Indian Daily Mail, 14 July 1949

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. V. NO. 153. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1949. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 148 1 J Must First Consult The High Command Says Indian Premier EOVLNCIAL IJMSLATORS TOLD: "YOU MUST DO Something to win over popular support" (From Our Own Correspondent) I'JWCUTTAj July JL— Prime Minister Pandit \ikru resumed investigation of West Bengal situation ft mrning with interviews with officials
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  • 36 1 n On n < i» -|)oiid« ut (UAYAW Julj 13.— Prof. N. b r of th« Congress >it 5 Committee -aid h« re tha' shoold loB(f »o time m t Party.—
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  • 54 1 ARMED BANDITS RAID E.I. RLY. STATION Our Own Corr^pondent) I! -Arnml fed Mankundu Kaihvay fmm CalI Indian Railway clock last night. information reiMuv^d •day iiihlv«s into lun ba>utr. imultat>H>usly at- gnil room and station alarm being i aist-cl, by rilUfCTfl goon ap!l nn. and the l>an--1 v\a- in.iiJiMri and thr
    54 words
  • 37 1 The Dutch i t. m a secret vernment lation \n mii lo to an- r> de"i the exact the m also to anr ab(»ui thr recent for roundI Hague next Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 112 1 The Indonesian Nnrfl Scrvicf of Singapore has expresstd its d^ep»st sorrow ov*t the fatal disaster that brought death to 13 American journalists on their return KLM flight to America from Indonesia. It 's doubly regrettable that such a single tragic stroke of fate could painfully
    INS  -  112 words
  • 38 1 Propo-ed U.S. Steel Strike Post poned I.i -Presi r th( Congress -is United ia| announced ti v n.,ard by V > bice( pted iin pn posa l to *trtk( for 60 day^ :'5 decision •mien's Wage r ratlnration Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 95 1 PARIS-BOUND FR. INDIA DELEGATION PARIS, July 13. —A three-man delegation from the French ■etttemente m South India- -Pondich^rry, ECarikal, Yanaon and Mahc arrived here by air last night for talks With the French Government. They will discuss the future vi th* French Indian territories alter Uk referendum to be held
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 142 1 Cweatlh 'Big Twelve' Hold Secret Talks ill) 1 .'{.-^Commonwealth economic leaders open d.ollar.stefling talks today with a two-hour mor Ah <h Mr. Walter Nash of Nsw Zealand called 'a iCCeBSful" i ng. t m the •> '"d time this "parately ut t«chni5, thm tor lhis vi'ai conf«. to their f
    Reuter; A.P.  -  142 words
  • 160 1 ANNIE O' KEEFE TO FIGHT HER CASE AGAIN IN COURT MKLBOURNE. July 13.— Mrs Annie O'K*«'fe IndotK-sian w«tV of an Australian, has challenged, m a High Court uri t the Australian Government's purported right to di a port h«r under an amended Kgislation given Royal assent yesterday, j it was
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 133 1 CURTAIL EXPENSES ON DELATIONS: NEHRU'S CIRCULAR TO DEPARTMENTS NKW DELHI, Jui> 13. With a vi« w to implementing the GoTcmliient of India's drive for economy m all spheres of thejr activities and also to avoid hav«n^ to use foreign exchange as far as practirabl*', the I'rini. Minister of India has
    FOC  -  133 words
  • 68 1 NEW DELHI, July 13.— Official source?, said Monday India will issue, no licenses for imports from the dollar arras Ist ilv tiMe being. They sad that until conclusion of tht talk* on sterling area dollar troubles m London, it will not be possible
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 79 1 BU.MBAY. July 13. -Hundn-ds of prisoners, memberi of the militant Hindu organisation Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, were released from various jails today after the government had lifted a ban imposed on tht- organisation laei year when Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated. Leaders of the organisation were suspected <»f complicity
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 532 1 OFFICIAL ENQUIRY TO START TODAY BATAVIA, July 1:5. Cause <»r (he crash of the KLM Constellation Franekcr near Bombay yesterday is not Known jret, a KLM source here told A net a. the Dutch news agency. The source pointed f o the
    Reuter; A.P.  -  532 words
  • 112 1 India Govt. Lifts Ban > On RSS NEW DELHI, .July 13. The Indian GOTcmmcnt on Tuesday lilted the han on the militant pro-Hindu communal organisation, the RSS (Itashtriya S\va\amsevak San^h) which it outlawed the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi a year and a half ago. A Government announcement sa>d that the
    A.P.  -  112 words
  • 132 1 A Code For Indian Journalists Suggested CALCUTTA, July 13.— A S-poin< code of conduct for journaliv- and iVTittrs has been suggested here by Dr. K.'.ilas Naih Kaiju. Governor of \V>st Bengal. Dr. Katju expounded h- cd ai a reception held m his honour by Calcutta Journalists. H-s cock includes: I.
    FOC  -  132 words
  • 117 1 Mrs. Pandit's Sympathy To KLM Plane Tragedy Victims' Relatives WASHINGTON. July U.— lndia's Ambassador Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit yesterday expressed "duep_ est sympathy" ii>r the bertavod relatives of passengers and crew who died m the- Bombay piano crash yst<rday. Thr Ambassador m a statement issued through the Indian Embas." iy
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  • 71 1 NEW DELHI, July 13.— New gold deposits have been found m Mysore State, Mr. H. C Dasappa, Mysore finance Minister, has announced. The Mysore Government is negotiating with Messrs John Naylor and Company who work the four Kolar gold mines m the State for
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 78 1 NEW DELHI. July 13.— The Vicechancellor of th« Calcutta Univer- ity. Dr. P. N. BancrJ«e, who ha.s turned to India after a visit to w'anaaa and the United States, said on July 11. that a scheme has been \j.vtd for the exchange of professors and
    GIIS  -  78 words
  • 81 1 NEW DELHI, July 13— A party >t 30 American students will shortly risjt India t > study public opinion and cuitonu m this country. Th< students represent several *ellJuiown schools m the United Sta te s and are on a ten-week roundQCLworld flight
    GIIS  -  81 words
  • 252 1 2 m. Homeless In Mid- Yangtze Floods? HONGKONG, July 13.— China, from the Yellow River area to the Yangtse and clown (o (he West River m Southern China is threatened with the most disastrous floods fai 50 yean according to Chinese reports reaching here. The reports said there were already
    Reuter; A.P.  -  252 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 6 1 PEOPLE lUfOUgll--109. MURaSU Dally r'l4 ye^s.
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    • 106 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (BY FOOT) Malaya. B.N. Borneo and Sarawak 1 Month 4.00 3 12 00 6 24,00 1 Year 48.00 Oiher Plates 1 Month 4.50 3 1350 6 27.00 1 Year 54.00 ,g, NO N- STOP TO f»>J B/NGKOK oU€lN€ss MAN'S EVERY MONDAY AT 12.30 p.m. Normal Thursday Service at
      106 words

  • 759 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Thrus, July 14,1949. WELFARE OF MALAYAN LABOUR-IV IN this the fourth and last article m the series we shall discuss the inadequacy of the K«ctersl Government's declared Policy on Labour. Though its nine points read as a whole may appear impressive to the simpleminded people, it
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  • 512 2 Stones Shoes Hurled At Car— But Indian Premier Passed On Unruffled MAJESTIC RECEPTION ACCORDED BY LOYAL CITIZENS CALCUTTA, July 13.— Visiting troubled Calcutta on a fact finding mission Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India's Prime Minister, received yesterday a great welcome from
    Reuter; A.P.  -  512 words
  • 178 2 Details Of Arrangements For Pandit Nehru's Public Meeting Today MORE THAN 300 MEN ON DAY AND NiGHT 1 j w -m t WUKiI (Fran Our Own Correspondent) CALCUTTA, July 13. Over 300 men have been working daily since Thursday ilast making arrangements for the public meeting to be addressed by
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  • 132 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, July 13. An an nouncement from the Prime Minis, tor's Secretariat said: "The Prime Minister has received thousands of letters from Calcutta and various other parts of West Bengal asking for interviews during his present visit to Calcutta.
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  • 177 2 MR. N. R. SARKAR'S APPEAL TO W. BENGAL CITIZENS (From Our Own Co-respondent) CALCUTTA, July 13.— -A pha «o the people of West Bengal to rreatt* proper and congenial atmosphere during Pandit Nehru's visit to Calcutta go that the Govern, men l could give the objeqtjvje picture of the situation
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  • 99 2 BOMBAY, July 13.— The inscription of the "Dharma Chakra" (the /Isoka Wheel) on the Indian national Sag is India's highest tribute to Lord Buddha and Kurfdhism. the Venerable Narda Maha Thera. a prominent Buddhist monk of Ceylon, s^ad here. The monk, who has just arrived In
    FOC  -  99 words
  • 119 2 Lull In Communist Menace In Hyderabad Reported (From Our Own Correspondent) HYDERABAD, July 13—The Government of Hyderabad announced improvement m the situation m J he disturbed areas of Nalgonda and 'arrungal Disricts. During the \vt*ek-ending July 6. not a single case of murder Irom either of the districts was reported.
    119 words
  • 243 2 Pledges To Kashmir Will Be Honoured NEHRU'S ASSURANCE TO PEOPLE OF LADAKH LbH, July i'J. Pandit Nehru. Prime Minister of India, said here on July 7: Ludukh is no longer far away, but whether we are near to each other or far away, we are ail children of India and
    FOC  -  243 words
  • 144 2  -  UNKNOWN CEYLON NEWS: -SAYS I'ROF. COLOMBO. July 11— "Seventy.five oi Ceylon do nol eat enough anl arc'ihori?" 1 f(f I nourished,' said Dr. H. Cullumbine m hT a J and Man" at the annual general meeting of J"* 1 1 graphical Association at
    FOC  -  144 words
  • 34 2 COLOMBO j uly h aga.i, evinced b ll m>tlKMd for nrod u P >^l t 0 report." corrr.pondcnt h "U tests „,ov,. > Br.i..h concern-!.^' 'J« Porcelain H wurld— mav <ni,r I FOC
    FOC  -  34 words
  • 145 2 CHAVAKACHCHERI, July 12— VVomt'n of Meisalai North, kodika. main, including various student^ of the area, assembled for the first time m hundreds, at Veerasingham Hindu Board School Hal] to inaugurate a 'Gandhi" movement. Mrs. P. SinnaUHhamby occupied the chair. The value of such societies a
    FOC  -  145 words
  • 72 2 WOMAN M.P. CHALLENGED: HANDY ELECTION PETITION COLOMBO, July 13. Tin- ehction of Mrs. Tamaru Kumari IlangarataM to T9§K9&mU the Kandy Kloctorate m the House of Representatives has beeji challenged m a petition filed by two voters of the electorate, Kuruppu Stella P«rera and Abeyweera Mirisse Patabanciige James Silva both of
    FOC  -  72 words
  • 120 2 JAFFNA, j uh v ;i from the ,hair ,M genera] n^ii^ ((f J 3 Oriental Stud,,. s<Klt S. Arulnandhy. «SSJii| kfce mclusion f P, >cho "1 syllabus for the Panda fcj turn. Th« mettini -a,,. Vaidy-hvara Vi.iya.aVim r J nai-ponno. i After the chairman, ,J Mr. K. Knr.agaratr.arr. PjJ
    FOC  -  120 words
  • 97 2 FRANCIS MUDIE RESIGNS W. PUNJAB GOVERNORSHIP K\K.\( 111. July li-ft fn Mucliv. n Briton |HM Ml P to fvferfl h< W«m Pun^ tan, m Januar\ aft«rth'd« of the provincial M^ltb I Government hrcaus? < corruption m public If' s«gn«'d his, it w*. h<-r« Monday. Ihi annount<ni«iit PakKtan (;ov<m<>r-(i'nr»l V
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 134 2 WATER SCARCITY IN C«( DEMONS f it ATORS PARADE P EMPTY BUCKETS! DACCA, July U— Though sitiiatul 'n uatcrways, Dacca the East Bengal cspiUl, H scarcity. r w' j A large number of Government mploy" N it&M Prt-mier. carrying empty buckets and th<r v \i,, oipJ l To supply drinking
      134 words

  • 1335 3 abotage p American Woman Correspondent's Reported Scandalous Allegations gainst Indonesians And India! d KL M Officials Discount Suspicion Of Foul Play u A SILA, Julvl2<— F Of sabotage prevented Mrs. Dorothy Brandon of ]or k llnnld Tribune from taking the Dutch airliner which crashed
    AP; Reuter  -  1,335 words
  • 84 3 SEOUL. July 13.— Dr. Syngman Rhee, President oi Southern Korea, yesterday reiterated his willingness to join the peoples of Asia m an anti-Communist front. He said he hoped Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. Chinese Nationalist leader, and President Elpidir Quirin < of the Philippines, who
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  • 493 3 Japanese Technicians Assisting Karen Rebels In Rifle Bullets Manufacture? BURMA RANGOON, July 13.— Fifty Japanese technicians, presumably former officers and soldiers of the Japanese Army, who have been hiding m the jungles since me Allied re-occupation 01 iiurma m 1945, are reportca to be assisting Karen rebels to manufacture rifle
    A.P.; Reuter  -  493 words
  • 23 3 terror and totalitarianism. ,The talks at Baguio were a towards organise 3 th< Pacific people t fight Communism, "tn enemy," he abided. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 499 3 B^^^^^B Bm B^^v f ikP^^^Bz H|BB^k>^. Hl^^rTiA Sa V A w m^~~"^^^ /^x ai I yfl Iblb^Bv^ B^Blß^fc^^ 111 I I t^^^^^^*^ Bm^^^Bm Bm^^^Bm .^r ■v^^BGV' 2(1 'I 1 >-» «*^Bjß^r Bhß^^^H J^W j r t8 J z~\ f V I 9 j^^ 1& T^^yJ S^B^B^B I A^Bb B^B^^^B^B^Bmß^^- -t_^
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  • 959 4 7 Indian 1 Malay Police Killed By Bandits In Rawang Area SO -Year-Old Inspector Kakar Singh Among Victims Eight policemen including seven Indians were killed m a bandit ambush near Hawang on Tuesday, July 12. The dead included six Sikhs, one Punjabi Muslim and one Malay. Two other policemen were
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  • 59 4 WASHINGTON, Juiy 13.— Mr. F. M. De M< 110 Kamath, former Flrsi Secretary at tli c In dian Embassy h^re, will leave by air on Monday to take up a new appointment as Indian CoiisuMUeneral m French Indo-Chj'na. He w»ll confer with foreign service officials
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 146 4 Indian Coalminers Provident Fund Exceeds Rs.3,000,000 NEW DELHI, 13— Over Its. 3.000,000 have accumulated to the Indian Cealminers Provident Fund as contributions from employers and wo-rkers. This laoour welfare scheme started under the Coaiminers Provident Fund and Bonus Scheme Act of 1948, applies to the main coal producing areas of
    GIIS  -  146 words
  • 57 4 DUBLIN. July 13. —Dr. Douglas Hyd»: f former President ol Eire, died at his home m Dublin last night. Dr. Hyde was 88. His election as President of Eire m 1938 was unanimous, but when his term of office expired m 1945 he did not s<'ck
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 171 4 INDIA'S PROTEST AGAINST LAND TENURE ACT NEW DSUl] [July lfU-The Government of lndi> have ktdsedan emphatic protest with South Africa arainsi the Asiatic Land Tenure Amendment Act, enacted by the Union Parliament on June 30 last, the Indian External Affairs Mini, ter stated yesterday.
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 230 4 New electors registered up to noon yesterday were 2,85 b for the Singapore Legislative Council Elections and 1659 for the Municipal Elections: The last day of registration is tomorrow. July 15, and completed forms may be handed m at the office off the Supervisor of Elections.
    Official Press Release  -  230 words
  • 322 4 Lifting Of Trade Embargo Condition For Indo-S. African Round-Table Talk? PRETORIA, July 13.— 11 is reported here I hat India and Pakistan have approached South Africa for a round (able conference to discuss differences and that Prime Minister Dr. D. F. Mulan is considering the position. It is expected that
    A.P.; Reuter  -  322 words
  • 340 4 As recently mentioned m the Press, the Army i s carrying out an Industrial Survey m Singapore and part of the Federation. The following remarks may he of interest concerning this. The equipment and supplies vital to a Modern Army, are only obtainable
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  • 261 4 BOMBAY, July 13— Mr. Abid ,\li. President of the Bombay National r.U.C, has denied the allegation that the "INTUC wa.s creating envision m the labour ranks bjf its pro-capitalist activities." The alienation was made at Calcutta by Professor Shibbanlal Saxena, Presidejit of the All-India Port and
    FOC  -  261 words
  • 35 4 RAJKOT, July 13.— The Saura.h. tra Princely Union shorHj r will ban slaughter of the sacred cow. U. N. DrKber, Chief Minister of th c Union, said so to a deputation. A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 18 4 I I rfr. j. p V fe presentai i-^ I I I I DC'UI I 1 Reuter
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 213 4 The Moloi Vehicle* (Commercial Use) Regulations NOTICE or APPLICATION I'OK ROAD SERVICE LICENSE TAKE NOTICE that I Tail Lian reck ol 35, Jalan Tamputan, Kota Tinggi, Johore by occupation Intend to apply to the Commi isioner ol Road Transport Pederation of Malaya let a Road SerVice License to authorise me
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    • 65 4 SHIRII J y "il JAUli] Hmdu>ian. I SI'KAIU M.\.\J I TODAY: :i.!5. UH||] H 0 LI ' Starr-,: MOIII-.AL. KIKKNHibd SITAKA I I I I i i lit I I I I I i I DIAMOI Today: n.iJ.ti&Ui\ KISMET •m T chnta o Starrin? Ashok kumar, Mum! Shanti. V. H.Deai.E
      65 words