Indian Daily Mail, 26 July 1949

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. V. NO. 166. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1949. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 75 1 Issue To^Be Decided At bipartite Delhi Conference (from Our Own Correspondent) U H ÜbLBI* July 25.— A profit-sharing scheme M Mcheme hit which workers will get a share in the ntidwy profit of industrial undertakings will be thf principal point of fulldress discussions
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  • 91 1 NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, July f?A7^n? v ?r m 5 n "^i l^^ mission irom Thailand is on a tour of U.S army air force bases. n^% a SH& 9H l>ejpradiyudh, Chief-of-Staff of the Thai Army heads the mission. With him are Maj. Gen. Vichien Sutan,
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • 112 1 Rupture In Bao Dai's Cabinet MIOON Julv 2>.— M. Tran Van I rttholir Minister of State for Minorities i" B»o f>ai 's new Viet- lo v«rnnvnt, ha- reigned, ac,'rd ng to source close to Bao for'lhe resignation wa» [ra: Van Ly belongs to a htacltd by M. Ngo Binn
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  • 74 1 CUTTA, Jul* 23. Dr. W. P. Const! i -General in ts just Ml for Sumatra up a ncw a siu anient there. I larewHi RKssagf to India on jf departure, l)r. Tsai sa>d ■ikMgt in India during the g f ur yrar? bri been a
    FOC  -  74 words
  • 78 1 Wl BEI (Assam), July ;>s.— The 2 JL Aisam live peacell**«h "nut.rd«. r who have come C j u u p,ace fler partim* tbe countn said Mr. Sr» Ur-rnor of Assam, at a Y'-n given to him here. gCwtitg said: "You should R* that w < a"
    FOC  -  78 words
  • 48 1 NEW BR. COINS WITH THE MISSING LINK! Ihl JS Mm* ora,tN d from the new i.u,a 8 ssll d b y Bri iljlr^ lim >iIK r 18J > 5 In .K252 are a pp**»ria« M in the Kinc's '^VT'"',';:! her .h i! but Bt i» remains ■roufc Commonwealth. A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 23 1 EYE OPERARION FOR AMBASSADOR > T ates Ambassador an eye opeval of a rata--3 flawed an accih *n a fi 3 h hook R'-uter
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  • 29 1 eh 1 i U,v 5 -A HLfo* W0 vo**** h Had net the Srii, 7 t a *bout 50 young '<>t ntomaoh. FOC
    FOC  -  29 words
  • 192 1 CHINA: Miiui.u.UMliUbiUi CANTON, July 25.— Communists drove closer toaay to tne Hunan province capital of Changsha. Loss oi Hunan probably would doom aoutn i, hina. Private reports placed the Reds at points live miles east 01 Changona and iO miles west of (hue now. qualified
    A.P.  -  192 words
  • 113 1 Dutch-Indonesian Secret Talks On Ceasefire Details BATAVIA. July 25— The United Nations Commission for Indonesia and top Dutch and Republican leaders worked today over secret details of a proposed ceasefire order aimed at bringing peace to Indonesia. The conferees met informally at Jogjakarta where members of the United Nations Commission
    A.P.  -  113 words
  • 88 1 BOMBAY, July 25— Sarat Chandra Bose, sponsor o*f an "all leftist" opposition to the-Indian National Congress, Party, today suggested that India take the lead in the formation of "a United Nations of Asia". He declared: "It is &nly when such an organisation is formed that the Western
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 79 1 MANILA, July 25.— The Foreign Office today announced President Quirino will appoint possibly tomorrow a new minister to London and concurrently Sweden, The new mi!minister wiil be Jose E. Romero, j Surplus Property Commissioner. He will replace the present mi- I nister, Ramon Fernandez, who had
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 53 1 LONDON. July 25. —Sir Lawrenc (J Grafftey -Smith, British High Commissioner to Pakistan, will return to Karachi from London by air on Aug 1 Sir Lawrence flew to London from Karachi last week to hold discus- sions with th« British Foreign Office j and Commonwealth
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 205 1 LONDON DOCK STRIKERS RETURN TO WORK LONDON, July 25.— London's month long waterfront strike ended today amid threats of new labour troubles in the state-owned coal mines and railroads. Nearly 16,000 stevedores trooped back to work on 150 cargo ships at London docks. An f)fficuiJ at the docks, where 12,000
    A.P.  -  205 words
  • 169 1 All-India Students Federation To Launch Demonstrations CALCUTTA. July 25.-— The Com-munist-led All-India Students Federation today announced their decision to launch "a campaign of meetings. demonstrations and strikes" to demand the immediate release or trial of detained studen s nd political prisoners. More than 1.000 students are at present detained by
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 159 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, July 25.— Rigorous restrictions on import of foreign cloth and relaxation of the present control is expected following the conference of Provincial and State Premiers who met Prime Minister Pandit Nehru here last evening. Dr. Shyamaprasad Mukherjee,
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  • 76 1 DLKBAN. July 25. Africans smashed and overturned an Indian bus and attacked its Indian driver at ato Manor, Durban, last night after an African woman had been fatally injured in a street accident. It was an Lsolated Incident and police, who were Quickly on the
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 109 1 \KASUMIR REFUGEE CAMP FIRING ECHO: KARACHI, July 25. The camp commandant of the Kashmiri refugees camp at Wah Wah. near Rawalpindi, has been taken into custody and his entire staff replaced, following incidents there on Saturday, it was announced here today. The commandant i s
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 108 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, July 25.— Thirty-five thousand Bombay mill workers will go on strike from Aug. 16 unless the India Government withdrew a recent ordinance providing for part payment of workers' bonus in National Savings Certificates. Tne decision was taken at
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  • 63 1 POONA, Julv 15*— An Ambassador should be "seen aad not heard", according to Dr. S. Badhakrishnan. Indian Ambassador-designate to Moscow. Dr. Radhakrishnan, who came here for meeting of ths Indian UniTersities Commission, refused to be drawn into discussion, about his new assignment. He told newsmen
    FOC  -  63 words
  • 120 1 ALEXANDRIA, July 25. The Egyptian Prime Minister. Ibranim Aouel iiaaj Pasha, has resigned. lladi Pasha became Prime Minister on December 28 last year succeeding Mahmud Nokrasny Pasha who was assassinated on that day. The official announcement of Hadi Pasha s resignation was made in Alexandria, King
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 43 1 NEW DELHI, July 25.— Pan. dit Nehru has made a donation of Rs. 20,000 from thc Prime Minister's Fund for the Relief of Refugees who have suffered on account of the recent heavv rains in Delhi.- GIIS
    GIIS  -  43 words
  • 118 1 French To Seek "Amicable Settlement" With India BOMBAY, July 25— The French Government will arrive at an "amicable settlement" with the Indian Government on the future of French settlements in South India, according to the three-man French India delegation which returned here from Paris today. M. Edouard Gaubert, the delegation's
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 96 1 CALCUTTA, July 25.— A Reserve Bank «o.f India notification iutSS cu t£f n n July 18 tates tha h- for th listing the following changes will be made in thc colour of the nuinRs. 2, Rs. 5 and Rs. 100 in the series noted
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  • 103 1 RANGOON, July 25.— Six Government soldiers were killed and ten wounded when rebels ambushed a Government patrol near Htaokky. uan, 21 miles north of Rangoon, it was officially reported in Rangoon on Monday. Four soldiers are missing. An army communique said that Red Flag Communists
    A.P.  -  103 words
  • 101 1 LONDON, July 25.— The British Government is not seeking a new United States dollar loan, British Treasury sources said on Monday. A Treasury spokesman said offi cially that there is no comment on a report of a broadcast in the U.S. Sunoay by
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • 162 1 Truman Asks Congress For Arms Aid Grant Approval WASHINGTON, July 25^-Pr«e>-dent Truman called on Congress today to approve a bill to set up a U.S. $1,450,000,000 arms aid programme for European and osv»i ;ree nations. Th«- State Department made pub. he the text of a proposed law to back up
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 mtjfjA TOT* PRODUCT* Iht PEOPLB through: o\l MURASU TAMIL Daily aJ a ,v-r 14 years. T l, stl-EOIt KOAD, SINGAPOBE. CONCENTRATED KSSKNCE OF CHICKEN mM? P^MmmmW^ Pleasant md Ea>il> l>i^ested. m \*m1 0^ fiiVs Nourishment Rapidly and Effectives -Stimulates a Convalescent to make a Complete *V apd Rapid Recovery. Ag^la;
      54 words
    • 69 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY POST > Malaya. B.N. Borneo and S.t raw all 1 Month s t u r > 3 n 12 0u 6 um 1 Year 43.00 Other Places 1 Month 450 3 1350 27.00 1 Ye*r M> oo ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: INDIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL EDITIONS INDIAN DAILY
      69 words

  • 898 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Tuesday, July 26, 1949. THEY TRAIN THE PLANTERS! "AH, they're lucky: they make money on the estates, while we people here in the cities know only to spend it!" this is what the city workers usually say whenever they compare thur lot with that of their
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  • 1319 2 No Cloth Decontrol In India In Near Futu re Textile Commissioner's Flat Denial Of Press Speculation REASONS FOR ACCUMULATION OF C.OODS EXPLAINED BOMBAY, July 25. Mr. T. P. Barat, Textile Commissioner of India, on July 20 gave factual details of the stock position of cotton textiles in Ahmedabad mills and
    GIIS  -  1,319 words
  • 263 2 FOR WRONGFUL SUSPENSION CALCUTTA, July 25— Lala Amarnath, former Indian Test captain, said here yesterday he would take legal action against the Indian Cricket Control Board for "wrongful suspension and consequent damage to reputation". Amarnath was suspended by ihe Cricket Board
    Reuter; A.P.  -  263 words
  • 37 2 CAIRO. Tu'y 25.— The Portug 'ese trooper Nyassa passed through the Suez Canal carrying 800 reinforcements for Portugal's tiny island colony of Macao, off the Communist threatened South China coast, Port Said dispatches reported on Sunday. A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 59 2 COLOMBO, July 25.— Twenty-one doctors 13 from the curative sid^ and eight from the preventive side. Will be sent to th« U.K. ernmeni lor high, r studta They will i> thi the Government'* oev ptficf i send promising Men abrtai !i specialised study.
    FOC  -  59 words
  • 133 2 CEYLON ATHLETK IEH TO NEW ZEALAND NEED RS. 52,000 Colombo. Jul> U^CmMm not be ablr lo a Uanr** British Kmpire dame- to b*- Wi* Auckland. New Zealand, in F< ruary WW *Mt*\m the fund- mm for thr MMrfMm can b- lWj« Tin- vl«»n Olympic and "JJ Oanv- Association W&jm* last,
    F.O.C.  -  133 words
  • 300 2 PLEA FOR POLICE REINFORCEMENTS TZ FROM W. BENGAL PARIS, July A three, man Indian delegation, here for talks with French Government on the future of French establishments in India, left here last night by air for New Delhi. At a final meeting on Saturday with
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 218 2 Ban On Slaughter Of Goals Fowl In Ceylon Hindu Temples Legislation To Be Introduced Shortly COLOMBO, July 25. Steps are being taken to intmdw legislation to ban the slaughter of goats and fowl m Hiiii Temples. Hindu religious and cultural organisation, fed tfepMM of slaughtering animals in temples is obnoxiou>
    F.O.C.  -  218 words
  • 168 2 NO DANGER OF FAMINE IM E. BENGAL OFFICIAL DACCA, July 25.— The possibility of a famine bf^Sj Pakistan province where a food shortage was reportea now ruled out, Syed Mohammed Afzal. thc provinces row announced in a broadcast. I Prices of food which he said had been high not because
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 27 2 KING RECEIVES SIR HEART MOORE LONDON Ju: >jy k '*3 Vl ion Prida> n-ce^. Qir nsnrv Moon Sir Henr.v General of matnedto lunen Queen B tn Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 43 2 Here is REAL reM I During 'he past 60 r»«. ""J /V J mi DC WITTS Piß. t-f 'T, iss* > wa, Into th. homta <rf «h» f£ VT Srtf V .wamma, mm* tf- **J?^% j J WITT'S P |l J* W^^klmMUß L mm***
      43 words

  • 414 3 S*\ M Lm g gm**zm, ,|hi Govt. Sanctions Rs. 40,0001 for Repatriation (FVERAL THOUSANDS STILL St IN NEED OF HELP I- Dl i 111. July 25. About 20,000 Indians, in'"mi destitutes, have been evacuated at the ex- f;ou 'i -nment of India from
    A.P.; Reuter  -  414 words
  • 607 3 TIYSTERY WITNESS'S AMAZING TESTIMONY BEFORE CONGRESS WASHINGTON, July 25.— A mystery witness has told the U.S. Congress that the United Nations Secretariat under Trygve Lie is "terrorized" by Communist agents who force employees to become their tools. A Senate
    A.P.  -  607 words
  • 41 3 ">rs identified by police as Cam national flag from a park in this b^nt li^fe *E! last ni ht and ES3 n a ter attPm Pting to set the local Congress office on fire Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 101 3 H VORK, Jul) 25. Iskaadar Mirza, Minister plot Pakistan said on Saturday night world maintained "if the United States armed F|Mtf in a si ale o' preparedness" £M| ib) plane ior Paris en route to his turn Wai. Karachi. country ,tnce ';< um
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  • 13 3 *5 Pakls--647,600 in u n O v- fed
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  • 42 3 DUBLIN, July 25. Mr Krishna Menon Indian High O&uSSSSS in London, is due here on Wednes--2S V JS*" 6 1 hLs credentials as nrst Indian Ambassador to Eire on representation tc that of on ir™_ bassy. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 805 3 Tibetan Rulers Expel Chinese Govt. Commission! Fear Most Members Are Communists NEW DELHI, July 25.— The Chinese Ambassador to India reported on Sunday that he had information that Tibefs rulers had expelled the Chinese Government Commission at Lhasa because they feared some of its members were Communists. The Ambassador, Dr.
    A.P.  -  805 words
  • 62 3 BOMBAY. July 25.— Discovery of in»n ore deposits in North Kanara District of Bombay Province, and ol gold deposits in Dharwar District, has been reported in a survey undertaken by the Bombay Government for water, minerals and oil. Samples of these depo
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  • 36 3 Preliminary survey for sub-soD water is being conducted by the government in the Deccan and Gujerat regions of thr province. This survey has been undertaken to relieve water scarcity in certain districts of the province. FOC
    FOC  -  36 words
  • 83 3 TOKYO, July 25.— The Mizusawa Observatory has sent out a call in this nation of dark haired people 2'or a strand of blonde hair. any hair wul not do. particularly Japanese hair which tends to be The observatory's hygD meter used in measuring
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 219 3 MUST DKCIDi: EITHER TO IDENTIFY WITH ASIAN NATIONS OR WITH WEST BANGKOK July 25. Domingo linperio. fi»st Philippine* Minister to Thailand, said on his arrival in Bangkok yesterd:r that Australia would have to choose between a friendly alliance of Asian countries or
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 56 3 BENARES, July 25.— The Ministry of States, Government of India, has telegraphically Invited the Maharaja of Benares State, Shri Vibhuti Narain Singh, to Delhi for talks relating to the future of the State, it Is learnt. The Maharaja is expected to leave for New Delhi towards
    FOC  -  56 words
  • 38 3 CAIRO, July 25. Mr. John Snyder, United States Treasury Secretary, left lor Athens last week after a two-day visit to Cairo where he saw the Egyptian Prime Minister, Abdel Hadi Pasha, and Finance Minister Hussein Fahmy Bey.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 171 3 GEN. WAINWRIGHT DENOUNCES ATLANTIC PACT WASHINGTON, July M— General Jonathan M. Wainwright Saturda> termed thc Atlantic Pact "straight invitation to another war." The retired General, acclaimed as the hero of Ha* aan. made th*-. assertion iii a speech to thc anmm district oonvsntton of the Disabled American Veterans, of which
    A.P.  -  171 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 75 3 Here V What You Need for HEALTH, PAIN-RELIEF, a^— tv AND SOUND SLEEP s&ZQs. AT NIGHTS! U Pain is robbing you of Health ami f C. Strength; ii you suitrr Irom HtAD- \\3R^ c^Vv ACHES NEURALGIA. NERVE \V >\ PAINS OR RHEUMATIC PAINS >\ you need Yeast- Vite! Try Jh.s
      75 words

  • 328 4 SiuiiE-KL MAIL TRAIN SHOT AT BY BANDITS Yesterday morning July 25, a P^^e patty, unuer tne commam* ol a European police officer escort *ng a European mining engineer, Mr \VT Dunne of Kuala Lumpur, and a European geological surveyor together with a
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  • 89 4 The following Hari Raya message has been given by the High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney: "My greetings and good wishes at this season of Hari Raya spring from the b|.;]K? that the fruits of our labour may be peace and happiness. At this time our
    89 words
    • 220 4 Sir, The entire world was prostrate with sorrow at the irreparable loss of Mahatma Gandhi over eighteen months ago, und at that time it was decided by the leading members of the Indian Community of Singapore tc. raise funds locally in order to erect, a fitting memorial
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  • 42 4 The frtotball final for the "Duke Shield" will be played at 4.30 p.m. today Tuesday, at Majedee Barracks, Johore Bahru. The Shield and medals will bc presented by Brigadier R.C.O. Hedley. C.8.E., D.5.0., Commanding Johore Sub District.
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  • 103 4 PROTEST MEETING AGAINST COWGILL'S REPORT TODAY An extraordinary General Meeting of the Singapore Medical Services Union members will be held at the Union Hall 15A College Road today. Tuesday, July 26. at 4.J0 om to protest over Governments delay in implementing 'Cowgill s Report'. CHARITY FOOTBALL MATCH IN SEREMBAN TOMORROW
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  • 51 4 NEW DELHI, July 25. The Indian film Kalpana is reported to have shared the prize for "exceptional qualities" with other films in the second world festival of film and fine arts of Belgium recently held in Brussels. Twenty-four countries participated in the festival.
    FOC  -  51 words
  • 66 4 The offices of the Repretentatta of the Government nf i, r jj u Malaya, the Indian Informal Services, Singapore, and the o ffirV of the Agent to the Gov«t i nont n Ind. a ln Kuala Lumpur, wii] remiir closed on Wednesday. Julv 27 r observance
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  • 27 4 SELANGOR R ULER TO BROADCAST TOMORROW The Sultan of Selangor wl broadcast a Hari Raya message ove Radio Malava. Ku^la Lu^nur t 10.10 a.m. tomorrow, Wednesday 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 234 4 GRAMAPHONE RECORDS BRAND NEW SLIGHTLY USED In more than ten different Indian languages available PRICE: -/75 cts. each Phone: ***** or call at AMALGAMATED ENGINEERING Co. 11 8, MALACCA STREET SINGAPORE SHIRIN Today Only: 6.45 and 9.30 p.m. "DI L (Hindustani) Starring: Noorjehan, Gita Bw>e Abdul Lathif etc. GRAND HARI
      234 words
    • 91 4 wmammzmamm .••••iiiii«uiiniitiiiiiiHi<»iiiwnapt i^Mm 5^ I SPECIAL HARI RAYA ATTRACTION TODA^: 7 and 9.15 p.m. TOMORROW: 3, 6 and 9 p.m. Captain From Castle (In Technicolour) iiiiii i !iiii!!i"»i'riiHiiitni'Hiiiiiiini!iiii, iimi.ii. .v '•.■'■> a*** *a*\. w^^^^ -'rr\ W cMi* M] ■■S MMMMy.: ■■■x-'&&S§-* mir^m* -iff h'''"^^'^ W A^A*mmmmi< i MB*M \we ammmWiJt
      91 words
    • 60 4 ~6i ll SPECIAL HARI RAVAwf^J A Feast of Entertainment To <) Ur Auspicious Occasion of n„ ri GRAND OPENS kh^} SIMULTAM-WSLY ir ROYAI 4 Shows at 12.15, 3, 6 i .7 p| I \rn\a G A RRIC| 4 Shows at 1, 3.30. 6.30 )jj The Year's Most Dynamic (J ROSHN
      60 words