Indian Daily Mail, 29 June 1949

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 17 1 1 JhtJHmt Jpmljr Mail] VOL. V. NO. 138. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1919. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 427 1 Conference Of Financial Ministers Scheduled For July 8 Devaluation Of Pound To Be Recommended? ne 2s.— Britain U reported to have im alarm calling the other e CommonM countries to hrtp her beat off an expected ecoLondon newspapers say the finance Udders of Australia, Canadm, Ceylon, India,
    A.P.  -  427 words
  • 234 1 I Will Resign Rather Than Agree To Devaluation -STAFFORD CRIPPS LONDON, June ZX. An internal British economic crisis which iniiiht develop in a political crisis was forecast by well-informed financial quarters here today cables Sydney Campbell, Reuter Financial Editor. Sir Stafford Oripps, British Chancellor of the Exechequer, was believed to
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 152 1 W. BENGAL GOVT. OVERRIDES COURT DECISION CALCUTTA. June 28— Tlie West Bengal Government, ordered by the provincial High Court t<> release 500 political prisoners detained under their Security Act, has gaoled them again under criminal law. Chief Justice Sir Arthur Trevor Harries and Justice J. P. Mitter ruled that the
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 177 1 Australian Govt. Seek Wide Powers To Deal With Coal Strike SYDNEY, June 28— A half million ocrsons were made idle an Tuesday when the strike of Australian coalininers went into its second day. An emergency bill was slated for i'^rr'.Uiction on Tuesday in th? New South Wales Parliament to srive
    A.P.  -  177 words
  • 29 1 LONDON, June 28.— Britain will i;4<ify the iu< 'i-iiational wh^at agi. jn«iit before July 1, Foreign Uiider-fcjccii'tary Christopher Mayhow said in the House of Commons on Monday A. P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 255 1 World Court Observers Fully Satisfied With Chandernagore Referendum INDIA GOVT URGED TO EXPEDITE TAKEOVER OF ADMINISTRATION (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, June 2S.— The two International Court observers Mr. Holgar Artderssen and and Mr. Rudolf Castro who had watched the Chandernagore Referendum at the request of the French, declared on
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  • 81 1 £500 M. LOSS TO BR. GOVT SECURITIES LONDON, Jun e 28. --Another £100,000,000 was Wiped off the market value of British Government securities when prices shed as much as 30 shillings on the London Stock Exchange today. Government stocks have lost about £500,000,000 since the collapse —induced by growing fearr
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 116 1 TOKYO, June 28 The Governmcnt of India announced tonight i th e appointment of Dr. F. P. Pillai as head of. the Indian Liaison Mission in Tokyo. 1 Dr. Pillai also will be the political representative of India with
    A.P.  -  116 words
  • 68 1 8 Killed In Clash Between Farmhands And Landowners BENARES, June 28.— Eight people were killed and several injured in a week-end clash between farmhands and landowners 40 mile* from here on the borders of the Mh za pur District (United Provinces) and Benares State. Th e labourers after refusing to
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 73 1 CANTON, June 28.— A1l Nationalist organizations in Canton today made preparations to welcome Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek on Wednesday. The retired President of Nationalist China is scheduled to arrive here from Formosa. There also was an unconfirmed report that Madame Chiang may return from the
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 106 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) CALCUTTA, June 28.—Two, persons were injured as a sesult of a bomb explosion this morning in an American owned factory in North Calcutta where a clash had occurred yesterday between loyal workers and strikers resulting in one person bein^ killed. Following
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  • 193 1 Preparations For Inauguration Of Travancore Cochin Union Completed Irom Our Own correspondent) TRIVANDRUM. June 28.—Following the States Ministy's approval of the Buca Committee's report on the integration of Travancore and Co. chin, arrangements have now been completed to inaugurate the United State in Trivandrum on July 1. The inaugural ceremony
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  • 106 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) RAJKOT, June 28.— A decision to impart pre-primary education on modern lines and .start children's playgrounds in cities and appoint a committee to supervise the working of such institutes was taken at the two-day Conference of Educationists from Saurashtra yesterday.
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  • 71 1 American Businessmen Willing To Supply Capital Goods To India (From Our Own Correspondent) CALCUTTA. June 28.— Mrs. Mildred Hughes, Executive ViCe-PresL dent of th-s Far East American council of Commerce and Industry -old a press conference her* that American businessmen are in a position to supply India With capital goods,
    71 words
  • 249 1 There have been 103 Attest* in the Federation in the last 24 hours —85 in Johore. 14 in Perak. 3 in Sclangcr and 1 in Malacca, says a Police Communique issued in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. It adds: NfcGßi SEMBILAN: Banau arra -Yesterday, June 28, a combined
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  • 225 1 The Constitution of Singapore has oeen printed by trie Government Printing Office in an omnibus volume entitled "fne Singapore Colony Orders In Council. 194(i to 1948." it Wiii be on sale at the vjuvcnijneut i-uuncation bureau in tne vjenerai h»ost uaice tfundiiii; uom toaay, wea.
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  • 75 1 NEW DELHI, Jum 28.— India 1 Exu-r'nal Affairs Ministry announced today the appointment ot Sarda/ Hardit V'ngh Malik, at pramt India's High Commissioner in Canada, as Indian Ambassador to France The appointment of Dr. Purushoitam Padmanabha Pillai Indian Charge d'Affairjs in Paris, a^ head jf
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 RATES gy POST I n ri and Sarawak »S* 4.00 12.00 24.00 48.00 4.50 13.50 27.00 64.00 5,000 DIABETICS 'teed To Write To-Day For ikLl BOOKLET h txp.a....^ ui simple iaiigua^c now 'Uithlha i> CLKAI3LE WITHOUT INJECTIONS, ASIING OR DIETING. He* irdi Laboratory, icutta, India. "SIRRIfcNTU to Mlil on July
      93 words
    • 70 1 REGULAR FRESH ARRIVALS Obtainable at ATT A 1. Knaisa Trad- A ing Co^ 2/t, 2. Ra m J Tiwarl, 221. mm m-*»T>, Serangoon Ri. B^2S An d o thoi &M t y*^J&' Indian Pro- *Atol vi&ioa Shops. fr Trit: UiNliEi) AGENCiES 124. OWEN ROAD Phone: 4;iH.> Get to the root
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 Charles Salisbury who is known to many amateur and would-be painters in Singapore will be "Talking of Painting" over Radio Malaya Singapore at 10 p.m. today Wednesday, June 29.
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  • Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Wednesday, June 29. 1949.
    • 694 2 MIC AND ITS WRECKING COMMITTEE III IN accordance with the Draft Proposals tor a single organisation for the Indians in Malaya, the Malayan Indian Congress was fonni ed at the historic All-Malayan Indian Conference held in Kuala Lumpur in the first week of August, 1946. with the following Aims and
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  • 373 2 Ceylon Indians Will Not Take Citizens Act Lying Down Congress President Rajalingam's Assertion "WE WILL FIGHT SENANAYAKE GOVT. FOR OUR RIGHTS KALUTAKA, June 28.— Asserting that the Ceylon Indian Congress would not take the Indian Citizenship Act lying down, but would fight the Senanayake Government, Mr. K. Rajalin. gam, M.P.,
    FOC  -  373 words
  • 220 2 India Govt. Scholarship For Artists For Paintings of India Rural Life NEW DELHI, June 28.-The award during the current year er n^ent of painters to help develop their Kftj 1 J the rural life of the country. nM th W India is a land of villages. Near .y 90 per
    AP  -  220 words
  • 39 2 MADRAS, June 28.— The steamer Ormara, carrying 8,198 tons of rice from Burma, arrived at Cochin on June 15. The rice will be allotted to Travancore (4,000 tonE), Cochin (690 tons) and Central Storage Depot, Cochin (3,503 tons).- FOC
    FOC  -  39 words
  • 32 2 1 to 1 Th. a::cra: oi tae nu 2^ the aircraft L 3^ Aviation ofiiciais jteraoad. Madras i.** its fli-ht toTokvJl^ and return to L Allanabadand^^ FOC
    FOC  -  32 words
  • 38 2 Legal History Made Kenya NA1B0RI, J un time Kenya >« lk oon-naun toman*? tenced to dea^ nights hearing «n £1 Jourt ot Nairobi. MaV! aged 22. win a guilty of muraenrg affS aw by ihcotiaghSTfl to be lodged.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 140 2 PATNA, June 28.— There have been greater denials of liberties in India under Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's regime than there ever were under the British and with less justification, the American-educated leader of the Indian Socialist Party, Jaiprakash Narain, said in a speech at Patna
    AP  -  140 words
  • 38 2 LAKE SUCCESS, June 28.—Dr. Trygve Lie, Secretary General of the United Nations, hag made an emergency advance of $1,000,000 of United Nations funds to continue operations of the United Nations Relief Fund for Pa 1 tine refugees. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 292 2 S. AFRICANS PUN COUNTRY-WIDE STRIKE 10 PROTEST AGAINST REACTIONARY POLICY OF UNION GOVERNMENT PORT ELIZABETH, June 28.— Africans throughout the Union are planning a one-day strike to protest against the "reactionary policy of the Government," the Rev. J. A. Calata said in his presidential address to the Cape Provincial Congress
    Reuter  -  292 words
  • 92 2 NEW DELHI, June 28.— The Indian Tariff Board has urged the Government to expand the Indian sugar industry and to lower the costs of sugar production, it was learned here. The Board's recommendations include the shifting of some factories in northern India to more suitable sites and
    FOC  -  92 words
  • 131 2 SEOUL, June 28.— The vice-chair-man of Korea's National Assembly was arrested on Saturday on a charge of having dealings with the Communists. The vice-chairman, Kim Yak Soo, had 'been sought since Wednesday. There had teen rumours he had fled to Communist North Kcrea. Kim and five
    A.P.; Reuter  -  131 words
  • 127 2 THE CLOCK AT E. PUNJAB SECRETARIAT SIMLA, June 28.— The East Punjab Premier, Mr. Bhimsen Sachar, made a surprise visit on June 20 to the Secretariat. He saw a number of clocks there behind time. Punctually at 10 a.m. he went to the room of an Assistant Secretary and seated
    FOC  -  127 words
  • 330 2 Political Crisis Developing In Turkey? \Mde Protest Against Internal Polices Ot Present Govt. ISTANBUL, June 28.— A political crisis of serious proportions developed rapidly in Turkey Monday night over the Government's internal policies. There were reports that the Grand National Assembly might be called into extraordinary session to cope with
    A.P.  -  330 words
  • 25 2 WASHINGTON, June 28.— The Economic Cooperation Administra-l-^t »s**?&& nn ounctd allocation of ya525,000 to Kortt for purchue of industrial mtcMfitrtf the United BttUs. A. P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 140 3 prof. MacMahon Bail Ltralians Advised To Live In Amity Her Neighbours —Of HA FlftST WHEN YOU ■dJ,. WORLD 1 28. Australia's future hap>ed mainly on whether she i^nd- 1 way to live and work with find of Asia, Professor W. Mac
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 118 3 BRUSSELS. Junp 28. Official Belgian election results announced late last night showed a victory lor the Catholics in both Houses oi i^arliameM. The Catholics supporters of exiled Kin:, Leopold's reiurn failed to secure a majority over all other parties in the Chamber of
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 41 3 PARIS, June 28. Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, Director oi the- Rama 1 Research Institute in Bangalore, South India and Nobel Laureate in Physics, was elected Associate Member of the I'l't'lli li \("lll 'ill i of Si II 111 iii>l'i' yesterday.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 52 3 BATAVIA. June 28.— Fifteen soliicrs were killed between June 5 and June 11, the official casualty .si .said today, according to Aneta. i" Dutch news agency. killed included four mem. cer? of the security battalion, two of th<. Indonesian army, and nine of tho Dutch expeditionary
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 53 3 m ;..:.<. 2 David A. r-Oeneral or the nca] Labour 0 it ion hjl Monday thai Japan 3 a full member ol Hiation. i told a plenary .si.n of »utematl(Jnal Labour Con- »atoent that I urn re- v^s conhope Japan in as a tiber
    53 words
  • 306 3 BURMA: Burmese President To Confer With Frontier Men To Plan Security Measures Along Sino-Burmese Border RANGOON, June 28.— The Burmese President, Sao Shwe Thaike, is to attend the United Hill Peoples Conference commencing on Wednesday at the southern Shan State's capital, Trunggyi, it was learned on Monday. Burma's frontiers men
    A.P.  -  306 words
  • 126 3 INDIANS ADVISED TO CO OPERATE CLOSELY WITH S. AFRICANS NATAL tNDIAN CONGRESS SECRETARY'S APPEAL DURBAN, June 28. The Indian Congress must now "more than ever." co-operate closely with the African people, Mr. Desi Singh, General Secretary, told a conference of the Na tal Indian Congress here. "Thirteen months of nationalist
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 139 3 "Greece Is On Road To Recovery WASHINGTON, June 28. The Assistant U.b. Secretary of State, George C McGhee, *>aid Monday tnat Greece is on the road to recovery as a result of 'one telling blew alter another" inrlicU-d recentiy on the Communist rebels oy Ureeic Army troops. Addressing the Pan-Loconian
    AP  -  139 words
  • 66 3 INDIAN STERLING TALKS DELEGATES LEAVE FOR WASHINGTON LONDON, June 23. Two of the Indian delegates to th~ Indo-British sterling talks have Left London for Washington for routine talks with Enternational Monetary Fund officials. The delegates ar e Mr. B. K. Nehru and Mr. Keith Roy. AbfenCe Ot the two delegates
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 42 3 LONDON. June 2-').— G. M. Pushkin, Soviet Ambassador to Hungary, has bet-n relieved of his duties by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet cf the USSR, Moscow Radio announced last night. A. V. Tishkov has been appointed Soviet Ambassador to Hungary. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 240 3 INDONESIA JOGJAKARTA, June 28. Dr. Sockarno, President of the Indonesian Republic, is expected to return to the Republican capital of Jogjakarta by July 5, Sultan Hamengo Buwong, Governor of Jogjakarta said Monday. The Dutch began the evacuation of their 4,500 troops
    A.P.  -  240 words
  • 559 3 Alleged Murder In Kananthurai Church Pro mises Healthy Planter Remanded JAFFNA, June 21 (By Air Mail). Mr. T. C. Rajaratnaro. the Magistrate of Mallakam, motored to Kcerimalai in Kankcsanthurai and held a magisterial inquiry in the promises of St. Anne's Church into the alleged murder of Daveethu, the 70-year-old Sacristan
    FOC  -  559 words
  • 125 3 Communist Atrocities In Calcutta CALCUTTA. June *S A hundred demoBstrmtors who defied Calcutta's ban on procession^ by trying to march into the Bengal Secretariat in the heart of the city yesterday were Communist-inspired, according to police official?. The demonstrators, who ne'fvj the police with stones and bricks. 1 shouted slogans
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 127 3 Moscow Paper On American Colonial Expansion" MOSCOW, June *>8. The Russian Army publication Red Star on Saturday blasted President Truman's programme to build up back. ward areas over the world as "American colonial expansion." R<d S-; "urud the plan as designed Americani to take over from Western European countries their
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • 87 3 FORMER SPANISH PREMIER DIES MADRID, June 28. Aleiand: > Lerroux, fts. iiv times premier of Republican Spain, d! d arly y terday The family announced that L; rroux, who h'ui p o< nv-6 his agnos. m throughout hh: life, tum"Ci to th« CathliC Church and roceivr-d iacremmt on his dtathbed.
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 675 4 MIC GEN. SECRETARY'S REPLY TO IDM EDITORIAL Indian nationals who do not seek citizenship rights in this country have no right to interfere in the political life of this country. Their interests will be looked after by their Government 9
    675 words
  • 565 4 Mr. S. D. Kalelkar. Information Officer of the Govt. of India in Malaya, has issued the following statement: I was very much interested to' read the rejoinder to my statement oy Mr. G. Sarangapany, the President of the South Indian Chamber of
    565 words
  • 357 4 following is the Draft Conatibrti I "Malayan National Indian U n «f ARTICLE XII YOUTH ORGANISATION 1. Appendix 1 ARTICLE XIII. ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1. Tiic Annual Conference .shall consist of the elected delegates from all the Local Congresses throughout Malaya. ttVery delegate shall brin^ .van Him
    357 words
  • 108 4 ARTICLE XIV THE CONGRESS COMMITTEE -,h!. elected at the p, 2. The Congress Commitei b<- responsible lor cam the resolutions pa. nual C.-mfonnc: ol the i-m and for this purpoy not In to the Workint '1 3. During Its tenor the Congn 1 j to consider an; before thr Ci!..
    108 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 411 4 MABfcTES, WHY WORRY? When D. T. Lim's Diabetes Herb it'a can give you speedy relief. Get >our nero-Tea by your and eat what you like. 1). T. LIM CO., M, Frinsep Street, Singapore. Notice is hereby given that Mr. llyuer Ali son of K. V. Jamal ha> on and from
      411 words
    • 153 4 Drink it with pleasure! Cost is ot consulted in making this tine old Ceylon Tea. The results are evident in it. Unexcelled Taste and Quality. 6ole importers: F. A. BABTHOLOMEUSZ, Ltd. HDh£i)^G£Cr* e^^ m rr^t o^--'^ 4E2 DIABETIC patients recover health speedily by taking the well-known LOBULINA TABLETS LOBLLINA reduces
      153 words
    • 78 4 SHIRIN BY POPULAR REQX Today: ill and MSN Ashok Kumar and Rfnaki^ NAYA SM Hiniibtani T^chn.c:.:: Picture 4h frw>q^|»)«aHP«O* w p-,^ nil' RO V A I T0 V-F 1 -Li 3 7.30 PJI AN ADMIRABLE TAMIL PICTURE A Hlfi^l wBkHFm I KaOWi Int ri(Hlill (l r l i A i-4-
      78 words