Indian Daily Mail, 4 March 1950

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily mail VOL. VI. NO. 21. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1950 SIX PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 697 1 Leaders To Study Riot Situation Liaquat Ali Expresses 'Regret' At Exaggerated Report NEW DELHI, Mar, 3 Prime Minister Pandit Nehru will travel to Calcutta on Monday for a three' day on-the-spot investigation of the communal situation in Bengal, scene of recent rioting. An official
    A.P.  -  697 words
  • 81 1 SAIGON, Mar. 3.— M. Do Van Nang, leader of the Vietnamese Patriotic Youth Movement, was assassinated in th-.j street nere today by in unknown nan, v\no fired two shots from a revolver and fled. The murdered Nationalist leader was a supporter of Bao Dai, head of
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 93 1 THE HAGUE. Mar. 3.— The International Court of Justice today ruled that the United Nations General Assembly is not competent to admit a member to the United Nations if the application had not been endorsed by the Security Council. The court was giving an advisory opinion on
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  • 98 1 LONDON, Mar. 3.— The Islamic Cultural Centre in London held a reception on Wednesday for "His Eminence" Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddique who is on a world tour "to plead that the chiefs of all religions should meet together and to preach against materialism, immorality and Communism."
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  • 94 1 (F-^ni Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 3.— The Employment Exchange has found jobs for 19,328 persons including 1792 displaced persons during January as against 19,505 in December. Placings presented a slight fall from the figure for December because of a drop in opportunities in Punjab
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  • 84 1 COLOMBO, Mar. 3.— Lady Mountbatten, Superintendent-in-Chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, who is inspecting British service hospitals in the Far East, arrived here from Bombay today on a three-day visit She is to call on the military hospital in Trincomalee Afterwards she is going
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  • 29 1 WASHINGTON, Mar. 3— Foreign service transfers announced by the State Department include: Willard O. O Brown, from Consul at Tientsin to New Delhi as Deputy Chief Embassy CotmmDor. A.P.
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  • 139 1 WASHINGTON. Mar. 3. The State Department implied last night that America would recognise Chiang Kai-shek rather than Gen. Li Tsung-jen as President of Nationalist China. Press Officer Michael McDermott said the department had now received formal notification that Chiang Kai-shek "has resumed ihe
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 55 1 PARIS, Mar. 3. France abandons its claims to ownership of the Saar coalmines, but receives the right to exploit the mine*, in an agreement with the autonomous Saar Government signed .'n Paris today. Government's claims to the pro* perty rights in the mines in the
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  • 122 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, Mar. 3— A full bench ol the Bombay Industrial Court today directed the Ahmedabad Millowners Association to continue to pay the Ahmedabad textile workers dearness allowance on the same scale as Under the old award. The Ahmedabad Millowners
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  • 33 1 TOKYO, Mar. 3.— Emperor Hirohito at the Imperial Palace today installed 59-year-old Japanese Catholic Dr. Kotaro Tanaka as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Japan's highest judicial body. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 1 PHOTO. LADY MOCNTBATTEN, in her capacity as head of the S»i«» J and Red Cross Society, is visiting Egypt and IndS «L? i John here as she talks to the child patients of the R sS^& en pital at Abiad, Sues Canal son* Feb. 20. A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 64 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 3.— The newtpaper, Statesman, said Thursday the Indian Cabinet la likely to be reshumed In mid-April at the end ot cue present session. .Nun- Congressmen are likely to be included and also younger Congressmen, finance Minister John Matthai, it is reported, wants
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 77 1 AIR MARSHAL ELMHIRST SAILS FOR U.K. (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, Mar. 3.— Air Marshal Sir Thomas Elmhirst, former Com-mander-in-Chief of the Indian Ait Force le/t here today by s.s. Corfu for the United Kingdom. Air Marshal Elmhirst who was pre sented with a guard of honour at Ballard Pier
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  • 269 1 EUROPEAN SGT. KILLED DURING SCREENING OPERATION At 4 p.m. during a screening operation in Bentong area (Pahang) a man who later proved to be a bandit broke away from the screening team. He was shot at by a police sentry and he fell to the ground. A European sergeant approached
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  • 44 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 3.— Three smail children and their parents were trapped in Kneir beds and burned to death when fire destroyed their two-room wood cablne here Thursday. The Are is thought to have been caused by an oO "beater A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 93 1 RLY. WORKERS NOT TO STAGE PROTEST STRIKE ON MAR. 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, Mar. 3.— ihe Communist dominated All-India Union ol Railway Workers today withdrew its call given on Deo. 31 for an All-India protest strike on Mar. 9. The Union headquarters announced in Bombay today that Mar.
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  • 52 1 PARIS, Mar. 4.— French police oaid on Friday that they had failed ,o kidnap plot against 14-year-old Prince Bao Long, heir to ex-Empe-ror Bao Dai, chief of state ol trte Indo-Chinese state of Vietnam. It is beiieved in Paris that prooommunisit Indo-Chinese were
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 131 1 ROMULO TO MEDIATE IN KASHMIR DISPUTE? NEW YORK, Mar. 3.— A high diplomatic source proposed that Carlos Romulo, President of the United Nations General Assembly be asked to mediate in the Indian-Pakistan dispute ove.' -Kashmir. The Security Council will meet next Tuesday and in expected to approve a resolution directing
    A.P.  -  131 words
  • 344 1 CRITICISES MADRAS GOVT. COMMUNIST ATROCITIES IN ANDHRADESA AND ILLICIT DISTILLATION IN MALABAR MADRAS, Mar. 3. Members of the Assembly speaking on the Budget proposals of the Finance Minister Mr. Gopala Reddi generally expressed great disappointment with them especially failure to provide Some relief from the heavy
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  • 108 1 President Soekarno has received a cable frbm President Quirino of the Philippines, inviting him to visit the Philippines. The cable reads: "I have the honour to invite Your Excellency and Mrs. Soekarno to visit the Philippines. I am convinced that Your Excellency's visit will help
    INS  -  108 words
  • 44 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 3.— A special spring session of the United Nations General Assembly to discuss the atomic question and Chinese recognition is reported to be under consideration. The meeting would probably be held in New York.- A.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY POST Malaya, B.N. Borneo and Sarawak l Month 4.00 3 12.00 6 24.00 1 Year 48.00 Other Places 1 Month 5.00 3 r 15.00 6 30.00 1 Year 60.00
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  • 691 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Sat. Mar. 4, 1950. NOTES COMMENTS (On Civil Defence In Malaya). ANOTHER STEP r f*HE People's Peace Preservation Corps (of the type that had been in existence during the Japanese occupation period) tor tne establishment of which the Indian Daily Mail has been pleading ad nauseam,
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  • 2400 2 Commerce Minister's Tribute To European Planters Bill To Extend Tea Control Act Passed By Parliament NEW DELHI, Feb. 20 (By Air Mail).— Parliament today passed the Commerce Minister's Bill further to amend the Indian Tea Control Act. The Bill seeks to continue the
    FOC; A.P.  -  2,400 words
  • 168 2 BOAT CAPSIZES OFF RAMESWARAM: NAVAL OFFICER DROWNED Madura, (By Air Mail).— One petty oihcer oi tne Indian Navy, Mr. r. h.. luitty Menon, was drowned when a ooat carrying a oaten of thirty ratings ana ameers oi the I.w^> uewu ana I.M.S. Jumna capsizea on ounaay, Feb. 12 in Rameiswaram
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  • 57 2 OWALIOR, Mar. 3.— Dr. PaTOhUfe, Who figured as an accused in the Gandhi murder case, has been sentenced to six months' simple Imprisonment by the City Magistrate Lashkar, for entering the limits of Gwalior district on Nov. 8 in contravention of the District Magistrate's order
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  • 71 2 ISTANBUL, Turkey, Mar. 3.— Nine warships of the U.S. Sixth Task Fleet arrived here Thursday for a six-day visit. Unites included the aircraftcarrier Midway and the heavy cruiser Newport, flagship of ViceAdmiral John J. Callentine, Flest Commander. These craft, together with Turkish ships, made >up the
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 99 2 GANDHI ASTROLOGER t Health, wealth journey etc., lucky numbers, days by monthly details X year $4. Weekly $12. Five questions $1.50. Send Horoscope chart or state sex, on and writing time, or M.O. accepted. AN ASRAMAM, TIRUTANI, S. India "EDGEWORTH" TOBACC( W F Pipe Tobacco! Relax with Edge worth I
      99 words

  • 721 3 No World Peace Without Improvement In People's Living Standards Says Snanmukham Cnetti Speech At Colombo Reception COLOMBO, Mar. 3. If the peace of the world were to be preserved, the standard of livin g of the people should be raised and it was up to the Governme nt to do
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  • 220 3 But Determined To Enforce TotalljProhibition BOMBAY, (By Air Mail).— Liquor supplies to defence personnel stationed in Bombay will be "channelised" from April 1, when the province will go totally dry, Bombay's Excise Minister L. M. Patil told newsmen here that military authorities had promised
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  • 343 3 NEW DELHI, Mar. 3.— The collections of the National Museum of India have now been enriched by two sets of inscribed copper plates of the eighth century A.D., throwing light on the system of local administration prevailing during the mediaeval period in the Deccan and Central
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  • 305 3 Calcutta, (By Air Mail), THe authorities of the Reserve Bank of India have suggested immediate amalgamation of some of the principal banks in Calcutta, following suspension of payments by Nath Bank recently. The boards of directors of these banks have agreed to
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  • 321 3 Administration Of Dewaswoms: Rajpramukh Issues Ordinance ERNAKULAM. Mar. 3.— His Highness the Rajpramukh has promulgated the Hindu Religious Institutions Ordinance providing for the administration, supervision and control of incorporated and unincorporated Dewaswoms and of other Hindu religious endowments and funds in the State of Travan-core-Cochin. Parti i extends to Travancore
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  • 76 3 CAIRO, Mar. 3.— George Balai, French delegate to ithe United Nations Advisory Council for Libya said icn Tuesday that France has created a "autonomous administration" in Fezzan, Southern Libya. Balai, who arrived here on Tuesday, told reporters /that Fezzan's administration has been set up under the
    A.P.  -  76 words
  • 756 3 KARACHI, (By Air Mail).— The Pakistan Government is considering a plan which for the first time in history, would curb the destructive power of the River Indus. The main disadvantage of the plan is cost. For it is eatiimated that to harness the river once
    Reuter  -  756 words
  • 58 3 TOKYO, Mar The Japanese Government announced yesterday the Emperor's posthumous award of the "Order of the Sacred Treasure. iWth Class" to Miss Eda Wright, an English woman who died on Feb. 25 after more than 60 years devoted to healin* Japanese lepers. Mlse Wright died
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  • 94 3 OPERATION ELEPHANT" IN ORISSA CUTTACK. (Orissa) Mar. 3.— The Orissa Government, on the east coos: ol India. Ls planning an operation elephant" in the tiilly tracts of the province. it was stated here that, due to the absence cf elephant -hunting operation in the last few years, the number of
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  • 302 3 KANPUR, Mar. 3. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, Socialist leader, addressing a Press conference here on Feb. 12, deprecated "the growing tendency among the people to point out and criticize the fault of others." Replying to a question whether lie had entered into a
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  • Article, Illustration
    76 3 PHOTO. A.P Nepalese Premier and Supreme Commander in Chief Maharajah Mohun Shumshere Jung Bahadur Kan a (leftk with black oap and overcoat) walks along the ceremonial red carpet at New Delhi with Indian Premier Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (right) during the Maharajah's recent visit by special train to discuss an India*
    A.P.  -  76 words
  • 290 3 US Request To Make Military Survey Of Indonesia JAKARTA, Mar. 3. America has asked for the right to make a military survey of the strategic Indonesian Archipelago. An Indonesian spokesman said the United States of Indonesia Army revealed Wednesday that MajorGeneral John Weikert of General MacArthur's airforce has opened the
    A.P.  -  290 words

  • 1101 4 Pandit Nehru's Appeal At A-I.C.C. Meeting NEW DELHI, Feb. 18, (By Air MaiU.— Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, addressing the All-IndiaCongress Committee, said here today, that he considered two things as "very necessary," namely, holding of elections to the Congress before June and general elections, under the Constitution next
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 4 PHOTO. ■-A.P A.P Mr. Winston Churchill seen as he acknowledge the cheers of the crowd after recording his vote at Kensington, London, on Election 23sfl A.P Malayan observers watched voting procedure af the Chelsea Town Hall polling station on Feb. 23 when Britain went to the polls. The Mayor of
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 99 4 ERRNAKULAM, Mar. 3.— The Rajpramukh has reappointed Messrs. Rama Varma Thampuran and R. V. Thomas as members of tHe State Public Bervice Commission for a term of six years or until they attain the age of 60, whichever .s earlier. Mr. T. N. Subramanla Aiyar, Chief
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  • 125 4 ARAB LEAGUE TO DISCUSS INDO-PAK. RELATIONSHIPS CAIRO, Mar. 3.— The relations oi India and Pakistan may be discussed at the next meeting of the Arab League. The Egyptian Prime Minister, Mustapha El Nahas Pasha, has invited the Premiers Cf all the Arab League membeir states to attend the next session
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  • 285 4 Gwalior, (By Air Mail)— Mr. Ashok Mehta, the Socialist Leader, on Feb. 13 advised the Government of Madhyabharat to change it* present labour policy which, he said, was far from progressive. He was addressing a Press conference here. He said the Madhyabharat
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  • 77 4 NEW DELHI, Mar. 3.— An art q»hibition organised by the Indian Army has been opened here by Prime Minister Jawaiharlal Nehru. The first venture of its sort in India, the exhibition comprises 149 models including 32 photographs' Defence personnel stationed in all parts of the country
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  • 109 4 NEW DELHI, Mar. 3. India's Commerce Minister Mr. K. C. Neogy, has declined to pilot a bill "since his wife and he owned some shares in the textile industry, to which the bill sought extension «.f government protection". MPs' landed this gesture of the Minister. The
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  • 27 4 BRISBANE, (By Air Mail). A businessman's wife gave birth to twins, and he Is £500 richer. He had insured his wife against twlai for that amount.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 314 4 NEW DELHI, Mar. 3. Automobiles, wholly manufactured in India, are expected to roll off the assembly lines in 1956, according to semi-official sources here. The sources reported that plans for the complete manufacture of automobiles in India had advanced considerably and certain assembly plants in
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  • 597 4 DISCUSSION AT A.I.CC. MEETING NEW DELHI, Feb. 19, (By Air Mail).— Measures other than "mass transfer of population or war are now being considered by the Indian Government for the restoration of peace and harmony in East Bengal and for the creation of a
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  • 130 4 TRANSFER OF POPULATION FAVOURED CALCUTTA, Mar. 3. A meeting of the representatives of different districts of East Bengal held in Calcutta adopted a resolution urging the West Bengal and Central Governments to accept the transfer of population "as the only means of saving the minorities <n East Pakistan." The meeting
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  • 114 4 OPPOSED BY DELHI MUSLIMS A meeting of Delhi Muslims held after the Juma Prayers at Jama Masjid here passed a resolution "strongly condemning a proposal of Chaudhary Khaliq-uz-Zaman, President of the Pakistani Muslim League, for complete exchange of minorities between India and Pakistan." The meeting, which was presided over by
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  • 32 4 PHOTO. A three-feet thick layer of wind-blown snow, hiding logs and brickwork, give this house an air of unreality atop mile-high Mount Spokane, 20 miles North-East a^^^^^i^^^^^^^jjjjjll Feb. 2.-B A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 221 4 BULGARIA, HUNGARY RUMANIA CHARGED FOR VIOLATING PEACE TREATIES "TEST CASE" BEFORE WORLD COURT THE HAGUE. Mar. 3.— Britain and the United States through the United Nations, on Tuesday brought Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania before the International Court of Justice charging that they had failed to implement the human rights clauses
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  • 321 5 Unused 'China Area' Funds To Be Used WASHINGTON, Mar. 3,— The U.S. State Department hinted to Congress yesterday that it might come up with an aid programme for South East Asia within the next three months. The department filed a statement on foreign
    A.P.  -  321 words
  • 153 5 LI WAS INVITED AS PRESIDENT OF CHINA, SAYS TRUMAN WASHINGTON, Mar. 3. Dr, Li Tsung-jen was invited to lunch at the white House yesterday as Acting President oi China Dr. Li was invited as President Truman's luncheon guest in the face of the announcement by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-sheit that he
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  • 141 5 LONDON. Mar. 3. Mr. Jameb Grimtn*, wno replaced Mr. Arthur Creech Jones as ol State lor tne coxAiel in the new Briu> 1 i Uaoinet, yesterday sent a rnesaab to ail Coionial Governors on takm^ up his appointment. Mr. (jrriihtr.s said: 'The King has
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  • 65 5 ERITREAN PEACE NEGOTIATIONS CONTINUED ASMARA, Mar. 3. Negotiations U« keep the peace between rfritrean Coptic Christians and Moslems continued here yesterday. A committee composed of 27 Christians and 27 Moslems met and elected two chairmen, Christian an I Moslem, who will alternate during discussions starting today on ways and means
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  • 87 5 HOME. Mar. 3. An Italian "Foreign! Ministry spokesman confirmed Thursday that an ItaloTurici&h friendship pact would be signed shortly in Rome The spokesman dented, however, that the pact was part of an antiCommunist Mediterranean bloc, as diplomatic sources disclosed Thursday in Athens. He said the pact, under
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 84 5 SPECIAL SPRING SESSION OF U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY LAKE SUCCESS. Mar. 3. A special spring session ot tne United nations General. Assembly of tne atomic question and China recognition is reported under consideration The meeting would prooably be held in Meer York, delegation sources said, instead of Moscow as predicted by
    A.P.  -  84 words
  • 90 5 1,000 REFUGEE IMMIGRANTS FOR NEW ZEALAND GENEVA, Mar. 3.— New Zealand «ss to admit 1.000 elderly refugees as immigrants, the International Refugee Organisation (IRO) announced Saturday last. The immigrants will be drawn from a remnant of about 100,000 people in IRO refugee camps who nave hitherto been outside the' scope
    A.P.  -  90 words
  • 49 5 ROME, Mar. 3.— The Aga Khan and his wife, the Begujn, arrived here by plane last night from CairoThey plan to join Ali Khan ana his film star wife Rita in Switzerland. He may go to the Unitea States later this year.- A.P. iTI K>
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 415 5 WASHINGTON, Mar. 3.— The Se- J cretary of Defence, MY. Louis John- I son, said yesterday that United States military spending would continue at a $13,000,000,000 level ror the next two years. Mr. Johnson, who has been under concentrated press Are for
    Reuter  -  415 words
  • 192 5 wAcwTTMrTfW Mar 3.— President Truman said as he w£ President of the United gjfcjv In even more categorical terms ference rejected any possibility of than on any previous occasion, tne h g going t0 Moscow to discuss with Generalissimo Stalin means of
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  • 439 5 WASHINGTON, Mar. 3. The United Minewor kers Union yesterday Was found not guilty of contempt of court in the 25-day soft coal strike. federal judge Richmond Keech, who heard the case without a jury, announced the verdict on both civil and criminal contempt charges.
    A.P.; Reuter  -  439 words
  • 28 5 WASHINGTON, Mar. 3 -US 9S?*L fe- circulation increased (US $41,000,000 during the week ££?£L Mar <to a (US > $27,000,--000,00- total, the Federal Reserve Board reported yesterday.— A. P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 73 5 B. I. Madras/Nagapattin am Straits Service INWARDS Madras Nagapattinam Penang S'pore Z7~~Z 4^50 5.3 .50 10.3.50 13.3.50 RajSS 20.3.50 ***** 4.4.50 7.4.50 OUTWARDS p s>ham Penang NagajWt tiu4m Madras Rajula 163 50 17.3.50 18.3.50 24Y&6 25.3.50 RaJt|la 10.4.50 11.4.50 12-4.50 18.4*0 19.4.50 PRINCIPAL AGENTS ISI.VY, RISER Co. Ltd- (Inc. to
      73 words
    • 339 5 "GO TO HELL," ROBBEKS TOLD t MAYBROCK, New York, Mar/ 3.— A courageous bank cashier yesterday tow three armed masked men to "go to hell" and then prevented suobery of Maybrook National Bank by releasing tear gas by stepping on an automatic ejector. The robbers fired two ineffectual shots and
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  • 46 6 The Straits Times Sptrts Club will meeitj the S.C.R.C. at Cricket on the Hong Lim Ground today (Saturday). The Indian Association will open their season with a match against the R.E.M.E. on (the Singapore Khalsa Association ground commencing at 11 a.m. tomx>row (Sunday).
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  • 525 6 Extradition Only After Serving Local Sentence If Any C.G.O. PRESS RELEASE ON WESTERLING H.M.Q. are examining £he Indonesian Governments' request for the extradition from Singapore, where he is detained in prison, to Indonesia of Capt. 'Turk" Westerling, the Dutchman who headed an armed rebellion against the Indonesian Government, says a
    A.P.; Reuter  -  525 words
  • 23 6 CAIRO, Mar. 3. Hussein Fahmy Sadek Pasha, 'former Egyptian Secretary General of Public Works, died her on Wednesday from a heart attack.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 102 6 NISHANI AT ROYAL TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT Latest aim to come from Director R<M> K. Snorey is tne musical hit JNisnani" starring talented singer Ragini. The 12 songs from this new social picture are written by Pandit K.. Amarnatn, tne man responsible .for the iiiung, ear-catching melodies that made "Village Girl"
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  • 61 6 Teams representing Singapore District, Land Forces Hong Kong, Malaya District and 40th Division Hong Kong will compete in the Army Boxing Championships held in aid of the Army Sports Funds at the Happy World Stadium on Friday Mar. 10 at 8.30 p.m. Tickets are available at Robinson's
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  • 335 6 "It is gratifying to know that the Prithvi Insurance Co., Ltd. has had the blessings from the most influential and National leaden of India and it has obtained their confidence within a short period of its existence. It has extended its business to
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  • 70 6 PARIS, Mar. 3.— The Russian Ambassador to France, Alexandre Bogomolov, will soon be replaced, tne French news agency said Thursday. Ambassador Pavk v, now Ambassador to Belgium, will succeed him it was said. Bogomolov, who has been accredited to France since 1943 it
    A.P.  -  70 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 129 6 MALAYA VEGETABLE 00 FACTORY No. 680, 4th Mile Telok Blangah Rd. SINGAPORE Manufacturers of: MARGARINE Deodorized: VEGETABLE GHEE VEGETABLE FAT COOKING OIL Cable Address: 4 VEGETOIL" Telephone; 6257 Ii Diamond Theatre |i| Today 2 Shows at 3.30 and 7.30 p.m. Tomorrow: 3 Shows: 2.30, 5 and 8.30 p.m. N. S.
      129 words
      17 words
    • 67 6 TODAY: 6/5 and 9.30 1'M. "SEA *AIDERS" (COMPLETE SERIAL) I *xxx>oooooooooooooooooooooc' SHIRIN Today at KM 7.00 and 9.15 p.m. Mlsu/rokIOH in /ATIMA (A igu^&r Malay picture) TONIGHT MIDNIGHT KAMAVALLI (Tamil) ooooooQooooooooocecoooooco TODKY: 3.15 6.30 9.15 P.M. Music and Songs at their best in BARI BAHEN (Hindustani) with SURAIYA and GEETA
      67 words
    • 141 6 SISTERS! DELAYED? t!»y "KUM ARI" (Tab! J H* restore your maotet at any mg« and prtvrat tatatt troubleg I Thouisndi tstit fied U Normal poteoey Sh. 7. Special Sh. 10, Extra-Special Sh. 15. end 8.P.0. In Advance); 3evee, F.D.S.(M), Calcutta, (INDIA). i Business Terms on Application. ROYAL TODAY AT 3,
      141 words