Indian Daily Mail, 8 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VII NO. 25. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 333 1 Remedy Plight Of Hindus In E. Pakistan Nehru Told CALCUTTA, Mar. 7.— A deputation of 40 members of the West Bengal Legislature today urged Indian Prime Minister JawaharlaJ Nehru "to do something immediately" to restore confidence among the Hindu minority m East Bengal
    Reuter  -  333 words
  • 418 1 CALCUTTA, Mar. 7. Fanatic Hindus seeking war with Pakistan plastered warlike banners along the route taken by Prime Minister Nehru from the airport to Government House on Monday. Nehru is here to confer with West Bengal officials on the recent bloody rioting between Hindus and
    A.P.; Reuter  -  418 words
  • 111 1 HISTORY OF INDIA'S FREEDON STRUGGLE (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 7.— The Government of India have appointed a Committee for collection from all possible sources of necessary material for the preparation of a history of the Indian freedom movement. This Information was given In Parliament today by Maulana
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  • 84 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) KANPUR, Mar. 7.— Four rifles, five revolvers, and about a thousand rounds of ammunition were reported to have been stolen from the armoury of a regiment stationed at the Kanjpur Cantonment. Four sentries, two of whom were on guard duty at the
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  • 32 1 LONDON. Mar. 7— M. Vincent Auriol, President of the French Republic, and Madame Auriol arrived m London this afternoon to start their three-day state visit to Britain.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 66 1 SYDNEY, Mar. 7. Siamese twins girls have been born to Mrs. Erskine Smit of Natone, m the Burnie district. They are joined head to head. The girls weighed nine pounds six ounces and Dr. J. Starr, who attended the birth, said they were joined together
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 27 1 WASHINGTON, Mar. 7— The U.S. House of Representatives tentatively approved a bill granting statehood to Hawaii, but postponed a teal vote until Tuesday.' A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 336 1 Patel On Laik Ali's Escape "RESPONSIBILITY LIES WITH NIZAM AND HIS MINISTERS" NEW DELHI, Mar. 7.— Home Minister Sardar Patel today told Parliament, excited by the escape from house arrest of Mir Laik Ali, former Hyderabad Prime Minister, that responsibility rests with the Nizam of Hyderabad and his ministers. Mir
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 49 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) HYDERABAD, Mar. 7.— Police today combed the country around Hyderabad City for Mir Laik All, ex-Prime Minister of Hyderabad, who escaped from custody yesterday. Laik All is reported to have grown a beard and long hair reaching upto his shoulders -Copyright.
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  • 81 1 TAIPEI, Mar. B.— Chiang Kaishek's entourage said today there was no truth whatever to rumours reaching Hongkong that an attempt was recently made on the Generalissimo's life. According to the rumours, a member of Chiang's entourage was killed when a convoy m which he was
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 51 1 TAIPEI, Mar. 7.— Chiang Kaishek nominated one of the bitterest foes of Communism m China as Premier. He is Chen Cheng, aged 52, who stands no taller than five feet two inches m his shoes. Only formal approval of the Legislative Yuan is required A.
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 33 1 Atomic Submarine Under Construction! PITTSBURGH, Mar. 7. —T h c Westinghouse Electric Corporation has officially admitted it is building an atomic-powered submarine. Scientists said it could virtually run for ever without refuelling. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 36 1 Wester ling To Appear In Court Today Captain "Turco" WesterUng will be produced m the District Court today morning (Wednesday, Mar. 8) when two charges wi v be preferred against him, says an official Press Release.
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  • 60 1 INDIA WELCOMES FOREIGN CAPITAL NEW DBLHI, Mar. 7. Indian President Dr. Raiendra Prasad, inaugurating an industrial exhibition here, welcomed foreign assistance to India m her task of harnessing her "unlimited" natural resources for th« benefit of the common man. Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia and Japan
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 34 1 COLOMBO, Mar. 7. The former Governor-General of India, Shrl Chakravarti Rajagopalachart, to expected to open a carnival at the Jaffna Hindu College, North Ceylon, early next month. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 65 1 Families Of Japanese POWs To Appeal To Pandit Nehru TOKYO, Mar. 7.— Families and f Mends of Japanese war prisoners stiH m Siberia are to appeal to Pandit Nehru, Indian Prime Minister, to intervene for their repatriation, the Kyodo news agency reported yesterday. The National Council for Repatriation of Japanese
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 67 1 BANGKOK, Mar. 7.— Reports abounded here that King Phumiphon interrupted his homeward voyage because of his mother's illness and decided to return to Lausanne. If true, they mean that the coronation and marriage as well as officiating the cremation of his brother. King Ananda, will be postponed again.
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 57 1 CANBERRA, Mar. 7.— Trials of 102 Japanese alleged war criminals will open on Manus Island, Australian naval base near New Guinea next month, Army Minister Josiah Prance has announced, i They will probably last five or six months. Two of the prisoners have died and
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY POST Malaya, B.N. Borneo and Sarawak 1 Month 4.00 3 12.00 6 24.00 1 Yeax 48.00 Other Places 1 Month 5.00 3 15.00 6 30.00 1 Year 60.00 AN ENTERTAINMENT PACKED TAMIL SOCIAL PICTURE PORTRAYING THE UPS AND DOWNS OF DAILY LIFE j \J Starring The South
      66 words
    • 17 1 TO mFMHI TAMIL MQRASO The Leading TAMIL Daily m Malaya over 14 yean 71. SELEOIK ROAD, SINOAPORK.
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  • 803 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Wed. Mar. 8, 1950. A QUEER NOTION SIMULTANEOUSLY with his announcement last week of the appointment of Mr. G. W. SomerviUe as the Federation's first- Civil Defence Commissioner, the Defence Secretary Mr. D. C. Watherston revealed that as soon as Mr. Somervilie's present task as Selangor's
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  • 617 2 PTI Directors' Statement FREEDOM OF INFORMATION SERIOUSLY AFFECTED NEW DELHI, Mar. 7. The Board of Directors of the Press Trust of India m a statement published yesterday states that '^matters m Pakistan have reached a state directly affecting: fundamental principles of freedom of information which
    G.I.I.S.  -  617 words
  • 198 2 KARACHI, Mm. 7.—The Kast Bengal (East Pakistan) Government Saturday denied charges by the Indian Prime Minister Pandit Nehru that all Press Trust of India correspondents had been disaocredlted la Ernst Pakistan. In a press note the East Bengal Government said this allegation, made In the Indian
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 2 PHOTO. Prime Minister Jawahdrlal Nehru (left) forgets the cares of office for a few minutes as he enjoys A ride on the wooden elephant of _a flower show which he opened InNew Delhi on Feb. 25. A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 37 2 NEW DELHI, March 7. Services of about a dozen pilots of the Hind Flying Club, Uttar Pradesh, have been offered to the Government of India for of refugees from East Pakistan.- G.I.I.S
    G.I.I.S.  -  37 words
  • 170 2 Polo Player's Body Being Flown To Buenos Aires JAIPUR, Mar. 7. —The body of Mario Inchauspe, the Argentine polo player who died here Feb. 19, was flown on Feb. 22 m a special plane to Karachi via Delhi from where It will be taken to Paris and thence to Buenos
    FOC  -  170 words
  • 53 2 KARIKAL, Mar. 7.— The Karikal Municipal Council has been dissolved following the resignation of 10 Councillors and the death of another m a House of 14 members. The French India Government, which ordered the dissolution, has appointed a 11-mem-ber commission to carry on the work of
    FOC  -  53 words
  • 1587 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 7.— -"State of affairs m East and West Bengal raises problems of magnitude and intricacy which can only be solved by the United will of the nations/ said Prime Minister JawaharUU Nehru m a broadcast to the nation on Mar. 3.
    GIIS  -  1,587 words
  • 153 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 6.— About 3,000 Hindu passengers intending to evacuate from East Bengal have been detrained at Benapole, frontier station m East Pakistan about fifty miles from Calcutta, according to an agency report quoting West Bengal official sources. Some passengers who arrived m Calcutta on
    GIIS  -  153 words
  • 25 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 7. Pakistan Radio has announced that all press messages going out of East Bengal are liable to censorship.- GIIS
    GIIS  -  25 words
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  • 538 3 Repotted Secret Attempt To Reconcile Ho Bao SAIGON, Mar. 7.— A group of Indochinese nationalists, including members of Vietminh (Nationalist insurgent movement) is believed to be ready to make new proposals to France to end the war m Indochina, according to generally well informed
    A.P.  -  538 words
  • 146 3 BURMA ASKS FOR U.S. MILITARY AID WASHINGTON, Mar. 7.— Burma has aske-d for economic and military aid assistance from the Unite? States. Reuter learned authoritatively yesterday. Burmese Embassy officials toi' Reuter their Government had informed the State Department of the kind of assistance they woulc like to receive from the
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 991 3 -ATTLEE LONDON, Mar. 7.— Prime Minister Clement Attlee told the House of Commons yesterday that Britain's sterling balances would be still further discussed with the United States and countries concerned. Mr. Attlee also said: "The amount of releases has been reduced, is being reduced
    Reuter  -  991 words
  • 38 3 JAKARTA. Mar. 7.— About 1.000 Indonesian workers at Jakarta's central electrical power station struck yesterday morning for higher wages. Non-Indonesian workers carried on and no immediate effect was felt on th? city's power supply.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 29 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 7.— A meeting of the Security Council planned for today on the Kashmir problem h*s been postponed until tomorrow, Wednesday 2000 GMT Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 46 3 Church-Owned Estates WARSAW, Mar. 7. Poland's Communist Parliament yesterday approved a draft law to nationalise the large church-owned estates. The law empowers the state to take over all church estates bigger than 250 acres*. Smaller estates held by parish priests are exumpt. Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 555 3 Britain Assures Full Support To UN King 's Speech In Parliament LONDON, Mar. 7. Britain will continue to give full support to the United Nations, King George Vi declared here yesterday at the state opening of Parliament. His speech outlining the new Governments programme pledged Britain firmly to take a
    Reuter  -  555 words
  • 83 3 PARIS, Mar. 7. The big three Western Foreign Ministers, reported to be meeting m London next month, will discuss a possible meeting with Russian Foreign Minister, French Foreign Minister Robert ochuman said last night. Replying to a question m a news tZ^w 1 Scauman
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 89 3 Soviet Red China To Discuss Japan Peace Treaty LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 7. The Soviet and Chinese command Governments are expected to call a conference within the next two months to discuss a Japanese peace treaty. This would not only strength Soviet and Chinese ties under their recent treaty, but would
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 69 3 TAIPAI, Mar. 7.— Chinese Press dispatches report the death of once famous warlord General Liv Wen-hui, Governor of Sikiang province Who defecte to the Reds m December. Liv is said to have died of natural causes. There is no way of t-fiifwg whether the report is true.
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 for perfect con (fro/ ■prirst count and x jK»artncss\ plays a big part In the sort of impressi^y you /make. To be smart.^L well-groomed hair is jßsential —^.and that's why 'so* many more men use/ Brylcreem.f At office desk or* on the field of >feport, Brylcreem keeps the hair under
      97 words
    • 264 3 POSTAL TUtrfON Learn Book-keeping and Account^ifi your spare- time and qualify yourself for a better job with atanter income. Success guaranteed. Apply for free prospectus^ FAR EAST COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, 235- A. River Valley Road, Singapore. yOU are co our f° r any reason you cannot do -your job efficiently The
      264 words

  • 616 4 Bandits Fire On Derailed TrainOne P. C. Killed Twj Injured In Explosion 'At 1 p.m. on Mar. 6, at the 67th mile Mentakab-Gemts railway Jorantut-Gemas passenger train was derailed by an explosion on the line. The train was then fired upon by a number of bandits. Police and military on
    616 words
  • 140 4 WASHINGTON, Mar. 7. Tne Economic Co-operation Administration (ECA) informed U.S. Congress Monday that It is withholding Recovery funds from the Britisn 0.l industry ai a result of Britain* decision to restrict American 04 imports. Dr. Oscar Bransky, chief of the ECA petroleum branch,
    A.P.  -  140 words
  • 309 4 Countess Mountbatten who arrived m Singapore yesterday will visit Tan Tack Seng Hospital today at 2.30 p.m. to see Diversional Therapy Unit and Rotary T.B. Clinic Later m the afternoon* she will visit the General Hospital. At 4.30 she will unveil a memorial tablet erected to
    A.P.  -  309 words
  • 93 4 SINGAPORE. Mar. 7. Sardar Jagindra Singh, the India Government Trade Commissions, has :s--sued the following notification: It is notified fi)r the general information of the trade that, m vi«w of the increased demands for internal consumption of Indian Industries, the Government of India have decided to
    GIIS  -  93 words
  • 248 4 —Mr. Thivy's Views SINGAPORE, Mar. s.— Addressing the Royal Air Force officers station at Singapore, on the subpact of "India and the Commonwealth." Mr. J. A. Thivy, Representative of the Government of India m Malaya. traced the history of events which led India to assume her
    248 words
  • 97 4 DARSONO RETURNED AT HATTA'S REQUEST? JAKARTA, Mar. 7. Darsono, the Indonesian Communist exiled by the Dutch nearly 25 years ago. returned to Indonesia at the invitation of Dr. Mohamed Hatta, the Prime Minister, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry said m Jakarta on Tuesday. The spokesman added that Hatta met
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 118 4 "LIFE" AT CAPITOL Owing to previous bookings the Midnight Show of Life," a Tamil picture at CAPITOL on Sat., 11th. as announced m yesterday's issue of I.D.M. has been changed now to Friday, the 10th hist. FUNERAL The funeral of late Mr. A. k. Raman, Cousin of A. N. Chandra
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    • 63 4 ROYAL I* Opening Today At 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. i The most spectacular and mammoth picture ever produced m India S t HAJNDR A LEhHA I I I m a wonderland" said His Excellency Dr. K. N. KATJU, Governor of Bengal I HINDUSTANI VERSION I Stnrring s RAJKUMARI, RANJAN, RADHA,
      63 words