IN WEST BENGAL EXCEED 130,000 NEW DELHI, Mar. 15. It is estimated officially that 3,500 persons have been killed m East Bengal during the recent communal disturbances. A large number
    GIIS  -  430 words
  • 96 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 15.— About 30,000 East Bengal refugees have been arriving in Calcutta daily for the last four days by three trains coming from Pakistan according to the British-owned "Statesman". In addition, over 1,500 people are daily leaving trains either at Ranaghat or Bongaon from where
    GIIS  -  96 words
  • 239 2 SAIGON. Mar. 15. The French High Commissioner m Indochina. M. Leon Pignon, said here Sunday France would "favour any move" to hasten the end of the Franco-Vietminh war, but would first demand formal guarantees. M. Pignon told a press conference: "If Bao Dal (head
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 185 2 ATHENS. Mar. 15. Leaders of four Gieek parties Liberals, a Dissident Liberal group, Social Democrats and Republican Progressives decided to tell the King they were ready to form a coalition government. This move, If approved by che King, would oust Constantin Tsaldaris' traditionally Royalist Populist Party,
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 476 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 15.— Deputy Prime Minister Sardar Patel m a statement issued on Mar. 12 says: "Instead of feeling ashamed of what happened m East Bengal, the Central and Provincial Governments of Pakistan are inventing excuses by tracing imaginary origin of these atrocities."
    GIIS  -  476 words
  • 191 2 THAI KING'S CORONATION ON MAY 5 BANGKOK, Mar. 15.— The coronation of King Phumiphon a valdet was scheduled officially on Friday for May 5, Government announcement of the date was coupled with an official denial that the King had decided to remain m Switzerland because of the ratportef illness a*
    A.P.  -  191 words
  • 266 2 LONDON, Mar. 15. The Prime Minister Clement Attlee ruled jut once more on Monday any new approach to Russia for outlawing the atomic and hydrogen bombs. "I do not think a new approach would get over th& difficulty which is unwillingness of Russia
    AP  -  266 words
  • 59 2 SYDNEY, Mar. 1. —A "gentleman bandit" wearing a black satin hood over his face, said "Thank you very much Madam, this will do" after she had surrendered £8 to him m her home. She told police the young man was armed, had a cultured accent and conducted
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 79 2 PROTEST AGAINST ACCUSATIONS AS PUPPET GENEVA, MM. 15. Mr. John Fletchcr-Cooke rencently formally protested before the United Nations Trusteeship Council at accusations that "puppet" chiefs are picked <o rule m the British Cameroon*. He was replying to Philippine representative Victorio Carpio, who said it was the policy of the British
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 2 PHOTO, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek sitting with his wife at a tea party m the city hall at Taipei, Formosa, Mar. 1, the day after he announced he was "resuming" the Presidency of Nationalist China This picture is from a newsreel made during the party which was given by the Chiangs
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 319 2 NEW DELHI* Mar. 15.— Though Dacca has been outwardly cairn for the last few days, undercurrent of nerveousness persists among Hindus, reports the Dacca correspondent of the Press Trust of India. A feature of the situation is that the minority loaders are most
    GIIS  -  319 words
  • 185 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 15— M aulana Raflq Ahmed Rehamanl, member, AH India Council of Jmiat-ui-Ulema-i-Hind, has proposed a convention of Muslim M.P.s and M.L. A.s and leaders m India of all opinion to consider the situation created by the recent communal riots m East Bengal.
    GIIS  -  185 words
  • 90 2 Appeal To Prevent Rupture In Lebanese-Syrian Relations BEIRUT, Mar. 15.— A delegation of Lebanese economic organisations Monday appealed m a visit to Premier El Sohl for action to prevent a rupture m Lebanese-Syrian relations. Thai Premier answered that any decision over the strained relationship of the two countries, caused primarily
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 46 2 jjSJJ&V? PEOPLE THE WORLD OVER '*9MS Are Smoking "CHELSEA" !i CIGARETTES FOR PREFERENCE! IgßjgjP Agents: F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD. IW /AlS?^» RAPIDLY I jpSJ BECOMING POPULAR f LsiJ Moy we suaqest you Jjet H "UiT J a bottle today and note i jffl«£l the difference JSU
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  • 1211 3 But Subject To Reaffirmation Oi Its Position Re: MacNaughton's Proposals SEC-COUNCIL APPROVES ONE-MAN MEDIATION LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 15.-The Security Council yesterday adopted a resolution setting up a mediator m the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan. The Council resumed debate on the Kashmir question under
    Reuter  -  1,211 words
  • 414 3 bukma RANGOON, Mar. H^—Street fighting has broken out at Prome, communications centre 160 miles from Rangoon, among rebel factions ruling the town, it urns reported in Rangoon yesterday morning. The report, brought by an escaped civilian who arrived here Monday night, said that Communists, White
    Reuter  -  414 words
  • 60 3 PRAGUE, Mar. 15. Czech Fcreign. Minister Vladimir dementis, who recently described as "stupid" reports that he was being recalled from Lake Success because of deviationlam, resigned yesterday. No reason was .given. His resignation was announced by Premier Anton, Zapotocky. Vice-Premier Stiroky has been entrusted with the
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 86 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 15.— The Security Council's vote yesterday en the question of Kashmir is the first substantial vote taken by the Council since flfte Soviet Union walked out. Mr. Ernest Gross, American representative, confirmed that this decision was substantive and not merely procedural.
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 85 3 U.S.I. To Establish Diplomatic Relations With Holy See VATICAN CITY, Mar. 15. The United states of Indonesia will cstaoiish diplomatic relations with the Holy bee, it was announced Monday. Trie Holy See will be represented m Jakarta by an Apostolic Internuncio. At present the Holy See is represented m. Indonesia
    AP  -  85 words
  • 358 3 GOVT. DECIDES TO DISTRIBUTE PART OF BIG ESTATES TO UNEMPLOYED FARMERS ROME, Mar. 15. A social revolution m Italy m widespread redistribution of land was announced yesterday by the Prime Minister, Siynor Alcide De Gasperi. While thousands of peasants m southern Italy squatted grimly on vast
    Reuter  -  358 words
  • 130 3 SAIGON. Mar. 15— The Vatican's recognition of the French-sponsor-ed Vietnam government of Indochina was hailed h^re on Sunday by pro-French Indochinese officials. They predicted that the Vatican's action will weaken the rival government of Ho Chi Minn, which Jias been recognized by Russia and
    A.P.  -  130 words
  • 110 3 wAiKum, Mar. id. me uuke and Duchess of Gloucester arrived here by air yesterday on a fortnight's visit to Kenya. Reporters and photographers were barred from the airfield at the orders of Kenya's Governor Sr Philip Mitchell. The reason given was that the Royal
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 133 3 LONDON, Mar. 15. Britain's Labour Government last night overtnrew the third consecutive challenge m the new Parliament by 19 votes. With a paper majority of only s*x on the full membership, it got 306 votes to 289 m a division forced b 7 Mr. Winston Churchill's
    Reuter; A.P.  -  133 words
  • 187 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 15. Nationalist China today accused U.N, secretary General Trygve Lie of double crossing Chiang Kal Shek's government m an ettort to appease rtussia on the Red China question. The cjnarges were made by the Nationalist chief delegate T. F. Tsiang. Tsiaag said
    A.P.  -  187 words
  • 162 3 LONDON, Mar. 15.— A cable signed by Semakulu Mulumba, accused m a British Government report of being thd chief instigator of troubles m Uganda last year, has been sent to South African Prime Minister Daniel Maian, pretesting against the exclusion of Seretse Khama from Bechuanaland.
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 57 3 PEACE BAN A-BOMB BANNERS LONDON, Mar. 15. Police were last night trying to find who set two banners reading "Peace" and "Ban the atom bomb" floating above Britain's Parliament yesterday. The slogans, painted roughly m I white on six-foot aqruare sheets of j canvas, were visible t<, lundi-time crowd* m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 110 3 A 1 a-4 JL^J t^7 Piles is a dangeroo.s and painful disease. Earl* treatment always is advisable. Mr LAU KIM PKNG has spent many years m very careful study of this disease. He discovered an effective remedy tor it. No operat'oa i» necessary. Certain cure can be expecMH within a
      110 words
    • 102 3 MXDEISMALAW |30 s E s^fOT J |50 S'Z^S'iJ^T Site 2—B $1.70 Plain or fancy velvet straps. |QQ Siaea ll $2.26 12— 1 $2.50 m white or fancy canvas, with special sole. 250 sizes 3-8 xmt In blue and red canvas with special sole. s'zes 2-8 Xfv^^i Size 7—ll §1.40 12—
      102 words

  • 621 4 Selangor Indian Chambers Resolution "The Selangor lndian Chamber of Commerce views with grave concern the way m which Clause No. 57 or the Income Tax Ordinance 1948 regarding Hindu Joint Families is applied to the Hindu merchants m Malaya m spite of the fact
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  • 187 4 Upon his return to Bangkok un Mar. 6, Dr. P. 6. LoKanatnan, Executive. Secretary of EuAFfi, siutea mat ne was impressed oy tn^ growing interest ana unuerstanding vi tne work 01 tne Economic <J<jinmission lor Asia ana tne far ta^t m tne countries ne nas
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  • 51 4 Mr. A \V Frisby, Director of Education, will declare open the new building (see picture above) of the I mar Pulavar Tamil School, at Maxwell Road, Singapore, at 4.30 p.m.. tomorrow, Friday, Mar 17. There will be a tea party on the
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  • 624 4 INFORM POLICE OF ALL SUSPECTED STRANGERS: APPEAL TO PUBLIC "In the event of a strange person hanging around your home, or the street outside your restaurant, it is your duty to inform the police immediately. If you have no telephone then slip out the black way
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  • 154 4 I.N.S. "Jumna." one of the main < ships of the Indian Navy, is coming J to Singapore today (Thursday). The ship's visit is of a routine nature and as such no ceremonies (.r official formalities such as gun i salutes, will be observed. j
    GIIS  -  154 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 79 4 DIAMOND RETURN SCREENDJG BY POPULAR REQUEST LAST DAY TOI^Y: 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P.M. Rehana, Mumiz Ali, V. H. Desai and many others m (Hindustani) THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE THIS SUPER PICTURE. KULDIP PICTURES Grand Musical Comedy Dance Extravaganza I Opening Tomorrow at 3.15, 6.15 9.15 p.m. PLUS
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    • 257 4 feOMBERS FOR STORE* LONDON, Mar. 15.— The Air Mi- rJrH,«, n nistry said last night it would The Officer Administenrig tl uausier a squadron of Lincoln Government has revoked the a; neavy Domoers lo Singapore to sup- pointment of Mr. Chan Mun Sun port ground rorcas ftgnting Com- member of
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