Indian Daily Mail, 15 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail /PL. VI, NO. 32. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 249 1 Laik Ali No Longer In India, Says Hyderabad IGP One Suspect Arrested By Bombay Police HYDERABAD, Mar. 14,— Mr. B. a S. Jetley, InspectorGeneral of Police Hyderabad, expressed the opinion that Mir Laik AH might no longer be m. India. Speaking to Pressmen at his residence Mr. Jetley said there
    F.O.C.  -  249 words
  • 123 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) HYDERABAD, Mar. 14.— Invest igat ions into Ihe escape of Mir Laik AH, former Premier «>f Hyderabad Slate reveal that Laik Ali and his children >efi Hyderabad on Mar. 3 and Mrs. Laik AH on Mar. 4, according
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  • 204 1 Water Rates: Questions By Mr Balwant Singh Mr. Balwant Singh, elected member for Rural Wtst will ask the following questions m the next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council: MUNICIPAL WATER RATES 1. With reference to my quest tabled at the Council Meeting held en Mar. 15, 1949. on
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  • 68 1 HONG KONCi. Mar 14. AW hKV'i Haw. wealthy parent medicine kinsi. leaving for Rangoon by plane late loday to visit the ancestral tomb. Is accompanied by his fourth son. Aw is due back In 40 days After paying respects to his late parents on tha occasion
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 80 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 14.— The Works, Mines and Power Minister Mr. N. V. Gadgil replying to supplementary questions m Parliament said the present agreement with West Punjab (Pakistan) Government for the supply of electricity by East Punjab (India) expired this month. The
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  • 71 1 (From Our Own Correspondent BANGALORE, Mar. 14.— For the lir*t time m the history of the Provincial Congress, a woman has been etoeleJ President of the Mysore Slate Congress. When the Committee meeting at Itelur elected out of eight contestsints Mrs. Yasodhani Dasappa, wife
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  • 149 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS. Mar. 14.— The All India Congress Secretary Mr. Kaia Venkata Rao yesterday condemned ex Premier Mr T. Prakasam's move to sit among the Opposition t« the Madras Assembly. He declared firmJy that parties were not formed
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  • 123 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 14.— India's Communications Minister Mr. Ran Ahmad Kldwai said during question time m Parliament that the postal systems of the Travancore-Cochln Union. Hyderabad, Jaipur and some other States which had not yet been integrated, would continue to use their
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  • 58 1 WASHINGTON, Mar. 12. Th« House of Representatives with only a few dissentients passed a bill to make Hawaii, Pacific "Island Para* disc." the 50th state of the United States. The 49th would be Alaska for which the House passed a bill last Friday. Both
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Article, Illustration
    72 1 PHOTO. The Kinsj and Queen, President and Madame Vincent Auriol, and Princess Elizabeth, at the inspection of the Guard of Honour of Royal Marines at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London, where the President was the guest of honour at a luncheon given by the British Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin,
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 60 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) KARIMGANJ, (Assam), Mar. I<L Over 30,000 refugees have arrived m this sub-division from Sylhet District of East Bengal (Pakistan), according to estimates of Karimganj District Congress Committee. The Committee has approached the Indian Government, it is learnt, for providing facilities for
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  • 199 1 TRANSFER OF ENGLAVES TO KERALA UNION MADRAS MINISTER REPLIES TO CRITICISM (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 14. Mr. K. T. Kosairam. Congress member from Tinnevel'y, raised a question m the Assembly yesterday whether Madras Slate had not acquiesced m the transfer of Tamil areas by handing owr some enclaves
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  • 754 1 5 Tamil Labourers Killed 2 Wounded By Malay Specials SEQUEL TO CLASH IN PROVISION SHOP Between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Mar. 13, Malay Special Constables went to a provision shop on the labourers' lines of Rosevale Estate, Bukit Rotan m Kuala Selangor area and became involved m a
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  • 62 1 PARIS, Mar. 13.— The U.S. roving ambassador. Dr. Philip c. Jessup, declined all comment on Sunday on his recently completed study of Far Eastern affairs. He sails on Wednesday for the United States via London. Dr. Jessup b> expected to make recommendations to President Truman and the State
    AP  -  62 words
  • 436 1 -Says SIR ARCHIBALD NYE (from Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 14. The opening of the branch of the British Council m Madras by the British High Commissioner Sir Archibald Nye on Sunday was remarkable for demonstrating the great cordiality of relations between India and
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  • 41 1 GENEVA, Switzerland. Mar. 14 Belgian Premier Gaston Eyskens arrived In Genera today for a momentous conference with the exited King Leopold 111. Reports from Brussels said Eyskens would ask Leopold to! abdicate the itummt.— AP
    AP  -  41 words
  • 54 1 CURFEW IN BOMBAY BOMBAY. Mar. 14— Police pickets were reinforced and a curfew imposed m Bombay's mill area tonight after four cases of stabbing, nunc fatal. Police have round up 15 "bad characters" as part of precautionary measures taken since yesterday when four people were killed m a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 556 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Wed, Mar. 15, 1950. ESCAPE OF MIR LAIK ALI THE escape of Mir Laik Ali. former Premier of Hyderabad, if it had occurred at any other time, would have been simply regarded— and perhaps curtly dismissed at best as a sensational incident; but occurring as it
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  • 2563 2 Speaker Reserves Ruling NEW DELHI, Mar. 7 (By Air Mail).— The Speaker, Mr. G. V. Maviankar, to-day referred decision on the admissibility of an adjournment motion m Parliament to discuss the "failure of Government to ensure the safe custody of
    F.O.C.  -  2,563 words
  • 77 2 CALCUTTA, Mar. —Two Indian I physicists have been invited to attend I the International Conference of Ultrasonics, scheduled to be held m Rome this June. The Scientists, Dr. A. K. Dutta of Calcutta University and Mr. Bon Beharl Ghosh of the All-India Radio, will leave
    FOC  -  77 words
  • 95 2 New Office-Bearers Of Indian Newspapers Society NEW DELHI. Mar. 12.— Mr. M. N. Cama, Managing Director of the Bombay Chronicle and allied group of newspapers, has been elected President of the Indian and Eastern Newspapers Society for the current year. Mr. Cama succeeds Mr. Deshbanrthu Gupta. Editor of the Delhi
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  • 77 2 "SWAYAMVARA" TO BE REVIVED IN INDIA! MARGHERITA (Assam), Mar. 12. Two village belles near here have asked Government permission to marry by "Swayamvara" long forgotten "Marriage by choice" i>f the Indian princesses of yore. The girls, both matriculates, have asked the Deputy Commissioner of the district to allow them to
    FOC  -  77 words
  • 102 2 Goenka (Indian Express. Madrai), Vice-president.; Mr. Surech Chandra Majumdar (Hindustan Standard, Cal* cutta); Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. K. Cowiey (Statesman, Calcutta). Members of the Committee: Mr. Deshbandhu Gupta (Taj, Delhi) Mr. Kasturi Srinivasan (The Hindu, Madras); Mr. Tuahar Kanti Ohosn (Amrita Bazar Patrika, Calcutta); Mr. Devadae Gandhi (Hindu; tan Times,
    FOC  -  102 words
  • 96 2 KARACHI. Mar. 1_ The Russian Ambassador-designate to Pakistan will not now take up his pest, but Will be replaced by a member of the Russian Embassy staff m London, it was reported here recently. Authoritative sources said that the Ambassador-designate, M. Ivan Nikolaevich Bakulin. last reported
    FOC  -  96 words
  • 53 2 MFLBOURNE. Mar. 14.— This city of nno and z quarter million people WY. be entirely without public transport from midnight last night becau-p suburban railway guards vpsteriay decided to join the tramwavmen strike which is new m 'ts 20th day. The tranwaymen are on strike *or
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 17 2 "GOLD LRAF" Cay lot QuaJlty TEA with complete <f>nfldeuce Uiat it ia unexeefiell— lncoinF. A. BASTHOLOMtySZ. LTD..
      17 words
    • 78 2 NEW PICTURES lc 12 colours. Slie 14" x 2tr* 'Mahatma Gandhi" Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Subhas Chandra Bose Gods Leaders Re 1 per copy. Rs. 9 per dozen Write to*. Mojrern Picture Publishers /of India, Bombay 4. |i|£sTEßNpinvin6 w .KESARPS REPUTED |pW HERBAL TONIC 1L Banishes ailments and ensures ii^r^V that
      78 words

  • 454 3 Liberals Change Mind And Vote For Labour LONDON, Mar. 14.— The Labour Government yesterday won its second straight confidence vote m the new House of Commons. By a vote of 314 to 289 Attlee s cabinet beat down a Conservative motion of censure on
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  • 57 3 COMMUNIST PARTY IN BRITAIN WILL NOT BE OUTLAWED LONDON, Mar. 14.— Prime Minister Clement Attlee refused m Parliament yesterday to Introduce legislation to outlaw the British Communist Party. He had been asked to do so "iia view of the result of the Fuicns* trial" by .Sir Waldron Smitherts. veteran Conservative
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 125 3 BELGIAN PREMIER LEAVES TO MEET KING LEOPOLD BRUSSELS, Mar. 14. Belgian Prime Minister Gaston Eyskens left Brussels hurriedly by road yesterday, a day ahead of schedule, to discuss with King Leopold m Switzerland the stalemate voting m Sunday's referendum on his return to the throne He did so after meeting
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  • 65 3 KHAMA WILL NOT LEAVE BRITAIN IN SECRECY LONDON, Mar. 14. seretse Khama, 28-year-old chief-designate of the Bamangwato tribe, will not leave Britain secretly for BechuanaJand, from which the British Government has exiled him for five years, his solicitor said yesterday. Mr. Percy Fraenkel of Mafeking, Seretse's legal adviser, said: "If
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 356 3 KARACHI. Mar. 14.— For the m. pend nearly half of her national The Pakistan Finance Minister, csterday that revenue for 1950-51 akhs of rupees and expenditure at With additional taxation the year vould close with a surplus of 10 akhs. Expenditure Cn
    Reuter; A.P.  -  356 words
  • 67 3 LONDON, Mar. 14. —The Moscow Radio said yesuirday that 99.96 per ceni of tne eligible voters cast their ballots m the Soviet Union's election on Sunday. The candidate for the Supreme Soviet (Parliament) was unopposed The single ticket given the voters was approved by the Communist
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 78 3 MOSCOW. Mar. 14. One publishing house printed 12.000.0UU posters for the Soviet elections. Tne total Include 49 separate posters. Among them were the posters: "Long live the great Invincible banner of Marx- Engelslenin -Stalin.' "Long live the great Stalin, the founder of the constitution of
    AP  -  78 words
  • 42 3 LONDON, Mar. 14. Moscow Radio reported tihat employees of a Moscow electric plant neard "enthusiastically" on Monday that their candidate was unanimously elected to the Supreme Soviet, Russia's parliament, m Sunday's elections. His name Joseph Stalin. His opposition— None.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 177 3 NATIONALISTS NEW CABINET TO BE INAUGURATED TO-DAY TAIPEI, Formosa. Mar. 14. A new cabinet representing all Chi ne-v Nationalist political segments except the followers of the deposed Acting President Li Tsung-jen will be inaugurated on Wednesday and will hojd its first formal nveteting on Friday Its two main tasks will
    A.P.  -  177 words
  • 232 3 S'pore Businessmen Win Privy Council Appeal LONDON, Mar. 14.— Mohindar Singh and Mohan Siiu r h won their appeal before the judicial committee of the Privy Council yesterday from an order of the Supreme Court of Singapore enhancing sentences passed m the First District Court m April, 1949, for otfences
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  • 94 3 STALIN WILLING TO MEET TRUMAN MOSCOW, Mar. 14. Foreign observers here yesterday suggested that Premier Stalin might be willing to meet President Truman for "peace talks" m Europe. They attached significance to a recent statement by Politburo member Georghi Malenkov, expressing Soviet readiness to take part m an ".honest world
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  • 571 3 TO SIGN MUTUAL ALLIANCE WITH MAO LATER STALIN PARIS, Mar. 14.— The French Press Agency said last night m a despatch from Saigon that reports circulating there said Ho Chi Minn (Indo-Chinese insurgent leader) left several weeks ago for Peiping to sign a treaty
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 Here's What You Need for HEALTH, PAIN-RELIEF, y—^ AND SOUND SLEEP X-V%)\ AT NIGHTS \T J^/JI^SQSS&S. Il Pain is r °bbinK you of He^lh and //iK|V)y\\ Strength; if you suiicr irom*iEAD- yQSyyQ' ACHES NKURAI.GIA, *JERVE VvV^V^A^X^': \>A\PAINS OR RHEUMATICiPAINS; -'\B&Qfy}, '"^V -o Vv i< you cant SLEEP aJhights V* A\
      91 words
    • 40 3 I fLm Hiwiine, poisonous food Pi* i^g I waste. A regular glass of ENO i .-> JP| /J|^v.- I Fruit Salt will ensure a V#» ■< fc^ ENO 5 sau 4***7* JOSEPH TRAVERS E SONS LTD. St/tCAPOft PEMA/Va KUALA IUMPUR /PQU \g
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  • 1018 4 Privileges Obligations Of Federal Citizens Mr. C. G. Barrett's Broadcast Talk "Anyone that takes this oath and, m return, obtains the privileges of citizenship, should realise that he is undertaking to throw his lot m with this' country and its way of life and accepting, not only the obligations inherent
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  • 67 4 PHOTO. Children from foreign lands who t ook part m the New York Herald Tribune's Forum for high schools m New York, USA, Mar. 4, study their programmes. Left to right: P. Balakrishnan Nair, of India; Syed Adam Edward Hogan-Shaidali, of Malaya; Harriet
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 128 4 PETROL RATIONING TO END: BUT WARNING TO PUBLIC After consultation with the Secretary of State, the Government of Singapore and the Federation of Malaya have agreed that rationing of petrol throughout Malaya wii) end dn Mar. 31. In conjunction with this announcement the Officrr Administering tho Government of Singapore and
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  • 171 4 Countess Mountbatten of Burma arrived at the Bayan Lepas airport at 5.55 p.m. on Monday and was received by the Resident Commissioner, Penang, Mr. A. V. Aston. At 6.45 pm. sbo inspected parade of the St. John's Ambulance Brigade and Nursing Unit at the new Nurses'
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 31 4 Art Indian OmitJholcgist, Mr. Salim AU. at, present m Singapore, will talk on. "How I became a Bird-Watcher" at 10 p.m. today (Wednesday) from Radio Malaya. Singapore.
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  • 80 4 DR. SUBBAROYAN LEAVES FOR DJAKARTA Dr. P. Subbaroyan, India's Ambassador to Indonesia, left yesterday by air for Djakarta. He was accompanied by Mrs. Subbaroyan. Dr. Subbaroyan, who arrived here on Saturday laist, met during his stay the UK Commissioner-General for South-East Asia, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald Mr. J. A. Thivy,
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  • 47 4 The British Council Books Exhibition will be opened Dy trie Vicechancellor of the University <>f Malaya, Dr. G. V. Allen, CBE. at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday, Mar. 26, 1950, m the British Council Centre, Stamford Road, Singapore. The Exhibition will last until Apr. 2. 1950.
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  • 52 4 The Court of Appeal (Civil) will sit m the Supreme Court Building. Singapore, on Monday, Mar 20. at 10.30 a.m. LECTURE ON ADULT EDUCATION At the Wesley Hall, Fort Canning at 8 pan. today, Wednesday, Mr. George G. Thomson, public Relations secretary, will give a lecture on.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 137 4 GREAT EASTERN MOVIrfONE LTD. 32 THE ARCADE. SINGAPORE CAPITAL S 501.000 OF $10 PER WARE SHARES available for SALE t/ith health! Yes, both of them are. She ha<> 1* lie main of motherhood success fully and he is really a "bouncing boy** because they have both been i ;ikmg SevenSeaS
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