Indian Daily Mail, 15 November 1946

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol IL No. 237. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1946. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 432 1 INDIA'S "BIG 3" SPEAK ON RIOTS nnah Says Only Establishment Of Pakistan Can Solve Probleml indhiji prepared To Lou Down His Life In Bengal crnment. Moh.»«ed Ali .finnan. mS^S, 'a'nd las k. .andhi -spoke on India's communa riots odaJ ip > and armed police
    Reuter  -  432 words
  • 147 1 vFrom Our Own Correspondent; New Delhi, Nov. 14.—Wht),her the Muslim League reverses its boycott decision or not r the Constituent Assembly will meet on December 9 and invitations are being issued to members accordingly. Master Tara Singh. Sikh leader, declared at Delhi yesterday that the
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  • 70 1 Our Own Correspondent) en Delhi, Nov. 14. Paying trito Pandit Malaviya m the tl Assembly yesterday, Pandit described him as "a giant men and one of those who foundation of modern I -•nalism." Hh his death it might be said rtain age m Indian politics is
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  • 61 1 t Our Own Correspondent) "Iras, Nov. 14. Following a ling strike by casual dock rs m the Madras Harbour •day, unloading of 35,000 tons •"l grains has been held up. ikers demand increased and shorter hours of work. 1 nt workers also abstained itUckj by strikers.
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  • 243 1 <From Our Own Calcutta, Nov. 11. "For the possibility lies on the Muslim G practically a personal show of I Mahomed Akram Khan, Presidei Muslim League, m a statement. Charging Suhrawardy and his Ministerial colleagues with making <
    AP  -  243 words
  • 236 1 New Delhi, Nov. 14. Renewed Hindu-Muslim violence erupted on Wednesday despite broadcast warnings that police would shoot rioters on sight. Eight more were killed, raising the weeklong New Delhi riot total to 17. Police opened fire twice, killing one. Another seven were
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  • 143 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Calcutta, Nov 14. It is now over a month since the riots broke out m Noakhali and the refugee problem is as grave as ever and nowhere near solution. Daily refugees are pouring into relief camps m a long line reminiscent
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  • 316 1 The following Press statement was issued by the local Information Officer of the Government of India last night: 'The Representative wishes to announce the further detailed procedure for the surrender of cards held by repatriates for the months April to October. Those holding C and
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  • 147 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Madras, Nov. 14. The Madras Government has launched a vigorous drive against corruption among the public services. The Government explain m launching the drive that they have been influenced by the view that no officer who has
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  • 91 1 Singapore, Nov. 14* Mr. S. X Chettur, Representative of the Indian Government m Malaya. leaves tonight for a week's tour ol central and southern Malaya. During the tour he will stop In Kuala Lumpur for two days and m Penang for three days. Mr. Chettur
    AP  -  91 words
  • 846 1 Under the auspices of the daily -growing-strong Malayan Indian Congress, Malayan Indians yesterday observed the 57th birthday of Pandit .lawaharlat Nehru by holding mass rallies, processions and prayers. In Singapore, despite the inclement weather, a representative was present at the Indian Association premises yesterday
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  • 188 1 ALL ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES ARE FREE OF TAX Canberra, Nov. 14. x\lr. Joseph B. ChiHey, Australian Prime Minister and Treasurer, announced m his budget speech today the reduction of Cusioms and Excise du»y <>n petrol by a penny a gallon. Sales tax un clothing wuuld ue completely removed and
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 109 1 Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 14. The palm oil industry m Mala>a is to protest to the In ion Government rcgai'din;; the imposition o* an export duty $20 per ion. A leading member of the industry told Keuter: "It is a somewhat ironic reflexion that while
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 736 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Friday, Nov. 15, 1946. PANDIT MALAVIYA m the passing oi Pandit Madaii Mohan Malaviya, India has lost one <t her "Elder Statesmen." A leader and a reformer, a politician and a scholar, Pandit Malaviya was a remarkable personality whose ices to the nation were many and
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  • 1022 2 GANDHIJI'S LONDON HOSTFSS WRITES ABOUT NOAKHALI RIOTS (By Air Mail) "1 wnte ironi a relief centre m an East Bengal village It is a private house that has given food, shelter and a sense ot security to thousands
    UPI  -  1,022 words
  • 462 2 Gandhiji Says Creed Of Non-Violence Has Not Failed (BY AIR MAIL) Mahatma Gandhi told the Associated Press of America that his creed of non-violence has not failed "though at best it may be said I have not yet found the technique required for the conversion of mass mind." The Mahatma
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  • 119 2 Perth, Western Australia, Nov. 13.— Three missionaries, Misses M. Cable and E. and F. French, who passed through Fremantle m the liner Strathmore on their way to India spent many years In Gobi Desert and China. They came to Australia at the invitation of the British and
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 203 2 London, Nov. 14. Turkp\ ret to enter the war m 1943 she feared the Luftwaffe and d ed the ability of the British t her from a German invasion i Marshal Lord Wilson reported a dispatch published last nigh Lord Wilson,
    UP  -  203 words
  • 104 2 DE VALERA GAME FOR EXCHANGE OF DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATIVES WITH INDIA Dublin. Nov. 14.— The Prime M. nister and Minister for Ex* affairs of Eire, Mr. Kama Valera, stated In the Dail >. day that he would be very glad welcome the exchange of dipi«malic representatives with Indi •a country for
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 50 2 NATIONAL CADET COW FOR INDIA New Delhi.— To lncreasi number of potential officer armed services, the Indian merit is to establish a cadet corps. The aims of will bo to develop leadership acter and comradeship m dian youths and to stimuli interest m the defence of the coin try.- AP
    AP  -  50 words
  • 69 2 Brisbane, Nov. 14. Members of Parliament came to blows m Queensland Parliament last night during the stormy debate m which it was decided to appoint a Royal Commission to investigate the seizure by Customs authorities of alleged contraband tobacco at the home of Mr. T. A.
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 54 2 London, Nov Mr. R. K. Nehru, cousin of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, now leading his country's delegation to the United Nations Preparatory Trade Commission, tonight attended a reception given by Lord Strabolgi to Labour Ministers and members to mark the opening of the new session of
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  • 60 2 Pans. Nov. m A 43-year-old French mother Georgette Caix has moved into the Paris Synagogue with her two children and household effects and says she will stay there until she is properly housed. Bewildered worshippers found benches lined up tidily along the walls and their place taken by
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  • 59 2 Paris. Nov. 14. The main Indian delegation to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Conference opening here on Nov. 19 is expected to arrive m Paris on Nov. 17. the delegation secretary. P. N. Kirpal, announced yesterday. Mr. Kirpal is busy with a secretariat
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  • 416 2 mtITISH POINT OF VIEW? London, Nov. 14.— The recent speeches and policy lations of Pandit >ehru m relation to world affairs are of a lons article m the current issue of "Great Britain and m East" by Sir Alfred Watson, former editor of
    Reuter  -  416 words
  • 193 2 Indian Food Situation "Both Serious Urgent" I ake Success. New York. Nov. 14 -A plea for methods -wMehWOjJ strengthen international .author* m the matter of distribution of reals as m other foodstuffs WS made by the Indian delegate V SK. today. jiinc told the committee: T r card it as
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 43 2 m m m CASTROLINE C Scientifically deodorised Castor Oil IsJM^kM with Vitamin "X". Mixed with Indian W&^tf&^k Athws, Flowers and Herbs. It cools, \<M refreshes and helps luxurious growth '322 flkJT).j& of Hair and prevents baldne.- I'^m fS&Sflm _PERFUMED CASTOR OIL j^x3 oT7^^f77
      43 words

  • 410 3 GREATEST PROBLEM IN POSTWAR EUROPE *ork Nov. 18.-BridBh Prime Minister Clement Saturday night of the necessity and difficult? of a leve oftindujtry which would permit defeated l Gerintain herseU and contribute to the economy of ithout again becomm* an
    AP  -  410 words
  • 60 3 Cherimon, Nov. 14. 0ne hundred bales of bicycle tyres and textiles and seven 20-ton motor-launches with a quantity of fuel oil arrived here aboard the British ship Admiral, Antara reports. The tyres and textiles are In exchange for the rice shipped to India and the launches
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 49 3 Paris, Nov. 13.— The French police are maintaining a close watch lor Jewish terrorists reported to be now m this country to organise an "offensive" against Britain. •Special police agents and underworld "contacts" are especially busy m Paris and the chief ports. Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 621 3 "GERMAN WOMEN EQUA LLY RESPONSIBLE WITH MEN FOR HITLER'S RISE" (By Adelaide Kerr, Associated Press Correspondent). South kortritfht. New York. "If German women could be changed, the whole world would be changed and they are ripe for that change now," says Fr a u Gabrielle Strecker, the only German delegate
    AP  -  621 words
  • 466 3 ParN Nov 14.— A chemical Bubatance obtained from the lowly mushroom plant may prove to be of inestimable value medical science's battle against tuberculosis, it was revealed here today. The substance, which has been aamed "clitocybin," was originally .solated from a certain
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  • 141 3 U.S. India Name "Interim Ambassadors" Washington. Nov. 14.— Sir Gir.ja Bajpai was today appointed interim Charge d'Affaires of the new Indian Embassy pending thr appointment of a full Ambassador. Mr. George Merkell. the present American Commissioner to India was also appointed interim Charge d'Affaires m New Delhi. The State Department
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 431 3 1 1 r 'b- "i, j, M i""^* i fs* i^^^^H M M^_" M# i^^rr Skd 125 _iV^.riiM/ s L-r >^^ W* j\\ I iH^^^^ BH m n^c i^m mam m .^mbb^ */-3o jjPiW^ltt .ni^l^l^ fj I DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE i KWOK ™KEJENG CO^ 8. PRITAM SINGB& CO., 'hUdren^
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  • 131 4 Johannesburg, Nov. 14. Considerable headway is being made m the essential preliminaries towards giving Indians representation m the Senate, the house of assembly and the Natal provincial council, Mr. C. F. Clarkson, South African Minister of the Interior, said on Wednesday. The Minister, who was
    AP  -  131 words
  • 1816 4 NEW YORK, NOV. 14.— GEN. JAN SMUTS YESTERDAY GAVE SOUTH AFRICA'S ANSWER TO THE INDIAN DELEGATION'S CHARGES OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN SOUTH AFRICA AND SOUTH-WEST AFRICA. After referring to the recent communal clashes m India, (ien. Smuts told the United Nations Trusteeship
    Reuter  -  1,816 words
  • 220 4 New York, Nov. 14. Gen. Smuts, Prime Minister of South Africa, criticizing m a broadcast here today the line taken by Russia at the United Nations said: "Russia has two standards, one for herself as a great power and another for small nations like
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 64 4 EVEN CAR TYRES HAVE NUMBERS Owing to the prevalence of thefts of motor car tyres, the attention oi owners ol motor vehicles is drawn to the fact that most new tyres bear serial numbers. It will be of great assistance to the Police if owners will record the serial numbers
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  • 46 4 Air mail correspondence may now be sent to the Philippines by air throughout by the Commercial Air Lines Inc. Services operating between Singapore and Manila. The rates of postage are 5U ct£ts per half ounce for letters and 25 cents per postcard.
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  • 63 4 Malaya's allocation of linseed oil from India for the year ending the 31st March 1947, may be procured commercially. Singapore and Malayan Union importers, who have firm offers from established shippers and crushes m India, should submit their applications for import licences to: The Registrar of Imports and
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  • 58 4 The Tamil Brotherhood Association will meet the R.E.M.E., Base Workshop, m a friendly game of soccer, to be played at Me Nair Road, on Saturday the 16th Nov., 1946. The Tamils' team will be:—Sithambaram. Muthusamy, Thambyrajah, Noordin, N. G. Samy, Kayambu. Muniandy. Shinta, K. Bala, Suppiah and Haron.
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  • 1252 4 Letters To The Editor I Sir, Under the leaderette "Estate Staffs and Labour" I must congratulate you for successfully sowing the seeds of discord between staffs and labourers. Let your attempt be a success as estate staffs are not deterred m any way from the path
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 42 4 United Brush I Manufacturing Co., f Consult us for all kinds of Brush Manufactuiinp. 299, Beach Road, Singapore. TEL. 4749. Jai Hind Tailoring Co No 65, Main Street, KAJANG. Expert Indian Tailors Piceegoods Stationeries Leather Suitcases, etc. PROMPT DELIVERY and MODERATE CHARGES
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    • 15 4 GARRICK Geylang Phone ***** TO-MORROW MIDNIGHT "MANSAROVAR" (Hindustani) j Released By United Exhibitors Syndicate, Singapore
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    • 38 4 6.:J0 p.m. and 9 p.m. Never-To-Be-Forgotten THRILLS INTRIGUE PENETRATES INTO THE WILD, DENSE JINGLE! "JUNGLE KING" (m Hindustani) The stirring and noble Deeds of Yuvraj! Co-starring JOHN CAVAS PKAMILLA MIDNIGHT (1130) TO-MORROW "JADU-I-KANGAN" (m Hindustani) Sarojini Indurani Shirazi.
      38 words
    • 64 4 OPENING TO DAI ;Ullp.m.«(i|).m- "P* SADHONA H (the celebraWd m her most brilliant > "RAJ NARTAKI" I Hindu k Supported b> Tl of stars intludins PET! M4A4AAAA4AAAAA**** MARLBOROUGHj Sm*#*m beach ki» LASTS SIIO\N ;{.;{(>__<i.:{o— M LAVAN(.I (A Super Tamil Si;irrin> m, Nattia Rani Kirn. Released By r Exhibitors S> Bingap
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