Indian Daily Mail, 12 April 1947

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 14 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol. 111, No. 53. SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1947. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 232 1 Premier Khan Sahib Alleges "league Is Tool Of Conservatives frontier Agitation Continues: 3,700 Arrests Made To Date (From Our Own Correspondent) ha war, Apr 11.— The Frontier Ministry have decided firm and will never submit to the empty threats of the vie
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  • 180 1 (From Our Own Correspondent; Bombay, Apr. 11.— The mover alone voting for, and the rest of the House staying neutral, the Bombay Council adopted a resolution recommending the Government to ask the University to introduce a scheme for training girl students m
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  • 231 1 VICEROY TRYING TO GET ALL-PARTY APPEAL FOR PEACE (From Our Own Correspondent) New Delhit Apr. 11. According to informed circles, the Viceroy is understood to be discussing an all-Par v appeal under the joint signatures of Mahatma Gandhi, Janab Jinnah, Master Tara Singh and other top leaders. The Viceroy will
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  • 59 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Lahore, Apr. 11. The Punjab Governor has imposed a collective fine of ten lakhs on the residents of Multan which was the scene of Out of this sum, six lakhs will be recovered from Muslims and four from Hindus. Those whose
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  • 132 1 BROOKE'S REPLY TO G.-G. The following statement was issued by Mr. Anthony Brooke last night m reply to the Governor-General's Press statement published yesterday morning. "In view of the ban against my entry into Sarawak I am not m a position to give my first-hand impression
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  • 139 1 (I .»m Our Own Correspondent) Karachi, Apr. 11. Sind is faced with a major economic crisis unless the League Ministry changes its policy. The present policy Is so antiHindu that leading Hindu industrialists are planning to migrate from the province. Hindu
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  • 64 1 Lahore, Apr. 11.— The Punjab Government on Friday suspended four newspapers for two weeks and arrested their four editors and the publisher of one under the Provincial Public Safety Act. The Act provides for the punishment of persons who publish material deemed objectionable, or likely
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  • 30 1 New Delhi, Apr. 11. The Indian Central Legislative Assembly today ratified the peace treaties with the German satellite states, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 96 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Madras, Apr. 11.— The Bhagavathar appeal has been included m the High Court's list of criminal appeals and posted before the Bench of two Judges. Notice has been issued to the parties concerned and the appeal will be heard
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  • 90 1 London, April 11. A resolution "deploring the trend of events taking place at the present moment m India" was unanimously passed by members of the Indian Workers' Association here last night. "We sincerely hope," the resolution added," that all concerned will do the utmost
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 27 1 Colombo, April 11. Ceylon produces only 21 million gallons of milk whereas her minimum requirements are estimated at 205 million gallons a year.
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  • 286 1  -  HENRY WALLACE London, Apr. 11.— An audience of 3,000 people m the Central Hall, Westminister— the site of the first United Nations General Assembly— was told by Mr. Henry Wallace, the former American Secretary of Commerce, that the American foreign policy was leading
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  • 57 1 FREE TRADING RESTORED IN BOMBAY BULLION MARKET Bombay, Apr. 11.— Free trading was restored m the Bombay bullion market on Thursday with the withdrawal of the March 10 declaration of an emergency and the fixing of ceilings for forward deliveries. The Bombay bullion exchange board said 8,000 bars of silver
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  • 86 1 Bagdad, Apr. 11.— Salih Jabur, Iraq's new Premier, told Parliament yesterday that revision of the Anglo-Iraq Treaty was the basis of his foreign policy. Iraq wanted a pact of mutual understanding drawn up on the footing of equality and based on the United Nations charter to strengthen
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 Dr. Sjahrir, Premier of Indonesia (left), photographed with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Dr. Sjahrir made his first public appearance at an international gathering when he attended the plenary session of the Inter-Asia n Relations Conference on Apr 1
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  • 74 1 Washington, Apr. 11.— The United States Senate voted on Thursday to give th e United Nations conditional authority to halt the proposed American assistance to Greece and Turkey. It adopted an amendment by Senator Arthur Vandenberg to the legislation authorizing the United Nations
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  • 110 1 London, Apr. 11.— Keviewing the present political situation m Burma, the leftwing week-end review, New Statesman and Nation, calls Thakin Ba Sein -the Don Quixote of Burmese politics." 'While the elections are being held for the Burma Constituent Assembly the flag of revolt has been
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 101 1 It is reliably understood that Mr. A. T. Newbouit, Chief Secrc tary of the Malayan Union, who is proceeding on leave, will take the Governor's recommendations on the Malayan Constitutional Proposals personally to the Secretary of State for the Colonies and present him a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 -ppTH. D. MIRZA nn not miM this golden opportv of consulting me with iTxrd to your life problems. I ,refl of testimony from foyer tho world from leading flIl personalities Hour>: 9-12 noon 2-7 p.m. Ist Floor, Room 4, [JONG HOA HOTEL, 4-b Pi nsep St. Phone 4522. os'Ae Cathay
      55 words
    • 10 1 BEST f? k^ <g; INDIAN PAIN .L j^ BALM A^
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  • 604 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Saturday, April 12, 1947. NOTES COMMENTS A FOREGONE CONCLUSION THE course that the Malayan constitutional proposals are going to take is well-known to all, and its result is also a foregone conclusion. Those who have been fighting them consistently and persistently, have been doing so not
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  • 1109 2 Men Politics: A Regular Feature-Exclusive To Indian Daily Mail Nobody Knows The Answer, Says Louis Fischer IT is impossible to exaggerate the significance of Pr^ ld f n j 1 Truman's speech on aid to Greece and Turkey. The United States
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  • 353 2 "Key To India's future Lies In National Unity" -Grady Washington, Apr. It.— The key to India's f ftu t national unity and cessation of communal Grady, the first United States Ambassador-di <kr n nr stated here yesterday. "India has a great future but the key t,, that elimination of the
    Reuter  -  353 words
  • 187 2 New York, Apr. 11. The views of Henry F. Grady would be found worth studying by "poverty stricken India, declares the American magazine "Time" m endorsing Mr. Grady's appointment as the first U.S. Ambassador to India. The magazine quotes Mr. Grady as saying that
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 349 2 Camberley, Surrey, England, Apr. 11.— Some military observers believe that the turning point m Britain's overall defence policy and integration of Imperial defence will be achieved at a conference of senior commander s o f the three British fighting services which
    Reuter  -  349 words
  • 114 2 New Delhi, April 11.— Mahatma Gandhi yesterday appealed to British officials and businessmen to accept the spirit of the British Government's "Quit India" declaration and assist the Viceroy, Viscount Mount bat ten, m transferring power to India peacefully. Gandhiji said that when the British left Indian
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  • 47 2 London, Apr. 11. Britain's premier turf classic horse race, the Derby, will be run on Wednesday, June 4, at Epsom, thus dispelling the popular belief that the famous race would also come under the government's ban on midweek sport.- UP
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  • 37 2 Paris, April 11.— The pilot of a reconnaissance aircraft today saw rebels again attacking Fara Angana, on the eastern coast of Madagascar, according to reports from Tananarive, capital of the island. No further details are available. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 248 2 Ideal House For Dellghtfi Sare«t Maganlal Nagindas &Co PIECE GOODS MERCHANTS 85— T7, ARAB STREn PHONE: 3407 SINGAPORE ??????????*?*#?s*****«** PANICRER BROS. Qualified optometrists, mans facturing opticians and license chemists, 367, Batu Road, KUALA LUMPUR. GANDHI ASTROLOGER Health, Wei.: Journey etc U time. Hu« jotnLsha Ssto* Tiruuni, S -> Head Office:
      248 words

  • 194 3 rote or French Empire will p Decided On Battlefield, jojjb Dr. Pham Ngee Thoch >ew Delhi. April 11.— The Vietnamese Army will never arms and Ihe fate of the ancient French Empire decided on the battlefield of Vietnam,- said Dr. Pham \T Ta
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 119 3 Tokyo. April 11. A spoeksman o! the Allied Powers Supreme Command today said that the first postwar shipments of cotton fabrics to Sweden. Malaya and the British Monies m Borneo, were scheduled oleareKobe this week. I said a Swedish ship Tonghai, A tarry 3,996,000 liner
    UP  -  119 words
  • 110 3 Sacramento, California, Apr. 11. Bjl a decisive 60 to two vote the California Assembly on Thursday voted to eliminate a provision m the state's education code assigning Asiatic Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Mongolian children to separate schools. The law provided that Asiatics may be
    AP  -  110 words
  • 115 3 Trieste, April 11.— Maria Pasquinellign, the 39-year-old Italian school-teacher who assassinated Brigadier Ger. Robin de Winton at Pola on Feb. 10 is to die for her crime. A three-man British and American tribunal hearing the first murder case m the free state of Trieste deliberated only
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  • 42 3 Stockholm, Apr. 11.— Karin Koch, leading Swedish suffragist and professor of political economy, today became Sweden's first woman cabinet member. She was appointed Minister without Portfolio succeeding Gunner Straeng who became Minister of Food and Supply.- UP
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  • 257 3 Gosport, England, April 11.— The crash of the auctioneer's gavel sentenced two of Britain's most famous racing yachts to an inglorious end yesterday. The tall, slender and graceful •grand old ladies," veterans of many of America's Cup races, the Endeavour I and Endeavour II
    UP  -  257 words
  • 88 3 Rangoon, April 11. Although the final results of the elections m Rangoon are not yet available, Reuter learned officially tonight that Anti-Fascist Peoples' Freedom League candidates will be returned to the Constituent Assembly with a wide majority. Results of the polling m the districts
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  • 42 3 Berlin, April 11. —Upwards of 1,500 persons were seized by the flying squadrons of four-power security forces and 5,000 German police yesterday m a manhunt which reached into almost every nook and corner of this city of ruins.- UP
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  • 241 3 New York, Apr. n <— Charlie Chaplin said on lnursclay at his iirst foreign press conference thai ne had not become an American ettfeen alter 30 years m the LJnitea uecause ne was "not a nationalist." Tne point vaa raised following
    AP  -  241 words
  • 243 3 London, April 11.— Three thousand "Christian Commandos'' will move into London's theatres, pubs and factories next Monday to launch a ten-day "blitz" revival that will reach an estimated 8,000,000 persons. The drive will be a combined operation of all protestant denominations. The
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  • 94 3 Burnley, Apr. 11. Amarnath, the Indian Test cricketer, signed by Burnley as a professional has written to Tom Riley, Chairman of the directors, stating that he will not be able to fulfil the contract. Riley has cabled Amarnath that it ia vital he should honour
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  • 255 3 Greece Turkey Asked For Help, Says US Senator Lake Success, New York, Apr. 11.— Replying to Soviet charges that United States aid for Greece and Turkey was interference with the domestic aflairs of these countries and inconsistent with the principles of the United Nations charter Senator Warren Austin told the
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 62 3 Bombay, Apr. 11. The Times of India on Friday said a great fire has been burning for three days m the port of Agra, destroying scientific and military stores valued at millions of pounds. •The fire started on Tuesday night and was reported to be
    AP  -  62 words
  • 63 3 Washington, Apr. 11.— Reports that UJS. representatives participated m the Anglo-American talks m London on military problems expected to arise m India after the British withdrawal were discounted here by the spokesman of the U.S. State Department. The State Department which presumably would have
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 42 3 Los Angeles, Apr. ll.—A severe earthquake spending its greatest torce on the Mojave Desert rocked the 60,000 square miles of Southern California, Arizona and Nevada on Thursday morning but the damage was minor and no serious injuries were reported. AP
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  • 214 3 Moscow, Apr. 11.— The United States and Britain ,on Thursday agreed to French demands that the 738 square miles of the Saar area and its 863,00 v predominantly German population should be slashed from Germany and administered solely by France. UiS. Secretary of State George
    AP  -  214 words
  • 46 3 London, April 11.— Viscount Kiicoursie. son and heir of the Earl ?n^, aVa n WaS married yw^rday to Miss Lucy Essex a former nurse who Sai d she may return to her profession part-time Viscount Kilcoursie before the ™iZi: n automobiie saie UP
    UP  -  46 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 j^j|l JB*l INDIA MARCHES AND OWNS. fi^lljliyfl Saraf Trading Co., Ltd., »SSylM3gß||| SOLE AGENTS: -Ki~j.!::;a:Knna«Kn::u::::::::::::::::::^. Happy And Very Good News To The People Of Singapore. THE ONLY BEEDI WHICH HAS ACQUIRED THE PRESENTATION OF MEDAL AND THE TITLE OF "BEEDI SOVEREIGN" IS OUR FAMOUS T. P. sohhoiaf Romsoit Bccdies' tactured
      114 words
    • 128 3 GOLES KIDNEY TABLETS. 1 >^ rr^^V THE WEAL T NIC FOR K *DNE* /^CVi/jV weam *s* lumbago, loss VVJ? AFFEWTE, DEBIUTY FOX \i^>^^k WOMEN SISTERING I \y^S9^^^^/ Sole D^nbutors: The Great Eastern 16 South Bridge Road. I OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERh THE TRAVANCORE FORWARD BANK LTD. (Incorporated m Travancore) HEAD OFFICE:— KOTTAYAM,
      128 words

  • 302 4 Time Schedule Rates Of Fares 5-PASSENGER AIRCRAFT NOW AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER FLIGHTS WITHIN MALAYA Malayan Airways announce that their regular services m the Malay Peninsula will open on May Ist. Flights will operate daily between Singapore and Penang on the following schedule. Singapore dep.
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  • 83 4 A general meeting of all Singapore Printers' Associations will be held at the premises of the Federation of Trade Unions, Singapore, (56, Short Street), at 10 a.m. on Sunday, April 13, 1947. All those interested m the printing business and trade are kindly requested to be
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  • 126 4 A meeting of the representatives of the various Indian Organisations was recently held under the chairmanship of Dr. Markandu, the President of Malayan Indian Congress, Taiplng Branch, at the Dravidians Association premises m Taiping to discuss and to make arrangements for the celebration of the
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  • 288 4 At a meeting of the S. Asia Freight Movement Committee, held on 28th March, it was unanimously agreed that the time had now come when the committee could be disbanded. This Committee was originally set up under the Supreme Allied Commander, to regulate shipping, so
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  • 149 4 The attention of the public is particularly drawn to paragraph 5 of the Objects and Reasons which follow the official publication of the draft Bill to adjust liability under Lease and Tenancies m respect of the period of enemy occupation. It reads as follows:
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  • 455 4 SINGAPORE'S ECONOMIC SECRETARY SAYS "Without It We're Heading For Another Slump" Mr. Andrew Gilmour, Singapore Secretary for Economic Affairs, warned yesterday, at a Press conference, of a "very great danger" that future development of Singapore's trade would be retarded as a result
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  • 117 4 w«»auj *<"lhci.«Mi Iln e ln „.1 HUiur, more Ma> m Uj me Band »i lhe J| ■HireAtqtimemgiv, oami tMiccrt on .> u >„ iron [iAU toJ I vvcamrr permilUag. Ah* tana, ik kimh ga»m vi.a tfaiaya n^ wis iius toeaut iut tl
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  • 30 4 The Secretary of Kalaimagal Tamil School ot Yeo Chu Kang Koad, Singapore, thanks all donors for their generous donations towards the building fund of the above school.
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  • 23 4 Mr. A. C. Cunnyngham-Pero-riau. A.S.P., Singapore Police, has been appointed to act as Official Film Censor, Malayan Union and Singapore.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 280 4 Sisters! Delayed? DON'T WORRY! Try "KUMAIII" (Tablets) to remove your anxieties over difficult days and fear of periodical delays at any stage under any circumstances and prevent future troubles! Speedy ana harmless results. Thousands satisfied. Normal potency K3, Special R5 and Extra-Special RB. (Send full value plus Rl as postage
      280 words
    • 35 4 DAILY at 7 p.m. and 9.15 p.m. Preston Foster William Bendix m "GUADALCANAL DIARY" Here the Americans suffered heavily! Here is how they fought back to a great victory!! To-night At Midnight: "ARABIAN NIGHTS" (Hindustani)
      35 words
    • 26 4 TO-DAY DAILY 3.30, 6 and 8.30 p.m. A Great Tamil Musical Comedy Hit "DEWAN BAHADUR" Featuring: T. R. Ramachandran, Sushila Dcvi, and a great supporting cast.
      26 words
    • 71 4 H?n!n-H:ii:::Sn^H:»iinH:H:»!iaHH:H::n:::::::::::::::? JLi NEW>^OHUKPARK TI -NIGHT MIDNIGHT: 11.30 P.M. A Lively Hindustani Comedy "MANORAMA" Starring: Leela Chitnis, Ishwarlal, Naseem Jnr., Charlie, etc. iifHi!r!:!::::iiiiI;Ii;::uHin:::::::i:::i::::i::::::::::: Ii:::::: MARLBOROUGK Daily: 3.30 and 9.15 p.m. AN ALL-MALAYAN PREMIERE The Melody King ABDUL WAHAB and Lovely MISS RAGIAH m a Super Musical Extravaganza "BULLET IN THE HEART"
      71 words
    • 146 4 HIND 13th MILE, SELETAR To-night At Midnight: "THAYUMANAVAR" The Best Tamil Hit. P To-morrow At 7 and 9 p.m. P. U. Chinnappa m "YAYATHI" (Tamil) Special Screening for Tamil New Year! -\<'' [^^P^w^K^r J PYET ANOTHER MIDNITE HIT! SIMULTANEOUSLY TONITE AT Oorrich <« > MorlDorough From the Distributor who gave
      146 words
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