Indian Daily Mail, 12 May 1947

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol. 111, No. 76. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 12, 1947. PRICK 10 CENTS
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  • 227 1 Hyderabad Episode A Challenge By Democratic Forces (From Our Own Correspondent) (alcutta May 11.— A top-ranking Socialist leader revealed here yesterday that a wide in vas i on aga inst autocracies m Princely Mates is being planned for quick and planned execution. He added Jayaprakash
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  • 113 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) New Delhi, May 11. —it ia understood me Britisn Government s proposals wmcn tne Viceroy will piace oetore tne leaders on lviay Van, u> not nkeiy to be so much an award as ii seen out tne particular plan would nave tne
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  • 115 1 U.P. Leader Urges Youth To Resist Challenge Of Violence r©m Our Own Correspondent) hansi, May 11 Addressing a ♦•ting m a village near Jhansi. jshottamdas Tandun, United winces Assembly speaker, appealed to all patriotic men to take P arm.s against communal aggranIkement, gangsterism and mass butchery. andon said "we can't
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  • 63 1 Saigon, May 11.— The British •nment m India m comWi the recent decision of 'n^c Government has denot to permit emigration Wled Indian labour to China. i t was officially 'eajoed. lecision was conveyed to French authorities here who guested the Indian Govnm^t to send
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  • 35 1 May ll._Biam'a 31st "trliament was opened on the understanding Government would ■nd Premier Thamrong »t would name a new one present Cabinet which had charge* of graft and 2 '^tency &i nCe August last^ AP
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  • 110 1 PRASAD BLAMES LEAGUE FOR INDIA'S PARTITION (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangalore, May 11. —Speaking here yesterday Dr. Rajendra Prasad, declared the Congress d'd not MUlt partition of India but since the Muslim League insisted, there was no alternative but to concede it. Prasad assured the constitution framed by the Constituent
    Copyright  -  110 words
  • 60 1 Capetown, May 11.— The early restoration of diplomatic relations between South Africa and India were confidently predicted by influential Indian circles here yesterday. {C\s expected that the Hiuh Commissioner for India will return to South Africa after which the Indian Government's
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  • 119 1 London, May 11. Ismail Chundrigmr, Commerce member m the Interim Government of India, arrived here last nlffht by air on his way to Geneva where he will represent the Government of India at the international trade ana employment conference. Mr. Chundrigar will meet Mr. Clement Attlee,
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  • 215 1 Sarat Bose Envisages Union Of Indian Socialistic Republics (From Our Own Correspoodent) Calcutta, May 11.— Giving a gist of the talks durinp three days with Mahatma Gandhi m S ode pur Ashram, Sjt Sarat Chandra Bose said m an exclusive interview that he envisaged a Union of Indian Socialistic Republics,
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  • 58 1 CONTROL ON CLOTH CONSUMPTION TO BE LIFTED (From Our Own Correspondent) New Delhi, May 11-* to understood the India Government may lift control on consumption and distribution of yarn and cloth next month Production and export control will, however, oanunLJ and manufacturers may beJ£ked t0 maintain the present P«>pwtton between
    Copyright  -  58 words
  • 244 1 INDIANS WILL NOT BOYCOTT FOREIGN GOODS, SAYS KARARA Bombay, May 9.— D. F. Karaka, Indian author and former war correspondent, writing m his daily column "Off My Chest" m th nationalist Bombay Chronicle declared: There «rtlll happen t o be enough Englishmen and enough Anglo-Indians who have the vision to
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  • 356 1 Abandonment Of Cabinet Mission Plan Likely! London, May 11. A full Cabinet discussion that will provide the Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten with the official British reaction to his report on the Indian constitutional situation may be moved forward to the Cabinet meeting on Monday or
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  • 171 1 New Office-Bearers For Indian Chamber of Commerce Th<- sixth Annual General .Meeting of the Indian Chamber of Commerce, Singapore was held at the Chamber premises on Saturday, the May 10th 1947 at 4 p.m. BH$ the following members were elected to the Management Committee: Messrs. R. Jumabhoy (The Hon'ble Mr.
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  • 289 1 Bombay, May 11. Bomy financial quarters "deplore" the statehent by Hugh Dalton, British Chancellor of the Exchequer that Britain's mass of war debts must be "very substantially scaled down" the Independent Times of Indty said yesterday. A. D.
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  • 47 1 Secundrabad. May 11. lour persons ircffC killed and many m mini m communal ofaMhei which occured m Secunderabad on Saturday. About 300 arrests were made. Armed poliie and military are patrolling the town. Order prohibiting demonstrations and meetings has been issued. Copyright,
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  • 243 1 Filipinos' Conception Of Netaji Manila, May 11. Maurc Mendez, delegate to the Inter- Asian Conference at New Delhi commenting on the career of Netaji SubhaChandra Bose said. "We m *he Philippines who heard of the doings of Bosc were made to bclievo that he was a renegade of the first
    UP  -  243 words
  • 112 1 Soviet Scientist Deplores Lack Of Ideas About USSR Moscow, May 11. The Soviet scientist. Umarov, dr^rribinc lu^ recent visit to India on a member of the Soviet delegation to the Indian scientific congress says m his diary "What truck uk was th" lack of true Men about the Soviet country
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    • 93 1 New Delhi, May 11. The meeting between th t > Viceroy, Lord Louta Mountbuttt ii t ::ul the Indian lc- tiers and States' rept—ftatfvea which had been arrangrd lor iik morning of May 17 h.^ Im*cii pert poiied to June I, it ua? atithou tativelv learned here today.
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    • 61 1 > Stem Delhi, Mi\ 11. Ihr emei tjeiKy meeting railed b> ilx .Muslim I. «at; u<» Working Committee f«>r i». Sunday baa been postponed t<» f m« first (peek In June following tnc annoiiiurinrnt vi the oostponememi of (he nicotine between t ii«- \ui rej of India and the Indian
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1154 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Monday, May 12, 1947. INCOME TAX INEVITABLE U7HATEVER the rich and wealthy section of the local population may say, Income Tax is bound to be introduced m Singapore sooner or later. For, that is the only way to augment the present inadequate revenues and enable the
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  • 94 2 Cawnpore, May 11.— The Indian Trade Commissioner-desig-nate to Australia, Mr. Azhar Husain, declared here that, with conditions m the Indies and m Malaya still disorganised by the war, India had become economically Australia's "closest neighbour,' and for the next few years she would probably replace Java
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  • 421 2 Plans For Handing Over Power To Be Communicated New Delhi, May 11.— Britain's long indecision on how to terminate her rule m India— whether to surrender power to a United India or a number of splitted governments appeared approaching an end. Viceroy Viscount Admiral
    AP  -  421 words
  • 134 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) New Delhi, May 11. India's Food Secretary K. L. Punjabi, at a Press conference m Karachi on Friday declared the overall rice position m the country was not expected to be very bad, as rice production has been good on
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  • 92 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) New Delhi, May 11. —It is understood Finance member Liaquat Ali Khan is going tQ London on June 10th to discuss with the British Cabinet the Sterling balances question. Manu Subedar, leading economic expert is likely to accompany him. India
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  • 103 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Poona, May 11. —Socialist Leader Ram Manohar Lohia, interviewed here said there is no chance of Eastern Pakistan materialising, but even if it did, it could not endure for more than six months. He added if anybody thought Calcutta could
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  • 101 2 Mysore Dewan Parleys With State Congress Leaders '^om Our Own to,re, Bengalore, May v 'l*" l**t. wan Sir A. Ramasw^ >* has been carrying on uL^'* Sute Congress leaden^' the proposed reform, aJ^'S ter are understood tn k the following demand, Firstly, the should be respo,, ;b;e g0' vt; secondly
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  • 34 2 (From Our Own Corresponds Madras, May 11. -Represent have been received by Government on behalf of feZ and two others convicted fc Lakshmikantham murder questing it to exercise and release them.— Copyright
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  • 30 2 (From Our Own Correspondent New Delhi, May 11.-Group Cap. tain Mukherji of the RIAF fc been promoted to Air Commodore He is the first Indian to attain the rank.—C Copyright
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  • 183 2 New Delhi, May 11.— Sard ar Vallabhbhai Patel "strongman" of the dominant Congress Party asserted here that British policy "by remaining neutral, but holding power, is a way of prorogating civil war," Fatel, Minister of Home and Information and Broadcasting m the
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  • 379 2 London, May 11. The University of London Union on Friday defeated by an overwhelming majority m a debate the motion "that this house deplores the policy of the British Government towards India." A well attended house heard Brigadier J.
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  • 93 2 (From Our Own Correspondent New Delhi, May 11— More thi eighty village uplift centres d-r--ed to the spread of adult education teaching of village craft and mcd eighty village uplift centres devo cal relief work are functioning fr day m various parts of India,
    Copyright  -  93 words
  • 43 2 (From Our Own Correspondent Bombay, May 11.—Rule* Western India, Gujerat, Rajpota** and Central India states m* 1"1 m Bombay on Friday m reiterating their faith m then of India and deciding to I Confederation to facilitate lective entry into the Indian nn» Copyright
    Copyright  -  43 words
  • 210 2 (From Our Political Correspondent 1 (v Calcutta, May 11.— Sodepur Ashram, 14 miles from is a beehive humming with political activity of < he degree because of the presence of thfc apostle <>t n 0T since Friday cables our political corresponded from
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  • 123 2 'From Our Own Correspondent) Karachi, May 11. —Addressing a Karachi gathering, the Sind Governor warned Sidhis against importing into the Province bitterness existing outside. The Governor added "I sometimes wonder whether the greatness of change which is to take place In India and the difficulties
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  • 583 3 Russia Rapidly Rebuilding Her f ar-Wrecked Cities I visible for hunI ,ng the railway m Moscow through I Litovisk, WarI «pe. ted a trip over rirough WarI Br and Calais to WJ .vould have the contrast Union, Poland I England. I trip showed the )\it the driving I t leadership
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  • 130 3 Montreal. May 11. Three Indian Christian leaders will begin a luoweek tour of Canada from Montreal on May 18 at the invitation of the Canadian Overseas Mission Council representing foreign mission boards and societies and Canadian churches. They are Doctor Rajah B. Manikar, General Secretary of
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  • 57 3 New York, May 11. The Indian Socialist leader, Yusuf Meherally, who arrived here from Britain on board the Queen Elizabeth will enter New York Medical Centre on Monday for treatment of heart condition. Meherally was greeted at the dockside by J. Singh, President of India League of America, and other
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  • 229 3 Washington, May 11.— Solon J. Buck, U.S. National Archivist said former President F. D. R. Roosevelt took steps almost two years before his death to have his papers screened to avoid "possible repurcuhsions on individuals and their reputation/ Buck's statement was included m the transcript
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  • 66 3 Tokyo, May 11— Katayama Tetsii, chairman of the Social Democrat Party, was forecast as the next Premier of Japan after a meeting of the four major political parties had unanimously agreed that his Party, which emerged from the elections as the leading party, be given premiership. Premier
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  • 29 3 London, May 11. Jewish leaders on Saturday announced plans to establish a forest m upper Galileo as a memorial for the 6,000,000 Jewish victims ol Hitler's extermination policy. AP
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  • 301 3 Saigon, May 11. President Ho Chi Minn of the Vietnam Republic has written the Associated Press that his government "can make any change to win our independence" this m reply to a question asking if he foresaw any possibility
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  • 389 3 Lake Success, May 11.— The Philippines delegation on Saturday proposed an Interim Government for Palestine, possibly under the United Nations care, which would guarantee the rights of everyone there until the Holy Land issue is settled. This proposition was
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  • 121 3 Washington, May 11.— President Truman's $400,000,000 Greek-Tur-kish aid measure was sealed with overwhelming Congressional approval on Friday and only routine steps remained to start the stream of American men, money and material into, the two Mediterranean nations to ward off Communist encroachment. The measure, passed
    AP  -  121 words
  • 126 3 Shanghai, May 11— The Federation of Industrial and Utility Workers, claiming a membership of 800.--000, sent a letter to the Central Government today demanding inter alia restoration of the cost of living index, publication of private fortunes of leading officials, including Chiang Kai-shek. the Soong family,
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  • 173 3 Hanoi, May 11.— The British Consul at Haimi, Trevor Wilson. has been promi-cd by the Vtttitftm Government that all Indian <-.\ih ans interned by Vietnam will hr well treated until they arc liberated. French sources It last nj gave details of the meeting on
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  • 158 3 Washington, May M United Slates ofllcfmhi a( \i v Delhi have opened discussions with \U V Indian Government about the plight of American exporters as the result ol Indian import restrictions m nnunred m March, it wai authoritatively learned here. The i m Government';
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 Happy And Ver* Good News To The People Of Singapore. fHE ONLY BEEDI WHICH HAS ACQUIRED THE PRESENTATION OF MEDAL AND THE TITLE OF "BEEDI SOVEREIGN" IS OUR FAMOUB 1 P. SohKaldl Romsoit Becdies 'wtured under hygienic principles using sapwior quality tobacco. Highest 1 < > u l 't> flayour
      98 words
    • 27 3 V»X^T^ Q Mm W i Wjww f M m JIB* 9>j FIASHtIGm BATTERY *2*^l FOR YEARS F LEAKPROOF RAY-O-VAC LEAKPROOFS f ((jlv/v^N DELIVER MORE LIGHT (Skj///,\ if^wws-M,
      27 words

  • 3051 4 Sound Directives To Public In The Form Of Questions, Answers Beginning from today the Safety First Campaign Organized by the local Authorities will start. The object of the Campaign is to make the public pedestrians, drivers and other Vehicular users to learn how to use
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  • 83 4 Government is giving its full backing to tne bafety First Campaign, and I welcome the co-operation of unofficial bodies m its promotion, m a City as crowded as Singapore, every precaution is necessary to avoid accidents, and satety can only be achieved if it is placed first and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 258 4 ORIENT AIRWAYS I'lane expected to leave Singapore on 17(h May for RANGOON and CALCUTTA. For Bookings apply to: M. A. Namazie Ltd, 19, Malacca Street. Singapore. Tel. 6448. Sisters Delayed DON'T WORRY! lry "KLMAKI (Tablets) to remove ,>uur anxieties over uilltculi uuys uiid fear vi period. cdl delays ai any
      258 words
    • 36 4 IH BAN SIEW y TONG WINE v4jWL MEDK 1 I 1 *UW> Manufacturer: s^^ij lay Miang Huat |?V;\ Dist. Ltd. fi* 7 ;,">, Alexandra Road. ,j office: tlfcLiMi'lf lav ian S Huat Ltd. 16, Upper Circular Road.
      36 words
    • 23 4 Ideal House For DelifhtfaJ Sareas Maganlal Nagindas ft Co PIECE GOODS MERCHANTS 85 87, ARAB STREET. PHONE: 3407 S ING AT OK **<#+♦+* fdgfg
      23 words
    • 56 4 KNOWN CPIOMM, The Eastern OpuK 15, South Camlll Singapore I MARLBOH Last 3 Shows: 3.30. Oil Hindu, w' Starr. nt Sn.n.i. Pnthvin I I (lopp and Ku:»B Opening i I •P\N( HAMIKIAM Nasceni and ChandrmW Dhanothara K»" J I1(1 "I "NAI,\TH.\Mi| LASI tS"2!j KALAIVANTS "ARDHA M RI P. U, (hmnappa.^,
      56 words