Indian Daily Mail, 6 February 1949

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 18 1 Sunday Edition Indian Daily Mail VOL. IV. No. 354. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1949^ 1 PAGES 10 CENTS
    18 words
  • 472 1 ■Warns Pandit Nehru leoples rieip Necessary^ lo 1 MM\\ Feb. 5. —Pandit Nehru, addressing here on Jan. 28, appealed to the National Government m consoiida- on freedom by maintaining; peace m to desist irom acting m a manner v ower the prestige oi the motherland
    FOC  -  472 words
  • 127 1 NON-REPUBLICAN LEAVERS REJECT BEE RS REQUEST BATAVXA, Feb. 5, -Indonesian ieadwi oi riou-Kepubiican s t a te b on aay -vjegued a request Oy uutch •native L. J. M. B«l thai ney express an opinion on the Uniiu?inn aL i Oi T S k ecu Uv Council resolution oi January
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • 217 1 SHAH OF PERSIA SHOT AT BY NEWSPAPERMAN TEHERAN, I eh. ft.— The Shah of Persia Sy-year-oM Mohammad Keza la.ii«vi was shot and slightly Ulju yd on Friday by a newspaper regforter. Marsha] law and a curfew wen imposed m the capital. XJI« a.s.sai.ant was identified as a newspaperman named Fakhre
    A.P.; Reuter  -  217 words
  • 99 1 FORT WILLIAM TO BE OPEN TO PUBLIC FOR A WEEK CALCUTTA, Fob. s.— Ffjpll William, Calcctta, will be open to the public for a week from Feb. 5 to 13. An admission fee oi annas eight per head will be charged says a report m the "Statesman." Organized parties of
    99 words
  • 156 1 M. COMMISSION CHAIRMAN'S ASSURANCE CnlUdN^ b 5 Dr Alfre do Lozano, who as chairman of the a^ions Kashmir Commission, subniiUea the proposals which New Year's Day ceasefire n Kashmir, said on his return irtay »l am quitg mre we shall settle th whole Kashmir
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 49 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Feb. 5. Mr. Josef Kordel, Czechoslovak member of the United Nations Commission for Kashmir, has been suspended from his post by the Prague Government and has announced his intention to seek sanctuary m the United States, it was announced here.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 316 1 CHINA iNANKING, Feb. 5. Mr. Shao Li-tse, leader of ffi w ational Governments peace delegation, and Dr. YY. len head ol the five man non-partisan dekgation lrom Shanghai, will fly to Peiping tomorrow m an endeavour to expedite a Communist reply to the
    Reuter; A.P.  -  316 words
  • 35 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Feb. 5. The United Nations announced Friday that the Security Council will meet Wednesday at 1500 Eastern Standard Time (2,000 G.M.T.) to debate on world armi rfidufttlnn A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 465 1 BURMA: RANGOON, Feb. 5. Karen rebels we c reported m flight north of Rangoon on Friday as Burma's Parliament was told that the nations sU)iC had caused a decline m revenues that u»'iild contribute to a budg^i deficit a>i nearly 190,000,^0 rupees
    465 words
  • 169 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DLLHI, Feb. —An Oflical Mission from the United Kingdom 1S v ar vin B »ere ith tne object of holding discussions witn Indian Government representative* tk> ascertain the position with regard to supplies of essential materials to India irom the traditional
    169 words
  • 227 1 20 DURBAN INDIANS APPLY REPATRIATION TO INDIA FIRST IMPACT OF RECENT RIOTS DURBAN, Feb. 5.-— Durban's African tmM believed to have caused 20 Durban Indians t^" rio ts last mont are repatriation to India under the S outh Afn>™ PP y yester <*ay for ea immigration of 19!8. Pintail Government's
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 34 1 <*ro« Our Own CorM.poi.dem> HYDERABAD Ftb 5 T h annual income of r, 25 000 l an conditions ol sanit?,; OlOO where -Copyright t0 bft de P lo raW«.
    34 words
  • 6 1 Russia Returns British Battleship HBEBti Reuter
    Reuter  -  6 words
  • 32 1 Tata Institute To Be Centre For Nuclear Research decided that the T»t ?°V«rnme2ji Fundamemai Rcfa^h Tr\ m Ot b° th c cemie for an i Bum bay projects m clpai- 1 iarge-scaJe
    32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 U*~~~~~ fnl ll:ipl' iv 'Koti) i TTA UIA p cHAK/c, I ,K.\TIES me: 4385 X UJ( atomic I' |1 J «est«ni I
      22 words
    • 77 1 JUST UNPACKED Printed Fergooson Voil Printed Fergooson Crepe Woollen Blankets A i ail able mt: Singapore Silk Store 48/50 Ncfrth Bridge Read. I flr&jy Ready stock of well-knowr \At X y brands of soaps for your export MIDDLE EAST PORTS 'Z!%S£s£g^^\ Alexandria Dubai l^v^^^^^S^^.-J Arabia Muscat NJDS'^^^r^i Bahrein Persian Gulf
      77 words

  • 1507 2 Forward Bloc President's Criticism Of Nehru Government WORKERS GROANING UNDER LANBLIIHDISM SI'ELCiI AT ANNUAL CONFERENCE Political power has no doubt been transferred to Indian people, still it is not m the hands o/ the masses of India, i.e., the workers and peasants of
    FOC  -  1,507 words
  • 140 2 MADRAS, Feb. 5. The Madras UDstrvaiury i s planning to have a seismological apparatus installed at the forecasting Office oi th e Observatory at MeenaniuaKkam Work will start soon, it is i €arntf on tne construction of a room to nuuse the apparatus, which would Dc
    FOC  -  140 words
  • 22 2 PAxIIS, Feb. 4.- French Premier Henri Queuille won a legislative test today against the Communists ana followers of Gener nr uauiie.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 1018 2 (From Our Special Representative) NEW DELHI, Jan. 23 (By Air Mail).— The Asian conference nut w v persed. In four days it gave added confidence to the 19 nations cr**jj here at the clarion call of Pandit ji. It gave new dignity to India leader, Nehru. It upset the
    1,018 words
  • 172 2 The great small nation s of Europe got a fear of the growing might of Asia under Nehru's leadership. The embassies in New Delhi had a busy time—reading and re-reading speeches, putting the ears in the ground around the Nizam's palace where the closed
    172 words
  • 1041 2 He told me: "n-ven the blind can see what has been achieved. This is lit to be the ideal for the boiled Nations, where people talk but con t decide, where there is disagreement and very little agreement, where prolonged debates
    1,041 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    36 3 The abovt 1 photograph show^ a g€n iral view of the recent Asian Conf erence o n Indonesia before the start of the first closed session at Hydera bad House New Delhi, on Jan. 20. A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 958 3 I 8 Occident Has Lost Its Inner \j v ci I v y H N AUTHOR'S TRIBUTE TO INDIA India was jsa mummified civiby the rain and arrogant chauvinists of the most a fear that India reawakened may rsc of western history. But anyone
    958 words
  • 443 3 International organisation Visualised lo Fight Racial Inequality DELHI LIKELY TO BE CENTRE BOMBAY, Feb. 5. Mr. Bayard Rustin, the American Negro leader, said here he visualised the possibility of an international organisation with headquarters m India "pledged to fight racial inequality wherever it exists." In an interview to the he
    FOC  -  443 words
  • 505 3 NEW DELHI. Feb. s.—Government spokesman said a Burmese Trade delegation is exacted to arrive here this week-end to negotiate the 3upport of Indian cottun yarn,— A.P. aiding any hero worship that I bought my first camera, precisely m which year, I do not know. Similarly, I do not remember how
    505 words
  • 861 3 Filming The Great Men Of The World InterestingExperiencesOfACameraman DID IT ONLY AS A HOBBY Not many deca.d*s ago, India wis regarded as a mummified civilization that is, b\' ac vain and arrogant chauvinists of the West. Today there is almost a fear that India reawakened many seriously disturb the course
    The Madras Sunday Times  -  861 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 96 3 t isn tan easy age we live m for young or old ip^p^i .>«»«/''..- An age of ciamour. hurry jnd tension, an \ge of hftl It is not a blind coincidence that million! of pcoplt H§*llff|^« 1 lirjjk througrcut t'tc dnrk Bournvlle COCOa regu- W &M larly «very day Cocoa
      96 words

  • 510 4 Yoga Made Easy For AN OUTLINE OF HINDU PSYCHOLOGY by Swami Satyananda. Printed at the Malayan Printers, Kuala Lumpur and published by the Shuddha Samaja, c o Vivekanda Ashrama, Kuala Lumpur. Price 50 cents a copy. THIS is the text of a speech x delivered by trn-
    G.S.M.  -  510 words
  • 558 4 MALAYA AND SINGAPORE (Sur\ey Directory oi churcnes and .uis&ion* m tne Federation und Colony bjr A. Cheiiiah u.ia Alexander McLeish. Publisned d> iVorid Dominion t*ress. Price csti. nett (ol) cts. US or 3100 Miau.s currency). JM£.U£ibTiNG statistics regarding the Christian miiuence m this country are contained In
    G.S.M.  -  558 words
  • 104 4 The postwar and fifth annual athletic meet of the Tamil Brotherhood Association will be held on Friday, Apr. 15, this year. All members intending to take part are requested to submit theii lames and the events they want to participate to the Hon. General Secretary, Mr.
    104 words
  • 108 4 THEOSOPHICAL LODGE SOCIETY PROGRAMME Maulana Mohammed Abdul lleom Siddique of Pakistan will .jive a speech on "The Faith Of .slam" at the Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society, 8, Cairnhill .toad, on Sunday, Feb. 6 at 5 p.m. Other programmes for this month viU be as follows: Feb. 10 Discussion. Feb. 17—
    108 words
  • 68 4 Mr. C. D. Clunies Ross and Mr. M. Bula Subramanian of the Malayan Postal Service who arrived m England last Monday ara staying at Balmoral Hotel for Colonial ;students, Gloucester Road, London, until this week when they leave for CordifT to attend a one-year
    68 words
  • 36 4 Rear Admiral C. Caslon, Flag Officer, Malaya, who left Singapore on Jan. 25 m HMS "Alert" to pay an official visit t 0 North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak, will be returning to Singapore on Feb. 10.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 155 4 ESSENCE OF CHICKEN y^f -^^0^ Pleasant and Easily Digested. -jJ^** oives Noarl ji me nt Hapidl> and Effectively. Stimolates Convalescent to make a Complete and Rapid Recovery. Agents: F. V RARTHOLO%TEtSZ LTD. TifSl r^euw Remember the three i, S V^^p?92o?^U/y^^^ CHAN LEE CHYE MEDICATED 1 W^ mm ikM^l CHING S
      155 words
      39 words
    • 121 4 SKIRIN CINEMA TODAY 3 SHOWS 3.30, <U0 9 P.M. DOOSRI SHADI Hindustani Partly Coloured with Mumtaz Shanti and David M 1" TODAY 3 SHOWS: JKL V^ X /m. Lj 1-30, 5 and 8.30 p.m. A Picture Dedicated to the Memory of those Great Heroes who have been fighting for the
      121 words
    • 133 4 BOOKS oTwjjjjjjl 625 PAGES PRj The book will y 1 help to any sei Gandhian Literal —BABU RAJENDRi pj I 2. GITA THE MOTH M. K. Gandhi 3. GOOD LIFE M. K. Gandlii 4. UNSEEN PO\Si M. K. Gandhi 5. FAMOUS LETTERS MAHAT>L\ GANDHI 6. GANDHI IS INDIA —By J.
      133 words