Indian Daily Mail, 8 December 1947

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol. 111. No. 255. SINGAPORE, xMONDAY, DECEMBER, 8, 1947. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 148 1 More Troops To Be Sent To Kashmir Il ,Dec. /—"Wc will sde tin.. Kashmir busiUr do not believe in leaving things half ill .send mure lrc*>ps. We will musier all our it nil we succeed," declared Pandit Jawa- addressing a mass meeting here
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  • 81 1 Mohd Abdullah Kashmir National Conference Leader other meeting that the war in Kashmiris being high stakes and on its success dependent the the menace of the two-nation theory which has uch misery. we will redeem 400 9 000 9 000
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  • 149 1 Reason For Withdrawal From Kotli Sm 1)1 Mil. Dec The milin m Jammu la now like i' i 'i»s m tribal areas titii ill*- Indian army is so Mountainous terrain is 1 1 pi ny and there is no pitched battles in the the tribesmen dislike. Borne public con. thdrawai*
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  • 129 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) DELHI, Dec. As thehrst step towards prohibition it Is >od liquor will not be servedin parties held under Government Orthodox nngressmen seem to ,lJv^ complained against serving 1|,,: at Government House receplurini Mr Rajagopalacharis v< n.or.(.iiieralship. 'roba'. officials
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  • 160 1 UP Food Minister's Bill For Suppression Of Black Marketeers (From Our Own Correspondent) LUCKNOW. Dec. 7— Anonymous letters threatening him with death if he did not off call the drive against black marketeers and stop propaganda against decontrol have been received by the United Provinces Food Minister Mr. C. B.
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  • 64 1 U«»r Own Correspondent) Mu <*l I HI. Dee 7.— lt j s learnt ''"•ni Assembty'i Legislairh eh will be over on i >H again for budget in the la^i week of Janu- "ninm till the md of •I't'r the Constituent AsM) will
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  • 126 1 Hyderabad People Determined To Win Freedom Says State Congress President (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Dec. 7— The Council of Action of the Hyderabad State Congress decided yesterday evening unless the Nizam's Government announced they will constitute Res. ponsible Government in the State and eonceded external relations could be decided
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  • 115 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS. Dec 7 —"The supply of amis am: ammunition to Hyderabad by the India Government is an extremely serious proposition. Kvery bullet supplied to the Nizam will be a bullet to crush the state people and their democratic struggle.
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  • 120 1 BOMB ATTEMPT ON VIZ AM: (From Our Own Correspondent) Hyderabad, Dec. 7. Five more arrests have been made in connection with the bomb attempt on the Nizam. It is understood the assaflent is a law student. After hurling the bomb, it seems he tried to escape but
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  • 94 1 MADRAS GOVT. RAISES CEILING PRICES OF RICE AND PADDY (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Dec. 7— The Government has increased the ceiling prices of rice and paddy with effect from today. The price of rice is up by Rs. 2 a mauiid and paddy by Rs. I—61 6 as., the
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  • 93 1 „<.From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Dec. 7.— lt is learnt that Mr. R. K. Shanmukham Chet. ty, Finance Minister, and N. Gopalaswamy Iyengar, Minister without portfolio, have joined the Congress i an\ while Sardar Baldev Singh, Dr. Shyamaprasad Mookherjee, and Dr. Ambedkar prefer to retain
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  • 42 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Dec. 7.— ln view of the present financial stringency, the Government is instituting a general economy drive. As the first step they have deferred the construction of aL' new Government buildings. —Copyright.
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  • 72 1 MAV \OKK, Dec. 7.— Nicholai Murray Butler, I;, former President ot the Columbia Univcntt) and lon^; tunc figure in international affairs, died here toda> Butler died at St. Luke* Hospital here ot pneumonia, follow nig several days' i Until Butler who 1 cured as Columbia President in iy 43 after
    UP  -  72 words
  • 148 1 REMOVAL OF CONTROLS WILL IMPROVE SITUATION IN THE COUNTRY, ASSERTS GANDHIJI (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Dec. 7. At a prayer meeting, yesterday evening Mahatma Gandhi hoped once food and cloth controls are removed, farmers would bring out all grain they had stored and merchants will not indulge in
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  • 137 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW in Lt il, uec. 7— A Commu. nique issued by Pandit Nehru's commonwealth Relation* Ministry said Burma's Premier Thakin Nu, Foreign Minister D Tin Tut and AFPFL Secretary U Ba Swe paid courtesy visit at the invitation of
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  • 113 1 NANKiNG 9 Dec. 7. Ao com limit uui thus jar ai tillable at the Chinese Foreign Office, over thu report ed "sounding" by the United Stata on the possible use of Chinese troop. Vale* tine. Informed qsssrters, boweter, opine* bina might be reluctant to %end bet
    UP  -  113 words
  • 127 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) MEW DELHI, Dec 7— Mrs. Sarojini Naidu has been appointed permanent Governor of the United Provinces following Dr. B t. Roy expressing his inability to accept the post of UP Governorship. Mrs. Sarojini,
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  • 88 1 London Nationalist Muslims To Pledge Loyalty To Indian Union LONDON, Dec 7 —The Indian Nationalist Muslim Association of London is convening a conference of all nationaJist Muslims in Britain in the last week of December, it was announced yesterday. Mr Chowdrv Akbar Khan will preside at the conference. Mr. Abdul'
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 119 1 Power Politics Still Dominate UNO, Says Zafrullah Khan KARACHI. Dec 7 —Sir Mohammed Zafrullah Khan, leader of Pakistan's delegation at the United Nations, declared he**e yesterday that the decision of the United Nations to partition Palestine had dealt a great blow to its moral prestige. Sir Mohammed Khan, who had
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 171 1 JERUSALEM, Dee. 7— A secret Arab radio station yesterday opened an inaugural broadcast with the plea to the Arab population of Palestine to stand by and await the signal for a nationwide revolt The Arab Youth Group, Jihad, .said In a broadcast it
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  • 140 1 —DR. F. GRADY NEW DELHI, Dec. 7.— "lndia and America, working side by side as members of the United Nations, in world councils, could build up a system of international co-opera, tion," stated Dr. Henry F. Grady, U.S. Ambassador in India, at a
    G.I.I.S.  -  140 words
  • 175 1 Ba Maw. To Be Tried Fur Alleged Conspiracy Against Govt. RANGOON, Dee 7— Dr. Ba Maw, it \variinu head of the Burmese Government and Thakin Ba Sein, a former Executive Couneillor both of whom were to have been called as defence witnesses for U. Saw, former Premier facing a special
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 126 1 Bao Dai— Ballaert Talks Begin Aboard Fr. Warship HONGKONG, Dec. 7—Ex-Empe-ror Bao Dai of Annam and the French High Commissioner, Emile Bollaert, held their first meetings yesterday afternoon aboard a French warship in Bay D'Along in the gulf of Tongking whereto Bao Dai had flown from Hongkong by a specially
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 84 1 AUCHINLECK LEAVES MALTA VALKTTA. Malta Dee 7 —Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinkck, former joint Commander-in-Chief of India and of the Pakistan fortes who retired las» month, left here today in hi s own aircraft for home and London after being delayed overnight by had weather. The Field Marshal left India
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 42 1 \f W Dl l HI, Dec. -.—lour pe« pie were killed in ribting .tt Ajmer, Central India, todaj when non-Muslim refugees from PakHtan clashed with local Muslims in the Durgall Kr/aar. A 24-hnir curfew wis immedial Ay imposed the town. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 \yU^ KIPTION RATES FOR INDIAN DAILY MAIL l„, i A Foreign by Post OONTHLI $3.30 iRTERLI 9.90 „\|l *EARLI 19.00 oM OXI 36.00 N,u 1 Exclusive Selection In Dress Materials For Ladies and Children BENARES BANGALORE SAREES A Speciality Wldrena Toys, Bon-Bons X'Mas Trees, Helicoptors, Train sets, Etc. Etc. E
      65 words
    • 22 1 TELL TOUR PRODUCT! TO THE PEOPLE Through; TAMIL MURASU The Leading Tamil Dailj in Malaya over IS yean. 71, SELXGII KOAD, Bla*a»ere.
      22 words

  • 894 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Monday, Dec. 8, 1947. POSE OF INJURED INNOCENCE AT a private meeting held on Saturday last, the Unofficial members of the Singapore Advisory Council decided not to resign en bloc but left it to the individual members to decide what further action they proposed to take.
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  • 423 2 All Indian Troops Overseas will Be Withdrawn This Month End Defence Minister s Assurance In Union Parliament NEHRU TO MAKE STATEMENT SOON ON POSITION OF GURKHA TROOPS IN INDIAN ARMY (Prom Our Political fsil SipsßifQ NEW DELHI, Dec. 7.— Replying to questions in the Con >tttuent Assembly (Legislative) Defence Minister
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  • 93 2 Jinnah 's Financial Adviser Leaves For London (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Dec. 7 -Sir Archibald Rowlands. Financial Adviser <o Mr. Jinnah left for London from Karachi yesterday after completion of the three-month term of Rowlands recommended Pakistan to start jute, textile, and tannery industries for which she has
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  • 103 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Dec. 7.— Four Afghan noblemen in Bombay advised the Pathans not t<> fight in Kashmir and not to follow false leaders." What Pathan s should do Is to right for the establishment of a Pathanistan Republic consisting
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  • 50 2 (From Our Political Correspond"^) CALCUTTA, Dec 7 —With a view to checking greedy and unscrupulous landowners, the Government propose to enact legislation pegging the maximum land values t u prices prevailing in December, I9u, allowing only a certain percentage for price appreciation.— Copyright.
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  • 449 2 Greet Powers By-Passed Major Issues By Eid- 1 he-Door routs )ELEGATE'S FIRST REPORT ON From Our Political Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Dec. 7.— Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Pandit, India's Ambassador to Moscow and leader of the Indian delegation to UNO, who arrived on
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  • 867 2 BBBFROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPOND^ Strong Opposition Needed tor Successful Govt., Says Jayakar POONA: Dr. M. U. Javakar. addre Tarsi Association here, advocated the forma ;,t n^ Parliamentary Opposition. All Governments, prone to make mistakes and aa Opposition wou out their faults and the Haws m the
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  • 95 2 Method Of Selection Of Poet Laureateships Explained (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS. Dec. 7. Explaining tht Government's l'o«'» Laureateship Scheme. Education Minister »aid it was not proposed to prescribe any set functions for Laureates because it would mak< them stereotyped, but they would generally be asked to coirj.ose song s
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  • 48 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI. Dec. 7— lt Ls under, the sala lie- of Dominion Ministers aiv being revised. They will get Rs. 3.000 salary plus Rs 500 entertainment allowance and free quai erg and will be subject to income-tax.— Copyright.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 534 3 Sequel To Labour Govt's Social Programme ITTLEE (iOVT. BLAMED FOR PRESENT MASSACRE" IN INDIA nit Conservative Programme Outlined i^SIEH Dec j.— Making a speech here yeslid Britain was in a danger of a a quarter oj the nations pulation would ''disappear" as the
    U.P.  -  534 words
  • 41 3 NAIROBI, Dec. -.—Six natives were killed and t6 injured when police opened fire during an inter-tribal riot at fiargeisha, British Somaliland, it was stated here on Friday. British troops stood by, but the position was] reported to have improved.— Re uter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 121 3 India Should Uphold Asia's Cause, Says Burmese Premier NB* DELHI, Dee 7-Thakin No, litffmese Premier, said in an AllIndia Radio broadcast last week, "We seek friendship of India in the new era that will ,be Burma's wi a ten weeks. AN e know *e shall not be disappointed. We ofter
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 135 3 London, Dec. 7. Chowdr) Khan, leader of the Indian Nationalist Moslems said here in London that the partition of Palestine would bring as much misery and devastai;-n in the Holy Land Ba <hat brought about by the di\i»ion of India. "If the western nations art
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 431 3 ANTI-PALESTINE PARTITION DEMONSTRATIONS CONTINUE IN FULL SWING LOS DON, Dec. 7. Air and seaborne forces sent to Aden, British Red Sea colony, which radioed an urgent appeal tor reinforcements to quell Arab-Jew rioting over the United Nations Palestine partition plan, had last night
    Reuter  -  431 words
  • 500 3 ECAFE Chairman's Appeal To Delegates INDIA VENUE OF NEXT SESSION IN MAY BAGUIO, Dec 7. Chairman Migu e I Cuaderin t Philippines, closed the second conference of ECAFE yesterday afternoon, after issuing a ringing appeal for internal peace in countries of Asia and
    U.P.  -  500 words
  • 158 3 JEKUSALEM, De c 7.D— r. Hussein Khalidi, secretary of th* Arab High Committee, said on Friday that Sii Henry Gurney, Chief Secretary of the Palestine Government, had asked him t 0 call off the Arab general strike which i s now i
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 177 3 NANKING, Dec. 7. In j nmpU c e r«mony h«re last week, the Indian Military Attache, Col. B. M. Thakar, presented Major-Gen. Doob, member of the Supreme Staff of the Mioistry ol National Defence, w it*fi the Comnundej 0 t the Ordej of
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 341 3 BULK OF STRIKERS TO RESUME WORK TODAY PARIS Dec. l.—Thi French Socialist Minister of the Inters M. Jules Moch, declared in a strike statement to Renter last night: "The battle is won. am master of the situation The Minister indicated that
    Reuter  -  341 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 251 3 KUSHTA KULANTAK foj all eortfl of Leprosy. Skin diseases from Syphii origin vanish like mist before the sun-rays. I'rict $30- per pound: Phone No. 78 KERALA AYURVEDIC PHARMACY Campbell Road: KUALA LUMPUR 'HA I UNLUCKY STAR PREVENTING YOU I ROM PROSPERITY. A il) thing you need is NARAYAh KAVACHAM.^^ piritua]
      251 words
    • 209 3 MARINE SWALLOW Sa fling For MADRAS BOMBAY 21st DECEMBER Advance Booking accepted. Applv AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY LTD., 61 Robinson Road. Phone: 2180. Singapore. IBIIBva BACK PAINS Yield to De WITT'S PIUS Don't try to "work off" that pain in thr back. That stab or dull ache is Nature's warning signal
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  • 1161 4 Rice Shortage Is Hindering Our Economic Progress Haji Eusott's Address "One problem is common to all the five territories vhich 1 represent, namely, the Malayan Union, Singapore, \orth Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei, and 1 think to most of he countries represented here. That
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  • 85 4 HONOULU, D«c, 7.— Ihe L. S. Navy's lask ioi^^ $s, consist ing jl carrier Valley Forge, lour destroyers and a fleet tanker, will sail carl) in Januar) on training cruise to Australia, China and possibily Japan, :hc Pacific Fleet Headquarters announced today.
    UP  -  85 words
  • 276 4 Appointment Of Local Man As Chief Inspector Of Vehicles "It was with considerable relief that we learnt of the Municipal Commissioners' majority decision to appoint a local man as Chief Inspector of Vehicles instead of a European. The case is interesting," bays an MDU Bulletin. It adds: "Committee No. 2
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  • 26 4 TEHERAN, Dec. 7.— Ghavan es Sultanth, the Persian Prime Minister, has officially denied reports that he and his Cabinet have resigned. UP
    UP  -  26 words
  • 108 4 Major J. D. K. Hagu e MC Director ol Messrs. A. Wander, Ltd., London, wellknown manufacturer! oi "Ovaltine", arrived in Singapore >e>te'rd.i) from Australia alter ins|vctinv; the Compain's plants in Tasmania and New Zealand. Major Hague is touring th c i u Last in connection
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  • 81 4 BELGRADE, Dec. 7. The first meeting oi th<-' nine-nation Gamin* form in Belgrade will open ihortl) before D*c. iy, it arai learned from .1 reliable source todav. It waj believed that the liung.irian delegation was not likeh to include any of the Communist mi'ust
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 193 4 MR. TWVrS ADDRESS AT RAE AIR BASE LABOURERS UNION MEETING 'Ihe glory of India and the greatness of indians are judged by other nationalities in this country from your daily activities and actions. Therefore every Indian in this country should rise up
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  • 90 4 RANGOON. Dec. 7.— Mr. Derek Curt is Bennett, K.C., who arrived here from London, yesterday said he was confident that he would secure the acquittal of U Saw, former Burmese Premier and principal accused on charges relating to the assassination last July of
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 78 4 NANKING, Dec. 5 A SinoAmOfkan naval agreement is «xpecwed to be signed shortly according to reliable pro-Government newspape A rcports in Nanking this morning. The pact will make provisions for the transfer of warships including cruisers and other auxiliary vessels to China and training of Chinese naval
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 23 4 PARIS, Dec. 7.— Pol'ice arrested 230 strikers including leading Communist and 13 foreigners of unspecified nationality under the Govt's new anti-gtrike law. UP
    UP  -  23 words
  • 358 4 Nazimuddin's Call For Defence Of Pakistan SAYS EFFORTS ARK BEING MADE n DESTROY NEW STATE DACCA, Dec. 7.— Khwaja Nayim lir'alm the people ol Eastern Pakistan to h e prepared t Q State ol Pakistan. Addressing a Meeting ol the Ontral Clubs Committee, th*' Premier said that efforts were being
    F.O.C.  -  358 words
  • 126 4 BOMBAY, Dec. 7.— Two ol Mai* y.fs three entries in the All -India Badminton championships, swept through th*if tirst round match a»t night, soundly defeating ih 1 opponents bciorc a small crowd ot spectators. Samuel cjsilv beat S. N. Chandi from New Delhi by
    UP  -  126 words
  • 115 4 BOMBAY, Dec 7.— A suggestion that the Indian Cricks t Board o) Control should all an Asian Cricket Conference in the very near future, nas mad, b\ Air. A. S. de Mello, presidnet of the Board, at a Prest Conference here recently. The
    G.I.I.S.  -  115 words
  • 65 4 BEIRUT, Dec. 7.— Twenty thou land college students damonstraced h«r« last week, hoisting Arab State flags from Parliament Square to Government offices and shouting, "We want arms and not promises. We are your men Hajamine. We are ready to fight for tlu Arabs in Palestine." Thi
    UP  -  65 words
  • 79 4 A bill f dim.,. I I 1 1 vidcs in tu fl that the add:; B increase! dinanc e L cordingl) d I cliectm, I of the rheoj I to ,in. > ad ;^J| the Ordn I ral I PONS l I and r«gisti I
    79 words
  • 17 4 Bill To Amend Japanese Decrees Judgm dinan Ji S object > appropi r the subs ma) be i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 WANTED by Public Relations Office, Government offices, Singapore an efficient Tamil Announcer lor the Public Address Van. Apply by letter omy. Just Unpacked "DISCOVERY OF INDIA" By Jawaharlal Nehru Price $111- excluding postage. And Fresh Stocks ui* Ayurvedic Sala, Kottakal, Malabar. Sole Agents for MALAYA SINGAPORE VIJAYA BROS. MUAR. Classified
      189 words
    • 114 4 _^9r^^^L rodaj and 9.15 p.m our Glamoui Qaeen Raginfe "NEK run r> (Hiitoifrfll ■nrftnnn I SHIKIN CLNUA I (Nen Uorhi rodaj I ,n gaia il vv >u'-">'» ,n •OMAK KHAYI \M j ■■■77iiTni»tfrTttTTMmmTnTTfl| May: US S*-*- 15 pnl f Mohamed El-KaMawi I" I Unknown Sinuer Egyptian or P rttl rida
      114 words