Indian Daily Mail, 13 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VI. NO. 30. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1950. FOUR^GES 10 CENTS
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  • 396 1 Secret Corps Unravelled By Bombay Police BOMBAY X Mar. 12.— Bombay police announced yesterday they had unravelled a "Pakistan secret spy corps" operating m India. The police did not disclose details of this alleged spy ring but added they had been operating m collaboration with
    Reuter; A.P.  -  396 words
  • 98 1 PAKISTAN CALLS INDIA BHARAT KARACHI, Mar. 12. Pakistan newspapers have announced that henceforth they will call India by its new name, Bharat." The new Indian constitution adoptfsd "Bharat" as an alternate name to India. But "India" continue to be used m English while Indian language newspapers and books use "Bharat"
    A.P.  -  98 words
  • 108 1 I -»m Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 12. India and 'France would shortly conclude a treaty for the transfer to India of Chandernanore which voted for merger last June, Dr. B. V. Keskar, Deputy Foreign Minister told Parliament ye<»terday He said the original French draft treaty
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  • 120 1 PITCHED BATTLE PRECEDES REFERENDUM IN BELGIUM BRUSSELS, Mar. 12.— Supporters and opponents of exiled King Leopold fought a half hour pitched battle m a suburb of Brussels early today just as voting m the referendum on Ihe King's return to his throne was about to start. Anotaer clash occurred at
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 165 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELJH, Mar. 12. Prime Minister Pandit Nehru asked th« industrial and business community m India to "co-operate with the Govt. m solving: the country's problems" speaking at the 23rd Annual Session of the Federation of the Indian Chambers of Commerce and
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  • 84 1 ATHENS, Mar. 12. Leaders of the three Greek centre parties, General Nicholas Plastyras (who leads the Party which bears his name), M. Sophocles Venizelos (Liberals), M. George Papendreou (Social Democrats), with M. Emmanuel Tsouderos (Repulbiican Progressives) have agreed to form a National Centre Coalition Cabinet," they
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 115 1 Persian Ruler Sees Pakistan Tanks Aircraft In Action PESHAWAR. Mar. 12.— The Shah of Persia, on a tour of Pakistan, yesterday watched Pakistani tanks and fighter aircraft carry out a realistiP atturk on "enemy" positions at Nowsheni, 27 miles from here The Shah spent the second day of his 16-day
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 57 1 PARIS. Mar. 12.— Mr. Philip Jessup. roving Ambassador for President Truman, arrived m Paris for talks on Indo-China with the French Government. He was met by American Ambassador to France. David Bruce, and director of the Asia Division of the French Foreign Ministry Jean de Lipkowskl. Mr.
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 21 1 PARIS, Mar. 12. The Vatican has recognised the three associated stated of Indo-China—Vletiiaxn, Laos and Cambodia, the French Pwrelpn Minis- Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 1101 1 fencing Detective Wounded By Grenade At 4.15 p.m. on Mar. 11, three food supply lorries were stopped at the 20th mile Kuala Lumpur-Bent on g Road, by four armed bandits. The lorries were proceeding to Bentong. The bandits took three-quarters of
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  • 75 1 CHINESE REDS OCCUPY TIBETAN VILLAGE JAMMU, KASHMIR, Mar. 12.— A force of 900 Chinese Communist souliers from Sinkiang recently occupied the Tibetan village of tiakiiajar, according to Gulam Kadir Ganderbali, the K^h m <r Government's chief administrative officer m fAiia|rh yesterday. Ganderabali, who is here for consultations with his Government,
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 149 1 MOSCOW, Mar. 12. Citizens throughout the vast Soviet Union oegan casting thtir ballots this norning for delegates to the Supreme Soviet (Parliament). The first voting started m the far Eastern reaches of Siberia The election is for a single list ct :andidates. Members of the Politburo
    A.P.  -  149 words
  • 28 1 CAIRO, Mar. 12. -Iraq's ancient capital, Baghdad, was threatened with flood by the rising of the River Tigris, ths Arab news aeencv leported A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 167 1 Commencing from today. Mar. 13, curfews will be imposed m two Police districts m Negri Sembilan. The areas affected by the curftw order are Mantin and Sepang Police Districts. In the Mantin police district, the curfew will extend ov«r the whole area. Every person within
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY POST laiaya, D.N. Borneo and Sarawal 1 Month 4.00 3 12.00 6 24.00 1 Year 48.00 Other Places 1 Month $5.00 3 15.00 6 M 30.00 1 Year 60.00 A Art TWMPIK J 4tHC,HEO^ lixlP^ FARES THAT MAK£ I A/1 I M* T*AV€L TH€ W I WW/l
      80 words
    • 57 1 TELL YOUR fIOMMUb Torammi TAMIL MURASI The Leading TAMIL Daily m Malaya over 14 yean 71, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. GOOD NEWS FOR INDIAN LADIES Trust us regarding your clothing. Indian Tailors can make for you Punjabi Shalwar and Shirts, Blouses, Kotior, Piping your Saree edges, etc., etc. (MN SINGH CO.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 814 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Mon., Mar. 13, 1950. MORE SUPPORT FOR PPPC THE latest and most ardent but indirect supporter of the People's Peace Preservation Corps as an indispensable necessity if the bandits m Malaya are to be quickly wiped out, is, we are exceedingly happy to state, no other
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  • 338 2 'No Appeasement' Say All Parties BOMBAY, Mar. 12. Indian political parties evinced rare unanimity last week m demanding abandonment of 'appeasement' of Pakistan and the adoption of a "sterner attitude" by the Indian Government. This united demand followed reports of large
    FOC  -  338 words
  • 121 2 Socialists Demand "Protection To Pakistan Minorities" ALLAHABAD, Mar. 12.— Socialists m India have urged Government "to take necessary measures to protect minorities m Pakistan," if appeals to Pakistan Government to do so fall on deaf ears. "India should demand that she and Pakistan join hands to guarantee ir words and
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  • 51 2 BENARES (U.P.), Mar. 12.-The Univer«ity India Ceylon Burma > Board has accepted the Invitation of the Rangoon University to hold its next annual session m the Burmese i 'i nit. 3.1 Professor K. L. Dube,Vici*-Chan-cellor ol Nagpur, has been electee President of the Board for the next
    FOC  -  51 words
  • 53 2 POPULATION OF ANDAMAN ISLANDS (From Our Own Correnpondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 12. Home Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel told Parliament the papulation of Andaman and Nicobar Islands was 31,000 including 1,300 Government employees. k The Minister estimated *lhe number of aboriginals m the islands ai 5.000 though the exact figures are
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  • 145 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 18.— Mr. D. C Deßai, Government Inspector of Railways, who Is Inquiring into the cause of the derailment of the Calcutta Mail, concluded his investigation here Thursday last and proceeded to the scene of the at Sulurpet. The
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  • 249 2 2,000 HINDUS FORCIBLY EJECTED FROM STEAMER CALCUTTA, Mar. 12.— The Secretary of the East Bengal Minority Welfare Central Committee, Mrs. L»ola Ray, m a letter to the Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, said on Mar. 4 that effective step* should immediately be taken "to ascertain the fate
    FOC  -  249 words
  • 44 2 PATNA, Mar. 12.— The Government of Bihar have directed that, for the purpose of affording motive power for a motor vehicle, petrol and power alcohol will be mixed m the proportion of 80.20 for sale m the province, says an official announce- ment FOC
    FOC  -  44 words
  • 78 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) HYDERABAD, Mar. 12.— The Rs. 170,000,000 (Rs. 17 crores) Tungabadra Project which will irrigate 300,000 acres m Madras and Hyderabad States is expected to be completed by 1952, P.W.D. Minister Mr. M. Baktavatsalam stated m the Assembly. The minister said all differences
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  • 79 2 MADRAS, Mar. 12.— Sardar X M. Fanikkar, former Indian Ambassador to Nationalist China, who arrived here from Delhi on Mar. 8, said that preliminary negotiations regarding exchange of diplomatic representatives between the Government of India and the Communist Government of China were expected to
    FOC  -  79 words
  • 55 2 (Prom Oar Own Corrwpondeat) NEW DELHI, Mar. 12.— A com pulsory savings achem« for th« Defence personnel drawing Hi. 250 and less has been enforced, Defence Mi* nister Sardar fealdev Singh told fcarliamtht. The Minister estimated the amount saved as a result of the scheme
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 2 Thtt wain building of Thomson University of Sngtaewtafr tn Hbdrkee (U.P.).-(GiIS PHOTO)
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  • 113 2 BIHAR REDUCES PREVENTIVE DETENTION PERIOD PATNA, Mar. 12. The Governor r»t Bihar has promulgated an ordinance providing for preventive detention of persons up to a period of three months for the maintenance ot public order m the State. The ordinance, called the Bihar Preventive Detention Ordinance, 1950, has been necessitated
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  • 121 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 12.— The Government of India have decided to appoint a committee to recommend a system of secondary education m line with the democratic tradition of the country, said Dr. Tara Chand, Secretary, Ministry of Education, here. He was inaugurating the two-day educational
    FOC  -  121 words
  • 40 2 CALCUTTA Mar. 12.— T ten-day Czechoslovak Cultural Festival held at Freemason's Lodge m Delhi beginning from Feb. 26. Besides film shows and recitals, the Festival included an art exhibition and Czech music and literature. Plays als* were jxrf oraied.- FOC
    FOC  -  40 words
  • 139 2 MAT ALE, Mar. 12.— The historic. i ukattana tree which was associated with the 1848 rebellion and which was said to have been used as a gibbet for the executed rebels and to which the leader of the rebellion, Gongalegoda Banda, was said to have been tied
    FOC  -  139 words
  • 34 2 CEYLON ARTS CRAFT FOR MALAYA COLOMBO, Mar. 12. To meet the keen demand In Malaya for Ceylon's arts and crafts, curios, and gems two representatives of a Malayan trading company have come hero to
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  • 88 2 COLOMBO, Mar. 12.— A scheir^ costing three lakhs of rupees for the purchase of 100 scootershaws or motor cycle rickshaws which will provide cheap transport m the City is to be considered by the Colombo Municipal Council. The .Traffic Committee of the Municipal Council has recommended
    FOC  -  88 words
  • 316 2 Proposal To Adopt Sinhalese And Tamil As Official Languages CEYLON NBWSi COLOMBO) Mar. 12.— The Government Parliamentary Group, at its next meeting, will discuss a memorandum by Mr. J, R. Jayawardene, Finance Minister, urging the adoption, side-by-side with English, of Sinhalese as the otnciai language m Sin-halese-speaking areas and Tamil
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  • 145 2 COLOMBO, Mar. 12.— Formation of a University Training Corps to provide undergraduates with a voluntary military training has been suggested to the Ministry of Defence and External Affairs by the Ceylon University. The Defence Ministry has, it is understood, agreed to the proposal m principle but
    FOC  -  145 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 842 3 Vietminh Radio* s\ Threat Ot Death To Bao Dai And brench Collaborators SAIGON, Mar. 12— The Vietminh radio yesterday reiterated m four languages "death to Bao Dai and the French collaborators" and gave detailed instructions for the mobilisation order, which all except those with aged
    Reuter; A.P.  -  842 words
  • 213 3 RANGOON, Mar. 12. Rebel Karens massacred Burmese, Indian and Chinese civilians beTore retreating from the rail town of Pyu, 134 miles north of Rangoon, Colonel Chit Myaing, Jfficer Commanding the Tounfront, declared Friday. He told a news conference that Karens set Pyu afire, then ittacked terrified
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 60 3 KING FAROUK UNDERGOES REDUCING TREATMENT COPENHAGEN, Mar. 11.— King Farouk of Egypt is undergoing a reducing treatment at present and a rather pleasant one. itseems. Part of the diet is fresh salty oysters from "Limfjoden," m Denmark, and many casks are sent regularly, to Cairo from Thisted, m North Jutland,
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 119 3 NEW DELHI. Mar. 12.— A company under the name of "Kashipur Agricultural Syndicate Ltd., has been formed m U.P. (.Uttar Pradesh) with the sole purpose of promoting the interests of agriculture m India It is well known that large nuiiber of Indian nationals who
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  • 230 3 KARACHI, Mar. 12.— British and American newspapers do not take much interest m news from other countries of the world, according to Altaf ll usa in, editor of the Englishlangtiuge Karachi daily "Dawn." Husain was summing up his impressions of a
    A.P.  -  230 words
  • 48 3 NEW DELHI, Mar. 12- Brig. Rajendra Singh has been posthumously awarded the Maha Vir Chakra for £allei\try m battle during the Kashmir operations. Ht belonged to tkr ruling Amwal Rajput family of Kashmir and shad a distinguished line of soldier ancestors.- FOC
    FOC  -  48 words
  • 120 3 RANGOON, Mar. 12— Prime Minister Thakin Nu asserted that his government had no information that the former royal city Mandalay, 500 miles north ex Rangoon, housed a Russian Communist outpest m preparation for the political conquest ot South-East Asia. He
    A.P.  -  120 words
  • 194 3 BUDAPEST, Mar. 12.— Hungary Friday night asked the UjS. to j recall three high ranking army officers of the st^lT of the U.S. 1 Legation m Budapest The Communist-led government also protested against the "overswollen number of the staff of this Legation." The American army officers
    A.P.  -  194 words
  • 216 3 Nigerian Governor's Warning To Trouble Makers LAKOS, Nigeria, Mar. 12. Sir John MacPherson, Governor of Nigeria, has warned a "small minority" not to stir up trouble when the report of the Commission inquiring into the Nigerian riots is published. "I warn them of the serious consequences of such a misguided
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 118 3 Suhrawardy Suggests Immediate Meeting Of Indo-Pak. Premiers BOMBAY, Mar. 12.— Mr. Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, former Premier of undivided Bengal, has suggested an immediate meeting of the Indian and Pakistan Prime Ministers and a peaceful settlement of all pending problems through a negotiating committee. Outlining a 14-point solution for the Indian-Pakistan
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 75 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 12. Russia walked out of yet another United Nations group on Friday, the 15th since the start of the year. It #was a procedural body called the interim committee on programmes of meetings of the economic and Social Council. It is composed of
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 354 3 Li Predicts Overthrow Of Mao China Govt. Soon NEW YORK, Mar. 12.— Li Tsung-jen, who as acting Nationalist President of China, came to the United States for medical treatment, said here yesterday that the Chinese people would soon rise up and overthrow both the Communists and the regime of Chiang
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  354 words
  • 94 3 PRINCESS ELIZABETH: SECOND BABY RUMOUR DENIED LONDON, Mar. 12.—Buckingham Palace said Friday any report tnat frincess Guzabetn is expecting anotner child U "simpiy a guess, speculation or rumour." 'me Palace spokesman had been as&ed to comment oa a report m the London Evening JNews quoting a New York columnist, unarles
    A.P.  -  94 words
  • 96 3 MOSCOW, Mar. 12.— An Es-kimo-Russian dictionary has been compiled here. Considerable research and attention is being devoted to the Eskimo language m the USSR. A report from the N.Y. Marr Institute of Language and Thought, Leningrad, said that *ork has been completed on material collected during scientific
    A.P.  -  96 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 100 3 GREAT EASTERN MOVijeNE LTD. 32 THE ARCAQUPKgAPORE CAPITALJfIbO.OOO OF 1 10 f^R SHARE SHARES jmulable for SALE "EDGEWORTH" TOBACC( Pipe Tobacco I Relax with Edgeworth Agents: F. A AAKTHOLOMEUSZ LTD. Ihe wi*.e man, he lie a millionaire or of only moderate means, always shaves with a Blue Gillette Blade m
      100 words

  • 529 4 Lack Ot Organisation Deplored TAMIL REFORM ASSOCIATION URGED TO UNDERTAKE RESPONSIBILITY "It is a disgrace to the Hindus, particularly Tamils who form the bulk of the Indian community m Singapore, that there is neither a body nor an organisation to undertake to bury or cremate the
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  • 60 4 BELFAST, Northern Ireland. Mar 12. A bomb exploded near a Belfast police station on Friday, sheltering windows m neighbouring houses. No persons were reporU c\ injured. Pclice said it was the second mystery bombing this week. A police sergeant was hurt on Wednesday when a bomb
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 143 4 Countess Mountbatten of Burma, accompanied by Col. P. P. Palmer, of the Malaya District Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur, and Miss D. Aplin, Chief Social Welfare Officer. Headquarters, FARELF, arrived at the Ipoh airport at 10.45 a.m., yesterday, Mar. 12, and was received by the British Adviser, Mr.
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  • 83 4 Photograph taken on the occasion of a dinner party given by the Singapore Labour Party at Siang Lim Park on Monday, Mar 7 m honour of Mr. Francis Thomas. President of the Party, and Mrs Thomas, on the eve of their departure for the United
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  • 114 4 More Cambridge Passes In 1949 Compared with 1948 there were 407 more passes In the 1949 Cambridge School Certificate examination m the Federation The total number of passes m 1949 were 1,617, and included 1,253 boys and 359 girls. Of these 4L5 candidates including 85 girls, passed m Grade 1,
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  • 45 4 The Commander -in-Chief, of ,h? Far Ea?t Air Force, Air Marshal F J Fogarty. is leaving Tengah by a r for Cfylon on a seven-day vi«lt on Wednesday, Mar. 15. He will be returning to Singapore on Mar. 22.
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  • 117 4 The Indian Association and the YMCA drew m a cricket match n the Balestier ground on Saturday. The I. A. batted first and compiled 188 towards which L. S. Thivy contributed a very valuable 101. Thivy scorad freely all round the wicket being particularly strong
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 294 4 SEA and AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED AT OFFICIAL RATES FOR MADRAS, COLOMBO, BOfIiBAY and other ports. For particulars please 1 apply AMERICAN L X)YD AGENCY LTD. 64, Robing i Road, Singapore. Telephone: ***** Telegrams "Amerloyd**. I ROYAL Today At 3, 615 9.15 p.m. I LAST 3IS»OH'S OF I f 6 E
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    • 30 4 MR. KJV. RAMANATHAN Mr. JC. N Ramanmthan. Press Trust of India Representative m South East Asia, returned to Singapore by Saturday by S.O.A.C plane after a brief holiday m India,
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