Indian Daily Mail, 2 July 1949

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 4n(liatt jJatlg 4Hatl VOL. V. NO. 141. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1949. SIX PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 138 1 havancore Ruler Installed As First Rajpramukh I ABSOT AT FUNCTION I roiu Our Own Correspondent) ily I.— A salute of 21 tfuns heralded the lU'd Stale Of Travancore and Cochin Legislature Council. The ceremony began the (Oven ant between the Rulers* of both
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  • 83 1 CALCUTTA. July 1. Police today arrested 70 people and seized "large quantities of unauthorised arms and ammunition" in a pro-vince-wide drive against "lawless elements" in West Bengal. The Government launched tht drive to round up demonstrator^ responsible for recent disturbances in Calcutta. West Bengal had nearly
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 203 1 I p regret v ing down I «d h I nj heg oi th« who «ii-t gtep I i doubt |i keenly <>v*-s I uf nc d and B iii' nt for B i union B predominance, B :•>' -i" 1 B would b« h»
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  • 84 1 Fight Out Election Under Adult Franchise Savs Ashoka Mehta (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, July I.— Mr. Ashoka Mehta, Indian Socialist leader, said hen* the people of India will never accept fresh flections under the existing ruie s which is limited and Diotheaten. He was commenting on press reports that
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  • 114 1 KARACHI. July I.— All British officers, txoept some technicians and staff officers, art' to leave the Pakistan Army by the end of next ><ar, it was announced h**re yesterday. The announcement said the Government had accepted the recommendations of a committee
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 46 1 CALCUTTA, July I.— Eight people w*re injured wh<*n police dispersed shouting grenade-throwing demonstrators in the Sibpur suburb of Calcutta last night. The demonstrators shouted antiGovernment slogans and threw crude hand grenades at the Polic* who retaliated with a lathi charge. Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 38 1 MANILA. July l. Presidential candidate Jose p. Laurel, who h<ad. (> d Philippine government during the Japanese wartime regime, quit in the middle of a campaign spcteeh tonight when heckler? raised a Jftnan««« finer an^ ■hAn»«<i 'Banzai.'- A. P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 113 1 Restrictive Order Served On Hindu Mahasabha Secretary (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, July I.— Mr. V. G. DeshapncU-, Secretary of the AllIndia Hindu Maha.-abha was served with an order by the Deputy Commissioner of New Delhi today preventing him from acting in any manner prejudicial to public safety or
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  • 80 1 NEW DELHI, July I.— A blood bunk hat: boen opened in Delhi. Ino firs* donor was the Director or Health Services, Delhi. Formerly th e local hospitals kept a list of donors whose services wit requisitioned in times of emergencies. Delhi had no arrangement for
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 88 1 WASHINGTON. July 1. Tht 42--nation international wh-eat igre ment went into iorce today. It became effective when India and Lebanon deposited their ratifications of the four-year accord designed to stabilize the w.irlo wneat market. Their actions raised the number of bushels subscribed to bv Importing countries
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 64 1 BOMBAY, July 1 Dr. John Matthai. Indian Financt- Minister. left her o by air for London today to represent India at the forthcoming Commonwealth Finance Ministers meeting in London. Th: Indian Government announced on Wednesday that it had ac. Copted h Bt iish Government invitation
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 43 1 WASHINGTON. July 1.. General and Mrs. Carlos P. Romulo ai\ celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on Friday. They and their four sons plan to attend a special mass by Archbishop Cicognani. aspostolic delegate to the United States. A. P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 90 1 ANOTHER PORT RECAPTURED FROM BURMA REBELS RANGOON, July 1. Burmese Government soldiers and marines irom the Burmese Navy frigate Mayu have recaptured the Camree lsiand port of Kyaukpyu from Arakanese rebels, a Government spokesman said today. The port fell to the rebels on June 10, when the Arakanese garrison on
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 62 1 INQUIRY INTO WORKING CONDITIONS OF JOURNALISTS BOMBAY, July I— The Bombay Jovtrnment .shortly will inquire -iCo the conditions c»f Wotting ournaiist* in the Province. G. Namla, Labour Minister, told ;ressm»n the Government aiso vuuld consider th 0 application of ome industrial acts for th« bcne&ti I working journalists. He asked
    A.P.  -  62 words
  • 38 1 TOKYO, July I.— Mount Fuji w.ll be op"»u.'d to climbers today. Ceremonies will mark the opining of the hiking season which annually draws Japanese from all p?n th^ "Olintry in a piJprimnir*. iii. Hi u red mountain.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 DFF Lrrii^d/ Limited Stock Only! x 20 YDS. $14 00 PER PJfcCL. >HHI VIxNAYAGAR Co., VNGOON ROAD, SINCiAPORK MALI YAH AIRWAYS -71 in iwiw i y I SAIGON 'i WEEKLY HANSFIELO A CO., I,TI> IiMNG SINOAPOKF
      36 words
    • 371 1 SSI iv > > r-- k %J^__—^** ML 4 ''^WwlEffll^ EFFECTIVE Ist JULY 1919 Don't throw await ?SHRSr J^^^^MSKuSSL They have some value in exchange JSsLj3tot\ f ne PALM TREE" wrapper you will gfet K 2?ft JS Olle <ake ai *bolic Toilet vSoap v VviSwJtii ffIA jfj\* MWlvSft tWO PALM
      371 words
    • 32 1 REGULAR FRESH ARRIVALS Obtainable a»t AT"T A 1. Khalsa Trad- A A bcraii.'oonßd. MKhH n d other «>»^-^^ < Indian Pro- *'ftD Miff^ vision Shops. THE UNIIED AGENCIES 124, OWEN ROAD SINGAPORE Phone: 4385
      32 words

  • 1199 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Saturday, July 2, 1949. NOTES COMMENTS ON MIC GENERAL SECRETARY'S MISCONCEPTIONS RESULT OF CONFUSION in view oi the urgency* and Unportanc« oi the matur, to-day w propose to dc-vou- thia column (winch on a Saturday ii usually confined to a discussion of a variety -light" topics)
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  • 91 2 MORATUWA (Ceyloiu, July I.— A novel garland made of carved sandalwood wn.s presented to Mr. H. W. Amarasuriya, Minister of Trad«- and Commerce, when he presided at the first anniversary celebrations of the Kadalana Young Men's Association, Moratuwa, held at St. Anthony's School hall. Mr.
    FOC  -  91 words
  • 135 2 COLOMBO. July 1— Sculptors lor (h«- proposed Gandhi memorial statue will be chosen by a subcommittee to be appointed by the O.vlon Indian Welfare Association. This was decided at a meeting of (he Association's committee at its headquarters at 371, Dam Street, Colombo, with Mr.
    FOC  -  135 words
  • 82 2 LAW BOOKS IN SINHALESE AND TAMIL COLOMBO, July 1— With a v^w to implementing the decision of the Government to conduct, as far as possible, Court proceedings in Sinhales, and Tamil, applications have b^tn called by the Legal Draftsman, Mr. H. N. G. Fernando, from person* qualified for appointment as
    FOC  -  82 words
  • 167 2 Colonial Powers May Lose Their All In S. E. Asia They Do Not Act Wisely Dr. B. V. Keskar's Warning POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC DEMANDS OF PEOPLE MUST SOON BE MET TO STEM COMMUNIST ADVANCES NEW DELHI, July 1. The political and economic demands of a disconcerted people must oe satisfied
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  • 209 2 Ex-Dewan Of Junagadh Declared An Evacuee In India BOMBAY, July I.— Khan Bahu.ur Atidui Kaucr, ex- Dew an ol u.i u :(iii. has been declared an evacuee the Bombay Evaisneeg (Administration of Property) Act. inc action of the Government aecamc necessary, it was learnea .iere,
    FOC  -  209 words
  • 363 2 INDIANS IN MALAYA ARE BEING ELIMINATED" A number one topic ol speculation in the whole area, ho add«'d concerned possible southward iH'nc. nation by Chinese Communists. Mr. Keskar commented that IndoChuia and Siam were *o small, and their resource^ so limited, that it would Hot be necessary for the Communists
    AP  -  363 words
  • 119 2 Rehabilitation Of Meos: Resettlement In Matsya Union And E. Punjab SIMLA. June 23 (By Air Mail).— Rehabilitation of Meos. including those who had left for Pakistan in 1947 and subsequently returned to India, is proceeding satisiactonly in Last Punjab and the Matsya Union. So lar 19,905 acres of land have
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  • 183 2 MYSORE'S RELATIONS WITH INDIA: DISCUSSION IN STATE COUNCIL BANGALORE, June 20—(By Air Mail). —Constitutional relations between the Government of Mysore and the Dominion of India were the subject of discussion in the Mysore State Legislative Council which began its Budget session here. Replying to a Question, the Chief Minister, Mr.
    FOC  -  183 words
  • 330 2 CEYLON NEWS: Site Of Vij ay a- Rebuilt Shrine At Mannar To Be Excavated Move To Establish Hindu School JAFFNA, jilv 1. The Thiruknthccsvaram Temple Restoration Committee has submitted a memorandum to the Minister of Education, asking for permission to carry on restoration work at this site and to establish
    FOC  -  330 words
  • 25 2 KASHMIR IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT SCHEME BRINAGAI and I .1 btai ai a 5,00, the rne c i cons fruit lion 01 ing c puipin und-r FOC
    FOC  -  25 words
  • 68 2 BOPAL CONGRESS DISPUTE ,-Four membei '-'M hoc Con--. the Vice-Pi na Gupta ana Premnarain S] < t tan thai Th« resignati 1 stood, are m Madhyabh irai Commit 1 1 '< aoout a 1 ujp.p; ad hoc Com P' i ncifd groujj Two yeel Leaders d« put harat PCt h
    FOC  -  68 words
  • 142 2 t (Frort Our Own fnrr«ponh HYDERABAD, Jilj Ufci dtrab;id (jnvcrnnr ir < .ntrada ropoiM that ihi<- Nil -i All GlA't'l HID' I' 1 ,i| |i >•!). m hou-t arrest, a r< sbortl] to be 9 lea*<'ri u iihoiit lII] u- b*nj* tut* I
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  • 53 2 SR1NAGAK, July 1 dulUih. Premier <>f Kaw tented a silver -hu-W mandcr of a unit of Army a^ t«k«-n of services rfiidertd bv area gfW a lon^ ptr«od. Earlier, Maj.-Gen. I inspected the unit Ord^r of llN DtJ shov. a v for I oil-
    FOC  -  53 words
  • 18 2 MYSORE RULER SURRENDERS POWRES TO DELHI iI% r;v (felati* I-;- *z& D'tenr External VZ inuniti tlon GIIS
    GIIS  -  18 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 48 2 m mm MADRAS, N EG APATA MSI INWARDS Madras Sa OUTWABDS spore ps ham Rajula 5.7.4» M^J Rajula :ii 740 J|*« Rajula 25i!4!' MM TRINtIPAI. ftOO" 8 ISLAY. KKRK Co. U^ u U, COLLYEB W -.Itphoni.-: 5453-''-A.wi at 25. BEA(H .VI v( > 1 A^nts:- KUALA LOMFtB l" 0K
      48 words

  • 4303 4 CONSPIRACY HELD TO BE PROVEN FULL TEXT OF JUSTICE BB&KMUErS 15 PAGE JUDGMENT of :ther provisions of law and have been sentenced to transportation for life. "Karkare was imbued with the same ideas as that of Nathuram Godse and Apte but the interest evinced
    FOC; A.P.  -  4,303 words

  • 237 3 Ceylon 's Bloodless Attainment Of Freedom Due To Mahatma Gandhi's Technique Of Non-Violence Was Never Due To Senanayake asserts Mr. C. Ponnambalam wch At Foundation- Stone hying Of Ma hat ma Gandhi Memorial t... NV —Ceylon's bloodless attainment of inderesult of the success of Mahatma Ganleals in India, said Mr.
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  • 537 3 India To Start Locomotives Manufacture By 1951 Rs. 140 m. Project Making Headway NEW DELHI, July 1. India will soon attain self-sufficiency in regard to locomotives. At the stateowned plant at Mihigam in West Bengal, now called Chittaranjan after the great Indian National leader C. R. Das, plans to manufacture
    GIIS  -  537 words
  • 26 3 I death of I: tary to c immission in v. an- 71 years >ns ol Indian Assistant I notion in H Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 48 3 COLOMBO. July I.— Mr. Don S. Scnanayake, Oylon Prime Minister, said here yesterday that Commonwealth Finance Ministers would be likely to agree to sterling devaluation at their Lcndon talks. Sir Oliver GoonetiHal^e, Ceylon Ififfh Commissioner in London, will probably represent his country, according to authoritative quarters here.- Reuter
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  • 57 3 NEW DELHI, June 30— Professor P. Maheshwmri of the Botany Department of the Delhi University has b<en appointed Chairman of the Plant Embroyology Section of the International Union of Biological Science meeting: at Stockholm in 1950. Mr. Maheshwari is also VicoProsirlent of the International Botanical
    GIIS  -  57 words
  • Article, Illustration
    65 3 PHOTO. Indian delegates, left to right: Dr. K. C. K. E. Raja, Director of India's Health Services; Princes Rajakumari Atnrit Kaur. Indian Minister of Health, and Dr. Sir A. Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar, Vice hancellor of the University of Madras, are seen in the Venezia Palace, Rome, on June 13, on opening:
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 134 3 *TAN FINANCE MINISTER'S WARNING jfJ^WN, July I.— Pakistan Finance Minister, Mohammed, said in London last week that «-ould go a long way towards preI peace if they would realise that having m countries thev now had a moral ob7to assist
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  • 78 3 TOKYO. July 1. At least between 25 and 35 persons were killed, thousands of houses destroyed or damaged in heavy rainstorm around Kagoshima City in Southeastern Kyushu. National rural police headquarters reported 25 persons were killed. Kyodo said another 10 had died when rainsoaked
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 48 3 CALCQTTA. July 1. Pakistan will attend an unofficial Common. wealth Conference to be held at Bigwin Inn. in th« Muskoka Lake District of Canada on Sept. B—lB. A delegation from the Pakistan Utatituti of International Affairs. will represent th»s country. This conference wi'l be fourth ot series A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 139 3 KARACHI, July I.— A trade agreement between Egypt ;,nd Pakistan providing for "most favoured nation" treatment on both sides in respect of customs dutie s and other import and export formalities was announced on Tuesday. Except for rice transactions, price specifications and terms of business will
    A.P.; Reuter  -  139 words
  • 44 3 NEW DELHI, July 1. Indian postal authorities have suspended as a temporary measure insurance and parcel post services to China. An official announcement said *hat insurance articles and parcels for China already booked but not despatched would be returned to the senders.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 243 3 NEW DELHI, J..*fl H.— There is a great fund of goodwill towards India in Britain and the United States, according to Mrs. Renuka Ray, a member of the Indian delegation to the United Nations, who has just returned here. Mrs. Ray said
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 233 3 Indian Navy To Replace East Indies Squadron NEW DELHI, July 1. A message received from the "Hindu" correspondent at Dar-es-Salaam says: "As the Indian Navy grows, it is possible that the East Indies Squadron will be abolished and its duties taken over by India as a Commonwealth country" declared Commodore
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  • 268 3 LUCkNOW, July I.— The possibilities of developing the 2,000-mile long Ganges flowing through the U.P., Bihar and West Bengal for navigation on the lines of the Rhine Navigation System will be explored at a tripartite conference of the three provincial Governments which the
    FOC  -  268 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 JL JL MmA m J K^ Piles is a dangerous and painful disease. Early treatment always is advisable. Mr. LAU KIM PING has spent many years in very careful study of this disease. He discovered an effective remedy for it. No operation is necessary. Certain cure can be expected within
      114 words

  • 437 5 Land Line I s The International Pakistan. Afghan Frontier Says Noel Baker on's Standpoint In Ipispu'e Clarified I3HEIITGR OF OLD i i S AND DUTIES Iniv Vi) |Ul.< p -.'lll ll Pa lion i Rei L i the v i thin I tan ha tin •<• vuMi Si I ii'
    Reuter  -  437 words
  • 126 5 RANGOON. July 1. Burmese Government reinforcements have been rushed to the upper Chindwin district on the Assam border where 500 White Band (antiGovernment I People's Volunteers attacked the police station at Mingin, the Government communique announced last night. Fighting was said to be in progress
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  • 112 5 Rangoon, July l. Burmese Government troops, in a six-hour battle around Tongyi about 20 miles north of Rangoon, have inflicted heavy casualties on combined Karen and Communist rebel forces, Burma radio claimed last night. In another half-hour battle Government troops routed 200 insurgents who
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 146 5 Provisional Ministers Of Vietnam State Named "-Formation ol the new Vietnam Governmei taperor ol Annan and head of the ne t<» be announced on Friday, unle Nances. I, I I ol I A.P. FORMER ACTING BH. KOMBAY GOVERNOR DIES OXFORD. England. July 1. The death of Sir Henry Steyeley I,a\vr<nc*\
    A.P.  -  146 words
  • 29 5 lulled After staying about ee \\(vks in Hanoi he is expected to return to Dalat in Annam taiks with M. Paul CosteFlorct, French lwiinlat— of Over- i »ritorirs.- Reuter
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  • 110 5 SYDNEY. July 1. -The new Indian Trade Commissioner to Australia, Mi A. Bak^i. arrived here by air yesterday. Mr. Baksi India had been looking t 0 the Weit and to America for capital good*; but now was turning to Australia. "Because of the dollar
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 101 5 Australia To Consider Charges Of Racial Discrimination Against Chinese LAKE SUCCESS, July 1. Australia has promised the United Nations Trusteeship Council to giv-e serious consideration to charges of racial discrimination against Chinese workers on Nauru Island. The charges were made by the Soviet Union, China and the Philippines during a
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 56 5 MOSCOW. July I.— The British Ambassador Sir David Kelly accompanied by the British Embassy Staff in full regalia presented his credentials at the Kremlin on Thursday. After the presentaion Sir David began formal calls on his colleagues beginning with the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps. the
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • 171 5 BURMA Burma Indians Advised Not To Traval To Assam By Ledo Road HIGHWAY UNUSABLE BECAUSE OF HEAVY MONSOON RAINS RANGOON, July I.— The Indian Government has advised Indians in Burma not to travel to Assam by the Ledo road-linking India with Burma and China because the vital wartime highway is
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  • 135 5 HYDERABAD, July 1. —Work is proceeding apace in Hyderabad State to improve and develop its communications system. New roads are to he constructed and the State's road system is to be linked up with the Indian network. Under a twenty-year plan to
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  • 337 5 Mr. Setalvad 's Comment On Union Govt.'s Latest Action Against Indians BOMBAY, July 1. Prospects of a successful round-table conference on the future of Indians in South Africa are now remote, Mr. M. C. Setalvad, eminent Indian tourist said here yesterday, Mr.
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 63 5 NEHRU'S VISIT STRENGTHENS INDO-CANADIAN RELATIONS OTTAWA, July I.— Premier Loul* St. Laurent told pressmen here yesterday that Mr. Nohru's visit to Canada in October was designed to "express and confirm the good relations existing between India and Canada." "Apart from the official aspects of the visit. Mr. Nehru is a
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 112 5 Dr. B. C. Roy To Hold Discussions With Swiss Hydro-Electric Experts ZURICH, July 1. Dr. Bldhan Chandra Roy. (iB-year-old Prime Minister of West Bengal, who is visiting Switzerland for consultations with a famous eye specialist, told Reuter last night he hopes also to have discussions with Swiss hydro-electric experts during
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 186 5 Lords Vote Against Iron And Steel Nationalisation Bill LONDON. July I. A rebellious House of Lords voted Thursday to delay Government efforts t o Nationalise the iron and ste?l industry. liut the move had little power to stop the Government from going ahead with its programme. The peers voted 89
    A.P.  -  186 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 41 5 I 1 ibis is our Hne*t IfjHttjK^) I -hi it i, bang W^m I v M claLythe vvoild IgS|^l I lT L i"it:>thcacy oi E^ll^J I SID IuWDER.I f li.w N«d lay moref ATI rr *!tacid powder I Stomach ReH***** P^L_
      41 words
    • 176 5 5,000 DIABETICS Wanted To Write To-Day For FREE BOOKLET which explains in simple language how DIABETES is CURABLE WITHOUT INJECTIONS FASTING OR DIETING. Venus Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 587, Calcutta, India. GANDHI ASTROLOGER Health, wealth. journey etc., lucky numbers, days by monthly details 1 year $4. Weekly $12. Five questions
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  • 189 6 A meeting will be held under th? presidentship of Mrs. S. D. Kalelker. M.A. at 4.30 p.m. tomorrow, Sunday July 3 in the padan^ at Block 42, H.M. Naval Base for distributing the certificates of the students passed in the Hindi examination conducted by the Dekshin
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 436 6 Do You Ki.ow There Is A First-Rate Commercial School In Singapore? New sessions commence 6th July (last batch for Autumn LCC Exam 80 words speed guarantee (4 months; Gregg shorthand class. Book-keeping (Beginners) English (Primary. Elementary, Pre-senior Higher) Advanced Accounts, Economics. Banking. Typewriting, Shorthand speeds (50/120 thrice weekly). Expert Tutors.
      436 words
    • 241 6 THE SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF COMMERCE WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT: 1. It COMPLETES 2 YEARS TODAY. 2. The Strength of the School has increased by 300' during one year. 3. There are 17 qualiiied English, Chinese and Indian men and women teachers. 4. As there are 4 B'Ket ping teachers, there
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    • 169 6 C-fl TO OPEN NEW BRANCH OF HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANK Tne opening ceremony ol the new branch office of t'v H m^k and Shanghai Banking Corpora'; at "MacDonald House/ 1 o h Road, will be performed by the R* Kon'ble Malcolm MacD >r. Id. PC United Kingdom Commissioner* General in South-East-Asia,
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    • 1 6 j
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 35 6 STORY BY S. C. GEORGE TO BE BROADCAST "The Three Greek Sisters." a sh-rt story by S. C. Geor^^ be told over the Blue Network of Radio Malaga tomorrow Sunday July 3 at 10.00 p.m.
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