Indian Daily Mail, 24 July 1949

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 17 1 odau_Edition Indian Daily Mail OL. V. NO. 164. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY. JULY 24 i<mq" FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 172 1 Land Assignment To Political Govt. To Complete Work By Dec. 31 HAL ASSIGNEES ESTIMATED AT 18,000 MADRAS. July 22.— Instructions have been issued Government to all District Collectors that the [tf assignment of lands to political sufferers |d be completed by December 31. is understood that out of about 18,000
    FOC  -  172 words
  • 125 1 BE NARES. July 23.-Netaji Subnas Chandra Bose, who Is presumed by some to be in Communistoccupied China now, may Se back to India, provided the ban on his entry into the country is withdrawn. This is the purport of a circular issued by Mr. r
    FOC  -  125 words
  • 120 1 NEW DELHI, July 23 —New July 19 observed Martyrs' D*y to pay homage to the late General of h& r*E« a, J d l ix other Ministers 2i *2 bln 5 t who wcre assassinated at the Secretariat two years ago. At a solemn
    FOC  -  120 words
  • 92 1 Madras Textile Commissioner's Post To Be Abolished MADRAS, July 23.— The post of the Provincial Textile Commissioner, it is learnt, will be abolished and merged with that of the Director of Controlled Commodities with effect from August 1. Consequently, the <?taff working under the Provincial Textile Commissioner will move into
    FOC  -  92 words
  • 60 1 WU. July 23— In conIwh their avowed policy *fat private industries. foment of Mysore have Wain concessions and rfvp.ct p;i p ei mill »K Parted at Nanjan>Ma comprising about 40 ISijjMfud, it h learnt. JM; available to the '.Ji' N mentioned that there th,Wu r
    FOC  -  60 words
  • 64 1 r />»n Cornspondent) te 23 Ti, &ov«rtl. terday iv. tUment by l ha< the Chief m by teleongpiracy following his h Mani s^^men t formed d editorial in July vas a 111 h ftl We by iead■■PPowd bitterly his fcG tlu General S£» I»SS.l »S5. cn. ,a libel suit
    FOC  -  64 words
  • 22 1 I; 23 Lord V i f here not ths 1 ti. D i. e of hfi d ap lfr Will Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 216 1 JUDGE AGREES WITH NOT GUILTY VERDICT OF JURORS (From Oar Own Correspondent) TRICHY, July 23.— The most sensational murder case end. ed yesterday with acquittal for all the 11 accuaed. Justice Mr. I.T. Raman Nair, District Judge delivering judgement on the Udayarpalayam Case agreed with the
    216 words
  • 128 1 MAJ.-GEN. CHENNAULT A "WAR CRIMINAL" SAY REDS SAN FRANCISCO, July 23.— The Chinos" Communists on Thursday Called former Major General Claire Clvnnault an "an- pirate" subject to punishment as a war criminal. The bitter attack, broadcast by the Communist radio in Peiping, quoted an article in Thursday's Peiping People's Daily
    A.P.  -  128 words
  • 58 1 COLUMBUS, Georgia, July 23.— r >-neral Dejpradyudh, Thailand Aimv Chief -ofJStafl, was in Walter {J^ed Hospital in Washington on I .''day alter being stricken by n kidney ailment while on a l our of Fort Benning, a U.S. Array poet. I 80-nning authorities
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 110 1 NEW DELHI, July 23.— About 90 per cent of Muslims displaced during the disturbances following the partition of India in 1947 have been rehabilitated in Dehra Dun, United Trovinces. Over Rs. 16,000 have been paid by lhe Government to Muslim houseowners in Dehra Dun City
    GIIS  -  110 words
  • 197 1 TO WIN INDIA'S WILLINGNESS FOR FORMATION OF PACIFIC UNION MANILA July 23.— Ambassador Carlos Romulo conferred with President Quirino for more than three hours last night on a framework of a Pacific alliance against Communism TV-» A w-i V\ .a «i /-I l j i
    A.P.  -  197 words
  • 271 1 Prospects Bright for IndoPakistan Agreement On Kashmir *«.J£ A i RA 9. HI l nly 23.— Indian and Pakistan's military delegations here, discussing a cease fire line in the ?nTw St^f. f Ka J hmi adjourned late last nigh? in an optimistic mood to consult their
    Reuter  -  271 words
  • 76 1 BOMBAY, July 23.— R. D. R. Sethi, Indian Government Agricul" ture Development Commissioner, left here by air yesterday for Washington, where he will explain hU Government's agricultural and m^ c 1C i al cultf vation schemes t0 officials of the World Bank
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 174 1 ANOTHER BR. DESTROYER FOR INDIA LONDON, July 23.— HMS "Rothernam another of the three destroy. g-glft* b y Ind,a from the Ita rted Kingdom, will be formallv JS? r w b^, the BritiBh Adm raky to the Indian High Commis"gP'F »n London on July 28. She will be renamed HMIS
    GIIS  -  174 words
  • 151 1 Pakistan Wants Revision Of Ottawa Imperial Preference KARACHI, July 23.~Pakistan is considering seeking revision of the Ottawa agreement »m imperial preference, it was authoritatively learned here last night* During his recent visit to London Pakistan Commerce Minister Kaz. lur Rahman had discussions on this point with Mr. Harold Wilson, Pre.sid
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 62 1 I BOMBAY, July 23. Christie Parsis and Jews in Bcmbay province will be allowed the use of wine for sacramental purposes when total prohibition is Introduced^ in April next, it was learnt The Bombay Cabinet ai a meeting here is understood to have
    FOC  -  62 words
  • 32 1 HYDERABAD, (Dn Julv 23. DevuLapalli Kajturi ftanga Rao. r^S' 1 i b€d J* i\ Comrtunitt leader N?'fonda, has •urrenderedlfittM*\t to tht authorities at surivapet, u was learntd her«.- TOC
    FOC  -  32 words
  • 320 1 Fr. Troops Rushed To Indochina- Burma Border! TJA33 Border posts have been attacked uJau* > !2* forCes trom 'Tongkine OU, uaed this northwest border re fnd n YuSJn" with Bu,TOa s'a" China. Province in South French light motorised forces canal of the rapids on July 13 with »*JJ 37 lles
    Reuter; A.P.  -  320 words
  • 200 1 A CORRESPONDENT'S VIEWS IN LONDON ECONOMIST ihmJiSSS^i ty" i3 lt appears not to be realized misP. correspondent in the London "Econl the wfffl^gte»M*JM*»««l have increasing., turned Friendship with Indi«iS2* S i fel t more and n,< r rebuffed sabres 10 years,
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 70 1 BOMBAY, July 23 A party of experts of the Indian Oovemm will viiit cutch on the west cf India north of Bombay, to pi pect for petroleum deposits. Mt s k ,v, v Q d Z l l Indian Mir.,. tor for Works. Mfnes and
    FOC  -  70 words
  • 76 1 waw uimL.tii, July 23. Ovti 1,400.000 illiterate adults in Delhj province are to be taught the three R s by a batch of Volunteer* trained by the Indian Ministry of Education. The volunteers, 42 of whom hav completed training, will visit neany 300 villages shortly with audiovisual
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 2930 2 Radio Debate On Hindu Code Bill Lady Debater's View On Divorce The All-India Radio recently held a debate on tlie Hindu Code Bill* The proposition was that the Bill will revitalise Hindu social structure. Mrs. Poornima Banner ji* Sri Krishnaswamy Bharati and Sri H.
    Madras Sunday Times; A.P.  -  2,930 words
  • 353 2 Reference Under Income Act: Cochin High Court Ruling EKWAHULAM, JUly 1 (By\j r Maj| M Cochin High Court pronounced ju^ mem A ference against the assessee yesterdav lnan i^B made by the Commissioner of Income T .^^H the assessee, K. N. K. Boat Sers ice Th^ a*■ the application of
    FOC  -  353 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 mmmzZm*\T*w***mm z* mmmi*mmtmmmm\M\m{\\\mmmKm- ,i n w B MwHw'l'iU'Jl'JtllL?!' I I I rfr Jmmmmi I (m NOOH LENO YEE POO MEDICATED WINE: prepared after long researcn This tonic li RHEUMATIC complainu MOO KAI MEDICATED WlN'I: -Consult of* Of Annam hilla and a boon to confined ladiei mended this wine for Motheri
      72 words

  • 984 3 Appeal To India's Upper Classes l^jasi Meet This Food Shortage 9 L nELHI, July 6. (By Air Mail).— The Gover- j/, Ilajagopalachari, in a nation-wide \to4ou nllf(l upon the P °P le to all theu required. "We have to produce," he -nil tin food we require or we invite
    FOC  -  984 words
  • 41 3 PLANS FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC STUDY OF INDIA (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, July 23.— Eight Indian scientists appointed by the Government ol India are working plans for oceanographic studies around the country. These will relate to both physical' and biological oceanography .-Copyright.
    41 words
  • 90 3 London, July 23.— Mr. John Mat. thai India's Finance Minister, left yesterday morning by Air International for Bombay, at the conclusion of the Commonwealth Finance talks and negotiations for further releases of sterling and hardcurrencies for India during the coming year. On the eve
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 112 3 MINISTER'S ADVICE TO WOMEN HOME GUARDS BOMBAY, July 22.— Bombay's Home Minister, Mr. Morarji Desai, has given his advice to women home guards on how t 0 deal with obstinate husbands. A new woman recruit to Home Guards asked: "What should I do if, after my marriage, my husband prevents
    F.O.C.  -  112 words
  • 48 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, July 23.— Among problems of rehabilitation facing the Government is the education of thousands of students and the absorption of refugee teachers. India Government have approached various Indian Universities for help in solving the problem. Copyright.
    48 words
  • 42 3 RANGOON, July 23 Official government reports today said the Red flag Communist rebels have introduced forced marriage in areas under their control. The Communists are forcing the people to give up their gold and jewellery to purchas e arms and ammunition. A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 904 3 By Mr. Wu Te-chen, President of the Chinese People's Foreign Relations Association and former Vice-Premier of Nationalist China If a Third World War must come, it has already started in Asia. The difference is that the cold war is going on in Europe,
    904 words
  • 117 3 RANGOON, July 23.— Pro-Gov-ernment guerillas, forging ahead »of regular troops along monsoon, drenched w«'st Burma, on Wednesday entered and took possession of Minhla, the rice centre on the Kan-goon-Prome railway, official sources reported Thursday Minhla is 80 miles south of the communications centre of Prome,
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 LUUR 11 1 I wf j f^BH 1 1 ar^ *'-**!BUgm 1 TJk*- $23 gR \»P jbims;. mm^g^ jf'- j aaWmV M M aaa* d*M *\W M0 MM M M** MMM M A** a***Z a& _^^g ft -I **^V*iYXmm\mmm *ii Ii I mm*^ MF* MM M M v J h
      93 words

  • 854 4 REPLIES TO MR. PANDARI'S QUESTIONS IN STATE COUNCIL The Johore Government are still continuing the Report of the Joint Wages Commission and it is not known when a decision will be taken regarding the recommendations contained therein. This was revealed in replies to
    854 words
  • 660 4 The following persons have kindly contributed $1.00 each to the Umar Pulavar Building Fund: Messrs. S. M. Abdul Wahab, M. Mohamed Hussain, V. K. Mohamed Ibrahim, K. M. Ibrahim, M. S. Dawood Bros., S. Sahib Ghany, V. M. Zainu Abideen, M. S. Abdu. Salam,
    660 words
  • 275 4 SELANGOR WORKING COMMITTEE FOR UNIVERSITY A working committee of the Selangor Branch of the University oi Malaya Endowment Fund has been formed under the Chairmanship of Mrs. A. W. Pinnick. The Committee comprises:— Messrs. Chong Khoon Lin. W. F. Stafford, G. V. Thaver, William Fernando( Representing the Stamford Club), E.
    FOC  -  275 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 130 4 DIABETES, WHY WORRY? When D. T. Lim's Diabetes Herb Tea can give you speedy relief. Get your Herb-Tea by your side and eat what you like. D. T. LIM CO., 24, Prinsep Street, Singapore. ITli'liiintiiliilhlMliiliilMli'liXiliili'lHliiinliiliiiniiiUllii* K A I fit ********** Distributors: BHANU Co., No. 172-171 SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. jll I
      130 words
    • 33 4 What a Combination! MM r vvv^fe? 'r>r/i c vz fl BN> >%. *'*^m******M mm t*\t '*■•<' "$-%-;■s. *V *•< *^mmmmmT am Ma* M *\m'^r%t 'mW^^SmW *Ammm tmo^' W^vj; **Z *t*\ Jtefe*s SURAIYA J»&alc BfcL^flß! *WZm^mm^A^J'J:Ll-> SITARA
      33 words
    • 78 4 TODAY: 3. 6.15 9.15 PM. ASHOK KUMAR, VEENA SITARA NAJMA (Hindustani) Kffl.flllMllllllllllllllltilflltllllltlllllflllllllllliilngnlngnang,^,,, TO R A MORNING SHOW 11 A.M. DEADWOOD DICK (WHOLE SERIAL) (50 cts to all seats) TODAY: 3.15, 6.30 and 915 P.M. W§ mjr *V *MS VP Wl *Mr t>\j6 Wa m L^J^J^^^^.^Z-1-— X«> T J C* /'IB
      78 words
    • 130 4 SHIRIN ""^J TODAY: 3.30. 6.45 and 9.3) P. M P^^Bm Prem Adib. Naseem Surendn ANOKI ADA -Hindustani, V, 1 -ie- Ji ii _yj_ V; I WATCH FOR Tml^^ aaagaama^ 1 I lAT EASTERN ffl[« J PRESENTS a 1 *ap> mr > m fl V*»" --*^B dgt 1 VwS ST rM(
      130 words