Indian Daily Mail, 9 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VL NO. 26. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1950 FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 340 1 such Reports Are Mere Speculations, Says Patel Vigorous Search Being Made All Over India (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. B.— Deputy Prime Minister Sardar Patel answering questions m Parliament today gave details about the escape of Mir Laik Ali ex-Premier of
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  • 73 1 A.P. TAIPEI, Mar. 8. —Most of the 900 Chinese Communists who landed on Hainan Island had been killed or captured, the official Chinese Nationalist military news agency said today. Two hundred Rods were killed and most of the remainder have been taken prisoner, the
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 223 1 Laik Ali's Wife Seven Children Also Escaped! (From Oar Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 8. Police throughout Madras State were alert the whole of yesterday keeping a careful lookout among aU arrivals by rail- ay and J 4 ir^° r t S ?H re^l pt If rep rt of the eBCaDe
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  • 228 1 CALCUTTA, Mar. B.— The Indian Prime Minister, Pandit Nehru, today visited hundreds f>f Hindu reiugees from East Pakistan m relief camps at the village of Bangaon on the IndoPakifctan border 50 miles northeast of Calcutta. "Lk> not despair/ Pandit Nehru told weeping womenfolk who had
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 44 1 At the Cambridge Examination Results were not released sufficiently m advance for a small Press like ours to oope up with the work of totting the matter for printing, the INDIAN DAILY MAIL regrets Its inability to publish the ftamtt.— -Kd. IDM.
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  • 73 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. B.— -The Goyenunent of India on Wednesday denied a report In the 'Times of India" that Pandit Nehru, Prime Minister of India had received an Invitation from Clement Attlee to visit London. The Times of India reported that Clement Attlee has
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 182 1 SOCIALIST LEADER SAYS NAGPUR, Mar. 8. Indian Socialist leader, Jaiprakash Narain, said here yesterday that if ail peaceful methods by India failed and Pakistan could not guarantee justice and security for minorities "the only alternative left is to send our own forces into East Bengal
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 33 1 NEWARK, (Delamore), Mar. B.— Four children ranging from one to four years were burned to death m their beds on Wednesday when a blaze started by an oil stove engulfed their home. A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 61 1 CALCUTTA, Mar. B.— A 14-point proposal for the solution of the lndoPakistan put forward m Lahore by Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy, former Premier of undivided Bengal, has aroused considerable interest throughout India. mm He suggested an immediate meeting of the Indian and Pakistan Prime Ministers and a
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY POST Malaya, B.N. burooo and Sarawak 1 Month 4.00 3 12.00 6 24.00 l Year 48.00 Other Places 1 Month 5.00 3 15.00 6 M 30.00 1 Year 60.00 from SINGAPORE to NEW YORK by KLM Constellation Just relax m your comf ortaWfc seat while the giant
      118 words
    • 40 1 GOOD NEWS FOR INDIAN LADIES Trust us regarding your cloU^kfg. Indian Tailors can make for you Punjdm Shalwar and Shirts, Blouses, Koties, Piping^y our Saree edges, etc., etc. Visit: W GIAN SlNfcH CO. 30-1, RAFFLES PLACE, Phone: 5214 5215. SINGAPORE.
      40 words
    • 83 1 TELL YOUBPBOOQREP TO THB VWOfiM tamiiTmurasb The Leading TAMIL Dally m Malaya over 14 yean 71, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. ROYAL Today At 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. I The mott SPECTACULAR and MAMMOTH 1 JOB 5 picture ever produced m India 9 9 \t GEMINI S 'I ItHANDEALEKHAj I i '<For
      83 words

  • 661 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Than. Mar. 9. 1950. A GREAT CONTRAST IN our editorial yesterday we stated that the training m civil defence which the Assistant Secretary for Defence m Singapore has just acquired m Britain land which the newlyappointed Civil Defence Commissioner m the Federation is going to acquire
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  • 910 2 Lion Flag Is Unsuitable For Ceylon, Says P T Minister It Does Not Depict Peace-Loving Nature Ot Sinhalese COLOMBO, Mar. B.— Mr. C. Sittampalam, Minister of Poets and Tele-communications, intends to oppose the decision of the Flag Committee when it comes before the House of Representatives for consideration. He said
    FOC  -  910 words
  • 43 2 LONDON, Mar. 7.— Princess Margaret, younger daughter of King George of England, has been taken ill with influenza, it was announced from Buckingham* Palace today. She will be unable to attend today's ceremonies m connection with the French President's visit. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 2 Udy Mountbatten distributed nrlaee at a flower ahow opened by Premier Jaw&harlal Nehru In New Delhi on Feb. 25. Lady Mountbatten Viilted India ai leader of the British Red Crocs andSalnt John Organlaatlon. Photo thowt: Ma H. C. Mlara receiving a cud from Lady Moontbatten for the best garden In
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 128 2 Says Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi COLOMBO, Mm. 8. The Central Working ikunmlttoe of the Uankai TunU Arasu Kadohl (federal feeedom party of Tanm-apeaklng peoato ia Ceylon) passed a resolution mended by the Flag Committee wu "totally unacceptable to the TamU•PMldat people of Ceyloa tepniMk M it
    FOC  -  128 words
  • 333 2 TAMIL CONGRESS APPROVES FLAG DECISION JAFFNA, Mar. B.— A mass meeting I convened by the Tamil Congress ins- nimoiuly approved the flag decided on by the National Flat; Committee, Mr. G. G. Ftmndbftlam presided. Mr. R. Sivagurunathar, President of the Jaffna district committee, appealed for acceptance of the flag settlement.
    FOC  -  333 words
  • 287 2 MR. 6. 6. PONNAMBALAM'S VIEW^sS£v^?*' n G G^ Pon «*mbdam, President, AUCeylon Tamil Congress, at a working committee meeting, held recently m the Town Hall, referred to the controversy over the flag question and said that while he advocated the three
    FOC  -  287 words
  • 166 2 MADRAS, Mar. 7.— The three-man non-official tribunal appointed by the Madras Government- to inquire into the recent incident m Salem jail has begun work. The tribunal's proceedings are being held m camera. The terms of reference, according to an official announcement, include (1) whether the
    FOC  -  166 words
  • 515 2 COLOMBO. Mar. 8. A mild sensation was caused here when two hundred Communists mostly Indians, shouted slogans and pelted stones at the car m which Mr. Madhava Menon, Madras Minister of Law and Education came to the Colombo Town Hau on Feb.
    FOC  -  515 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 BTANULKB CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF CHICKEN JJF^ #leaoant and Easily Digested. M GIv«« Hftfisnmeni Rapidly and Effectively Stimulates SjJConTaleseont to make a Com.leU f and Rasrfd Recovery. Asjeols: W. A. RARTHOUMsmUBS LTD. r~~^ <-*# Wm&&, To be as lovely as A Star of Beauty follow the ii^X advke f tke charmin
      119 words

  • 547 3 Thakin Nu Reviews Progress Report To Peace Committee RANGOON, Mar. The Burmese government hopes to liquidate turmoil m this country by July, Pnme Minister Thakin Nu declared here. He said the government peace drive instituted six months ago has "exceeded all expectations"
    A.P.  -  547 words
  • 147 3 LAUSANNE, Mar. B.— A member of the household of the Royal Family of Slam said yesterday there is "no question" that King P.iumlphon of Siam will cut snort his Journey horn« because of nis mother's illness. King Phumiphon left here jh Feb.
    A.P.  -  147 words
  • 99 3 LIFESAVING BOMB" AT EXHIBITION NEW YORK, Mar. B.— A "lifesaving bomb" was shown yesterday at an exhibition at the annual convention of the Institute of Radio Engineers. The bomb is designed to be dropped by an aeroplane, ship or submarine m distress at sea to give its location if its
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 167 3 RANGOON, Mar. 8. The Prime Minister of Burma, Thakin •m, stated on Monday that after bii forthcoming tour of the Arakan area of Western Burma about the middle of March, the Cabinet would be reshuffled. Its strength will be increased from 17 to 19 by
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 81 3 HONG KONG, Mar. 8. Hong Kong's Legislative Council will on today be asked to approve the Colony's record budget of HK5199,251.037. The budget comes as the Colony's economic and political relation with the Chinese Communists are slowly worsening. China was formerly Hong Kong's biggest market. The
    AP  -  81 words
  • 114 3 LONDON, Mar. 8. The whole subject of the cold war m Indochina and m other parts of Southeast Asia, including Malaya, fc likely to be disclosed at the highest level both m London and m Paris m a few days when Dr. Philip C. Jessup,
    A.P.  -  114 words
  • 493 3 TAIPEI, Mar. B.— A force of one thousand Chinese Communist troops yesterday was said to have landed on Hainan, second largest island left to the Nationalists. Fighting was raging on the northwestern corner of the island, said crew members of one of Clair
    A.P.; Reuter  -  493 words
  • 41 3 TOKYO, Mar. B.— K. K. Chettur, India's new minister m Japan, arrived by air on Tuesday morning to assume his duties as chief of the Indian mission. He is an expert on international trade and tariff. Reuter.
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  • 180 3 Lord Salisbury LONDON, Mar. B.— Lord Salisbury, Conservative m the House oi Lords, asserted yesterday that the time and manner m which the British Government had recognised China was a "blunder ox the first water." "The Government's decision on this particular point bears all
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 106 3 OTTAWA, Mar. B.— External AXJairs Minister L. B. Pearson said yesterday Canada Has not yet decided whether it will extend recognition to the Communist Government of China. The question is still before the Cabinet, he said m a Rouse of Commons address. Pearson said there were
    A.P.  -  106 words
  • 79 3 FRENCH RESIDENT'S STATE VISIT TO LONDON LONDON, Mar. 8. President Vincent Aurtol of France arrived m London with his wife on a fourday state visit. The 66-year-old Socialist leader was greeted by Britain's leaders, including King George VI and Queea Elisabeth. The King made Auriol a Knight of the Bath.
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 281 3 Vietminh 's Threat To Attack Saigon SAIGON, Mar. B.— Underground leaflets yesterday warned of an attack on this Indochlnese capitml by Communist Vietminh forces. The leaflets which coincided with the first work' ing day of a visiting United States economic mission, threatened punishment of "traitors" and a general offensive to
    AP; Reuter  -  281 words
  • 194 3 LIAQUAT DUE IN U.S. ON MAY 3 WASHINGTON, Mar. 8.-The US. State Department announced yesterday tnat Prime Minister Uaquat All Khan o. Pakistan and his wife will arrive m Washington on May J fc f0 f0 r week vlBtt the United States Government. President Truman issued the invitation for the
    AP; Reuter  -  194 words
  • 43 3 NEW DELHI, Max B.— Tthree U.S. agricultural experts, led by Dr. Robs Moore, are arriving m New Delhi to study and report on India's requiremerits for agricultural aid under Truman's Point Four programme. the government announced on Tuesday. A. P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 9 3 W 1 '""''Tiiinf 'JJ^^^^Mm lam j^ ',^^a»^few vsi ijyi
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    • 244 3 Indigestion and other stornjpaf 1 ffffij^ troubles ..are easily and a^Hßuy |tm3lljPs? overcome m the averaeeytmily 1, !.^pEs■£ they are never withjpTa tin of l^?^«pl De Witt's Antacid^rowder— its r^^^JlSl worth has been Jiruved time and E^^JIP Have yki/tL tin handy m case A73 of need, if not we' advise
      244 words

  • 915 4 20,000 Bandit Shot Dead In Kepong Village Full Details Of Attack On Cinema Audience In a wanton attack carried out by a gang of bandits on the audience of a cinema show m the village of Kepong near Kuala Lumpur on the night of Mar. 7, an auxiliary policeman shot
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  • 60 4 SAIGON. Mar. B.— The UJS. Economic Mission for Southeast Asia la scheduled to arrive m Singapore on Mar. 16. Headed by Alan Griffin, a Californian newspaper publisher, the Mission will go to Singapore direct from Saigon. Thereafter, the Mission will visit Bangkok, Jakarta and Rangoon before
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 62 4 HONGKONG. Mar. B.— The Hongkong Electric Co., reported a profit of (HK)56,792,000 for last year after deductions for depreciation and profit tax. An interim dividend of 80 (HK) cents per share has been declared and the directors propose a final dividend of (HK)$l.7O on 2.100.000 shares which
    A.P.  -  62 words
  • 81 4 Photofraph token on the Mutton of dinnw narty titen by the Singapore Labour Party at Sianf Lira Parifen Wtoniay, Star, T In honour of Mr. Fran*? Tnoti^l^rosui^g* thVPia%» *rtd Mrs "WBf 1 £V™ tf *P«i« tor the UnttedKtofdomlS a JwlldAy, Picture shows Mr. and Mrs*
    81 words
  • 394 4 Since the enforcement of the 30 m.p.h. speed limit, traffic accidents m Singapore have been greatly reduced, particularly m Orchard Road and Bukit Timah Road, where accident figures have run at a high level, says a Press Release issued by the Singapore Safety First Committee. During
    C.G.O. Press Release  -  394 words
  • 205 4 U .S. IS MALAYA'S BEST CUSTOMER, SAYS CONSUL The United States is Malaya's best customer, taking a quarter of all this country's exports, said Mr. A. Bland Galder, American consul for economic affairs here, speaking over the Radio Malaya la*t night. 1 Mr. CaWer said the United States bought 35
    U.S.I.S.  -  205 words
  • 134 4 Malayalam Play In Aid Of Late Vakkom Ramakrishnan's Family The Kairali Nadanakala Samithi will stage the Malayalara play "Sthree Dhanam' by Sriman C. Madhavan Plllai, 8.A., at the Clerical Administrative Workers' Union Hall, No. 172-A, Rangoon Road, Singapore, at 8 pan. on Saturday, Mar. 11, under the patronage of Sriman
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 110 4 SHIRIN today 2 Shows: 6.45 &19.30 p.m. NAJMAJ (Hindustani) •XM**********000bOOCXX)***** TODAY: 7 &Vjo P.M. KAMINI KAUSHAL UnAROIS IN "AAG" (Hindustani) with RAJ KAPOOR. DIAMOND TODAY 2 SHOWS 3.30 7 .30 PJML ANANDASRAMAM (A Brand New Tamil Copy) Starring: C. V. V. BANTHULU EAGLE-LION RELEASE SUNDAY MORNING SHOW: ASHOK KUMAR, VEERA
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    • 52 4 LAST DAY: 3.15 6.30 9.15 P.M. A FRENCH CLASSIC, DARINGLY PORTRAYED ON THE SCREEN IN "LE DIABLE AU CORPS" or "THE DEVIL WITHIN" with English Subtitle*! OPENING TOMORROW: To bv^nown m Singapore only I /BINTIL MUALIM" m "BATHING BEAUTY 11 I (m Egyptian) This film is banned m the Federation
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