Indian Daily Mail, 12 July 1949

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. V. NO. 151. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1949. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 145 1 City's Tram Service* Meanwhile Totally Suspended SEOUEL TO BOMB THROWING INCIDENT Our Own Correspondent) fiU'UTTA* July ll*-#Tum Minister Pandit Jar l 0 l Nehru i* visiting Calcutta tomorrow for a JVrtrf sludf/ of conditions in West Bengal.
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  • 234 1 LONDON, July 11— King George, acting on the advice of the British Government, today signed a declaration of a state of emergency in view of the continued London dock .stoppage. As he signed it contingents of roops, naval specialists and Royal Marines moved into
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 122 1 nun Correspondent) run in f u i > 11 —The newly ».v u ,d K\'(ii'ivt Council of the M Irtftl Provincial Congress pa --♦•d a resolution yesliv Mfpstiag thai a judicial m it held m'.» th« incident in th- [tulici opened fire
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  • 67 1 Illy 11. —A Royal land^ today on the from Batavia, aircraft to touch ;>nce th«- ban last fh Dutch mounted n aga,nst the In. ft J*a rit.i— mi allUd U the Dut <* line f"! <hiv plane, which ri can JournaliHls r> Lj fOr Hr interview
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  • 48 1 Pandit Nehru In The "Robe" Of "Ladakhi Chief" JUI) B— the last ;-'«iakh. He Wore b< and ChL tdakh] cap printed to V V a c hlef of l -h Buddhist r.c^ntiy visited tSS? l hi!! M| dross RJ^cWr Q mornin and |**j b ]rn Mincer rrif >tofrraphrrs
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  • 33 1 N^^-J*** Manor last mght 'on^ w*re flung at four Indun bust's and a police van. The stoning developed out of a buycott «>f Indian buses in Durban Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 108 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, July 11— India's first batch oi Women Home Guards went into training yesterday when Mr. Morarji Desai, llom<> Minister, administered the oatfi of service to forty women and counselled them to be "proud and valiant members of the voluntary organisation/*
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  • 110 1 Indian Women Urged To Work Shoulder To Shoulder With Men (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY. July 11 —Mrs. Remika Ray. member of the Constituent Assembly, said here last wcefc. the time had come when women in India should come forward and contribute their due share as citizens working shoulder to
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  • 62 1 Dr. Alagapan, Indian CoiisulGeneral in Djakarta, arrived at Jogjakarta last Friday to make a formal call on President Soc-kariio, Vic-President Hatt a and the Republican leaders who hav just arrived in Jogja, announced Radio Jogja. The Indian Consul-General was the first foreign representative to
    INS  -  62 words
  • 100 1 TOKYO, July 11.— The Japanese Government plane to revise its polirc system at the next session of tn^ Diet (Parliament), a membeT of th« Cabinet Said yesterday. Minister of State Kozaemoii Kimura reyeaied the plan to a national ponfep-'nee of mayors. Kimura v;ould not
    A.P.  -  100 words
  • 80 1 NEW l>i;i>Hl, July 11— The Unit. ?d PlOfilim Governor, Sir Homi P. Modi and bis wife have set an example in the grow more food drive. The Governor recently stepped into a tractor to plough one and a half acres of land in the backyard of Government
    GIIS  -  80 words
  • 233 1 STATEMENT ON RESULTS OF CHIANG-QUIRINO TALKS KAGUIO. The Philippines. July 11. A joint statement is sued tonight by President Elpidio Quirino of the Philippines and Generalissimo Chiang Kai.shek of China said Far Eastern countries should at once organise themselves into a union t< fight
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  • 73 1 INDIAN GOODS IN INDIAN SHIPS BEGINNING MADE NEW DELHI, July 11— India will hrrcaftrr send h»T cargoes to Australia in Indian ships. Inauguration of the India-Austra-lia Cargo S«'rvict i was marked by the sailing of S.S. Bombay, one of the two Canadian Victory ships recently purchased by the Government of
    GIIS  -  73 words
  • 42 1 NEW DELHI. July H.— Further to liberalise exports, the Government of India have decided to allow freely the export of sample of all kinds not exceeding Rs. 50 in value to all permissible destination* with- out hcciic<\— GIIS
    GIIS  -  42 words
  • 159 1 NKW IMIIII July 11— Nathuram V r iiia>ak Gods«\ who was recently s«n( r nct'd to death by the Kast Fun. j:ih Hiffh Ctmrt. has requested Mr Ganpat Rai, one of the defence counsels in Ihe Gandhi Murder Case, iu make »h* *'n«c«ssary arraiig:eniriils" t 0 appeal
    A.P.  -  159 words
  • 61 1 INTER-INDONESIAN CONFERENCE IN JOGJAKARTA JOGJAKARTA, July 11— An official Republican source said that an inter-Indonesian conference will siart in the Republican capital on July 20. according t<> An.t a th« i Dutch utws agency. Both Federalists an<i Republicans am-o that the conference should bo h^ld before fchey leave for Thu«
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 72 1 CALCUTTA, July 11.— Bihar police today announced the arr^t of Bhola Mandai. kading provincial Communist. The Communist leader ,was captured in a specially prepared shelter under a large hayytack In Assam Province on th« northeast frontier of Ind^a yesterday police arrested 40 of 100 strong band
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 73 1 PARIS. July 11.— A counciJ of ministert of tfcc m w Vietnam Govt headed by Bao Dni. former Empe. ror of Annam, will be held in Hanoi on July 19, Agence France Pr<\sse veport'd from Saigon The appointments of M. Souyen Van Tri as Governor
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 105 1 BANGALORE. July 11.— N^w gold [deposits hav<-' b^en discovered in iMyeore State. Giving this information to State A*f*emb!y, Bangalore, recently, the Minister for Finance, H. C. Dasuppa saia that the Ciovcrnormi-ni were negotiating with Messrs John Taylor and Co. who work four gold mines
    GIIS  -  105 words
  • 64 1 TRIVANDRUM, July 11. Mr. Pattom Thaiiu Pillai, former Pre. mie r of Travancore. stated here that "a strong anrl efficient Opposition Party was vita] to thi- good of lh«United State and for tbe progress of democracy". Mr. Thaftu Pillai has convened a conf>r«'nc«' of
    F.O.C.  -  64 words
  • 108 1 LONDON. July 11. -Political quarters here expect Chancellor ol the Exchequer Sir StarTord Cripps rn::ounce cuts in British dollar imports probably at the start ot Parliament s economic crisis debate on Thursday. The cuts are expected t. affect lobacco. petrol, processed canned food
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 45 1 INDO-PHILIPPINE CONSULAR EXCHANGES NFW DELHI, July 11— The For. *4gfit Ministry announced today InM* and the Philippine- will exchange Consuls-General in th«- first stop toward establishment of diplomatic relations. The question of establishing relations at a higher |€tH *v !l be studied, it added.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 48 1 CASABLANCA July 11 -Spanish and French authorities maintained a rigorous black-out today on lnckUnU reported to hav* broken out i n Spanish Morocco. <Lat«. last night Tel Aviv Radio itatod that 10.000 persons had risen against the Spanish Morocco authorities and that fierce fighting was Coins on). Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 145 1 DR. RADHAKRISHNAN INDIA'S ENVOY TO MOSCOW NEW DELHI, July 11— The Gov. ernment announced on Monday the appointment ot Dr. S. Radhakr.shnan, as India's Ambassador to Moscow. The sixty- oiit-year old South In il a n is India's leading philosopher and an Oriental Scholar. Pandit Nehru's selection of Dr lladhakrishnun
    Reuter; A.P.  -  145 words
  • 53 1 LONDON. 'JuIy 11.- Madame Sun Yat_sen, wid^w of the founder of th Chinese Republic, speaking in Shanghai ha* warned "imperialist who try t(» hamper our gigantic democratic upsurge" to "get out or they wiil be finished off." the Communist New China newe agency re. ported
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 42 1 BUENOS AIRES, July 11.— Me. uahem Begin, Commander-in_Ch»cf of the former Jewish terrorist organisation in Palestine. Irgun Zvai Leumi, arrived h«r« by air y«st«rday. Hr i.s th«- fourth important Israel to arrive h*-'re within a week Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
    • 127 1 CALCUTTA. July 11.— Calcutta police today disclosed that an unsuccessful bomb attack was made on Mr. Kalipad* Mukherjce. West Bengal's Home Minister, at Ifowrah, on the outskirts of the city last night. The police said that a croud believed to be cf Communists broke into a
      Reuter  -  127 words
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  • 731 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Tuesday, July 12, 1949. WELFARE OF MALAYAN LABOUR— II THOUGH, as already explained in our fir t article, in this series, Malaya is fortunately free from serious labour unrest of the sort that is being increasingly witH«£*«d in most countries of the world today, there us
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  • 271 2 ro Accommodate Rights Of Overseas Indians And Evacuees From Pakistan DRAFTING COMMITTEE TO HOLD SPECIAL SESSION ON JULY 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, July 11. The Drafting Commiilee of the Constituent Assembly is seriously considering amending suitably the Citizenship Clause of
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  • 192 2 DR. SITARAMAYYA OPPOSED TO IMMEDIATE ELECTIONS MADRAS, July 11— The Congress President, Dr. SRaramayya, has dismissed the suggestion to hold Immediate elections on the basis of the 1935 Act as "not only absurd bait impossible." The 1935 Act was "out of tune with present-day conditions. It was for this reason
    FOC  -  192 words
  • 822 2 All Tamils Settled In Ceylon Formed One Nation CEYLON NEWS: So Division Possible Between Indian 9 'Jaffna' Tamils Says Mr. Cheivanayakam JAFFNA, July 11. The controversy among the Tamils whether they should join in working the present Constitution or to ;iini at a Federal form of Government /with an autonomous
    FOC  -  822 words
  • 43 2 NAGPUR, India, July 11.— Twenty women and three children were washed away by flood waters in Barar (CentidF Province) on Friday last. The women were agricultural labourers returning home after dusk. Twelve of the bodies have been rccovered.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 98 2 TO DISCUSS INTRODUCTION OF DRASTIC CHANGES TO AGE-OLD ACTS NEW DELHI. July 11. A conference of representatives of all important municipalities in the country is proposed to* he convened in Delhi by December this ye-ar. The proposal, sp»n sored by Dr.
    FOC  -  98 words
  • 167 2 Adult Franchise Joint Electorates For Benares State Ruler Proclaims New Proclamation BENARES July 11.— The Maharaja of Benares has an. nounced a new Constitution which provides for elections in the State on the basis of adult franchise and joint electorates. ttv an ordinance, the Maharaja extended the term of the
    FOC  -  167 words
  • 158 2 Issue To Be Discussed J Enduing Committee MeeJ NEW DELHI, July 11.- A mass mtMi 1 immediate step to rehabilitate the ('o n v one of the items on the agenda of the 3 ing Committee meeting to be held here _J^ n Jim
    FOC  -  158 words
  • 94 2 Indo-French Ratification Of Chandernagore Referendum CHANDERNAGORE, July 1J The Governments of India and France are expected to issue a joint iiatement ratifying the results of the referendum on June 19 in Chanchinas on informed political quarters here said last night. This three-square-mite patch of French territory 20 miles north of
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 49 2 BUDAPEST, Hungary. July 11.Hungary's highest court confirmed Josef Cardinal Mindszenty's life prison term for treason on Saturday, but said he should Have been sentenced to death. The tappeals court president declared "there is not the slightest doubt" that the stubbornly antiCommunist Roman Catholic primate should huve horn «>vpn#f.<'H A.P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 106 2 ADMIRAL NIMITZ FED WITH KASHMIR MEDIATION TASK? LAM SICCKSS rB m«ral Ch<*t, r w JttU tiotls plebiscite adnv.V^B nat. for Ka>hnT '"s*m a paragraph about hJ^W m columnist D p w p"?, l^ cated column, irv *.^B bored-Admiral Ch.t^jl Jj'd up with m,d,at.n t h^l Pakistan d i>pu., a nd
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 109 2 KRNAKI'MM. Jul> IUT ln M cor« i 8 now connttted mtj, £J1 on time-channel telephone 0 system The releasing 0 -I additional channels invall-'dhj Posts and Ttltgraph* bt^rj between \llepp«y an( KrmknJ which uas gpkktmmi i-»j coming into being „n JuK IJ-3 United Statt of Travantore
    FOC  -  109 words
  • 115 2 Dravidian Federation Bent On Ousting Periyar's From Leadership (From Our Own Corre*po»d« MADRAS, July 11- Um| mombt-rs of th- Dravid;, K^jpi seen) determined **t fg rt;imaswamy should be c^^j* leadership without any overtures. P*riyar's d'^ns-^J U> proce^ with the mafia?' Manm AniiTiHiyar and «M listen t 0 any criticism h^i^J
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 94 2 9 I UMACH not benavmq huJi Comet it swiftly, safely surely' S||j What with? Why De Witts p|| i*LPr of course t^dj/ n ANTACID POWO"' Neutralises Acid Soothes itomach ffel/e^^^ Freedom From ,/j^ PAINImII HEADACHES j NEURALGIA -^l di '1 J MERYE PAINS /^S-C 1 RHEUMATIC PAINS X"jgOyJ SLEEPLESSNESS ,a.*^
      94 words

  • 153 3 iqiiidation Of Remnants Of Colonialism Essential For Asian Co-operation T ,5 1 BOLD HEW PROGRAMME 1 FM ASIANS" 77/ IDLBY 9 Massachusetts, July 11.—Carih I'hilippine Ambassador to the United 1 Lulaii m ht recommended that full inde"V nmnted to As
    A.P.  -  153 words
  • 98 3 Deadlock In SyrianIsrael Talks? MISIfMAR HAYARDEN, July 11 A last minute deadlock appeared n tl> Syrian -Israel armistice negotiations which continued on Sunday in No Man's Land, when Syrian* k«pt on insisting that an ar^a fiv* kilometre^ long around Samakh Pear Lak^ Tib«rias, should be demobilised hs well. It is
    A.P.  -  98 words
  • 213 3 Sentative Agreement Reached For Formation Of Pacific Union? IHSSIIIIi; RKSULTS OF QUIRING(WANG MEETING UNO, Philippines, July 11.— President Eipidio wi Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek opened Nrend da) of talks on formation of a common UainM Communism in the Far East. •fehlv informed source said the political phase Heeling was taken up
    A.P.  -  213 words
  • 86 3 SOFIA. BUIX3ARIA, July U. Planfl were announced for the Stalte funoral on Sunday of Premier Oeorgi Diniitrov, who died in Moscow. His body. ombaJm^d by the same Soviet scientists who preserved the body of Lenin, will be placed in a mausoleum following a funeral procession
    A.P.  -  86 words
  • 101 3 SOEKARNO TO HOLD FIRST CABINET MEETING BATAVLV July 11. Presiden. Soekarno's Republican Governmen of Indonesia, was due tn hold it& first Cabinet meeting last nigh, to grapple with the question of ceasefire arrangements the nex phase envisaged for implementing the Royen-Koem agreement which resulted in the re-establishment of the Republicans
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  • 89 3 General Sudirman, Commanderin-< hief of the Kepublican guerilla army returned to Jogjakarta ye&»-i«-rria\ from bis headquarters hid ien in Dutch held territory, says xn AP report. The General in a sickly coniition, unshav<'n, and clad in a olack uniform, wais carried into /ogjakarta residency by
    Reuter; A.P.  -  89 words
  • 113 3 NEW DELHI, July 11.— Ind'a toil ay \r faced with an economic paradox of high prices and unemployment, according to the "Economic Review" published by the AllIndia Congress Committee. The review said: "In the midst of soaring prices, here are signs of an economic depression. It is
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 80 3 CALCUTTA, July 11— Between 70 and 75 percent of urban Indian^ arc infected with tuberculosis, accord' ing to Dr. Sv«->nd K. Sv^ndsen, Danish leader of a team of Scandinavian doctors touring India to en. courage anti-tuberculosis vaccination Svendsen said that the 14-ycars-old were infected most So
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 34 3 MILAN, July 11.- Mr. Fazir Rahman, Pakistan Trade Minister, arrived here yesterdnv for a 24--hour inspect i-m of local industries. He met Italian jute manufacturers and toured the Brada and Tosi engineering works. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 188 3 DECISION ON INDIA'S STERLING DEMANDS UNLIKELY BEFORE C'WEALTH FINANCE MINISTERS TALKS U>N»ON, July 11.— A decisive stage in the talks between the Indian delegation and the lintish Ireasury for release of sterling and hard currencies during the coming year may not be reached until after the Commonwealth Finance Ministers meet
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 111 3 Asian Trade Union Confab In Peiping In November? MILAN, July 11.— The All-China federation of Labour yesterday propo^d to the World Federation of Trade jjnimi Congress here that i|n Asiatic trade uhiimi conference should ue held in Peiping next November. The Congress greeted the propo> rt j v; ith loud
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 463 3 AMERICANS LED AWAY BY FRENCH PROPAGANDISTS HO CHI MINH'S ALLEGATIONS PARIS, July 11.— Ho €hi Minh, leader of the Nationalists fighting the French in Indo-China, paid on Friday he is disappointed in America. Ho Chi Minh was quoted by the French new* agency in a Saigon despatch as saying in
    A.P.; Reuter  -  463 words
  • 279 3 WEIL WAIT AND SEE, SAYS PAK TUF SECRETARY KARACHI, July 11. Faiz Ahmad, General Secretary of the Pakistan Trade Union Federation, said here yesterday that Pakistan would "watch and wait jind decide later whether to join a World Federation of Trade Unions." Faiz Ahmad
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  • 62 3 LONDON, July 11. Bonn, the "Oxford" of West Germany, will probably be demilitarised when it becomes the seat of the emerging West German Government and of the three-pciwer Allied High Commission. g A British Fore'gn Office spokesman said Friday that American. British and frensh officials
    A.P.  -  62 words
  • 73 3 PARIS, July 11.— Mr K. V. Pudrnanabhan has taken over the position of First Secretary at the Indian Lmbassy in Paris, in place of Mr. D. N. Chatterjee, transferred t o the Office of the High Commissioner tor Inaia in London. Before his appointment
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  • 292 3 GENEVA, July 11. The first Asian regional conference of the International Labour Organization will be held in Ceylon in January 1950, according to a decision of the recently concluded 32nd annual International Labour Conference. The conference aiso recommended iuii participation 01 ILO
    USIS  -  292 words
  • 86 3 INDIA TO BAN IMPORTS FROM DOLLAR COUNTRIES? BOMBAY, July 11. India «s (V)iisiaoring a two-month rmbargo n imports from hard currency u-.eas, particularly dollar countries, according to usually \\< -11-inform* (1 ourccs h«Tc yesterday. The move would aim at con*tr/ing India's depleted hard curen cy reserves and reducing her ..avi-ist'
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 59 3 DR. L. C. VERM AN PARIS, July 11.— Dr. L. C. Ver nan, Director oi the Indian Stanlards Institution, has b<en H*cted vice-President of the International Organisation for Standardisation, now meeting in Paris, it was: announced yesterday. Dr. Verman has represented In_ lia on the 1.0.5. on both th<Jouncil and
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 A <BE3oC3^ 4E>oC3^ Oo<S6> -flOoO^ |£}o<3^ 4e)oGfr «E)oc~^ Ooi^ -*S>oO^^«M^o*4B^#K>«<&<VDo<S^^E>oe£XS> I Office: 5983 1' f Grams: "RUBINSURE" PHONES 5984 ißesd ***** I I INSURE AND BE SECURE RUBY GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED A" (Incorporated In India) 5 LIFE, MARINE, FIRE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE S.E. A. Divisional Office: 3, MALACCA STREET,
      97 words

  • 264 4 ALSO 2,600 RIFLES, 2,000 SHELLS 1,700 GRENADES GREAT BLOW TO BANDITS A chart just issued by the Federal Police Authorities in Kuala Lumpur giving figures of att firearms and ammunition found or recovered throughout all Malaya from
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  • 703 4 MASKED MEN ROB KONGSI OF CASH AND VALUABLES IN KULAI AREA 41 8 p.m. on July 8, four mashed bandits dressed in jungle-green and carrying .303 rifles robbed the occupants of a kongsi of cash, and goods valued at $212 in the tiulai area (Johore). Later, the bandits, who are
    Reuter  -  703 words
  • 290 4 Two-and-a-half months ago, 2,V10 house in kampongs of the Klanft district, Sdangor, had a totak of only 345 latries. Today, as a result of a vigorous kampong sanitation campaign, all but 100 houses, each hsts its own latrine. It is expected that the remaining 100 houses
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  • 79 4 IRAN'S REQUEST TO PAKISTAN FOR URGENT FOOD SUPPLIES KARACHI. July 11.- -The OoV«im. ment of Iran has requested Pakistan to ship immediately 6,000 tons of wheat and 2.000 tons of maize, urgently required because famine is threatened in the Iranian province of Seistan. It is stated that the famine results
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 79 4 We are pleased to announce that the marriage of Mr. M. M. Malai, B. Com. (Manager, Film Department, Gian £>ingh Co., Singapore, and eldest son of Mr. M. M. Muthuswa.ny Pillai, Miras^ar, AmmayanayaKanun with miss ;Nagaiauiinammai, daughter ci N. Narayana Pillai, Executive
    79 words
  • 125 4 HYDERABAD CITY, July 11.— Capt. E. B. Winkltr, the electrical engineer for the building of the *reat Sukkur barrage across the Indus river, died h«re last week after a heart attack ag^d 63 He was the chief engineer of th« Hyderabad Electric Supply Company Earlier this
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 125 4 Seats Reserved In Dhanbad School MALAYAN STUDENTS TO NOTE; FOR COURSES IN MINING AND APPLIED GEOLOGY NEW DELHI, July 11.— The Government of India have decided to reserve two seats in the Indian School of Mines and Applied Geology, Dhanbad, for students coming from the Commonwealth and foreign countries generally.
    GIIS  -  125 words
  • 186 4 NEW DELHI, July 11. —In response to the announcement by the Commander-in-Chief, Indian Army, offering prizes of Rs. 150/- each for the 12 best songs adaptable to military march music, a large number of entries have been received from all parts of
    GIIS  -  186 words
  • 160 4 AUMEDABAD, July 11— Mr K Santhanam, India** Minister of State for Transport and Railways, said here that full production of i in- motives in India would start with in a year. Their import from abroad would then stop, he added. H<* was replying to representations
    F.O.C.  -  160 words
  • 219 4 ALL AUSTRALIAN SEAMEN TO STRIKE TODAY SYDNEY, July 11.— A spokesman tor the Australian Seamen's Union s»id today that a 24-hour stoppage by all Australian seamen would be called to begin tomorrow morning as a protest against the imprison, nunt of Miners Federation officials and other Union officials for contempt
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  • 42 4 BAGHDAD. July 11. -Prince Regent Abdul Ilahi loft Baghdad by air on Saturday for London where he will stay for two months. The Prince will land at Alexandria where his wife Princess Friza will join him and accompany him to London.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 137 4 The Gandhi Memorial Fund Committee, Muar, held a meeting on July 2, at 13, Jalan Mejidi. withSri Chelliah John in the chair, and Dr. Joseph was una.ii nously elected President of the Committee in place of Sri, Sathappan
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  • 206 4 Pakistan Prepared To Help Britain In Dollar Crisis LONDON, July 11— Mr. Cihulam Mohammed. Pakistan Finance Minister, told Reutcr yesterday thai 'Pakistan was fully alive to the situation that had arisen "i n re. ;ard to dollars and is prepared to co-operate in tackling the problems that face the sterling
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 45 4 LONDON, Jul- 11.— A. H. Kardar Oxford University and Indian Test all-rounder, has been selected to replace Wilf Wooller for the Gentlemen against the Players at Lords on July 13, 14 and 15. The Glamorgan captain was unable to accept the invitation to play.— Reuter
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  • 67 4 IMF's Asian Office Established In Bombay ■SFusaSS as,* op-gM hl> offi(,. recently t0 > Jf n working O f fl^ x^ *ry Fund, h Qj adviser on \*A\ d 3 »c>r > IM.F. InCUr < aSai>i Mr. Shf-noy fan* taking an inc He monetarv nil!, -W 1 aasi; monetary and
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 41 4 INTANI7T.RPB CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF CHICKEN Jk W^^ i- k, P*easii?i «nu Lasily Ui K ested. «s#». i\ es No ri shment Rapidly and Effectively imiulairs a Convalescent to make a Complete 1 and Rapid Recovery. 1 Agents: F. A. BARTHO^QMEUSZ LTD.
      41 words
    • 115 4 SHIRInI Wrtay Only: 645 BAGDAD-mii" TI "S.°/.£™ ."""'■"sa,^.,, DIAMm TODAY OXLV »i •>•!.), 6.15 and 'i 15 u ■atfaS kanW\ (Hindustani! TOMORROW 1 BUNGA ANCGERa (Malay 1 t I I IMIMUM TODAY 2 SHOWS At 3.15 and 8.00 p.m. Columbia's Complete Serial 'The Monster The Ape' 50 cts. $1.00 to
      115 words