Indian Daily Mail, 9 July 1949

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail. W >:.. V. NO. 148. SIMi.APORE, SATURDAY, JLLY, 9, 1949. SIX PAGES 10 CENTS.
    16 words
  • 89 1 Hindu Mahasabha Secretary's New Moves itiKll MOT. MAY HOT PROCEED G. Ueshpwde, General-Secretary tu MahasaDlui, interviewed the two pn. to death u» me Mahatma Gandni murder gh 'Court on June \l\ confirmed tire er i >»urt m iJeini condemning .Nainuram A pu 10
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 56 1 Fresh Order Served On Dr. Parchure i un. i ill irchure i nil. i Jail, ioi an uuniiiiii*' tftfi* J arctiui e i '.ikt'n to vw: acquitted ii, i U num. niurinjab iiiiih detained i Punjab on Jun« -I Narayan tia v, jii*n io ru< iii in to 111 l';iVr
    FOC  -  56 words
  • 69 1 India To Open Cottage Industry Show Rooms Abroad B the i.nv- decided to I i'« Ml- of tOtI ii twitable I (I Europe. New I ol i\k centres. I Jlcl'e I I under tiv I Trade d c< n. H orders on the H on a, tht maI ul lii-
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 34 1 U.S. VICE-CONSUL IN SHANGHAI STILL HELD INCOMMUNICADO I US. Vic \U was h< Shanj;tfforta ot foni hij Wife QsulaW igh the R<-d yerance *"d 500 Chi. v the U.S. »rriin 'heir for< the A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 79 1 WORLD BODY FOR CO-ORDINATION OF ENGINEERING ORGANISATIONS (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, July 8.— The setting up oi a World Organisation toi w v»oi a mating and regulating tne activities oi all existing aa W»U as future International Engineering Organisations lias b^n recommenu'<i oy A. N. Knosla, Chairman oi tn«
    79 words
  • 124 1 SCHEME FOR GIVING TRAINING TO TEXTILE MILLS EMPLOYEES (From Our Own Correspondent) AHMED AlfAP, July 8.— Mr. Gul/anial Nanda, Labour Minister ot Bombay Government who is on a tour-day visit to Ahmcdabad is dis. cussing with the M>llowners Association the scheme prepared by the Special Committee of the Provincial Labour
    124 words
  • 68 1 NEW DELHI, B.— A trade agreement between India and Egypt, signed on May 5, has been approved oy both Government^, the Indian Minister for Commerce announced .i iv yesterday. Under tn« agreement, India will aiiport six commodities, including iico and cotton, to th»- value ot during
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 79 1 The Governments of the Federation of Malaya and the Colony of Singapore have decided that the stock position now permits the removal of sugar from the list of rationed items with effect from July 11, 1949. Ration card holders may, therefore, purchase whatever quantity of sugar
    79 words
  • 92 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) SIMLA, July 8.— Buses will P»y for the first time In Simla where the only means of conveyance till now lau been ti*e traditional drawn ov hardy men from adjoining areas The inaugural ceremony ol the bus service started
    92 words
  • 64 1 NINE COMMUNISTS KILLED NEAR ASSAM BORDER Rangoon. July B.— Government troops killed nine Ownmun«ita and wound'd 40 in a two-hour attack on a Communist band near Indaw, a railway town 100 mild oast of the Assam border, an Army coramuni.ji u -aid tonight. Government forces rescued several policemen after successful
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 59 1 LONDON. July B.— Foreign b< petary Ernest Bevin has invitea Kins' Abdullah of Jordan t 0 visit him in London. King Abdullah has acc-pted and will piobably fly l London in the ftr»i wrek of August. A Foreign Office spokesman mains the announcement tonight re.
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 50 1 INDO- PAKISTAN MILITARY TALKS ON KASHMIR NEW DELHI, July 8.- -Pakistan India Lave both ftOCcpt d th«* imitation of the Unifd NationCommission for Kashmir to attend military coHf«f**C€ at Karach 11 learned here today. According to informed circle. thf conference is likely to be he-Id o'i Reuter i vil^y 14.—
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 48 1 LONDON, July 8. -Th« Pakistan High CommiesK>ncr, Mr. Habib Rahimtoola, will inspect the Pakistan flagship, HMIS Jheium, at Portsmouth today, after her relit at it th a rap ton. Mr. Rahimtoola will call on Admiral Sir Algernon W»llis, C-in-C, Portsmouth, before the inspection. Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 40 1 Afghanistan Agrees To Joint Commission Investigation KARACHI, Jul> B.— Th< Affthanistan Government ha^ accepted tin* Pakistan Government's invitation for a joint Commission to investigate a bombing: incident near th*' Aefhan-Pakistan border <»n June 12th it was officially announced A.P. Tuesday.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 190 1 Socialist Party's Suggestion To Combat Communist Menace In Hyderabad SCHEME FOR REDISTRIBUTION OF LANDS AND RESETTLEMENT OF BOUNDARIES IN WARANGAL AND NALGONDA DISTRICTS (From Our Own C«rr*»s»pondent) HYDERABAD, July 8. Resettlement of boundaries and legitimate redistribution of lands in Warangsl and Nalgonda of the Stale are some of the suggestions
    190 words
  • 401 1 THOROUGH SEARCH OF PREMISES EFFECTED SYDNEY, July 8. Uniformed State Police and Commonwealth investigation officers raidel Marx House, headquarters of the Australian Communist Parly, in Sydney early today. After three and a half hours search, a security officer said "We have something we have
    Reuter  -  401 words
  • 29 1 ETHIOIMA RATIFIES U.N. CONVENTION ON GENOCIDE LAKE SUCCESS. July 8— The U.N. renounced on Wednesday that Ethiopia is the first country to ratify the CN. Convention outlawing renocldc- A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 136 1 BANGALORE INSTITUTE PLAN TO FORTIFY RICE WITH VITAMINS BANGALORE. July B— Th e In. dian Institute oi Science, Bangalore. *iil shortly undertake pilot plant experiments on fortification of ric« ..nil vitamins. The Institute claims t o have evolved a process of formication which s superior to those in vogue in
    GIIS  -  136 words
  • 60 1 WASHINGTON. July 8. —President Truman has no intention oi visiting Europe later this year, he announced yesterday. Asked at his weekly pies>r- coiix^. rence about reports from Euro^ that he was consiu ring such a n.p Mr. Truman saw he nad not aua.u
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 191 1 STATE OF EMERGENCY TO BE DECLARED IN BRITAIN? LONDON DOCK SINKS SEQUEL LONDON, July S.— The King is to be asked to issue a proclamation 01 a state of emergency in Britain if the London dockstoppa^e is not settled by Monday morning:, James Chuter Ede, British Home Secretary, announced today.
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 210 1 GOVT. TO ACCEPT WORKERS' "CHALLENGE" COLOMBO. July B— Mr. D. S. Senanayakc. Premier «f Ovlon said today that the Government was ready to accept "the challenKt" of trade unions which had called tdken strikes on the rubber and W'a estates. "If
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 37 1 BEIRUT. Ltcanon. July n. Anton Saad-h. President the <»ut law»--d Syrian National Pmrty \\ii~ executed b- a firing squad morning, after b«'ing sentenced in i ni{4ht m a ftCTet court martial. AP
    AP  -  37 words
  • 36 1 AMBALA. July 3.— The *>• bicycle manufacturer, Lionel Brans, who left Pai>> 01, a world tour on bicycle «in November lact arrived in Jullundur in East Punjab on July 5.— GIIS
    GIIS  -  36 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 8 1 INDIAN 3ALM PAiN Way". I rei Mi/ EIOAD
      8 words
    • 71 1 REGULAR FRESH ARRIVALS Obtainable at ATTPA 1. Khalaa Trad- AIIA ing Co., 277, New Bridge Road. f*^^/f/ 2. Ra m Jit G t? r a r: goon H^^M Road. Ar. San* *»tDM*& vision bnop.-. THE UNITED AGENCIES 124, OWEN ROAD SINGAPORE Phone: 4385 MALAYAN AIRWAYS BANGKOK via V E N
      71 words

  • 670 2 Indian Daily News Singapore, Saturday, July 9, 1949. NOTES COMMENTS A TRAGIC CONTRAST r'OD hai been most hb-ral in His gifts to Malaya. She gets plenty <)) i.i n and sunshine throughout ftr; she always wean a mantle iii green win U In most other court. a n heavier rainfall,
    670 words
  • 326 2 Spec ial Measures To Ensure Registration Of Cey lonese In Malaya Senanayake Govt. In Communication With Malayan Authorities CEYLON CITIZENSHIP ISSUE CLARIFIED COLOMBO, July B.— Who is a citizen of Ceylon? The position has been clarified in an official communique issued here. It states: (a) A person born before November
    FOC  -  326 words
  • 151 2 BOMBAY, July B —The threeman Inquiry Committee »H up by the Government of India to report on conflicting claims to the gaddi of the Sirohi Stair recorded evidrncc h« rr of the present occupant of the faddl, Maharaj Toj Singh.
    FOC  -  151 words
  • 74 2 Jute Export To Hard Areas NEW DELHI, July 8.- -In view ot tho new jute crop being 50 per cent above the crop in 1948-49, trie Government of India have decided that exports to hard currency countries during 1949-50 will be allowed without licensing restrictions. A decision regarding exports to
    GIIS  -  74 words
  • 79 2 MADRAS. July 8. The Working Committee of the Madras Provincial Muslim League has decided not to set up candidates for the ensuing local boards elections in the province. The committee .however, authorized its President. Mr. Ismail, to constitute ad hoc district committees far
    FOC  -  79 words
  • 61 2 BOMBAY, July x. 12-seatei Trench aircraft, th" twin-prrrinrd "SO-95," Is now heinu touted tm iim* in India's internal air routes. By arrangements with the Gov eminent Aircraft Manufacturing Company in France, an Indian ;urline. the "Air Services of India, f; •s now making a series
    FOC  -  61 words
  • 67 2 NEW DELHI July B— The Government of India hav«- decided to appoint a committee to suggest measures to tnfTf ici exports. HH9 rommitte" will particularly b<?ar in mind the nt*-d *<> step up pxportc- to hard currency areas and to remove obstacles in 'matters of price,
    GIIS  -  67 words
  • 116 2 ROMBAY, July B.— About 800 students ol the Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute, Bombay, came out of their classes on July 4, launching an "indefinite strike." Thc 00-year-old institute grants diplomas arrri leck-noio al certideaied in necl^ajlical engineering, textile manufacture, electrica'l engineering and technical chemistry. Last
    FOC  -  116 words
  • 345 2 PLEA BY MR. C. PONNAMBALAM JAK.sA, July B.— The Go velnment should renovate and maintain Hindu shrines of arch aeo logical and historical interest in the same way as it looked af ter Buddhist temples of similar \,r ii. U !i ged
    FOC  -  345 words
  • 73 2 BATTICALOA, July 8— Prayer meetings on the model initiated by Maliatma (*andhi are being held oyery Friday at KallacU, Uppodai. The programme includes devotional songs and talks on Hindu religion. Mr. Thiruvilangnin supplies religious literature free, while a committee consisting of Mr. S. Ambalavaner,
    FOC  -  73 words
  • 69 2 'DANCING HELPS DEVELOP PERSONALITY JAFFNA, July -Three graces. were essential for the development of human personality, said Mr. A. Sambandan in W*lcoimng Mr. K. S. Arulnandhy, acting Director of Education. t 0 the Jaffna School of Dancing. They were he added, bodily grace, brains, and God's grace. Mr. Arulnandhy assured
    FOC  -  69 words
  • 86 2 Self Sufficiency In Medicines. SRiNAGAR, July 8 To ittake Kashmir sell-sufficient in medicines, a five-year scheme i> to be launched for the expansion of the Drug Research Laboratory in Srinagar. For this purpos", new machinery is tc be n. ported from America and other foreign countries and manufacture of cholera
    GIIS  -  86 words
  • 89 2 BOMBAY, July B.— A twentyeight member Indian team, which will take part In the World Physical Culture Congress and the Llngiad Festival at Stockholm, sailed tor Europe on July 4. According to the Press Trust oi India, it will give demonstrations in Indian games
    GIIS  -  89 words
  • 148 2 indian mm id te AS DEWAN SBORlgn NEW DKLHI. July K._'lI U :ipi )ln Civilian Oflker as the Dewin of S I iialions between the Maharaja and th. following internal disturbance ana ai tne request oi the Manu; ..n Indian Political Officer at &ikturn took over tne toministration ji
    A.P.  -  148 words
  • 149 2 VIZZY" THE BIG GAME HUNTER BOMBAY, July B.— The Mahara JJfkumar of Vijayanayaram is prouably the most successful big game hunter in India. His 'bag' comprises 21!) tigers, 100 pantners, 7 bisons, one rnirn, and over 100 bears. The Maharaj akumaT -"Vizzy" to cricket fans who captained the Indian test
    FOC  -  149 words
  • 5 2 "■Mi* laoo Ui FOC
    FOC  -  5 words
  • 43 2 Contraband Opium Seized AiMBAL M •jp.uin. v. Bl aas ai. I I nas be< i at Cnandic I irom I rtoad jas being >n a pillow oeen arrest a. a monUi i| H polici >j] C4>iu I i.;>'mm, to un intrrra' smuggler FOC
    FOC  -  43 words
  • 36 2 Prisoners' Hunger Strike In Hyderabad "WJERABAD I Sixty pr m gar jail nnrtnra^ h H < n nun-' cording I of tii- tfydera I Party. whQ striki 1 Uad I test agaii H Man" ol tl FOC
    FOC  -  36 words
  • 271 2 REITERATES DETERMINATION TO GO AHEAD WITH PROPOSED MARRIAGE (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, July S.— Periyar Kaniaswami in a special later view with the INDIAN DAILY MAIL Correspondent yesterdav reiterated his firm determination to proceed with the marriage vilh Srimathi Mani Ammaiyar despite
    271 words
  • 107 2 CALICUT, Malabar, July B.— The hills and dales of Malabar, on the M>uth-Wesl coast of India, are reported to he rick in iron deposits. Travellers and explorers on Geological expeditions have reported finds oo* iron ore or stone in appreciable quantities in th' hinterland near
    FOC  -  107 words
  • 99 2 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION FOR BANGALORE BANGALORE, July 8. -Bailgaiot< is to hav e a municipal corporation. A Bill providing for thit: has been passed in the Mysore Legislative Council. The proposed corporation is el in cud to conic into being «arly n«xi year and will serve a population ol '00,000 spread
    FOC  -  99 words
  • 83 2 NEW UNITED HIGH COURT'S AT ERNAKULAM INAUGURATED if-rom Our Oun M EKNAKL'LAM, High -CW J tUjamannar, nuu;^ j.i-n Court ol ib« W l>avanc<»r« ind D *M tcnU) •mpiia-hid tli K m MKli-pt-iKlnit ju«i»fiijr» IwUcc lUj.imi »'uri .tend the «a»ti >' I Krishna IMlai Nrt* ministered ti'« eight other Pw* Jj
    83 words
  • 10 2 Goanese Leader's Death Report Denied I I I It FOC
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 D. I. MADRAS/NEGAPATAM OTRAITB Ll INWARDS "Madras l Rajula IU.VW Rajula 13.8 Rajula 7J.49 OUTWARDS n f iU Spore P Sham Rajula ~trT49 Rajula 31.7.49 18 19 Rajula 20.8.49 26.5.49 Rajula 1'J.9.49 20.9 pbucimi ISLA^, KERK Co. 1^ rKI 11. COLLYKK IHJAI And JlSflSijcß W l S V A^nts:- KUALA
      54 words

  • 705 3 wq Need For Any Controversy Says Dr. Prasad I.FFICULTIES IN TRANSLATION OF Uh DRAFT OF CONSTITUTION ANALYSED NEW DELHI, July s. President of the Constituent Assenu ith ihc I'TI on the controversial lan^u- hi- view that the difference between s not so
    FOC  -  705 words
  • 168 3 NEW YORK. July B.— Domestic distrust -of India- Government is partly due t o "the fact that there is no solid, well-organised comparable opposition," the New York Times in an editorial said Tues. day. The newspaper said recmt news dispatches had
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 69 3 LONDON, July 8. The Emir Sayyed Mohamed Idris El-Mahdl El-Senussi, 59-year-oTd blackbearded leader of a quarter ot a million Senussi Arabs of Cyrenaicia, is visiting London next week for consultations with the British Government. In May Britain recognised trie Emir as head of a Cyrenaican
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 23 3 WASHINGTON. July 3. President Truman will male two speeches at Chicago on July 19 in connection with the National Shrines (Masonic) Convention. A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 3 Miss Mehroo Davor, 24, of Bombay, is holding an exhibition of her paintings at the International Languages Club, Croydon, London. The exhibition also features saulptures by .vlr. (juiani Jeiani of Hyderabad india, and wi|s opene^June 27 by Croydcfn's Mayor, Lt.-Col. C. ii- Xiibson. Photo shows: Vanity" a study in (bronze
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 284 3 Set Up A College Of Music In Ceylon INDIAN INVESTIGATOR'S SUGGESTION COLOMBO, .July 8. Establishment of a Central Institute of Music for Sinhalese and Tamil is one of the main recommendations in the report to the Postmaster.General by Prof. R. Srinivasan after a fortnight's probe into the working of Colombo
    FOC  -  284 words
  • 58 3 Ll( KNOW, (United Provinces). July This ancient Indian city has just announced a "Greater Lucknow" project, estimated to cost Rs. lo».oou.oo"». Under the proposed scheme, th« present municipal limits <>f Lucknow will be extended by live miles and the city will be divided into slix zones— governmental,
    FOC  -  58 words
  • 1005 3 INDIAN DELEGATION CITES INSTANCES NEW I>ELHI, June 28 (By Air Mail).— The Indian Dele, gation to the Karachi Conference on evacuee property, which returned to Delhi yesterday, is reported to have strongly pro. tested to the Pakistan delegation against numerous serious breaches of
    FOC  -  1,005 words
  • 78 3 BOMBAY, July B.— The Government of Bombay has decided to open schools of art at Ahmedabad, Poona and Dharwar or Belgaum. This implements the recommendation of the Committee appointed by it in 1946 to go into the question of "development of art education
    GIIS  -  78 words
  • 65 3 WASHINGTON. July B.— A military mission from Thailand will visit United States Army and Air Force bases during the next two weeks, the National Military Establishment announced on Tuesday. The purpose of the tour, the announcement said, is to observe army and air organisation,'training and
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 32 3 KARIKAL. July 8. Mr. R. Lakshmanan, an Indian, has been expelled fr<ftm the French Settlements on the ground that his presence in French India i* undent- rmble FOC
    FOC  -  32 words
  • 143 3 BOMBAY, July B.— The culture of Arabian countries had exerted a great influence on India in the past, Mr. B. K. Kher, Premier of Bombay, said here. Mr. Kher was speaking at a reception held in honour ol Mr. Yusuf Abdullah Fozan, Consul
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 82 3 BOMBAY, July 8. India produced 1,563,745 tons of cemem during the half year ending June, it was learned here. Cement production in India La expected to reach a new level this year. Spokesmen of the industry estimated the output at over 3,125,000 tons. Twenty-eight new cement plants,
    FOC  -  82 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 120 3 MM 3 w m^ 1 |4 l^fcfc, At 1 dßov Mkm—A Wi^F Piles is a dangerous and paiuful disease, barly treatment always is advisable. Mr. LAU KIM PING has spent many years in very careful study of this disease. He discovered an effective remedy for it. No operation is accessary.
      120 words

  • 263 4 Four- Anna Membership Of Congress To Be Revived Issue To Be Discussed At Working Committee Meeting On July 16 COMPLETE REORGANISATION OF BODY LIKELY NEW DELHI, July B.— The question of revival of the four anna membership of the Congress is expected to come up during the forthcoming meeting of
    FOC  -  263 words
  • 130 4 INDIAN GOVT. TO IMPORT MORE FERTILISERS (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY. July 8.— The Bureau of Economics and Statistics of the Government of Bombay has announced there ar e about 258,000 refugees under the category of "displaced persons" in Bombay Province. A census of refugees was carried out between Oct.
    130 words
  • 360 4 Turkey Is Swinging Back Towards Islam Tamizuddin Khan KARACHI, July B.— Tamiz iu idin Khan, President of the Pakistan Constituent Assembly, reports "a definite swinjj back towards Islam" in Turkey. "Turkey is a powerful state a» d the people are proud Muslims as well as proud Turks/' said Tamiztiddin Khan,
    AP  -  360 words
  • 74 4 LONDON, July 7.— Over 8,600 dockers idle in the por t of London were today joined by 250 more as a protest against "military intervention by soldiers called in to unload loodehips. Ntws of the spreading of the stoppage came a few hours after 300 Scots and
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 75 4 The Gun Clubs Of Poona POONA, July 8. Farmers in the western parts of Poona District are organising "Gun Clubs" to protect their crops and cattle from wild animals. Fifty-nine "gun clubs," each with a membership of 15 marksmen, have been organised: and more are being formed. Members are supplied
    FOC  -  75 words
  • 86 4 BRITISH PLASTIC SURGERY EXPERT FOR U.P. LUtJKNOW. July B. —Col. Pceth, well known plasrtic surgery expert from Britain, is being appointed by the U.P. Government to deliver a series of lectures on plastic surgery at the Agra and Lucknow Medical Colleges, it is learnt. Col. Peeth will be atttched to
    FOC  -  86 words
  • 68 4 WOMAN APPOINTED U.S. MINISTER TO LUXEMBOURG WASHINGTON, July 7 The United States Senate Tuesday approved the nomination of Mrs. Perle Mesta as Minister to Luxembourg The only opposition to the appointment of the wealthy friend of President Truman came from Senator Forrest C. Donneil, who gave a lound, vigorous ''no"
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 78 4 India's Food Deficit To Be Wiped Out In Two Years (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY. July 8. The Ccnference of Secretaries of Agriculture decided on a plan to wipe out India's food deficit of 4,000,000 tons in two years, it was learnt in Delhi. It has been planned to produce
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  • 77 4 HYDERABAD, July B.— The Government of Hyderabad has constituted a three-man court to try Kasim Razvi, Former Razakar leader. J. A. Pinto (Indian Christian) is the President of this Court. The other two are Mir Ahmed Alim Khan (Muslim) and Jagannath Rao (Hindu) The trial
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 4 PHOTO Photo shows: Miss Mehroo Daver's (Bombay) study from the EUora Caves at Auvrangahad near Hyderabad, India one of the exhibits at the' Daver-Jalani display at Groydon, London. A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 624 4 SELF SUFFICIENCY URGED AS ONLY REMEDY NEW DELHI, July B.— A sombre picture of the Indian economic scene was drawn by Mr. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar, member of the Constituent Assembly and Secretary of^ the Congress Assembly Party, at a meeting of the party's study circle
    FOC  -  624 words
  • 17 4 MADRAS ASSEMBLY ADJOURNS MADRAS. JUI] I July 2 after re r j tlsement Tai Select Co.:- FOC
    FOC  -  17 words
  • 876 4 India Emerges On Road To A Secular Democracy Nation's Multi-Faced Problems Being Solved Effectively FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT BOMBAY, July B.— The problem of communal minorities, the bane of Indian politics for decades, is being effectively solved under the aegis of the national government. Political parties on religious and communal
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 38 4 by Stomach Trouble? [TStJF/ Get speed* relief the «t>E WITT'S' I \ij£^ W^L?? d Ut fOT a lin now. one I •pamftftl to a KUt& of water and r\l I •HY PrtitD. dut tick feeling has gone. X^^^^Z-^
      38 words

  • 442 5 yfl« Delegates Complaint Before r utf Economic Council Meeting fair Disposal Of Surpluses I -India 3 esterday complained positive kind has yet been taken situation of the world." larkar. Economic Adviser at the xternal Vilairs. told the econplHit d Nations Economic
    Reuter  -  442 words
  • 112 5 I BENGAL FAMINE WILL BE M EDiATE MEASURES ARE SOT T\KEN" I food position of Bast Bengal "is well Minister for Food, R. S. M. Afzal told in day, 103,006 lons of <;rain were beintf augmonth from abroad, and the Governveri any deierioraiion in
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 26 5 Three International Conferences In India Three inwill in* Feb., vxa. 'ill ()1 !i on Tho Endia ol the this HydrauCl Ml n nd tb. I A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 22 5 The r My of "t-rjep, on the 1 toll r d l:or 'y c filed in pc Terv A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 3 5 the Council A.P.
    A.P.  -  3 words
  • 107 5 CALCUTTA, .inly 8. Calcutta's police administration lias "definitely deteriorated" during the last two v-v three years. Mr. Satyanarayan Sinha. Indian Minister of State, told Keuter yesterday. Mr. Sinha is here to study the West Bengal situation on behalf of Premier Pandit Nrhru.
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 168 5 U.N. COMMISSION ORDERED OUT OF N. KOREA SEOUL, July 8. CcMiimunist North Korea's "democratic front" yesterday ordered the United Nations Commi&sioti on Korea to get out at once. liie message wa.s delivered in the ordinary mail. Mail is exchanged once a week ai the 38tn raranci wiiicn divides Red Korea
    A.P.  -  168 words
  • 82 5 TniCHINOPOLY. July 8. The famous "Teppakulam" tempio tank in th«" centre of Trichy will be convorU'd into a swimming pool. Th<- Trichy Municipal Council is shortly taking over the control of the tank from the temple authorities and carrying out urgent repairs
    FOC  -  82 words
  • 278 5 CHINA "Before the anti -Japanese war u national crisis was so serious i entire nation was in inger of being subjugated Dy Ja e imperiAlisto. Dorlv b the Communist Party and other advanced patriots the Chinese people forced the Kuomintang Government
    Reuter  -  278 words
  • 46 5 LIMITED REMITTANCES FROM ADROAD ALLOWED SHANGHAI Jul.\ 8. Limited remittance! Of Morn--, iroivi abroad today w«r« r«3um«*a »n Shanghai alter the Communiftf banned such money movements earlier in the However, only US$5OO cash pay. a.olc h«r«- n. Communist money j s permitted. Any balance, n^detl by
    46 words
  • 59 5 LUC KNOW. July B.— About. 7.000 college studenta received compulsory military training in tne United Provinces last year. This year, 15.000 students are undergoing military training in the province. Tne United Provinces Government is planning fhe extension of this scheme of compulsory military training ior
    FOC  -  59 words
  • 53 5 LONDON. July 8. The death of Sir Eciwin Pascoe, a former director of tne Geological Survey of India, was announced here yesterday. fc>ir Edwin, who was 71, joined thGeological Survey of India in 1905 and became its director in IU2I Up ru-ld the lattt-r post
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 24 5 NEW YORK, July B.— Erin Joshua a feath< rweight from Calcutta, outpointed Bobby Bell, of Youngstown. Ohio, ovt'r »ix rounds here last ni»ht Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 159 5 BANGKOK, July 8— Political Jobblery b> a iron* ot bt*h armj oliiccrs engaged in coup d'etat politics had provoked Thailand's career army oflicer* to a point ol revolt, said Nai Khuang Aphaiwongae, former Premier, in the Lower House delate on policy yesterday. Khuang.
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 139 5 JOGJAKARTA, July B— An agreement on g cease-fire order to the InoVttiTsran Gii~rnl!as within two weeks was predicted today hv »iia:.iniej tvccm, chairman oi th s'*5 i -'p'p^ iti-i-i 4 n" iv% c mted Nations Commission. Republicans were unwilling to
    A.P.  -  139 words
  • 65 5 POLICE GUARD ON ALL JAPANESE MINISTERS TOKVO. July B.— The Japanese Government yesterday ordered a police xuard on all cabinet ministers following the death yesterday of Sada-rori Shimayama. the state railway chair nun. Police headquarters announced" earlier that a "Repatriates Blood League had last week threatened ,to assassinate Shimayama- whose
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 35 5 NAIKOBi. July B.— Mr V G Matthews, a former Controller oi Imports and Supplies In Kenya. has been appointed Financial Secretary. Mr. Matthews had had a long Government service In India Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 19 5 f r< ign ftmifl to operate, is payable bv cneque which authorized cank ur<- torbiddtn to cash.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 5 Photo. Mr. Liaquat Jib Khan. Pakistan Prim*- Minister, i> seen in the pictu c addressing a Miitii of Kashmiri refugees at Wail during his recent tour of Rawalpindi.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 233 5 CAIX-SLit-MONIREI July ft.— AtMtrslt* must iu>w regard herself as a Patifij nation wi :i the destiny Of uniting the peoples of the East, Mr. Gordon WLs said i I the Moral Rearmament World Assembly here yesttrd-iy. "11l tho past we Austi-
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 362 5 5,000 DIABETICS Wanted To Write To-Day For FREE BOOKLET which explains in simple language how DIABETES is CURABLE WITHOUT INJECTIONS, FASTING OR DIETING. Venus Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 587, Calcutta, India. GANDHI ASTROLOGER t Health. wealth, journey <.>tc, lurky numbers, days by monthly details I year $4. Weekly $12. Five
      362 words

  • 42 6 BANGALORE, July B— Dr C. V. Raman, the Indian Scientist, left lor Washington on Tuesday to atuiifl the nu«Ung; of the Advisory Committee of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development commencing on July 18. GIIS
    GIIS  -  42 words
  • 111 6 AN ENCOURAGING START, SAYS APPEAL COMMITIEE CHAIRMAN Sir Han Hoe Lint, the Chairman of the University of Malaya Singapore Fund Appeal Committee, announces that the following firms and individuals have promised to make the very generous donations specified against their names. It
    111 words
  • 84 6 Army Canning Factory To Produce Police Rations Production started on Thursda> 'July t) of 10,000 23 hours army ration pacxts for the use of Malayan Police on anti-bandit operations. The packs are being canned by the R.A.S.C. at their canning factory at the main supply depot at Kuala Lu.npur. They
    84 words
  • 4 6 T'v- I'm, I
    4 words
  • 680 6 MNIC 's New Draft Constitution CONCLUDED Following are the concluding Articles of the new draft constitution of the proposed "Malayan National Indian Congress": ARTICLE AVIi— FINANCE 1. Tne Finances of the Congress shall be centrally pooled and conjucted by the Wonting Committee. rill subscriptions ana donations anall De sent to
    680 words
  • 542 6 RAILWAY BRIDGE NEAR BIDOR DAMAGED ONE FOOT LONG CUT UNDER RAIL DISCOVERED At 8 a.m. on July 8, railway bridge No. 602 between TJ>. 153.12 and 153 13 near Bidor (Perak) was found to have been damaged. A cut, one foot long, six incites deep and six inches wide was
    542 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 284 6 NOTICE JT is hereby Informed that M/s. K.. N. bulemian Co. of 103 Kiileny Koad Jsmyapore dealers in provisions and patent medicines, agreed to seu their aoovt juu^niesi> including t>tocK-in-Trade to tiie undersigned wno will take riiurye oi tne same on July 10. ly-±y. bo, tnose who have any transactkxns
      284 words
    • 152 6 "I I iitliiiri' I 111 II .lliltiilii|ii|illiiliiaiilii|!iliilliliii:;i. i i i i i i i i t t on v a i TODU j TO-MORROW SUNDAY 3 SHOWS AT 1.30, 5.15 AND MS Ml j A Combination Entertainment To Please All .Indian >. I Nothing Like It Ever Before! I ifrl£lKoßl
      152 words
    • 9 6 SHIRiiB Starriiic:- t.^V S.i'Kun" 51 11 1 TFi j
      9 words