Indian Daily Mail, 13 May 1949

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. V. NO. 91. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1949. FOLK PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 147 1 Not Yet Ripe Says t audit Aehru HAVE NO DESIHE TO (1M0N" ,-eral Asian questions must be i can take shape, the Indian Premier, Inesday. j mi h a pact while the Indonesian still Going on." he told a press eon_ Who
    A.P.  -  147 words
  • 71 1 OVER 1m. STRONG VOLUNTEER CORPS FOR INDIA \i;\V DELHI, May 12.— Indian Provinces have built up a volunteer corps of 1,0.J0,W)5 to help the polic* maintain law and order. Volunteers, who generally are commanded b> police officers, are giv«n semi-military training. They art; called upon in times of emergency when
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 86 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, May 12.— Premier Kumaraswami Raja at a press conference today graphically described the Communist terror in Kistna District ana the- atrocities committed by 1:1 in a raid on th<- village of Velivoliv which the Premier recently visited. Tin- Premier stated
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  • 86 1 ADOPTED BY (UN. ASSEMBLY ADVISOR! COMMITTEE i urn dm Own Correspondent) iu iju.iii. Ma\ 12. Reservations for religious minori. poisoned ihe politics <»l the Indian subcontinent for ide inrl led to its partition, will disappear in the result of important decisions reached
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  • 90 1 ARMED POLICE GUARD FOR ATTLEE CRIPPS! LONDON May 12.— Police aimed with revolvers \\<re on duty in Dtowning Street toda; guarding lie residences of Mir. Cl«ment Attlee, the l'i mi« Minister, and S«r Stafford Cripps, »h t Chancellor of the Exchequer. The change wa> understood N> hav« be n made
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 7 1 tit a Reuter
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  • 9 1 :fsdfsfsfsdfdsfsdfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsf fsdfdsfsfsfsfsfs Reuter
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  • 73 1 CAIRO, May 12.— Emir Sayid Driss, chief of ttif Senussi, "will soon announce the independence of Cyrenaica and confront th« United Nat ona unh r. fait accompli/ 1 fch« Bangazi correspondent of the Al Mi.ri reported today. < Th« correspondent said thai in recent interviews
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 32 1 LONDON, May 12 On the annictry of tlv King*a Coronation on Ma j 12, 1937, Royal galutes were ft] d by Army batteries in IIyd«--k and at the Tower i>l London. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 52 1 MALAYAN LOAN CLOSED IN 15 MINUTES LONDON, May 12.— The subscription list for th«' n«W £8,000.000 three percent loan for the Federation of Malaya dosed 1") minutes after M had been opened at 10 a.m. London tim< todaj The loan, issued ai par. iv re. mablc between r>? 1 and
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 77 1 AIRO, May 12.— Mr. Liaqua" K P Minister of Pak»s1. ft Cairo for Bauhdad b\ :;< ndn.2 two clays li»^ M as t] of th-e Egyptian tneni who was acd bj his wih B'-guni L a- A Khan, will stay as the state the Iraq and
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 40 1 limy 12. Dr. Dav« .year-old Am- rican bad- n unbeaten i»];" for 10 years, stated i r np jrom Com piay hi London wak- j monthi io »iu i i ng his mtd ca] j t.~ Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 580 1 AT'iIEE UABIFI£S ISSUE LONDON, May 12 The Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, said on Wednesday Inland ha> the right to jtay separate from the newly independent Ir^n republic until partition "is altered by mutual consent." Mr. Attlee t o ld the Hou»e
    A.P.; Reuter  -  580 words
  • 314 1 Separate Province For Andhras With Madras As Capital Demanded (From Our Own Correspondent) i >.^ MADRAS, May, 12. In open defiance of the Nehru Repor; regarding Linguistic Provinces, the Andhra Provincial Congress Commit lee meeting at ijayawada yesterday demanded immediate formation of Andhra Province consisting of the Tele^u Districts of
    314 words
  • 103 1 THE HAGUE, May 12.— Tiu Netnenanus Uovernment lUKnclud its agreement with tin- Indonesian Republican Government today. Minister of Overtcai I'erritoritf Dr. van Mars<veen said through mutual trust they hoped to r^ach a iinal settlement wito the Indone. sians. Van Mars«*vfi n said h*- hopes th«
    A.P.  -  103 words
  • 45 1 PARItf. May 12.- India is to have a national stand at the Paris Trad* Fair which is opening on May 21. She will ul^o be represented at th« forthcoming trad-' fair at Brussels it is learnt.- G.I.I.S.
    G.I.I.S.  -  45 words
  • 235 1 BURMA AGAINST HARMING INDIANS RANGOON, Ma\ 12. The Indian Enibas>\ here toda\ broadcast a warning to the Burmese rebels that an\ harm clone to Indians in their hands would he considered a breach of international law. Special aid machinery lor Burma aad already begun
    Reuter; A.P.  -  235 words
  • 139 1 ANOTHER DURBAN RACIAL RIOT? polio; allimed DURBAN, Ma) 12— Police -loud by »n Durban ioda\ t<» pn v« n( racial disturbances alter Indian ouses had been stoned i>.\ Airicans tast night and cariy today. Bus windscreens ami window, urere smashed along a ball mile stretch of road at Cato Manor,
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 38 1 Washington, Mav 12.— The US Secretary of State, Dean Ach< Wednesday met Senatorial demands i'«»r assigning n A ba ad' Spain by tie Fl '■s a Pasc a :ta tor ship, which denies ba.^jc civji rieht>. A. P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 4 1 L^ «AHB I I
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    • 67 1 TELL YOUR PRODUCTS TO THE PEOPLE through: TAMIL MURASU The Leading TAMIL Dally In Malaya over 14 years. 71, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. •—»>••. -7-^— J^~- >Jr -*T /T >IP'.ci^' I*«»r all y *i\+ w abroad fl SIAM X I»AQ nr INDIA EUROPE BOtmi Faif:; and particulars on applic TOWN OFHTE:
      67 words

  • 87 2 Nehru On Ganapathy Execution l We Are Still Taking Up A Strong Line In The Matter' (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, May 12. Pandit Jawaharkd Nehru, Indian Prime Minister addressing the first ence after return from London, yesterrow declared that those responsible for
    87 words
  • 148 2 Br. MP s To Demand Rejection Of Atlantic Pact LONDON, May I!.— Two Labour members of Parliament Mr. A. Chamberlain aiH "ii J\ Braddock have tabled an a ae idme it <• i i:n, r for the rejection by Britain »<i >rtii Atlantic Pact. lion says that (he treat •*v.i
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 67 2 lie geno- in I ll.ri i;i ai l. r i .spokt sman suited in > lys an U.P.I, report it that the preparation liminary electoral rolls for ■n< ral eh ctions und< r aduli i iave alreadj b< th< pro\ Inces and I
    FOC  -  67 words
  • 61 2 [aj 12 The paid nvent emplo; nee oi i no hi Li i ifl u month. \nnou this. Not* luted i hat 1 1 Increase s In and dean allows iild take cftccl from May 14. fi ui thai the Government now under consideration
    FOC  -  61 words
  • 62 2 Tourist .1 resumed In tourist haven in spokesman oi th Kashmir that aboui in States 1 1 ar, ad Igh r toliri > are b< A: faci] d©d Government arc .aig, surf-riding, hiking. Ren* houseboats been lixed by orient and special rations ar<? u< d to
    FOC  -  62 words
  • 40 2 .l:iv 12.— Mrs. Hansa p nt ocial worker* I i the LJ.N. Rights Commission, has app< Vice-chancellor of I »a di I iy. M( htj th< Ri oman :hanc< tloi Indian TTnu FOC
    FOC  -  40 words
  • 39 2 DEI HI. May 12. Peasants y no ion be dep«n- the monvili b< avai yvhen the Indian plans praj dio0\ < to produce rain. 1 Royal Indian A I in th< id- nt, FOC
    FOC  -  39 words
  • 21 2 12. Dr. Sh I. i will dia Sill d«r p duction of I' anul jtur i uuds FOC
    FOC  -  21 words
  • 45 2 SUCCESS May 12. Th« mbly on W< d- to postpone indeIsion on the proposal Russian and chfi r :riges of tho T T n ;torj i are sin nap n^.w Vj JJJf Postponement was J ten absti-u^ona.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 74 2 BOMBAY MINT TO MANUFACTURE COMPLETE COINS NEW DELHI. May 12. -Bombay's mint will shortly manufacture nickle coins from start to finish. Hitherto "blanks" of these coins wre imported from the United :n and only Stamping was done in India. Machinery for the of '-blanks" is now being installed in the
    GIIS  -  74 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 2 Photo. •\c Minister Pandit Nehru accompanied l>> Eire's Prime Minister Mr. .F A. Costello acknowledging cheers from the croud after lunching with Mr. Costelio, at Dublin, April 28. A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 45 2 NEW DELHI, May 12. -The Indian Postal Department handled 43.585.000 letter* during 1948 -an increase of iii per cent ovr 1947. The official report said thai th>.* \va> because "more people have b» en separated from tlu-ir kith and k n." FOC
    FOC  -  45 words
  • 213 2 'Europe Now Is Only The Tail Of Big Asia US Newsman' s Warning Jo His Country NEW May 12. Harold Isaacs, author and News Week magazine correspondeMt, said Wednesday "another eatos. n phe is in the making in Southeast Asia." He said the United Stairs, h her "stubborn, myopic indif.
    A.P.  -  213 words
  • 74 2 NEW DELHI. May 12.— The total m nl oi foodgraina in 1948 amounted to 1M,,'J4.000 tons, as 18 12,200 tons already procured thi year, according to figures available from the Food Ministry. A subsidy of Rs. 20,52,00,000 wul, ii is estimated* hr p;i>d
    FOC  -  74 words
  • 205 2 CHINA APPEALS TO U.S. TO SPONSOR AN ASIAN ALLIANCE WASHINGTON, May 12.— China appealed to the taited States Wednesday to sponsor an Asian alliance imilar to the North Atlantic part to halt Communism in the Orient. Ambassador Wellington Koo said he made the (request to U.S. Secretary of State Dean
    A.P.  -  205 words
  • 24 2 MADRAS, May 12 -Four pollc*- ihot dead by in Mid bandits ,:>■■.:• Kiianimc-mrt, on trw Hydtrabad border, Monday, pi ess re_ P'.rts here iald. A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 516 2 IHE BIG QUESTION: CAN "BRITAIN DEFEND THE ISLAND AGAINST RED ADVANCE? NEW YORK, May 12.— Hong Kong, off the souifh east coast of China, is only a pinpoint on the map of Asia, but could become a mighty cause of strife between
    A.P.  -  516 words
  • 166 2 Ub Congressman s Rewutit X^EW YORK, May 12.— Ue,;resonlai u, Republican, said at a Protestant rally on ruesdai • party hiu-' Congressman told him Ik 5 nists have got China "and we are going to gel India I» Jucld did not identify the Confressman wh«
    A.P.  -  166 words
  • 33 2 CALCUTTA, May 12. No vote wai registered in a village election near here. The villagers boycotted the elec lion because ot a quarr« i l b» :v. 'wo village parti' FOC
    FOC  -  33 words
  • 26 2 iSINGAPORJ TO m.ii EfOMiJAY, v 'iivii nm» i d rruit lOC B Kami, o\ union < d two B U FOC
    FOC  -  26 words
  • 22 2 cun Mr. A has urged admit women tn< ■j iic form m Washing •i<>ns Masons h.< Am FOC
    FOC  -  22 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 270 2 \lSt3l I? remark troch .13 thi .u; hiwajl I 1 V^w3sn wwunmendatioo^ and his b»*^ «r^k Ptpeaaod Bftaoy csxk~s daiiy (Kc *>-»>i ©wet wben rdcrnu^j 'o the rUn n of Dt wrrrs antacid fovvihk Ncnd «*r r *iy ovviv ATI ftMMTANTACID POWDER WIN 500 I OOVT OF INDIA xhibi: NAVASHAKTI
      270 words

  • 279 3 bvt. Alerts Frontier Security I Measures P S 7AH 'REBtLi INVADE r2. 1 i\ c hundred Chinese Comdnesday to have attacked from the border oi liurnia. ,n the border area were alertires increased, ays an A.l\ fsdfdsfsfsdfsfsffdsfdsfdsfsfsdfs fdsfsdfsfsfsfsfsfsfsffsfsfsfs I OJ icial sources said a
    A.P.  -  279 words
  • 52 3 Arms Monetary Aid To Burma I BRITAIN, iM)iA, PAKISTAN AND CkVLOiN 1,, i ireign Secretary, Mr. Ernest in thai the Prime Ministers of Britain. (11l n wouid hvi\) the Burmese (»overn_ order that country. Ihe Burmese Premier, that peace may be rapidly restored in has been set up to ensure
    52 words
  • 125 3 NO ADVANCE COMMITMENTS BY BURMA LONDON, May 12.-— The decision oi Britain, India, i\tkistan and UeyLon to give imaneial, military and »th r aid to Biunia in her li^m against insurgents appears to have been taken without ally advance commitments by Burma, diplomatic observers in London believed last n'^rit. t
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 119 3 COMMITTEE TO BE SET TO DETERMINE EXTENT AND DETAILS OF AID forIh .ordir in R :.y conBrit hare I I I I u '"^n FOB MO W N u I [l o a •■.ill' in u relay Indian Ministry o l Delhi .^uy* port. a. In coin <•♦ oi <
    A.P.; Reuter  -  119 words
  • 193 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Ma} 1-- —The Political Committee of Hie General Assembly yesterday adopted a resolution, submitted by India, recommending the appointment of a three mem. i nited Nations Commission to study the situation created by the treatment of "persons of
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 180 3 BERLIN. May 12. The 327-day Soviet blockade of Berlin ended Thursday with the airlift still going full tilt.' Traffic barriers Went down all along the 1.000-mile cold war front in Germany. The first automobiles crossed the Soviet zone- into Berlin at 0046 GMT ending Berlin's
    A.P.  -  180 words
  • 86 3 FRENCH CABINET APPROVES ATLANTIC PACT PARIS. May 12 The French cabinet on Wednesday lormally approved the Atlantic pact, and will propose ;U adoption by parliament which convene^ on May 17. The cabinet also approved the inco-Italian customs union and statute of the Council of La rope lhmet al» its accord
    A.P.  -  86 words
  • 32 3 ONDOM, May 12. A Hawk«l i.;-j r plane'g attempt to k 4 h< London -Rome and Lon- h a r !■'■<•"> r i> iias i> pOB< j» ,i< 24 holl I .u.i.wU'i' Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 194 3 Freedom Of Religion Being Restored In Russia CHINESE AMBASSADOR SATS: HONG KONG, May 12. The Chinese Ambassador to Moscow. Dr. in Ping-chang, saiu freedom of religion is "gradually beinj In the Soviet Union according to Chinese press here. Fu said the change irj Russiar. attitude toward religion camabout during the
    A.P.  -  194 words
  • 112 3 UN Approves AngloItalian Agreement On African Colonies LAKE SUCCESS. May 12.— Disposal of Italy's prewar colonies along the lines proposed by Britain wa? on Wednesday ncomm< nd^d by the United Nations Assembly sub-committee. The British plan came from t a lk.< between Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary, and the Italian
    A.P.  -  112 words
  • 88 3 LONDON. May 12. Work is being speeded on a new airport at Hong Kong to acconv date fighter and bomber reinforcements in view of Communist threats from China. The Colonial Seer Mr. Arthur Creech-Jones, told tin House of Commons on Wednesday. Replying to a
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 265 3 Negro Problem In US More Baffling Than Palestine Issue Dr. Bunche NEW YORK, Ma> 12. Dr. Ralph J. Bunchc, acting United Nations mediator for Palestine, said the Negro problem in the United States "is perhaps more baffling than the Palestine problem." uu.ic*ic, a»i i. u..] w O i'>, vnose in*
    A.P.  -  265 words
  • 158 3 Mr. Ragnavan Criticises Wanton Press Propaganda Against India PRAGUE, May 12.- The Indian AmDaosador Mr. N. Kagaavan, in a speech before a mixed British and n audience here, criticised the canton prupu^ciinia or innocent 01 press comment ..nich said that India was still not .uaependent oi Britain. fne Ambassador s
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 89 3 MARAMIS THAMBOE TO VISIT PHILIPPINES NEW DELHI, May 12. R. H. ixamis acting Foreign Minister of tru* Indonesian Republic, is Hying to Manila within the next lew days to pay a forma] VUit to the Pniiippinea government, the provisional Indonesian Republic government announced on Wednesday. Marumis will be accompanied by
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 24 3 tog /f/W <, f'vorywhtn In The Mmrket U) I>LE EAST PORTS TORT SAID OUR MARKETS B L|M SO^P rfiCTORY ESTABLISHED I!HH v N 'MM, SINGAPORE.
      24 words
    • 121 3 ■^nt^t], BB^tf*Mßh^H Wljr mf aBB^^HB A^^ *Tf *> I M k l^^b PROFESSOR SPARKLES fif/ I "^L \f II Ph D. (Or. of Ph.t«) I/i i^!l V-' invites rII I' VI IVI I >^\:-^ |o s«br.,it rhymes or doggerel commencing with any W II V alphabet associated with F. &N.
      121 words

  • 317 4 Nagagppa Estate Manager And Dresser Wounded By Bandits Indian Stabbed v id ii i iii on Ma3 li a larce partj ol bandits attacked an lr and i private belonging to Nagappa Estate in Sega- (Johorr) The occupants ot the loro were Jour sp< iiiics. our \fala3 i> i^s'-n 11
    317 words
  • 39 4 Talk On Tamil C ontribution to Indian Culture r S. Zavier 1 haninaEnglish and nil on "Tamil Contribution To Indian ,tnd Unity' on lay 15, at 5 p.m. at the ina Mission Premises R< Interest) ci are reI .Mend
    39 words
  • 76 4 CHINA DEMOCRATIC LEAGUE DECLARED UNLAWFUL Whereas, in ihv opimi u ol the ili-,ii v ommissioner iii t ouncil, tut la Democratic League is being used and is imeiy tu be used for a purpose incompatible with the good order and welfare ol i ederation <>i Malaya, aw iii^n Commissioner in
    76 words
  • 75 4 India To Open Trade Office In Malaya This Year NEW DELHI, Ali.v 12.— India's commercial representation abroad is shortly to be strengthened. It Is proposed to open nen trade offices ..i Brazil, Malaya, Belgium and the hiiippines and to appoint a tirade ominissioner at Karachi and an Assistant Trade Commissioner
    G.I.I.S.  -  75 words
  • 122 4 Colonial Secretary Appreciates India's Gesture Singapore Government ollicials who may havi applied for scholarships in India may not be Inconvenient d m proceeding to India ii hn..t..> selected. Mr. l\ a. 3. Mckerron, the (lolotiial Secretary, while appj i ug rou action on the p i fo< Government oi Ln
    G.I.I.S.  -  122 words
  • 70 4 "TRAVERS HOUSE OPENED IN K.L. ling ci Joseph Tra n r i Soi Ltd., In Anp Road, Ku ..1 impur, whicl i cos $160,000 was formall) opened on Wi i y 1 1 Mi I w. Bowron a Director, who flew from England, Mr. C. E. Collinge, Manager l r
    70 words
  • 25 4 12.--b >ai ol day when o travelling n <l ovc r H) i 1 from here. v i -iiow_ Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 16 4 'V I n in [m to rout Ine tho S G.I.I.S.
    G.I.I.S.  -  16 words
  • 77 4 T: Ahmadiyya Cominumty, Si] gapore branch is sponsoring a "Religious Founders' Day'" meeting in the British Council Hall tomorrow (Saturday) May 14 at 6 p.m. under the presidentship <>i Mr. Gerald R. Hawkins, Secretary for Defence, Government of Singapore. The speakers will include. Rev. D.
    77 words
  • 134 4 Conservatives Claim Significant Gains In Rural Elections LONDON, May 12. Conservative* claimed significant n« u victories uvtr Labour Wednesday in Britain^ week of local government elections. .uoour jKirty presi ofliuer. ssuing no returns himself, that the CimsrrvutJvi' part) fijrureg ucr- 1 ;i>iti optimistic.*' •..,>, for governing n rural j for
    A.P.  -  134 words
  • 107 4 ISRAEL ADMITTED TO U.N. MEMBERSHIP NEW YORK, May 12.— Israel wai admitted 10 membership m the United Nations Wednesday Qight. The teral Assembly vote was 37 to 12. Israel became Ui 59tn United Nation ui' 1 a I a U oi more than two years for national recognition m the
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 54 4 K.L.M. BATAVIA-SHANGHAI SERVICE RESU MPTION ITAVIA, May 12 rh« K.1..M. ivianShai hai rvice will b« d y 1!'. An-ia, the news agency, reported. Plan -v. v»i. will lly Up to and Bangkok '-H^ 1 wnich was inaugu. during tlxg latter half of U>i ;ir month 11 fc n« n China
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 123 4 MANILA, May 12.— Dr B. V. K ikar, Indian Deputy Foreign Midi tr on a tour ot South La^t Asia. When asked by n< wsm<n au-aut Australia's white policy said that he had rec«nuy hcid discussions on th i policy with *he Australian foreign
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 126 4 BONN NEW CAPITAL OF W. GERMAN REPUBLIC BONN, Germany, May 12.— Tn«-' West German Constitutional Assembly on Tuesday night elected Boin. as the capital of tne iu-w German Federal Republic. The vote was 33 for Bonn and 29 for Frankfurt. The two Communist delegates in h Assembly abstained from voting,
    A.P.  -  126 words
  • 43 4 PARIS, May 12— The 88th birUiday of Kabitulraiiath Tagore, Mio Srtat Indian pott, will bo celebrated here todaj at the School of Oriental Languages, the Indian Embassy announced yesterday. Dr. P. P, Fillai, Biinbter Pl<nipouniiary in Trance, w'll preside. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 4 Group photograph of Malayan Th omas dp Directors of Carreras. Ltd., taken il(« i tea J Company recently.
    19 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 81 4 5,000 DIASE TICS d To WriU To-Day t'or I REI BOOKLET wh in simple now Ul UIETES ih CURABLE WITHOUT INJECT] EONS J3TING OK" DIKI D nu^ Research Laboratoi f, P.O. Box 587, Calcutta, India. m.v. NAPOLI iling Ist Week June, 1!M!>, lo Colombo /hm/ (lass accommodation is at aiiable.
      81 words
      58 words
    • 47 4 SHIRIN Today T.oo ;>.:{o p.m. Jula Juli Bindang— 3 (Malai/) •■>*«»«■• • a miiiiiix^ SQ» <E>«G2l«> «flE>o<Sfip 4fc2>wC=fr iJaiJoCs At 3.15, <>.;;o and 9.15 p.m. Mis SABAH MOHD. BAKKAK in calbi-wa-sAyfi (Egyptian) Preceded b\ Haji To Mecca 1948" OPENING TOMORROW ACTRESS Hindustani > With REHANA, PKE>I ADIH. MEENA, Etc.
      47 words
    • 87 4 fNOW SHOWING AT YOUR FAYOIIHEJ Dl AMONb DAILY 3 SHOWS: 3.15, 6.15 9.15 PJ The most ambitious offering of the mar LAL DUPATTA > 1 1 1 1 Sweet |9H| RANJIT KUMARI RAJAN lIASKAR m SAPRU ULLHAS r P, L I and J^l Wfipdttd| a host of other I isweet
      87 words