Indian Daily Mail, 14 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VI. NO. 31. SINGAPORE, TUESJAY, MARCH 14, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 324 1 Non- Aggression Pacts With UN Members Unncessary, Says Nehru But India Will t Huve treaties Of Friendship With Several Nations NO REPLY YET FROM PAKISTAN (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 13.— Prime Minister Pandit Nehru told Parliament today that negotiations were m progress for treaties of friendship with
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • 137 1 Br. Ban On Khama: Worldwide Repercussions Feared THE HAGUE, Mar. 13.— Socialist' and Roman Uatnohc newspap rs today expressed tear of ooniequences among coloured people from Britain's action m banning oeretse Khama from his native riamangwato reserve rcr five yeans "Tne case has left an unpleasant Laste m everybody's
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 34 1 SEROWE, Mar. 13.— Bamangwatc tribesmen today completely boycotted the "kgotla" (tribal gathering) called by the British High Commissioner to announce the decision banning Seretse Khama from the chieftainship for five years.— Reuter
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  • 83 1 LONDON, Mar. 13 -Four U.S. Air Force Superfortresses will visit French air bases m France and North Africa this month, officials of the 3rd Air Division announce! on Thursday. The panes are to be picked fr -n the 2nd Bombardment group t Savannah Georgia now
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 37 1 BOMBAY. M^r. 13. One person was stabbed to death, it was np rted. on Sunday night as police were strengthened m Central Bombay, following rumours of a flare up lit communal rioting. A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    85 1 PHOTO. The Statistical Organisation oi the Indian Army working under tne A.G s branch maintain* records and supplied information with the aid of Hollerith accounting and tabulating machines employing the puncHed-card system instead of th* method. _.Ie iroecial advantages at these machines are a-nazing speed, a high degree of accuracy,
    G.I.I.S.  -  85 words
  • 90 1 NEW DELHI. Mar 12— Col. Robert McCormiek, publisher of the Ciikc'igo Tribune, who arrived here yesterday on his Middle and Far East flying tour, today lunched with Indian Prime Minister Pandit Nehru. Later he had tea with the Indian President, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Col. McCormiek plans
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  • 96 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 13.— The recent wmmunai riots between Hindus and Moslems m Pakistan's bast Bengal province nave taken 3,&' JO lives, omcial Indian sources said lais uk are' was at sharp variance witn an ouiciai pronvuncemeut irom tat' hsun i»engai government, xne province
    A.P.  -  96 words
  • 181 1 Nh W DELHI, Mar. 13.-The Government of India nave concluded an agreement with Sclndia Steam Navigation Co. tor management of a Government-spon-sored shipping corporation to be known as the Easier n snipping corporation. It is expected that the corporation will be registered m
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  • 48 1 LONDON, Mar. 13.— Stalin polled 100 per cent of the/ votes iii his Moscow constituency m yesterday's *>oviet elections, Moscow iladio said tcday. Besides local electors, 30,000 people wno had come to Moscow irom distant parts of the/ country, had also voted for him. Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 346 1 Bullet-Riddled Body Of 60-Year-Old Eurasian Found PIRACY OFF MALACCA COAST On Mar. 13, at 12 noon a police patrol discovered the body of R. E. Bain, a Eurasian clerk, aged 60 of Remban Hydraulic Tin Mine, at the 19th mile J along Road, m Sungei Siput area (Perak). Mutiple gunshot
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  • 84 1 I DURBAN, Mar. 13.— Three Indians walked into Durban's public library today to challenge a local by-law wnicn lestricts use of all public library facilities to Europeans. Xney looked at reference books, examuiea we lending library and reaa newspapers m tne puouc reading room. They
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 786 1 Kerala Union's Financial Year Not To Be Reckoned in Malayalam Era New Taxes To Meet Budget Deficit Proposed (From Our Own Correspondent) TRDIANDRUM, Mar. 13— Finance Minister Mr. A. J. Johm presenting the second Budget of Travancore-Cochin State for the year 1950-51 with Legislative Assembly on Saturday last showed deficit
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  • 199 1 CARDIFF. Mar. 13- -Because they were th 3 last to board a homeward bound airliner two men survived the worst crush m aviation history Eighty passengers and crew died n K he gia 3? 1 Tudor v t> lan e they had chartered to
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 222 1 Non-AggressioiuPact Between Israel And Jordan JERUSALEM, Mar. 13. An Israel- Jordan live years' non-aggres-sion pact was signed m secret m Jerusalem at the end ol last month. But there, will be. no official, announcement for another month. The secret signing ceremony m the now-evacuated Jewish Hadassan Hospital on the neutral
    A.P.  -  222 words
  • 174 1 The 84 bandit executed under the Emergency Regulations was hanged at Taiping Gaol .en Saturday morning, Mar. 11. He is Chai Ko Cha, who was tried en Jan. 18, at the High Court, Ipoh, on a charge of carrying a hand-grenade at Ayer Kuning, Kampar. Chai Ko
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  • 586 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Tues., Mar. 14, 1950. IF HYDERABAD DISINTEGRATES COONER or later, perhaps sooner than later, the Andhra Province question wiU have to be taken out of the cold storage where it was put at the time of the inauguration of the Indian Republic. We say so because
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  • 1249 2 203 Sq Miles Of Territory With A Population Oi 300,000 MERGER WITH INDIA A FOREGONE CONCLUSION BOMBAY, Mar. 13. Four city specks of France on India's southern coastline will decide this summer whether they will merge with the Indian Republic or remain French.
    Reuter  -  1,249 words
  • 171 2 I BANGALORE, Mar. 13— Sir C. V. Raman disclosed here recently that the Nufflcld Foundation had offered a travelling fellowship on an inter-ex-change basis between India an3T Britain. The Foundation, which had been operating m the medical, cultural and scientific fields and concerned itself with humanist studies,
    FOC  -  171 words
  • 72 2 MARGHERITA, Mar. 13.— Two of the five Bengal tigers, who had struck terror m a tea estate near Tinsukia on the Assam Railway by accounting for over 100 cattle heads during the past two months, were Killed recehtly after a 15-day chase by a veteran
    FOC  -  72 words
  • 23 2 HONGKONG, Mar. 13—Rumania's Ambassador to Red China, Teodor Rudenco on Friday presented his credentials to Mao Tse-tung, Chinese Communist news agency announced A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 330 2 CEYLON NEWS: 'Agamas' And Hinduism: COLOMBO. Mar. 13.— At a sitting recently of the Special Committee on Hindu Temporalities at the Kayts rest house, the Chairman, Mr. K. Kanagaratnam, M.P.. answered a demand of the loaders of the Saiva Sithantha Sabha of Velanai, that the "agamas" should be strictly followed.
    FOC  -  330 words
  • 111 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar 13.— Parlia- I ment Saturday discussed Defence grants including the contemplated defence capital outlay of Rs. 182 crores. Anglo-Indian leader Mr. Frank Anthony complained during the debate that the Government was "deliber- ately maintaining needless secrecy about defence.
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  • 99 2 COLOMBO, Mar. 13.— The Public Assistance Committee of the Colombo Municipal Council has recommended that aid should be given to bury recipients of poor relief and members of their family when they die. A coffin, a hearse and a free grave Is to be supplied if
    FOC  -  99 words
  • 62 2 AKURESSA, Mar. 13.— A new way of selling coconuts, by weight, started at the Akuressa bazaar, caused some surprise among the people who went marketing this week. The nut is weighed together with the husk and sold at 12% eta. pound. A cononut In this way will
    FOC  -  62 words
  • 60 2 COLOMBO, Mar. 13.— Dr. G. E. Ranawake, head of the tuberculosis, service, has been elected a Fellow of American College of Chest Physicians. This is a unique honour for a Ceylon doctor. Dr. Ranawake is the first Ceylonese, and perhaps the first Easterner, to be
    FOC  -  60 words
  • 47 2 COLOMBO, Mar. 13.— 1t is officially announced that the GovernorGeneral has appointed Mr. E. G. P. Jayetileke, K.C., Senfor Puisne Justice, to the office of Chief Justice with effect from Mar. 21, consequent on the retirement of Sir Arthur Wileyawardene, KjCL Chief Justice.— FOC
    FOC  -  47 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 2 PHOTO. Pictured on Feb. 26 In a Moscow museum is the model of the projected 26-story new Moscow University Building. Sited m the Lenin hills, the city's highest point, the new university will be the central structure m a massive group of building which will house thousands of students. The
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 81 2 COLOMBO, Mar. 13. There was ample scope m Ceylon for a Tamil University, declared Dr. R. K. Shanmugam Chetty at a dinner to him by the Muthamil Manram. Mr. C. Ponnambalum, Mayor of Jaffna, presided. Dr. Shanmugam Chetty said that a close association of the majority
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  • 156 2 JAKARTA, Mar. 13— L. N, Palar, chief Indonesian representative to the United Nations, soon will head a mission to arrange for the openIng of diplomatic relations with t heSoviet Union. U.S.I. Premier Mohamcti Hatta announced the appointment to Parliament on Saturday and said
    A.P.  -  156 words
  • 66 2 HYDERABAD, Mar. 13. Mr. Tarachand Gupta, First City Magistrate Hyderabad rejected a bail application filed on behalf of B. G. Keskar who was arrested by the police after a hand grenade was alleged to have been thrown at the car m which the Nizam was proceeding to King
    FOC  -  66 words
  • 57 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 13.— C01. Robert McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune who arrived here Saturday on a two-day visit, had tea with Indian Deputy Prime Minister Vallabhbhai Patel with whom he had about 40 minutes talk. American Ambassador Loy Henderson entertained Col. McCormick at
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 37 2 WASHINGTON, Mar. 13.—President Truman Saturday sent a birthday message to King Frederick of Denmark, conveying "thf sincere felicitations of the people of the U.S. and my own personal ereetines and good wishes."- A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 150 2 TIME-TESTED IN THE TROPICS— g^ Women know j it ensures 4 I a. lovely skin s- HAlELiyt A/VOIT'^"-"^ I I protects the -k in from du»t If/ JM x^fc?^ and dirt guards against son j V* jtif'jr^ cools the skin immcdiatrlv jm jjjf it is applied m> refreshing 1 JtJ&j
      150 words

  • 328 3 Mediation 'From Any Quarter 19 Deprecated CAIRO, Mar. 13.— Afghan Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister El Sayed Aly Mohamed Khan declared here last night that "Afghanistan is prepared to enter into direct negotiations with Pakistan m an attempt to settle the
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 83 3 NATIONALISTS INFLICT 500 RED CASUALTIES IN WEICHOW HONG KONG, Mar. 13.— The Nationalist Garrison on Welchow island, south of Pakhoi, has been withdrawn according to Chinese press despatches from Hainan. The reports said that 3,000 Oomnunist troops landed on the island :>n March 5 and began attacking the garrison the
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 86 3 BRUSSELS, Mar. 13. Exiled King Leopold has gained, a majority :n the referendum on his return to the throne by 57.68 per cent. Tl\e final results from the Ministry of the Interior are: Yes: 2.933,382; No: 2,151,881; Blank: 151,477. The plebiscite, conducted on Sunday, is
    Reuter; A.P.  -  86 words
  • 207 3 LONDON, Mar. 13.— Earl Louis Mountbatten will attend a service of commemoration to men who fell m the defence and liberation cf Burma at Westminster Abbey on Thursday May 11, it was announced here on Monday. During the service, Mountbatttn will haid to the
    A.P.; Reuter  -  207 words
  • 63 3 OvSLO. Mar. 13. Field Marsh ,1 VL~coimt Montgomery arrived by air m CMo at 1455 GMT. Sunday. Montgomery was receiv d enthuBlttstlcalljf by a crowd ,of several hundred people who had gathered to welcome him. He was invited to Norway by a lr»oal -ister organisation of
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 96 3 BUNCHE AS KASHMIR MEDIATOR LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 13 Dr. Ralph Bunche, formerly acting United Nations mediator m Palestine, is leaving shortly for Paris to advise the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation on certain aspects cj thear social programme, it was announced here. Mr. Trygve Lie, United Nations Secretary
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 41 3 HONGKONG, Mar. 13.— The Chinese wife of retired Ma j. -General Claire L. Chennault on Friday gave birth to a 7Vi lbs. baby girl at Saint Theresa Hospital. It is Chennault'a second child and the other is also a girl A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 219 3 LOIiDON, Mar. 13.— Seretse Khaana, 28-year-old chief deslenate' of the Bamangwato tribe of Bechuanaiand almost collansed last n\Jht during an enthusiastic meeting which condemned tKritish Oofm pyas^gj jffi^sss; sessr&fir ?93 The crowd, mcstly university students from all over the Commonwealth, entered when Seretse said
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 91 3 The British Government may make an early statement clarifying its decision to exile Seretse Khama and his white wife from B;chuanaland, certain political quarters said here last night. Some Labour Members of Parliament are deeply concerned by the human and political issues the decision has raised,
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 428 3 USI's New Import-Export Rules Will Stimulate Export Reduce State Deficit DJAKARTA, Mar. 13. New import -export regulations announced by Information Minuter Arnold Mononufju on Saturday m a nationwide radio speech are primarily aimed at stimulating export and reducing the multi-billion state deficit, according to Aneta news agency me main points
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  • 653 3 'Soviet Will Use A-Energy For Building Defending Communism' DEPITY PREMIER RAGANOVICH'S ELECTION DAY SPEECH LONDON, Mar. 13.— The Soviet Union will use atomic energy for "building and defending Communism" Deputy Premier Lazar Kaganovich proclaimed m an election day statement to Russia's millions %a they voted yesterday for a new Supreme
    Reuter  -  653 words
  • 27 3 CANNES, Mar. 13.— The Duke of Edinburgh attended a gala dinner here last night at the Municipal Casino here with the Aga Khan and the' Begum. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 65 3 m sickness... Jfr^f (During and after an illness thi rich 0 »7/// body-building elements m Jscott's llr T ''^'<>nll Emulsion restore health and arength 111 And when you are fit S(jptt'syErnulsion /v^^^^W keeps you well gives yo\w vigorous ////•^•^^^j/// strength and helps you Yyenjoy life. /i/^t^^-vi/ the world over SCOTT'S
      65 words
    • 212 3 TiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiPiuiiiiiiiitiiimmfliinM BIRTABS (No. 1 No. 2) y prepared by Oxolin Rj^larch Laboratories of Edijfrourgh. No. 1 for one year bvcWi control .yr. $5.00 No. 2 for two ii?ar/nt>irth control 1. ..jr. $8.00 Postag^ SO cts. -exttra CHARI fcO., (P. Box 123). 29. Robinson Road, Singapore. tllllllllllllllllllllltlll»l1l|HI:ill>|it|ll|l!|il|n|:it.i| l l!Hl..f.i(.i| You h.ive
      212 words

  • 1350 4 MIC President On Major Problems Facing Community Following is the full text of the address delivered by Sardar Budh Singh, the President of the Malayan Indian Congress, at a meeting of representatives of Regional and Local Indian Congresses and Local Affairs Centres and members
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  • 23 4 CAIRO. Mar. 13. King Farouk has been made an Honorary General m the British Army.j Sunday night's Court circular announced. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 386 4 MR. SARAVANAMUTHU'S ASSURANCE Mr. M. Saravanamuihu. Commissioner for Ceylon m Malaya, visited Batu Pahat recently as the guest of the Central Council of Ceylonese Associations of Johore, and assured them that the Government of Ceylon would render all help to Ceylonese
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  • 227 4 The second annual general meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Psychology Club affiliated to Psychology House, Marple, England) was held on Sunday, Mar. 5, at 3 p.m. at No 27 Jalan Delima, Imbi Road. Kuala Lumpur, with Dr. S. S. Dasen m the chair. Doctors S. S. Dasen
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 211 4 DIAMOND By Popular Request Return Screening Today 3 Shows 3.15, 6.15 9.15 p.m. SOHAG RAAT (Hindustan/ Radiant and Ravishing GEEfTA BALI Sings and Dances to the Delight of Millions. With: BEGUM PARA, DALIP KUMAR and many others. Released by: INDIAN FILM COMBINE, ftKrJBHH^SKB Daily 3 Shows: w^fil^t'^i^^ 315 6 3
      211 words