Indian Daily Mail, 31 July 1949

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 17 1 Jgj/ Edition Indian Daily Mail VOL. V. NO. 171. SINGAPORE, SUNPAYJULY 31, 1949. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 315 1 Being Made By Constitution' Makers (From Our Own Correspondent) MAY, July 30.— India's /constitution matters Eft f° r a suitable designation for the 600 odd krulers who have surrendered their powers and bid under the new political set-up. I territories of many of the
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  • 117 1 NEW DELHI, July 30.— Industrial production m India showed "considerable rise" m the first half of 1949. according to* official sources here. India produced 957,000 tons of cement during the period an increase of 207,000 tons over the output m the first half of
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 38 1 BOMBAY, July 30. Prof. H. Muller, a German scientist, arrived here on Wednesday from London by air. He was invited by the Government of India ln the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.— FOC
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  • 226 1 The world today is bewildered and defeated by its .own scientific advances. This is the opinion expressed m Singapore toy Pastor R. S. Watts, leading American radio evangelist and Bible lecturer, who is now m the city to conduct a two-week series of lectures on
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  • 20 1 *C;L 0 v n y^ gship <* °< the Indian mrnm^l whl <* ln■HSft** a boys' coast. The m +m ten weeta.--
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  • 245 1 W. BENGAL SITUATION: ON CHOICE OF A LEADER FOR PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY NEW DELHI. July 30.— Talks between the two Oongress party groups m West Bengal— ministerial atrt non mm istenal-— broke down on thc choice of a leader for the Congress party m the
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  • 184 1 INDIAN SHIPPING MAGNATE ASKS FOR RESERVATION OF COASTAL WATERS BOMBAY, July 30.— Sir Bijoy Prasad /Singh Roy. vice-president of the Indian National Steamship Owners Association, has urged the Indian Government to* introduce legislation for the reservation of coastal waters to national snipping lines. Sir Bijoy, who was speaking at a
    FOC  -  184 words
  • 93 1 PANDIT NEHRU GIVES AN "INDIRA "TO JAPAN NEW DELHI, July 30. Indira, officially described as "a 15-year-old lovely well behaved female elephant possessing all auspicious features," is being sent by Prime Minister Pandit Nehru to the Tokyo Zoo as a gesture of IndoJapanese friendship. Nehru sent a message to the
    AP  -  93 words
  • 118 1 PORTSMOUTH, July 30. The main task of independent India's navy would be preservation of race on the high seas, said Mr. K. Krishna Menon, Indian High Commissioner, speaking from the main deck -of Rajput, the newest destroyer of the Indian Navy. Mr. Menon
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 110 1 BOMBAY, July 30.— A nutritional and diet survey will shortly be conducted m Bombay, under a government programme to improve the health standards m the city. A team of medical experts and statisticians, under the guidance of the Surgeon-General to Government, will conduct the survey m
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  • 28 1 SIMLA, July 30.— Pandit Nehru will visit East Punjab early m Sept., according to Mr. Sachar, East Puniab Premier.- FOC
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  • 418 1 BAO DAIS ASSERTION SAIGON, July 30.— While Communist armies were moving towards the southern frontiers of China, Emperor Bao Dai of Indo-China declared that he did not expect them to cross into his territory. "Vietnam is convinced that China will not commit "acts
    AP  -  418 words
  • 72 1 Protest Against Appointment Of European As Ceylon Education Director OOtOMEO. July 30. A protest wa.* iiiaue on Friday m the House of Representatives by 21 members against the appointment of H. W. Howes. Director of Education Gibraltar ajs Director of Education for Ceylon. C. Sutheralingam, the former Commerce Minister, led
    AP  -  72 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 191 1 P> PRODUCTS through: n||L MURASU f^M TAMIL Daily L. v years sC iGAPOB E The Up of love ALL SINGAPORE RECORDS BROKEN Snap of Love I L* .JaafaJ****. "dS by an affectionate lady's sacrifice m f Haaafai .^aaaa*/*^^ BK &£s£» S bHElv*: ''^X bbbbl bbT» r Hfl m^ l^^a-K flßr
      191 words
    • 97 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (BY POST) Matafa, B.N. Borneo and Sarawak 1 Month 4.00 3 12.00 6 24.00 1 Year 48.00 Other Place* 1 Month 4.50 3 1350 27.00 1 Year 54.00 DIABETES, WHY WORRY? When D. T. Lim's Diabetes Herb Tea can give you speedy relief. Get your Herb-Tea by your
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  • Article, Illustration
    1865 2 You Expect A Pension From The Nation, You Won't Get It Warns Nehru INDIAN PREMIER'S REPORTED ADVICE TO INDIA'S MINISTERS NEW DELHI, July 17. (By Air Mail). During his recent fact-finding mission to Calcutta Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru met and talked to a great number of persons individually and m
    FOC; A.P.  -  1,865 words
  • 203 2 SENSE OF FRUSTRATION "In such a situatin what is one to do? Even though I am interested m the Congress, I am more interested m the future of India and of Bengal. I do not mind if the Congress is defeated m an election. It might save the soul of
    FOC  -  203 words
  • 41 2 JERUSALEM, July 30.— A census of Arab refugees may be taken next month, it was announced m Jerusalem on Friday. The Refugee Sub-Committee of the Pales, tine Conciliation -Commission returned to Jerusalem Friday morning from a tour of Mid-East capitals. AP
    AP  -  41 words
  • 184 2 Formal Accession Of Panchan Lama To Tibetan Throne CANTON, July 30. The formal "bed sitting ceremony" marking t!he formal accession of the Panchan Lama as spiritual head of Tibet is due to take ,place early m August not m Tibet but m ncrthwes't China. The Panchan Lama Is a 12-ycar-old
    AP  -  184 words
  • 324 2 MADRAS, July 30. To consider ways and means for setting up a united agency for the administration of Prohibition m the Province, a conference of officials of the various depart, ments concerned with the working of Prohibition, was held here at
    FOC  -  324 words
  • 725 2 BOMBAY, July 30.-Wormn hock summers young but gone are the y> y ,n K> the swish of the stick m the air sof *n*\ ft Indian eves have taken to h >H from their brothers, who hold the wS a nd l^ The women of
    FOC  -  725 words
  • 81 2 NEW DELHI, July 30. The Ministry oi Externa. ernment of India has, it is learnt. rrn receiving enq>" dividuals and institutions from variotts jßtrU of tne*"* America, about the aims and activities c. Sri Aurtbinwi Pond.cherry. It is farther lean that arrangeneiwyfor taking documentary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 243 3 Vital Cog m Nations Machinery k Motto: The Right Man The Right Job' Employment Exchanges and the remainder is met by the respective provinces and states. The biggest employment exchange «;f the states is m Travancore, where a total number of 16,000 were
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  • 675 3 SPENDING OF CONGRESS FUNDS IN U.P. NEHRU REPORT PUBLISHED LUCKNOW, July 30.— Pandit Nehru, Vice-President of ihe I .P. Congress Committee, m his report on charges relating to alleged irregularity m the disbursement of Congress funds m the province said that Congressmen "should be vigilant where public money is concerned
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  • 344 3 rHAS SICKED THE RESOURCES OF WAILED NEW DEMOCRACIES, SAYS DR. COLVIN DE SILVA July 30. Russia, ripe for revolution some time Wen' today. This is the conclusion of Dr. Colvin R. Bolshevik Samasamaja Party leader, who traced events m post-war Russia and its satellites, to m
    FOC  -  344 words
  • 86 3 PARIS, July 30.— M. Leon Pignon French High Commissioner for Indo-China, left here today for Rargon, where he will prepare an intor-state conference to study problems common t^ Vietnam Annum, Cochin-China and Ton-king-Cambodia and Laos. M. Pignon told Reuters here before leaving he had
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 188 3 the United Provinces, the provincial governments, at their own expense, s^t up district branches of employment exchanges to aid the rural population. The National Employment Service also operates the technical schools where young men are given training m vocational and technical courses. There are 79 technical training centres, spread
    Copyright  -  188 words
  • 810 3 Leaders' Appeal For Broad Vision Goodwill la Deciding India's Common Language WARDHA, July 30.— Kaka Kalelkar, Acharya Vinoba Bhave and Mr. K. G. Mashruwala have made a joint appeal to the nation to end the controversy over and decide the question of India's national language and script m a spirit
    FOC  -  810 words
  • 325 3 BOMBAY, July 30.— More than 2,000 cinema houses re. cently were closed for a day throughout India as a protest against increased entertainmeni tax m many provinces. A film industry spokesman here t^.a that the Central Provinces Government charged •>(/ per cent of
    AP  -  325 words
  • 63 3 PARIS, July 29.— The French Upper House today ratified the Atlantic Pact by 284 votes to 20. Franc© thus becomes the tenth nation to ratify the treaty. Britain, the United States, Canada, Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Portugal and Iceland have already voted for ratification
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 36 3 NICOSIA. Cyprus, July 30.- Four hundred refugees who arrived at Jyprus Friday from Eritrea with, tne approval of the Cyprus Government nave been taken ,to cne of the camps, formerly used to house Jewish immigrants AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 133 3 naWaenhia«Mffltt.ii«>4«RamnaaßK:MiMitiiiiiiti» tfft J^^F^^^^^^J^ Remember the three 1 MwrniWi Ifflff i*™ 0 100 years old I «^^Mn" 209-211 //^^^f CHAN LEE CHYE MEDICATED lWSfflßlinif DDinfif flcfti Al WINE: Consists of special mIrWOT. ion bM^wi chin CHLNG" deer horn and JM^ prepared from famoui berbs. MJr^RtO^ V I f f g^-^^B A
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 655 4 If You Are Future-Wise/ Take The High Road To Success, Via 75 Middle Road. The Spore Institute of Commerce has pleasure m announcing that owing to the rush of students and the great demand for new Course of studies on technical subjects, a branch will be started at No. 10
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    • 109 4 R.A.F. PASSING OUT PARADE The passing out parade of No. be under the Command of Squad--95 Squadron of the R.A.F. Regiment ron Leader V. H. Dean. (Malaya) will be held on Aug. sat No. 95 Squadron was formed m R.A.F. Station Sembawang when January 1948 and is the youngest the
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    • 143 4 $20,000 ForTTnT^^ In a letter to Sir Han Hoe Lim tr™ IVer «tvN Chairman of the Singapore A p-' 8s &W* peal Committee for the University Yit Lin lri of Malaya Endowment Fund, the n£ n a UrC? £39 well-known Singapore firm of con- 2St2l lo p5}«H i 5h4J HAMRAYASPECUL-AFea^N
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