Indian Daily Mail, 10 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VI. NO. 27. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 108 1 BURMESE RED LEADER .DEAD? RANGOON, Mar. 10-— Band-picked sentries are keeping a secret vigil over a tomb m the dense forest* south-west of Pyinmana, Communist stronghold m Central Burma, according to reports from the hinterland. The tomb is said to hold the body of Thakin Than Ton, leader
    A.P.  -  108 words
  • 29 1 NEW PREMIER ASSUMES OFFICE TAIPEI, Mar. 9.— Premier General Chen Chong, who assumed office on Wednesday, is busy/ Cabinet making, but so far no appointment* have been announced.* A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 83 1 KARACHI, Mar. 9. Pakistan Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan this afternoon sent a protest to Pandit Nehru about yesterday's speech m the Indian Parliament by *the Assam member, RoJiirn Kumar Chaudhury m which Mr. Chaudhury said he wanted India to go to war with Pakistan. An authoritative
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 144 1 India Calls Upon Pakistan To Give Free Safe Exit For Refugees Armed Escort Also Demanded NEW DELHI, Mar. 9.— lndian authorities have asked the East Bengal (Pakistan) Government to make safe travel arrangements for Indian citizens and dependents of Indian Government employees held up m different parts of East Bengal,
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 105 1 BOMBAY, Mar. 9.— Major General El Edroos, Commander-In-Chief of tht Hyderabad State Army when it surrendered to India m September, 1948, was taken into custody yesterday by police m the former princely state. The arrest was reported to be m
    A.P.  -  105 words
  • 157 1 NEW DKMU, Mar. 9.— Mr. Asoka Mehta, General Secretary of Hind Mazdoor Sabha (Indian Trade Union) has addressed a letter to Mr. Fau Ahmed, General Secretary of AllPakistan Trade Union Federation, appealing for a pledge of real solidarity and friendship and protection to minorities m Pakistan. "It
    GIIS  -  157 words
  • 31 1 I. ADDIS ABABA, Mar. 9.— lndia's first Minister Lo Abyssinia, Sardar Sant Singh, yesterday presented his credentials to Emperor Haile Selassie at tho Imperial Palace here Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 92 1 TAIPEI, Mar. 9.— Chinese Communists have tavaded Welchow, small tat strategleally Important Island off China's south coast, the Nationalist* said today. weicnow is 90 miles north of Hainan. Air headquarters said Nationalist planes attacked the invaders. w mellow, a navai and military base, was a serious obstacle
    A.P.  -  92 words
  • 133 1 SEC-COUNCIL AGAIN POSTPONES ACTION ON KASHMIR DISPUTE LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 9.— -The U.N. Security Council postponed action again on Wednesday on the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan. ihe United States, Britain, Norway and Cuba have suggested a single mediator be named to settle outstanding differences between the two countries
    A.P.  -  133 words
  • 229 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) CAHjU'IXA, Mar. 9. frime Ml- i nister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru to- day rounded oil bin three-day "mitt- sion of peace, mercy and communal i concord to Calcutta with a conference where representatives of all leftist organisations m Bengal were present. Members of
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  • 107 1 Strike Threat On SIRly Govt. Takes Precautionary Measures (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 9^-ln the face of threat of strike today by the Com-munist-inspired section of Railway workers of the South Indian Railway, the Police throughout the Province bave taken extraordinary precautionary measures to prevent any act of sabotage
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY POST Malaya, B.N. Borneo and Sar&wal 1 Month 4.00 3 12.00 6 24.00 1 Year 48.00 Other Places 1 Month 5.00 3 15.00 6 30.00 1 Year 60.00 5^ 1 1 DI w. PROGRESS MOTORS*LTD, 46 ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE REPRESENTED THROUGHOUT THE FEDERATION BY WEARNE BROS. LTD.
      50 words
    • 88 1 TELL YOUR FKOOOOXB TO THE FIQVIS TAMIL MORAW The Leading TAMIL Daily m Malaya over 14 years 71, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. ROYAL Today At 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. The moat SPECTACULAR and MAMMOTH m picture ever produced m India r GEMINI'S 1 I tIHNPJMPIUy l 'For 3 hours I sat
      88 words

  • 684 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Fri. Mar. 10, 1950. ONLY RAY OF HOPE JNDO-PAKISTAN relations have of late been deteriorating so fast that unless some substantial improvement i s forthcoming immediately, even war between the two countries must be regarded as inevitable It may be too awful a thought to brood
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  • 1853 2 Demand At State Congress Session Ra jpramukh— An Anachronism, Says President now. Immediately, the people of Hyderabad have to strive for a full representative and popular government and liberate themselves from Communist violence." Among others who wished the sea sion success were Mr. C. Rajagapalachari, Mr. Jagjivan
    FOC  -  1,853 words
  • 223 2 IMMEDIATE FORMATION OF POPULAR GOVT. URGED The Subjects Committee today a»ked (or "immediate demooratis*uott of the administration m the tftate and the establishment as early as possible, of a Government responsible to the people.** Xhe Committee urged the Government of India to mane necessary arrangements, without delay, to <»*• vene
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  • 659 2 NIZAAUBAD, Mar. X, (By Air Mali).— The Hyderabad State Congrass, now holding its annual session here today passed a resolution moved by Mr. Janardhana Rao Desai expressing appreciation of the sacrifices made by the people of the State m their freedom struggle against the Nizam's Government at the call
    FOC  -  659 words
  • 114 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 9. Rohini Kumar Chaudhry, Congress member of the Indian Parliament from Assam, said Tuesday he wanted India to go to war with Pakistan on the East Pakistan issue. Speaking during the budget debate m Parliament, he referred to the situation created by recent communal
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 293 2 LONDON, Mar. 9.— Mr. Leonard Gammans, one of the Conservative Party experts on Far Eastern af* fairs, asked m the House ot Commons Tuesday night if the Government had given up all hope of preventing war between India and Pakistan. "They cannot go on
    Reuter  -  293 words
  • 195 2 CALCUTTA, Mar. 9.— Jadugopal Dutta, Press Trust cf India correspondent, has reached Agartalia, West Bengal, as one of a steam ot destitute refugees who nave been fleeing across the border into India irom East Bengal. Dutta, who had left all his Delongings behind, and seen Ms
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 103 2 j4b£^H9sSE^E39s3£9s9^ml "G|)LD LEAP" Ceylon Quality TEA wltb complete confidence thsft It is unexcelled— lncomparable «jp<i unequalled. F. A. BA3THOLOMEUSZ. LTD.. USE ZANDU'S DRAKSHA ASAVA m chronic and wasting diseases such as phthisis, insomnia, loss of appetite, sadden fainting, coughs, colds, hoarseness of voice and general debility. It imparts new Life
      103 words

  • 1054 3 Sec- Council Resumes Kashmir Debate Sir Terence Shone Explains Joint Resolution 'LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 9. The Security Council yesterday resumed the debate on the Kashmir Question, under Presidency of Dr. Homero Vieri Laf route, of Ecuador. Sir Terence Shone, speaking on behalf of the sponsors of the resolution on Kashmir
    Reuter  -  1,054 words
  • 52 3 NO KNOWLEDGE OF PROPOSAL FOR LONDON TALKS NEW DELHI, Mar. 9. A spokesman for the Indian External Affairs Ministry yesterday denied knowledge of any proposal for informal talks m London between the Prime Ministers of Britain, India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue at Mr. Attlee's invitation, as reported from
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 224 3 Manchester Guardian Urges Settlement Of Dispute LONDON, Mar 9.— The Manchester Guardian last week urged India and Pakistan to solve the Kashmir dispute and pay more attention to their "neglected" peasantry which might otherwise turn to Communism. The paper said: "Spending more than half their revenues on defence, they are
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 183 3 TAIPEH, Mar. 9. Gen. Chen Cheng, nominee of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, was yesterday elected the new Premier of Nationalist Chir° He" succeeds Marshal Yen Hsi-shan. The diminutive, frail Gen. Chen, now 54. has been fighting the Communists with Chiang for more
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 59 3 PARIS, Mar. 9. The French Government's anti-sabotage bill, designed to protect French and imported American war material from Communist sabotage, was passed by the Assembly yesterday by 393 votes to 186 after a stormy passage. The Government had made the bill an issue of confidence when a
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 285 3 GEN. BRADLEY WASHINGTON, Mar. 9 Gen Omar Bradley, Chairman of the United States Chiefs of Staff, saia yesterday that present forces could not give the United States an absolute guarantee against "a disastrous blow." but he felt the United State; would achieve the necessary
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 128 3 NEW YORK, Mar. 9 Secretary Gen«ral Trygve Lie has "intervened" with the United States, Russia, Britain, France and several other nations m an •effort to break the United Nations deadlock over China, the New York Times said m a Washington despatch yesterday. Mr. Lie
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 154 3 Referendum On King Leopold's Return To Belgium BRUSSELS, Mar. 9. King Leopold's daughter, Princess Josephine Charlotte, is arriving m Belgium today, the A.P. learned m Brussels. The 22-year-old Princess' visit is officially to allow her to take part m the compulsory voting on her father's return on Sunday, Mar. 19.
    A.P.  -  154 words
  • 66 3 Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mar. 9. Two children watching: television, were among 15 people killed when an airliner crashed into their home here Tuesday night. Firemen said there would be "no survivors." The children were Janet Doughty, aged 10 and her eight-year-old brother, Tommy. Their parents,
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 55 3 RANGOON, Mar. 9.— Father Jules Perrin, 47-year-old French Catholic missionary, who had been Parish priest at Bassein for over 20 years, has been murdered. His body was found floating m a stream, with hands and legs tied, a piirtte' ot wound m the chest and a bad.
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 63 3 EGYPT DROPS MEDIATION ATTEMPT CAIRO, Mar. 9. Egypt has decided to drop any contemplated attempt at mediation between India and Pakistan m the Kajatitwty dispute and leave the matter m the hands of the United Nations, a spokesman for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said last night. A meeting here of
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 494 3 India Agrees To A Single UN Representative, But With A Provision LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 9. India yesterday told the Security Council she would agree to the replacement of the United Nations Kashmir Commission by a single United Nations representative provided the person chosen was acceptable to her. Sir Benegal Narsfeig
    Reuter  -  494 words
  • 83 3 JAKARTA, Mar 9 President Soekarno on Wednesday signed an emergency law which will allow the 16 states of territories of the United States of Indonesia to amalgamate into fewer but larger states. Observers are of the opinion that it is likely that the
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 55 3 WASHINGTON, Mar. 9. Secretary of State Dean Acheson yesterday counselled a "go slow" policy for the U.S. on the question cf a mutual assistance programme m Asia. Acheson told the House Foreign Affairs Committee the State Department feels the initiative toward any such pact should be
    AP  -  55 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 WSS 7%ese too Covsh Syw/s i J^S? I v/? fo 0 sfan</ayo/?<t I -l^^l *ot dowfo ajpr/ce* J i3|p| For Adults old/ children jHiSj De Witt's Co/qh Syrup Mfci"* with GUAIACOJf& CREOSOTE J^^SS^ For children under 5 1 |W DeWitts Baby Owqh Syrup hIS;2? In soi bottles at all dispensari..
      52 words
    • 260 3 l- N 'l^^Fl^^^r^ R 'V*' \J y vX '^l**\ Ty JLm t ilsV dm *£^W^' j^_ Aft V/rtt V9fs|t{iy Do you feel nervous, weak, run-down, tired, depressed and irritable? Why deny yourself the real pleasures of youthful days? If you want to look young and feel young, have the sparkle
      260 words

  • 532 4 Bandits Attack Village In Muar Area Imam Seriously Wounded A further report has been received of the incident m which a gang of bandits attacked Maya Main near Kampang Bugis m Muar aiea (J«hcre) when a Special Constable sergeant was killed on Mar. 5. The Imam who was wounded was
    532 words
  • 79 4 The Paste Kenradi Bridge, Kuan* tan/Sunset Lembing Road m Kuan* tan is now passable to all traffic. Thb camphor wood chest was presented by the members of the War Department Civilian Staff Association at H.Q. Malaya District, to the 0.0.C.'s daughter a* a weddint present.
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  • 47 4 Mr. R. H. Stevens, tne Chairman jf the Committee set Up to form b Life Saving Cofpft m Singapore, Will will hold a Press Conference *t 11.30 a.m. In the Public Relations Office today (Friday) to descrbe the aims and plans of the projected Corps.
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  • 59 4 (EGYPTIAN) Voted to be one of the most daring Egyptian films to have arrived In Singapore, BINTIL MUALIM opens up today at the Garrick Theatre, Singapore. Composing of many beautiful dance numbers and many attractive song-hits, "BINTIL MUALIM" will prove to be a big draw with all Singaporeans.
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  • 50 4 At Selangor Police Headquarters yesterday morning, a cheque for $20,000 was handed over to the Auxiliary Policeman who shot' the bandit leader, Chan Sam Yin alias Chan Chan Hong, when bandits attacked a cinema tent at Kepong near Kuala Lumpur on the night of Mar. 7.
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  • 83 4 NO MORE FREE ENTRY FOR CHINESE INTO HONGKONG? HONGKONG, Mar. *9.— Conditions m Communist China may soon force Hongkong to abandon its traditional policy of allowing Chinese free entry into the colony, Governor Sir Alexander Orantham said on Wednesday. "We cannot permit Hongkong,' 1 he said, "to be a battleground
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 53 4 TAIPEI, Mar. 9— Chinese Nationalists claimed their biggest success m the mainland since Formosa became their bastion of resistance last December— the capture of Sikang province's 'capital Kangting an official dispatch said today. The city was. wrested from turncoat Nationalists on March five* the
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 52 4 N.Z. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR INDONESIAN STUDENTS The Government of the United States of Indonesia recently received a letter from New Zealand offering two scholarships to two Indonesian students for studies Hi New Zealand. The icholarships, which will cover a period of 6 months, comes under the UNESCO educational scheme for South-East
    INS  -  52 words
  • 48 4 The^ Hony. General Secretary, Singapore tieraia oamajam, writer: ns me iaaiuy vi me iate Sri Va&Kom Kamakrishnan are lutenaaig io nan ior xnuia very Siioiuy, x uai-ncsiiy request ail tnase wno nave promised aonatioiis ior tneir renei, to pay wnnout any lurther delay.
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  • 117 4 SIBU CASE: DEATH SENTENCE ON ALL NINE CONFIRMED The appeals were heard on Mar. i m the oupreme Court at fe.ucnuig ot the nine conspirators wno were -onvicted and sentenced to death a* oidu last monin tor abetment tv uiurder toe late Governor ox SaraMr. Duncan Stewart. Tftey were heard
    CGO Press Release  -  117 words
  • 44 4 FIRST PAKISTAN AMABASSADOR TO USI The Government of the USI has been informed by Its representative In Karachi that the Pakistan Government has appointed Mr. Omar flahat Malik as Pakistan's first Amoassador to Indonesia. Date of his departure for Indonesia is yet unKnown.- INS
    INS  -  44 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 34 4 TODAY: 7 9.15 P.M. 'Bring 'Em Back Alive" Frank buck's Jungle Adventures! SHIKIN iODAX 2 SHOWS: 6.4a 9.30 P.M. JINULE GOUUtSS I (Hindustani), tit wring feeing NADIA m JOHN CAVAB, TOMORROW MIDNIGHT: KANJAN (TAMIL)
      34 words