Indian Daily Mail, 30 October 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol. 11. No. 223. j SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1946. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 1325 1 Churchill Those Who Talk Like Him Greatest Threat To Peace, Says Stalin so el Premier Answers i Topical Questions 9.— Russia has sixty divisions in (he West at does no] have the tecttt of the atom bomb, she is ed in a loan from the I nited States and does
    UP  -  1,325 words
  • 90 1 London, Oct. 29.— Four newiy announced cat burglaries oi valuables worth over 37.000 dollars (American) brought the total loot from robberies attributed to "geneal staff" of super criminals to over 500,000 dollars (U.S.). including the 80.000 dollars belonging to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.
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  • 80 1 Rangoon, Oct. 29.—Major-Gene-ral Aung San, President of the Anti-Fascist League, in a speech here alleged the Communists in Burma were "guided and directed by such Indian Communists as Joshi." Aung San explained the reason for the Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League's decision to expel
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  • 30 1 Adelaide, Oct. 29.— The match between the MCC and South Australia was drawn. The MCC scored 506 for five declared: South Australia 266 and 276 for 8. Reuter
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  • 815 1 CENTRAL ASSEMBLY SESSION (From Our Own Correspondent) Delhi, Oct. 21). The Central Assembly session which met in Delhi yesterday has a historic significance. For the first time since it was constituted 25 years ago, the nation's
    Corr; Reuter  -  815 words
  • 265 1 NAZIS COULD NOT BOSS AZAD HIND GOVERNMENT (From Our Own Correspondent) Madras, Oct. 29.— The London correspondent of the Indian Ixpress relates an interesting story of how the Azad Hind Government functioned in Germany. The correspondent quotes ben Gupta, of the Azad Hind Propaganda Department in Germany, is saying the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 0 impairs to J cwell «nr, and Clocks by expert workmen vears experience. nitn RATNE CO., ind Watch Makers. \MFORD ROAD, \(iAPORE.
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    • 28 1 Take BIDOMAK Vim. Vigour, and Vitality, The Tonic that re -vitalize your whole system. Obtainable at all leading stores. Sole Importers: P. H. YEE CO., Singapore Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 669 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore. Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1946. Cottage Industries For Estate Labourers WESTERDAY we pointed out that the workless days and spare hours are a total loss for the Estate labourer because he is forced to waste them by sitting quiet in his 'lines" Even if he wishes, he
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  • 492 2 "Let Us Not Look Backward But Forward To A Fret Powerful And Prosperous India" Viceroy's Appeal To End Communal Strife New Delhi, Oct. 29.— Lord Wavell, the Viceroy of India, appealed on Monday night in a radio broadcast on behalf of himself and the new coalition government for an end
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  • 179 2 New Delhi. Oct. 29.— Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Vice President and Minister of External Affairs in the Indian Interim Government, on Monday sent a message to the Indian delegation to the United Nations meeting in New York saying that he "congratulated the delegation on their
    AP  -  179 words
  • 63 2 London, Oct. 28. Former members of the staff of Field Marshal Lord Wavell, Viceroy of India who met at a reunion dinner of army headquarters in India Association in London on Saturday decided to send a message to their old chief expressing "our deep admiration
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  • 210 2 London. Oci. 28.-— An Indian orderly's heroism In rescuing a bride from a fire on the eve of hei marriage was revealed at the bride's wedding reception when the orderly M Mandtu of the 20th Indian Dental Mechanical Unit was presented with an Inscribed
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  • 28 2 Batavia, Oct. 28, An official invitation to send 16 Indonesian delegates to an Inter-Asian Delegations Conference to be held in India next March was received here today. Reuter
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  • 334 2 "POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE WORTHIES FOR COMMON MAN IF IT IS BOUGHT AT COST POVERTY, AGRICULTURAL DEPRESSION" London. Oct. 29. A strong Indian union batenance of economic unity and planning for the can alone have the wherewithal for defending i! people against economic friction and aggression proper influence in international affairs, said
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  • 58 2 New York, Oct > Mr v iv dit has been invited bj the 1 can Government to risit before returning to India. She told Keuter: I have m yet decided whether 1 ihal ?u i Mexico but would very imuh hi to accept the invitation. I
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  • 233 2 Dr. Ambedkar In London To See Attlee, Churchill And Other Leaders London. Oct. 29.--Prime Clement Attlee and Con I leader Winston Churchill a: I asked by Dr. B. R. Ambcc I der of India's scheduled cast) I in London, whether the B::M Cabinet Mission and G I propose to exercise
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  • 125 2 INDONESIAN LABOUR'S IDEAL IS SOCIALIST WORLD Soerakarta, Oct. 29. The Indonesian Labour Party will embark on a programme of internationalizing their policies to achieve "the construction of a socialist world," according to an Antara report. An all-party congress In this city unanimously expressed the Labour Party's determination to stand behind
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  • 80 2 London, Oct. 28. Mr. V. K Krishna Menon, Secretary uf the Tndia League, who is the Labour Councillor of Saint Pancras Borough Council and chairman of the Education and Libraries Committee has been elected chairman of the Art and Civil Council of Saint Pancras first of
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  • 43 2 Sydney, Oct. 28.— The government announced that i[ recruiting does not improve tbg Australian army may be obliged >o cut down the size of its occupation force in Japan. Tn recent months recruiting has fallen to only <m«j or two volunteers monthly. UP
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  • 336 2 Indian Visitor Shocked At "Europeanism" In Ceylon Colombo, Oct. 29.— Dr. Mulk Raj Anand, the distinguished Indian author, who is on a visit to Ceylon, was appalcd at the "Europeanism" prevailing in the Islajid, "It is very disgusting," he said. Dr. Anand. long-haired, softspoken and khaddar-clad, in making this observation
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  • 240 2 London, Oct. 28. Intervening in a "debate" in the TtalCfl correspondence column on two letters advocating the abolition of death penalty in Britain, Hailas Nath Kutju, Minister of Justice in the United Provinces, declares that capital punishment "is not only barbarous but serve no useful
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  • 523 3 lew Guinea, Brazil Or Where? -Leaders of the Netherlands East Indies' European are planning to create s Eurasian home(iuinea, the land which Australian and American t-d as > junpled nightmare. «ild |tr I ii i ion ana economost Kurasians see tor future security an
    AP  -  523 words
  • 73 3 INDONESIAN COURT PASSES FIRST DEATH SENTENCE Batavia. Oct. 24.— (Air Mail) Ar. Indonesian court of justice lias passed its lirst death sentence on an Indonesian, the Republican newsagency reported in a dispatch from Pekalongen. Antara said the death sentence had been decreed for Sadjani Alia Kcetil. who was found guilty
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  • 153 3 Bristol, Oct. 28. Lack of general 'outflow of love" is creating: spiritual starvation in the world today, said Sir Stafford Cripps, President of the Board of Trade, in a sermon last night at St. Michael's Church, Bristol. "Just as we organise, plan and work to
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  • 87 3 JAP CURRENCY NO GOOD AFTER OCT. 30 Batavia. Oct. 28.-The Chid Commanding Officers ol the Allied Military and Civil Administration Board for Java. Madura, and Sumatra, decreed today that Japanese invasion currency will be invalid as from October 30. Trw Japanese guilder known as -banana money" because ol its depreciated
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  • 387 3 —COMMUNIST LEADER i\M >i\ V Thein Te. Burmese Communist leaner, Rufoon, Oct. 28L—JJ lh^ n Executive Council, who recently resigned de ermined to pursue declared here yesterday t 'iliHun He added: "The Communist Party will appeal to the country at the
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  • 622 3 Batavia, Oct. 28. Premier Sutan Sjahrir, who manages to combine a high sense of integrity and idealism with some shrewd "horse trading/' has landed on his feet once again with what all circles concede to be an unusually good choice of Cabinet
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  • 75 3 "EXTRAORDINARY TERRITORIES" Batavia. Oct. 24.— t Air Mail*.— The Republican news agency Antan In a dispatch from Djokjakarta announced approximately 300 principalities in Indonesia, incorporated into ihe Republic as "extraordinary territories," would be administered by a new Ministry of State tor Affairs Involving Extraordinary Territories. The principalities comprise onehalf the
    AP  -  75 words
  • 66 3 Ottawa. Oct. 28.— Mr. Richard Grew, formerly Canadian Trade Commissioner in Norway, has been appointed Canadian Trade Commissioner in India, it was announced today. He will leave Canada early next year for Bombay. He will also be represent alive to Burma and Ceylon. In 1940
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  • 189 3 London. Oct. 28. Sir Stafford Cripps, President of the Board of Trade, told the House of Commons today that there would undoubtedly be some loss to the British taxpayer from the. recent agreement with the United States for the sale of raw rubber,
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  • 238 3 Washington. The United States Government has become the biggest corporate enterprise in America far exceeding the capital involved In any of the largest private enterprises. The Government has about U556,000,000,000 In public funds invested in some 34 major corporations that control assets valued
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  • 107 3 Cleveland, Oct. 28.— Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam of New York, President of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, declared on Monday that "Communism cannot be conquered by force" and that "Communism makes no headway where plenty exists, while poverty is the
    AP  -  107 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 39 3 ijtiT nedy brings you glorious relief ii. R»ipnn tablets «nd your dull •ht» HUtiHHy. You eJiprrienct n of p».n- I |OT of wMI NO«I Resprm It TABUTS FOR No other YOUA MONfV f tood. Ktrp U#A 'or tmtrgtiuy. A//ry
      39 words
    • 140 3 Shoes in different sizes to suit the taste of all, and other leather goods are available. tuaranteed workmanship. Prices moderate. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOl Liberal commissions offered. Write for terms of Agency in Malaya:— K. R. D. Moorthy Company, SHOE MART. Vijayapuram P.0., TIIU\ ARIR. S. INDIA. LET US
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  • 295 4 No Incidents Reported: Indonesians ate Palembantf, Sumatra. Oct. 29*— Dutch Army bcgia replacing British occupation forces on oil and rubber rich Sumatra on Monday without opposition from the Indonesian Republican Army which control the entire island, except for slender Allierit bridgeheads at Medan, Padang
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  • 88 4 j With a view to commemorating victory, peace and reconstruction throughout the Colonial "Empire, a special Commemorative issue 01 two denominations ot postage stamps, which in design are to be common to all territories, has been approved by His Majesty's Government. As the future form and title of
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  • 31 4 The Government has officially pxpreued its thanks to the Singapore Overseas Chinese Importers and Exporters Association for their j generous gift of r,400 dollars to the Silver Jubilee Fund.
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  • 108 4 The Secretary of State for the Colonies has now decided, alter consideration of the report of the West Indies Committee of the Commission on Higher Education in the Colonies, to adopt the committee's recommendation that a Weat Indian University College should be established in Jamaica. In
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  • 63 4 it iis uecided to hold the examination of Prathamik and Madhyania of D. B. Hindi Prachar Sabhu Madras, in Feb. 1947. Those who are willing to sit for the respective examination! are requested to send m their applications to the Secretary Hindi Prachar Sabha. No. 14. Batu
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  • 68 4 NEW ZEALANDERS TAKE NOTE New Zealanders who served with the Colonial Volunteer Forces outside New Zealand are now entitled to claim from the New Zealand government the difference between the gratuity to which they are entitled at U.K. Army rates and the gratuity laid down for the New Zealand armed
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  • 110 4 All applications for textiles tor domestic servants who have not drawn from any other source under Government controlled distribution, should be forwarded by employers to the Controller of Supplies not later than November 7th. No application will be considered alter that date. Bays a Press note.
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  • 34 4 Mr. A. S. Martin, Vice-President of the East-West Society, will give a talk on "The Future of 'East and West'," on Friday, Ist November, at 5.15 p.m. at the MD.U. Hall.
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  • 342 4 COL. W.H.B. WHEELER MISSING Singapore, Oct. 29— Headquarters ALFSEA announced on Tuesday that a search was underway KCol. W. H. B. Wheeler, headquarters deputy direcof transportation, who last seen sailing south of Singapore about 1230 Sunday and whose boat, the "Saucy Sue," was found in the Kallang River Tuesday morning.
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  • 141 4 The local Indian Congress oi Durian Tunggal was inaugurated, on 21st October, 1946, at 4.30 p.m. by the members in general meeting held at the premises of the newly established Indian Vernacular Schooi Durian Tunggal. The office bearers were unanimously elected as lollows: Chairman:
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  • 123 4 SARAWAK S GOVERNOR INSTALLED Kuching, Sarawak, Oct. 29. Sn Charles Arden Clarke was installed as the first British Governor ol Sarawak at ceremonies here attended by the Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, and representatives of the resident communi ties. Sir Charles, in his installat jun addressed, pledged that no changes would
    AP  -  123 words
  • 89 4 Batavia. Oct. 23— (Air Mail*.— Increased '"nationalist" spirit In the Dutch-held Celebes was reported by the Republican newsagency Antara in a Djokjakarta dispatch describing attendance of a "large crowd" at a political" meeting sponsored by the local Nationalist party at Belaangmangedow. The Indonesian National Party
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  • 82 4 Peiping, Oct. 29.— Gen. Tu Liming scored one of the biggest surprises of the civil war on Monday b> launching a two-pronged offensive agaiust Dairen. The general was expected to resume the Government's northward advance towards Hai&n but instead sent two armies southward from Ancham and
    AP  -  82 words
  • 112 4 Butavia. Oct. 23.— (Air Mail).— Plans lor intensified mining development in RepuJblican-held areas of Indonesia have been announced by the Republican Ministry of Economy, an Antara dispatch from Magelang in Central Java reported. These plans include: Large-scale /exploitation of two coal mines previously operated on an experi- mental
    AP  -  112 words
  • 35 4 Washington, Oct. 29. President Truman has sent a message to King Ibu Saud of Saudi Arabia reiterating his belief that steps should be taken to ensure immediate and substantial immigration of Jews into Palestine. AP
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  • 20 4 Ankara, Oct. 29. President Ismet Inonu of Turkey was reported on Tuesday in serious condition from sudden influenza attack. AP
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  • 79 4 Bristol, Oct. 26.— The President 01 .he Board ul Trade. Sir Stafford speaUnj In Bristol last light said tha! the British Cabinet ielegation's visit to India some time ago was not only well worthwhile from the point of view of relationships between the people of Britain and India but als6
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 80 4 The Punjab Restaurant And Bar SPECIAL INDIAN AND EUROPEAN MEALS Drinks at controlled prices: Prompt and Courteous Service VISIT ONCE AM) GET CONVINCED I<>. Albert Street. Tel. #351 ANGLO EGYPTIAN SYSTEM PALM READING BY EDGAR KAN Your Lifr, Pate, Fortune, Success. Health, Mentality. Marriage and Surroundings arc all marked on
      80 words
    • 66 4 SOLD EVERYWHERE M. P. Md. Ibrahim Co. 12, MARKET STREET, SINGAPORE NARAIN SINGH COMPANY, Tele phic 3, Malacca Street, Address: "ATTAR" SINGAPORE. (2nd F1 r> We have pleasure in informing the public that we have opened our branch office at the above address and solicit inquiries for the following lines
      66 words
    • 15 4 TO-DAY'S MEAL AT PEOPLE'S RESTAURANTS Bubor (Rice, Porridge), Meat Balls and Salted Vegetables with Garnishment.
      15 words
    • 245 4 WANTEI> I I countant salan 1 Overseers ■at J 2 rJ licensed Driven I per day to star; I 1946. Apply In I Co.. 3 Bonham I office hours. I The Big Sir 7^ I dpi TO- 1) SPJL-« v B in rrs 2Ni I Bitf crowds n r finest
      245 words