Indian Daily Mail, 25 April 1947

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol. 111, No. 63. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1947. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 216 1 lictißehind-The-Scene Activity In Delhi Political Sphere From Our Own Correspondent) Delhi. Apr. I.— Much behind-the-scenes activity is going (ical sphere in Delhi. The Viceroy a^ain met Mr. rday and is understood to have made a further he League leader accept the Union Centre Li. i
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  • 130 1 Madras Plans To Safeguard Hindu Women's Rights frfJ "i "nr Own (irrespondent) \pr 24.— The Madras *My vrstrrday decided thai •Bill for prohibiting bigamy and Mn* divorce among Hindus province be circulated for public opinion before the 3 »ne. AD sections of the fnerally welcomed the 'houirh some of the
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  • 42 1 ORISSA GETS GRANT FOR NEW CAPITAL |°*n Correspondent) 24. -It is under•tral Government t of one-and-a- r°risf fOr buildin S 1 Bhuvar.eshwar. estimated at -Copyright. I';«*ters of Lewis wldes, accustomed own peat tor year be em-h-^ZT cnty weeks by W& 4^*ture at
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  • 330 1 MR. JINNAH New Delhi, Apr. 24. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, President of the Muslim League, disclosing in a statement today that the situation in the Northwest Frontier Province was specifically discussed in his last night's three-hour meeting with Lord Mountbatten said: "I feel the Viceroy is
    Reuter  -  330 words
  • 191 1 Washington, Apr. 24. The belief in the possibility of world peace, and not the power of the atomic bomb, will lead to peace, said Raja Hutheesingf in a speech at an "Indian night" meeting Tuesday night. He told an audience of nearly 600: "There is
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  • 68 1 Hanoi, Apr. 24.— Martial law which was decreed in Tongking and Northern Annam in December last year after the Vietnamese nationalist rising has been lifted in the towns of Hanoi and Haiphong. This decision of the French High Commissioner, Emille Bollaert, was announced
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  • 33 1 (From Our Own Correspondent; Delhi, Apr. 24.— 1t is understood that Sir Shanmukham Chetty has resigned the presidenship of the Indian Tariff Board and his resignation has been accepted.—Copyrifht.
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  • 95 1 New Delhi, Apr. 24.— Ten pilgrims were burned to death, and countless others drowned, and over 1,000 temporary structures were consumed in a blaze, when an accidental fire, fanned by a day wind which at this time of the year sweeps Delhi plains, burned out
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  • 101 1 New York, Apr. 24.— An illustrated monthly magazine entitled "India Review" to be published in New York shortly will feature India to the American public. The editor and publisher, Hari Govil, also founder-director of India Society of America, said: "The magazine which will be eight-and-a-half inches
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  • 44 1 A daughter has been born to C. R. Whittington of Bletchley, a direct descendant of the famous Dick Whittington. Mrs. Whittington, formerly Miss "Jackie" Hance won more than 700 prizes at horse shows in England, and on the continent, before she was sixteen.— Reuter
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  • 158 1 Many Changes In Fundamental Rights Committee Report 'From Our Own Correspondent) New Delhi, Apr. 24.— Followin < discussions between experts man> changes seem to have been mad" in the report of the Constituent Assembly Fundamental Rights Subcommittee. For Instance, while there L c equality of opportunity for all citizens in
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  • 103 1 LEADING INDIAN NEWSPAPERS FOR "INDIA HOUSE" London, Apr. 24. Sudhir Ghosh, Public Relation Officer in London of the Indian Interim Government, has arranged with the Government of India for copies of a number of Indian newspapers to be flown to London so that they can be read, within a few
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  • 28 1 H.K. LEGISLATURE PASSES 1ST READING OF DIRECT TAXATION BILL Hongkong, Apr. 24.— The Legislative Council passed the first reading of the direct taxation bill today.- Reuter l^ee page ■»>.
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  • 92 1 Washington, Apr. 24.- -Measures taken by 20 member countries of iha International Emergency Food Council to cope with the postwar grain shortages show that every ounce of grain is being saved and complete changes of diet enforced The report compiled by D A Fitzgerald,
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  • 167 1 Capetown, Apr. 24. General Jan Smuts, South African Prime Minister, in a farewell speech to the Royal Family before they left Capetown for Britain, today said South Africa was confident that Britain would emerge from her present trials once again a leader of wise and
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  • 134 1 New Delhi, Apr. H Programme for a rice conference on lines of the International Wheat Conference will be drawn up by the delegates of the principal r i ce exporting-importing nations a t a preliminary meeting at Trivandrum, Capital of Travancore States, in the
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  • 74 1 Jefferson City. Missouri, Apr. 24. —A resolution demanding that Henry Wallace, former United States Vice-President now in Paris, should be prosecuted by the United States Government for traitorous activities" was introduced in the Missouri House of Representatives today. No immediate action was taken on the resolution which
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  • 83 1 Moscow. Apr. 24. The MOSCOW session of the Council of Foreign Ministers will officially end tonight when tho ten leading members <>t each of the Big Four delegations attend a farewell banquet niven by Generalissimo Stalin at the Kremlin. The Foreign MiiuM«rs Council was to
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  • 118 1 MALAYAN REFORMS Creech-Jones Says The Last Word? London, Apr. 24— -The Secretary of State for the Colonies. Afiliur Creech -Jones, staged in the House of Commons yesterday that he hoped to receive shortly the Governor's recommendations on the report of the Consultative Committee on the new proposed constitution for Malaya.
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  • 183 1 London, Apr. 24.—The Earl of Listowel, the new Secretary of State for India and Burma, was sworn as a member of the Priw Council, received the seal of his new appointment and kissed the hands of his Majesty's representative at a special meeting of
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  • 63 1 Sequel To Bombay Riots: Special Court's Heavy Sentences Bombay, Apr. M— A special ooart for not cases yesterday sent three people to deat^i aii^l Ii Vt f O trans portation for lfe lor taking part in the communal disturbance here. Five others were tentenced to five years' imprisonment ami two
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  • 56 1 May Ist, 1947, will not be ice iared a Public Holiday, but any Government employee wishing to absent himself for the plirpani »f attending uiiy meeting on that daj may do so. The absence from chn\ will be reckoned us one day's leave, says an official Tress
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 866 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Friday. April 25, 1947. ANZAC DAY REFLECTIONS ■TODAY is Anzac Day and Australians and New Zealanders in in particular, and other Allies in general, will meet to pay .solemn and silent homage to those Anzacs who gave "their today for our tomorrow" on that morning on
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  • 1871 2  - PA TE L JI NNAH -I ND IA'S P O LI TICA BOSSES OF TO-DAY R. SATAKOPAN A STUDY IN CONTRASTS By EXCLUSIVE TO INDIAN DAILY MAIL THE temperature in Delhi is rising fast. With exasperating 1 impatience everybody is asking, "What will the Viceroy do next?" He has seen
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  • 164 2 New Delhi, Apr. 21. Inaugurating the first session of the All-India Administrative Service Training School at Delhi, Sardar Vallahhai Pat el. Home Minister of the Indian Interim Government, said that the days of the "old style" Indian Civil Service are going to be
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  • 69 2 New Delhi, Apr. 24.— The Indian Interim Government has appointed a Scientific Manpower Committee to assess India's requirements of scientific and technical personnel during the next ten years and to recommend steps to be taken during the next five years to meet these requirements. Sir Shafeat
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  • 69 2 London. Apr. 24.— The famous King's counsel, Sir Walter Monckton, left London airport last night by plane for India where he will be the guest for two months of the Nizam of Hyderabad to whom he is the legal adviser. He is to confer
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  • 153 2 Sanfraicisco. Apr. 24. R. F. Grady, first US Ambassador to India said on Wednesday he will leave for New Delhi on May 4. He will sail on the President Polk via Manila, Japan, Shanghai and Hong Kong. He expects to visit General MacArthur
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  • 80 2 INDIAN TRADE BOSSES URGED TO "GIVE AND TAKE" New York, Apr. 24.— An appeal to India's leaders to recognise that "there must be Rive and take ii Indian-American commercial relations are to be fostered" was made today by the "New York Journal," an influential American trade newspaper. The paper adds:
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  • 77 2 ji New Delhi, Apr. l' count Mountba* of India, wa.s report. ly to have asked '1 nan, Muslim leader, final answer whether would ipUt when th< i pulled out. Mountbatten peni r arguments that Jinmj accept the Central meent plan instead ing the Muslim ittu independence. 1 Ho was
    UP  -  77 words
  • 167 2 London, April :>!._ strict aniial calculations to which New Delhi and Cairo, a freati of important** is attached t established the fart thai Bn "owes' 1 astronomical sum* in debts to India and Egypt, -aic London Evening Newi in an rial yesterday. The Evening N the governments of b
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  • 20 2 The home Ol 13 Hanover T( London, .sold In M on the markei ain> the buyer havi Loo many Btairi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 755 3 21.— The nationalism of peoples of Hie East nendoua force and has been given not only opportunist also great moral impulse by Japanese conquest said n. former Commissioner of Reforms in India, rterday. akmg at a meeting of the Royal Empire Society am
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  • 173 3 Evacuation of non-essential civilians necessitates following restrictive measures: (a) All endorsements for Palestine to bo deleted from passports: (b> No new endorsements to be granted except after reference to High Commissioner; (o Only urgent and important cases to be referred. As from 15th April
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  • 349 3 Woodford, Essex, England, Apr. 21. The Labour Government was accused of evidently casting away the "mighty Indian Empire*' by Winston Churchill, Britain's wartime Premier, when speaking at his constituency here last night. Mr. Churchill said that Palestine was of far less
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  • 189 3 Eureka, Kansas, Apr. 24. Mi Roger W. Babson, a 71-year-old American economist, is opening "Utopia College'* at Eureka. Kansas, as a training centre for th<' rich and near-rich and a refuge from war, depression or a Communist uprising which he declared might come within the
    AP  -  189 words
  • 87 3 Rangoon, Apr. 23. Only two Communists out of 180 successful candidates have been elected to the Burmese Constituent Assembly, results receiveed up to this afternoon show. Thirty results have still to be announced. The two Communist? have been elected for Yamethin district where
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  • 37 3 Shanghai, April 24. A wellinformed Chinese representative of the better educated class, studying the reorganized Executive Yuan, commented, "To quote an old Chinese proverb. They've changed the soup without changing the ingredients'. UP
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  • 69 3 Rangoon. £pr. 24.— Two thousand of 7.000 employees at an Army Ordnance Dep:>t here went on strike yesterday demanding an extra month's pay fo: 900 of their colleagues who were given notice. The Army au*'horit et are reported to have turned down the request for extra
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  • 43 3 Rangoon. Apr. 24. The AntiFascist Peoples' Freedom League has appointed a special committee to study the constitution of variour countries and submit advice and suggestions for the benefit of the Party members elected to the Burma Constituent Assembly.— Reuter
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  • 201 3 Sydney. April 23. The Commonwealth Bank has told a Sydney businessman that they would not accept responsibility for cheques signed with a ball-pointed pen. The bank suggested that he use an ordinary pen or fountain pen, with standard ink for his banking documents. Many
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  • 114 3 ONE MORE YEAR TO CHOOSE INDONESIAN CITIZENSHIP Batavia, April, 24. Eturasians, Chinese and other Soul h -east Astent of non- Indonesian Mrtfa residing in Java and Sumatra trill have one more year to decide whether they want cil i/enship in the new Republic. The working committee of the Central National
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  • 21 3 The first large car^o of banana* from Cameroons 125.000 Kt/em lor West South Wales and the Midland arrived at Avonmonth.— Reuter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 181 3 i NARAIN SINGH CO., 3, Malacca Street, (2nd Floor), Singapore. Importers, Exporters, General Merchants, rEXTILES AND PIECEGOODS SPECIALISTS ■liable: Stationery, Drugs, Cosmetics. Electric Clocks, etc. :itcd for Siam Produce. Leather Goods, Silverware, Zarkon Stones, etc., etc. PAY US A VISIT AMERICAN TEXTILES AINU >lAM MERCHANDISE EXPECTED SHORTLY. j tGOLES KIDNEY
      181 words
    • 271 3 W *^^«t» l and WEk 4^VN(ELrS 9 Minerals, Vitamins mml H* Mum NOURISH your borfy fl SHI T«4«jr mk bmc »inplr mfl bin mm l*ck riMM< vP^KJkf Mi gi i■» MneMk and Vmbduh wkack butkl up ttw bipod and nen»r rrmemM, an.-! bnac hcafcti «>)d Mrarwtti Jll^r K^9MB^. Tlmc #tai
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  • 789 4 But Public Must Help Too Singapore Crime Nosedives (By Our Staff Reporter) (rime in Singapore is now definitely on the downward i.end, as compared to the early days after the liberation. This facl is due mainly to the untiring efforts of officers and
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 4 In several provinces of Siam recently, 100,000 Vietnamese and others gathered together to pay their respects to Indian students who suffered on "Vietnam Day" in Calcutta This picture shows a meeting held at Bangkok, where Indians, Siamese, Chinese, Laos, Cambodians, Indonesians and Vietnamese attended the ceremony which
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  • 126 4 Hongkong, Apr. 24. Chinese objection to direct taxation in Hongkong reached its climax yesterday when the newly-formed Chinese anti-Direct Tax Committee, composing most of the members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, cabled the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Arthur
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  • 117 4 London. Apr. 24. During the debate on the budget In the House of Commons yesterday evening a slihgtly built white-haired man rose in the strangers' gallery and waving his arms shouted, "There will be civil war in this country unless a speed limit of 30
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  • 119 4 Five Chinese, one armed with a pistol, entered a house in Sembawang Road at about 4 a.m. on Wednesday and decamped with $1,200 worth of valuables. The robbers first went to the house and knocked at the door. When the Chinese occupants of the house refused to
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  • 123 4 "WHITE SUPREMACY" ADVOCATE AGAINST COLOURED CHILDREN Washington, Apr. 24. The Democratic representative, John Rankin who is an advocate of "white supremacy" today denounced in Congress proposals to bring to the United States 5,000 illegitimate children which United States Negro troops left behind them in Britain. Rankin described these children as
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  • 112 4 Geneva, Apr. 24. India today voted against the United States plan to simplify control of currency imported by travellers which was approved by 11 votes to four at the UnitecJ Nations "passport talks" here. Britain, Australia and Holland were the other three voting against. The plan
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  • 60 4 Batavia, April 23.— A manuscript in the Javanese language of 1,400 pages translation of the Islamic Holy Quran is now ready for printing after 11 years of strenuous labour, the Indonesian news agency, Antara learns. Initiative for this work was taken by the Indonesian branch of
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  • 233 4 Rickshaws Banned From Singapore Streets From May 1 Singapore, Apr. 24. A week from today there will be no legal rickshaws on Singapore streets. Any rickshaws found plying from May 1 are scheduled to be seized by the Vehicles Department. Under a decision of the Municipal Commissioners last November, all
    AP  -  233 words
  • 144 4 London, April 24. Htten Chauclhury, a prominent Indian businessman of Govindam Brothers, Ltd., Bombay, who is now in London after four months business tour of the United States, told Rcuter that American businessmen are "led away with the vast population of India and there is
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  • 91 4 BENGAL INCOME TAX COMMISSIONER WINS PRIVY COUNCIL APPEAL London, April 23.— An appeal by the Commissioner of Income Tax, Bengal, from judgment of the Bengal High Court was allowed with costs by th^ Judicial Committee of the Pi ivy Council yesterday. The question at 'ssue was whether it was rightly
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  • 62 4 IF PRINCESS CAN GET MAN'S SALARY, WHY NOT WORKING GIRLS? Apr. 24. •Went o! Engineer. Pi-inn ■a examp.. shouw twem her comto, »tae lor her yearly a uve-why engineer.. Tanner naked. Tanner tl) u neers a t a round-tab^ toe. her,, worth tta. I am sure tan lathes on are
    UP  -  62 words
  • 78 4 New York, Apr. 24.-Ser (39) Ku>s,anbor n tionall in anc W wasye r tenced to two-aiid-a-halt imprisonment ana lined evading military Rubinstein who* financial adviser to Ku> pu to the United 8W ago and in a n achieved control of a companies. He wai t bniiiunt student oi
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 60 4 Rangoon, Apr. 23.-Th e fen Frontier Areas Enquiry sion headed by LieuteiK.-t vid Rees Williams has cc hearing evidence durmg tfa night's session at Maymyu, oincially announced today. The announcement added Commission's report will be tf mitted to the British Govo and
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  • 16 4 London, April 24.— Mr. H.: Dalton, the Chancellor of chequer is suffering from a ed finger.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 142 4 KNOWN OPTOMETRISTS IN MALAYA. The Eastern Optical Co., 15, South Canal Road, Singapore, (tst. li);>2) Tel. 2067. id*.) House For Oi-li^htfu? Sartu Co PIECE GOODS MERCHANTS Ss—B7, AUAB BTREET. PHONE: ;407 ;iNCi IPOKF HUAT I^TD. fi»^l iu, yyytß c^ojl&r >d^ woapori .vii WMMB3, SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE Ca. LTD. +*eL TAI
      142 words
    • 38 4 MARLBOROUGH Daily: 3.30, 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. Leela Chitnis and Harish "REKHA" (Hindustani) Present you another grand Social Kit! Released by SEAFCO Singapore. To-morrow At Midnight: "CHAND CHAKORI" (Hindustani) With Mumtaz Shanti Watch Out For "VIJAYA LAKSHMI" (Tamil)
      38 words
    • 66 4 OPENINCi TO-DAI A| 7 and 'KM p.m. Charlie Chaplin in "GOLD RUSH" OPENING 10-DAI At 3.15— 6.30— M.i:, pjn Heartbeat of Million* Nurjehan in "ZEENAT" (Hind I The Years OvtStAH To-morrow Midnite; '*BUL MJLE in^HIMD (Hindustani) fi;*p T da y 3 JO and 7.30 p.m. IB J§ ALL-MALAY W PKEMIERI
      66 words