Indian Daily Mail, 1 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VI. NO. 18. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 218 1 Pakistan's Proved Aggression Cannot Be Forgotten (From Our Own Correspondent) "MADRAS, Feb. 28.— Reports from Delhi indicate that India is not likely to accept the Cuban President's proposal to the Security Council that a United Nations' representative be appointed to arbitrate and
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  • 164 1 ASMARA. Fob. 28— A police witness said on Monday that the iecent riots in Eritrea sprang cut of an "organised plot." Th. witne.-s was Inspector R. W. Jenner, who testified before the court of inquiry ordered by the pivsent Britisn administration in Eritrea to probe
    A.P.  -  164 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 1 Photo. Premier and Commander-in-C hief of Nepal, MAHARAJA SHUMSHERE JUNG BAHADUR RAN A, takes the salute of the President's bodyguard at a special ceremonial army parade, when a sword of honour was presented to him, on behalf of the Indian President* by Defence Minister Sardar Baldev Singh, at Irwin Stadium,
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • Article, Illustration
    121 1 Whatever the fate of his outgoing MENT RICHARD ATTLEE Is safe minster. He was re-elected as me early morning of Feb. 24. In the London electoral area of Limehou realignment of London constituent bers of his family, ir. Attlee wat at Walthamstow Town Hall, and made a speech thanking the
    A.P.  -  121 words
  • 30 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. The I c raeli ambassador, Eliahu Plat conferred for an hour with the U.S State Department on Monday on the question of arms aid to Israel- A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 126 1 LONDON. Feb. 28.— Fire broke out in tne basement of the House of Commons on Tuesday. It was pyt out in ten minutes, but a pungent smell of smoke will hang over tbe first session, of the newly elected parliament on Wednesday. The brief blaze
    A.P.  -  126 words
  • 55 1 PRIZE IN MEMORY OF MAHATMAJI (From Our Own Correspondent) AHMEDABAD, Feb. 28.— A prize of Kk. 1,501 will be awarded every year in memory of Mahatma Gandhi to a non-Hindi writer for the best original Hindi writing, according to a decision taken at the Second Session of the All-India Rashtrabash
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  • 93 1 VIENNA. Feb. 28.— The joint efforts of American and Austrian police investigating the mysterious death of Captain Eugene S. Karpe have so far yielded no positive eMjlts, oflir-iai sources said in Vienna on M.-nday. Wrule the checking of all passengers who travelled with Karpe en
    A.P.  -  93 words
  • 122 1 NEW DELHI, Feb. 28.— Indian Finance Minister John Matthal, presenting his budget before Parliament today, disclosed there would be a £7,215,000 surplus at the end of the next financial year at the existing level of taxation. He said there would be no fresh taxation. The Finance
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 87 1 COLOMBO. Feb.' 28.— The United Kingdom was told at the tea talks wnich opened with Qeylon here on Monday that Ceylon would agree to contract for 100,000,000 pounds ol tea this year as against 130,000,000 pounds last year. Ceylon asked for a higher
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 88 1 CA3ERTA, Feb. 28. —Premier Alclde de Gasperi told Italian soldiers and civil administrators sailing to Somaliland on Monday that there's was an "expedition of peace" not of "conquest." The Premier came to Caserta ior a farewell review of the second group to depart for
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 52 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. 28.— United States ambassadors and other representatives from eleven countries and colonial areas in Africa on Monday opened aflve-day regional conference at Lourenco Marques, Mozambique. The State Department said they will discuss problems confronting the United States in its political, economic, diplomatic and consular
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 67 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) "TIEW DELHI, Feb. 28.-^Air Marshal Thomas Elmhirst who recently relinquished command of the Indian Air Force, and Lady Elmhirst left Delhi this morning for Bombay from where they will sail for the United Kingdom on Mar. 3. They were seen off
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  • 331 1 Rs. 107 Lakhs Set Aside For Payment Of Compensation To Zamindars MADRAS BUDGET FOR 1950-41 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Feb. 28.— Finance Minister Mr. Gopala Reddi was cheered in the Legislative Assembly when in presenting hk budget for the year 1950-51. he announced there would be -o fresh taxation.
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  • 181 1 For Political Fasts M ADJOURNMENT MOTION RE REMOVAL OF PROF. SAHSENA FROM RAJGHAT RULED OUT OF ORDER (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI. Feb. 28— The Speaker Mr. G. V. Mavlankar ruled out an adjournment motion seeking to discuss the removal this morning of
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  • 103 1 OKLAHOMA CITY, Feb. 28.— The leopard from India's jungles who escaped his zoo cage three days ago by leaping across an 18-foot enclosure pit, inadvertently surrendered on Tuesday. Driven by rain and hunger, he re-entered his cage and_fell asleep after eating meat dragged with
    A.P.  -  103 words
  • 94 1 I.R.C. SOCCER MATCHES The Indian Recreation Club Soccer teams will play friendly soccer games against the Royal Navy Headquarters today, Mar. 1 and against the Malayan Airways on Mar. 3. Both games will be played at Farrer Park at 5.15 p.m. The I.R.C. players will be selected from the following:
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  • 181 1 A Deportation Order has been issued against Captain Westerling under Section 6 (1) of the Emergency (Travel Restriction) Regulations. A Detention Order has been Issued unci, r Section 6 (2) of the same regulations to detain him in custody untU lie can hi- deported, says an
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 32 1 BANGKOK, Feb. 28. Thailaud decided today to recognise the Bao Dai state of Vietnam after stormy governmental discussions that led to the resignation of the Foreign A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 29 1 WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. The United Btates Monday followed up its break In diplomatic relations with Communist Bulgaria by banning all travel of private American citizens to that country. A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 111 1 No Threat, Says Nehru NEW DELHI. Feb. 28.— fandit Nehru has sent a cable to Premier Liaquat Ali Khan of Pakistan denying that his address to the Indian rarliament last Thursday contained a threat to Pakistan, the Indian Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday. In his address Premier Nehru
    A.P.  -  111 words
  • 111 1 Prakasam Other Andhra Members Join The Opposition! (Ffcom Our Own Correspondent) i j rsKAJg! 28 the Madras Assembly the Andhra leader Mr.T. Prakasam and 14 other Andhra Congress n »m--bere were allotted seats tunong the Opposition upon their request to the Speaker. JSZS T^ I*'1*' ™***V disapd^gy!ftg».l»*^<wM»i tnat the Tamil-led
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  • 1311 2 RETRENCHMENT ON RAILWAYS ESTIMATED JUTE OUTPUT -PO$T OFFICE NAMES IN DEVNAGARI AMOUNT LOST THROUGH SIRHIND RAH SMASH -SURAT PORT, ETC. NEW DELHI, Feb. 16 (By Air Mail). Food Minister faced a barrage of supplementaries in Parliament at question time today
    FOC  -  1,311 words
  • 42 2 PATNA, Feb. 28.— According to the Bihar PCC, 5,089,122 primary CongI ress members have been enrolled so far in Bihar. The number of qualified members enrolled is 124,996. Muzzafarnur has enrolled the largest number. FOC
    FOC  -  42 words
  • 306 2 Telephone Factory At Bangalore To Be Handed Over To Semi-Official Body NEW DELHI, Feb. 28.- The Gov ernment Telephone Factory at Bangalore is proposed to be handed over shortly to a semi-official body and will be run on commercial lines by a joint Government cum-private enterprise. Known as the "Indian
    FOC  -  306 words
  • 26 2 COLOMBO, Feb. 28. The Commonwealth cricketers won the unofficial Test against Ceylon here yesterday by an innings and 51 runs with 35 minutes to spare. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 158 2 BOMBAY, Feb. 28.— The National Cyclists Federation of India, which is recognised by the International cyclling Federation, which had so far been In charge of cycling affairs in India, has new merged with the National Cyclists' Federation. Till now Indian cycling had two parent bodies.
    FOC  -  158 words
  • 496 2 Book Review (Review by D. VENKATESAN) "All About Hinduism" is the title under which His Holiness Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. the renowned Sage of Rikhikesh, Himalayas, has expounded the ancient faith in his recent book. His approach to the subject nas been one of enquiry,
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 2 PHOTO. Mr. Clement Aitlee seen as he chats with i young advocate of Socialism during the tour he made of his own constituency of Walthamstow, London, on Feb^3^Thebaby in the Oram is named Brenda East.-B A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
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    • 72 2 iI i Freedom' From f^^Sl^ PAINIy^PI HEADACHES //S»M//fh'//m NEURALGIA /L^%Jl l %/m nerve pains r^^VW/m RHEUMATIC PAINS \-sdv#' SLEEPLESSNESS Blessed relief f How wonder- t ful you feel^s your pain van- 1 ishes! How much brighter life )M^^^^,^^^Rf( L appears Enjoy this great fiippfl JJhlßffi| J^ experience yourself. Try v
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  • 159 3 50,000 Acres Of Uncultivated Estates Seized CATANZARO, Italy, Feb. 28. Landless and unemployed peasants of Southern Italy yesterday seized 20,000 hectares (50,000 acres) of uncultivated estates in a new flare up of last autumn's still smouldering "peasant revolt. The latest seizure* were made in the
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 24 3 TEHERAN, Feb. 28.—Demonstrations by unemployed In Teheran's parliament square were broken up by security forces in armoured cars A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 118 3 WASHINGTON. Feb. 28.—John L. Lewis, United Mineworkers Union pleaded not guilty yesterday to charges resulting from the failure of 3/2,000 miners to return to work under a court order. The union waived its right to argue its case before the court and decided to
    A.P.  -  118 words
  • 79 3 SWEDEN HONOURS MRS. ROOSEVELT STOCKHOLM. Feb. 28. Kins Gustav of Sweden has awarded thi year'? Prince Carl Medal for humanitarian work to Mrs. Franklir D Roosevelt. Previous recipients were Sir John Kennedv. head of the British Rei Cross. Pope Pius XII: Dr. Marc 1 Junor of the Swi>s Red Cross
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 50 3 CAIRO, Feb. 28.— About £2,000,--000 wontfi of paintings, flown to *gypt from Spain tot a Spanish art exhibition here, were saved on Saturday night when a fire broke out .n the Ismail Khedive palace. The paintings were toeing arranged ior exhibition in the palace hall.- A.P>
    A.P.  -  50 words
  • 119 3 BURMESE TROOPS ADVANCE INTO KAREN TERRITORY RANGOON. Feb. 28.— Government troops moved a further 18 miles into Karen-occupied territory in pn allout drive on the Karen stronghold of Toungoo with the capture on Sunday night of Kyauktaga, a road town 116 miles north of Rangoon and 64 miles south of
    A.P.  -  119 words
  • 35 3 CAIRO, Feb. 28. King Farouk, the Ag? Khan and Premier Nahas Pasha, were among the capacity audience which applauded the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra on Friday night when it opened its series of concerts here.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 354 3 DJAKARTA, Feb. 28.— An allegation that "British interests" were concerned In Weatjerling's escape to ouigapore tram Indonesia was mad; .aat night in the "Indonesia Raya" a Nationalist newspaper. Tne journal in a leader stated that Dutch "and probably British plotters" were involved in the
    Reuter  -  354 words
  • 60 3 KARACHI, Feb. 28. Missions to Pakistan from Britain and America arrived in Karachi on Sunday. The missions are an industrial group frcm Britain, headed by Lord Burghley, and a U.S. agricultural, technical assistance mission, headed by Dr. Ro.s? Moore. Both missions will investigate the
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 271 3 OSLO, Feb. 28. Winston Churchill and President Truman are amcng the candidates who have been proposed for this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Other peace Prize candidates are Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India, the former Australian Foreign Minister, Dr. Heroert Evatt and Dr.
    A.P.  -  271 words
  • 531 3 PARIS, Feb. 28.— France will ask America to give French officials control of any dollar aid intended for Indochina, Foreign Office sources said yesterday. The object, said a spokesman, "is to make sure that the maximum result is obtained from U.S. aid.
    A.P.; Reuter  -  531 words
  • 256 3 LONDON, Feb. 28.— P lee was received by King Palace last nighi. ■rime Minister Clement AttGeorge VI at Buckingham i'ne rnme Minister, who had oeen spending tne weekend at Monday putting together a new Liaoour caoindi, arrived an hour laier than ne was originally scneouied
    Reuter; A.P.  -  256 words
  • 174 3 BURMESE PRESS REACTION ON BRITISH ELECTIONS 'RANGOON. Feb. 28. The Burmese press Sunday described the British Labour party's small majority in the election as of "serious concern" to all. The New Times of Burma forecast" a period of unsatisfactory political existance" for Britain, and said that Britain's new internal instability
    A.P.  -  174 words
  • 183 3 CAPETOWN, Feb. 28. General Jan C. Smuts, in' a statement yesterday on the result of the British general election, said that at this juncture that Britain should not have a strong government is a matter of concern and anxiety to the whole world. "A staleimate government can
    A.P.  -  183 words
  • 163 3 RED CHINA: RUSSIA'S RESERVOIR FOR FORCED LABOUR LAKE SUCCESS,, Feb. 88. The American Federation of Labour (AFL) told the United Nations yesterday Red China will become a vast reservoir of forced labour tor Russia Miss Tonl Sender, AFL representative at a meeting of the U.N. Eoonomic and Social Council, attacked
    A.P.  -  163 words
  • 111 3 BOMBAY, Feb. 28.— Prime Minister Clement Attlee's decision to •arry on in office Is to be welcom>d. Mr. Herbert Bullock, chairman jf the British Trades Union Congress, said here. "We are rather sorry at not having a working majority, though we had anticipated a
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 KESARPS REPUTED k^ HERBAL TONIC ||l^% Banishes ailments and ensures Slkf that state of well-being. ff^lff^Ns A BOON TO WOMEN W^^m({^^^\ nainVmohamed \N^>^^m^> l^\A SONS, LT.D. kuala lumpub SIAMESE r AIRWAYS CALCUTTA^A p. iF Ns Ofe_ W 1 fL^Ci SPIED V^JWfc^L SAP STY /laIA s=^==^ COMFORT /jJ^pSl PENANG«Lp SINGAPORE^ t
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    • 3 3 e k^y/x Ja
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  • 944 4 To Facilitate Sorting Delivery Of Local Correspondence PUBLIC COOPERATION ESSENTIAL FOR SUCCESS OF SCHEME The, Postmaster-General, Malaya, announces that on Monday next Mar. 6, Singapore will come into line with London and other large cities throughout the world,
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  • 54 4 DISCUSSION ON THE IRON CURTAIN A discussion on the world cleavage will be held at the next meeting of the East- West Society at the British Council Hall tomorrow, Thursday, Mar. 2 at 8.30 p.m. when Mr. Allington Kennard will open with a talk entitled: "Two Sides of the Iron
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  • Article, Illustration
    95 4 Ratnasabapathr —Photo by Singapore. MR. P. M. BALASANDREN and MISS KANAGAMBIKAI RATNASABAPATHY who were recently married at 36 C, Thamby Abdullah Road. Kuala Lumpur. The bridegroom who is attached to the Bacteriological Laboratory, Municipality, Singapore, is the son of the late Mr. V. Ponniah of P.W.D. Negri Sembilan and younger
    Lumpur  -  95 words
  • 47 4 Malaya Vegetable Oil Factory rounded a vjery newly Deodoriser in producing big quantity of Deoderized Vegetable Ghee. WHITE COLOUR! QUALITY PURE! Selling <mly in same price as roroanut oil at current market. Samples available!: No. S6O, Telok Blangah Rd. Telephone 6257 Singapore
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  • 67 4 Coincident with the introduction of the Postal Districts, a 'Road and Street Directory and Guide to Postal Districts' has been published by the Survey Department, Singapore. This Directory includes all streets and roads in Singapore, their location, and the Postal District number of each, and may
    67 words
  • 307 4 More More Workers Being Robbed Oi Identity Cards At 10 p.m. on Feb. 2t> a gang oi more than ten uniformed bandits armed wish rifles and *iens stole 10 to 80 identity cards from Chinese living in the area of Kuala Klabong Pineapple plantations, in Johore Bahru area. No further
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  • 320 4 THEIR POSITION IN MALAYAN ECONOMY ANALYSED (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Feb. 28. The Government of India have revealed their great interest regarding the conditions of Indians In Malaya by publishing a study of the position of Indians In the Malayan
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  • 60 4 SOUTH JOHOL ESTATE RAIDED NEGRI SEMBILAN: Kuala Piiah area At about 10.30 p.m. on Feb. 27, about 100 armed bandits went *o Langkap division on South Joher Estate. They spoke to the labourers and then sej fire to two large kongsi buildings using kerosene. The bandits threw a cordon around
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  • 41 4 The Preliminary Contests* in the Malaya District Boxing Championships will be held in the Chinese Assembly Hall, Kuala Lumpur from 5 p.m. until* about 9 p.m. today Wednesday. Mar. 1. They are not open to the general public
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 104 4 \T POSTAL TUITION TZr' Learn Book-keeping and Accounts in your spare-time And qualify yourself for a better job with a better income. Success guaranteed. Apply for free prospectus: FAR EAST COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE. 235- A. River Valley Road. Singapore. OTANULIte CONCENTRATE^ o ESSENCE OF CMICKEN J&L mr Pleasant and Easily telgested.
      104 words
    • 46 4 GREAT BNHH&EniE LTH 32 J H i.^yi° Es|NGAp o« capital t soaooo OF SIMPER SUffi SHARES «*uac for SALE '~THlffN 00,X Today 2 Shows: 6.« and 9.30 p.m. SURAIYA, REHMLN and GOPE PYAR JEET TODAY: 3.15 6^o 9.15 P.M. GEETA BALI SURAIYA j BARI BEHEN (Hindustani)
      46 words
    • 135 4 i SOUTH-EAST ASIA FILM CO.'s LATEST MUSICAL RELEASE I=NISHANI Starring: I MGINI/KUPLEKHA MAJNU jIQ LYRICAL ii The Gayest Rib-Tickling, 111 bS- QONfi-HlTq II Side-Splitting, Laughter- &UNG-HITS Laden Matrimonial Messjj from Pt. K. Amarnath up in years joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc [diamond I LAST 2 SHOWS: 3.15, 6J5 &US PJM. I SURAIYA/iIUNAWAR SULTANA I
      135 words