Indian Daily Mail, 11 October 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol. 11. No. 20<s. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 19 Hi PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 408 1 India Seeks No Dominion Over Others J Nation- Wide Broadcast Of National Defence Minister Hues i o Auchinleck, iany British Officers I hj Oct. 10.— -1 his f r o c India will he tor all of u> ever our religion or creed or province might he. be equal
    AP  -  408 words
  • 36 1 FINANCIAL AID FOR RIOT VICTIMS Victimi of <• financial ninent of Bengal. ital on giants," not r 1,000 (£75) nn eacli n bo "men of small 'We them to retain* to rebuild their it wu announce*!. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 125 1 London. Oct. 10.— Aneurin lievan. Minister of Health, referred to Winston (hurt-hill, Britain's war-time Premier a* •ihat wicked man" m a speech here last night. Mr. Bevan. who was replying to Churchill's attack on him last Saturday said: "When people ask me to remember his
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  • 87 1 NEW DELHI, Oct. 10.— The composition of the Indian delegation to the coming session of the General assembly of the INO has been announced. The dejegates arc: Mrs. Vijayluxmi Pandit, Mr. Justice M. C. Chagla, Judge «>f the Bombay High Court, Sir Maharaj Singh, Leader of
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  • 115 1 STOP PRESS KLUANG MUTINY CONVICTIONS QUASHED London. Oct. 10. The Minister of War Mr. Frederick Bellenger today announced the quashing Of convictions m the Malayan m v liny charge m which 243 British paratroopers m Malaya were recently sentenced by a court-martial to two years' imprisonment with hard labour. Making
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  • 152 1 UNO Will Discuss India's Protest Against S. Africa Lake Success, New York, Oct. 10. -India's protest against the treatment of Indians m South Africa will be discussed at the forthcoming United Nations General Assembly by the Political and Security Committee. It is Item 31 on the Assembly's provisional agenda, but
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  • 173 1 LONDON. Oct. It*— (From Ronald Bedford) Pandit Nehru's latest hook the "Discovery of India" is proving popular with discriminating readers m London. Three principal booksellers Foylet, the largest bookstore m the world.. 1 J. and C. BumpUfl booksellers to the King, an«l Hatchetts, one
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  • 274 1 MORALE, TERRAIN, MONSOON, DISEASE AND PRIORITY" SUPREMO'S BASIS OF OPERATIONS WHICH DEFEATED THE JAPS London, Oct. 10. Five-pencilled words on a foolscap sheet written by Admiral Lord Mountbatten when he was appointed Supreme Allied Commander m South-East Asia m 1943 were the basis of the operations which defeated the Japanese
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  • 500 1 Uatavia, Oct. 10. High Dutch and Indonesian (MUTCCfI aro. optimistic lor the first time about the probability of concluding a military truce within a week, as the result of daily discussions between Dutch Commission General J'rofessor Schermerhorn and Indonesian Premier Sutan Sjahrir,
    U.P.  -  500 words
  • 789 1 South Africa Gets Ready For Royal Visit Johannesburg, Oct. 10.' Plans for the visit of the Royal Family to South Africa next year are taking shape. Town Councils are placing orders for flags, bunting, tassels, gold ropes, bannerettes, pennants, rdsettes and fireworks. Illuminations and triumphal arches have been ordered- and
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  • 622 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Friday, Oct. 11, 1946. Estate Staffs And Labour— V AUR analysis of the Estate Staffs' interests will not be complete without a reference to the question of Toddy. That the Staffs' interest m the Estate Toddy Shops is immense, few will deny. The Toddy Shops constitute
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  • 598 2 compromises Reached on Two important Points? Calcutta. Prospects for bringing the Muslim League into India's plan for independence have been brightened by a report that League President Mohammed Ali Jinnah had sent a letter to Viceroy Wavell asking written confirmation of certain points
    A.P.  -  598 words
  • 66 2 STUDENTS ENTERTAIN BOMBAY GOVERNOR London, Oct. 10.— Sir John Colville. Governor of Bombay, wit;* his wife and daughter were guests yesterday at a formal party at the new hostel for Indian students here. The hostel's general secretary, Mr. Malapuraman, and Mr. D. C. Ohose, president of the Students' Council, received
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  • 226 2 LAHORE.— AIIama Mashriqui, the Khaksar leader, m a letter to Mr. Jinnah m response to his Id day appeal to the Khaksars to join the Muslim League says: "To tell you the truth, I am convinced that consciously or unconsciously you and the Mussalmans ate,
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  • 204 2 Indian National War Academy M ADR AS.— Dr. Ama math Jha, Vice-Chancellor, Allahabad University, and Vice-chairman, Working Commit toe, National War Academy India. accompanied i>y Major Kerkar (National War Academy Secretariat* arrived recently In Madras. "The object of my visit to Madras is m pursuance of the all India tour
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  • 48 2 New Delhi, Oct. fc— Standing crops are not likely to suffer any loss this year as no further invasion of locusts is expected during this season although conditions m many desert areas are still suitable for breeding, according to the latest report on the locust situa- tion Reuter
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  • 350 2 Bombay, Oct. 10. The use of aircraft to hii, I men to Icica4e shoals of fish on the surface or I ment to deter them at the hoi torn of the m,i^ I Mr. C. C. Jt>hn, Professor of Marine Biologj I the
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 153 2 Tokyo, Oct. B.— A revised constitution for Japan, outlawing the maintenance of armed forces, drastically curtailing the Emperor's powers, and granting the people a specific bill of rights, was accepted by the Japanese House of Representatives Monday by 342 votes to five. Four Communists and one
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  • 107 2 London, Oct. tf. Official quarter. m London confirmed today that the grant the United States request foi British Government is prepared to B loan Of 20,000,000 lbs of meat to feed American troops In Europe. It would be conditional on the meat being repayable on
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  • 325 2 Madras Anglo-Indians Promise Co-orperation To Nehruji I MADRAS. I annual meeting •>• I of the Anglo I 1 recently at Sl M I Street, Mr. Danie I for Loral Admi i trat I I Anglo-Indian comm I trust m eafeguai ds j I formulae but to and affection oi thei
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  • 93 2 RUSSIA THINKS HIROHITO IS WAR CRIMINAL Tokyo, Oct. C. An that Russia thirilu Hirohito should be ti criminal was seen In by the Soviet pn I Golunsky. at the wai 11. here as the Russia i I case against Hedeki other defendants t M. poln I Hirohito was chair!.
    UP.  -  93 words
  • 41 2 BLACK MARKET IN BIBLES Johannesburg. A t m bibl( I South African t <.-.•. n I being sold for ftvt I nrai prio witii a. r brim hi pocket i dition sup t itudy purpo» I m the rjumbci scl A .P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 28 2 RUBBER POSITION IN SOUTH BORNEO Batavia Oc position li proved In r< ceiiji m< iKf. produ at 75 Rubber Banka total X W i3.uuo.ouu trees an* tapable. Reuter
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  • 179 2 Mr. Duncan dr 1 Alwis, modelling cXDert irom Ceylon, who came to Malaya to assist m the last M.A.H.A. exhibition at tne invitation of the Department of Public Relations, has completed his work here. He left on October 6 for Singapore, from where he is
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  • 224 2 Madras, (Air Mail)— That the rules that servants should not participate m political activities are held good now, and it would hold good m future as well was the substance of answers given by the Premier Mr. T. Prakasam during question hour
    UPI  -  224 words
  • 171 2 Singapore Barrister To Defend H. K. Indian Prisoners CALCUTTA— Mr. Kajenrira Sin«h Gill, recently released prisoner of war at Hon^ Kong, called on the President, H.l\ with a view to apprise him of the condition of about 20 Indian prisoners now m Monu Konu prison, and to make immediate arrangement
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  • 299 3 Generalissimo Chiang Appeals For Peace National Unification I Oct. 10.— (■eneralissimo Chiang Kai-shek last nlea for peace and national unification when he vide broadcast OH the eve ol China's "Double -liith anniversary if the proclamation of thfi Chinese Commmnistfl heii p!<:t t« achieve m and disintcMltry by military i<> participate
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  • 44 3 As previously announced, nationals of the United Nations may demand statement of their accounts from German banks and applications may be made through the Control Offlcei for Germany and Australia. In making these claims, the claimants should state their nationality.
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  • 83 3 Hongkong, Oct. 10.- A general holiday was declared m Hongkong and Chinese and British flags were llown from buildings m celebration Of China's National Day. Known as the "Double Tenth." A big reception by l|*« Commissioner of Foreign Affairs m South China will highlight a full
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 472 3 RESISTANCE TO BIRTISH OCCUPATION: HITLER'S SWASTIKAS REAPPEARING Ii H.Q. m Germany.— Hitler's swastikas are returning They are the first genuine signs of coming to the British occupation since we entered (iersix months ago they Hid not exist but now they da) by day. You must rise early to see them
    UP  -  472 words
  • 26 3 Kabul, Oct. B.— The Afghan National Parliament recently constituted three special parliamentary committees to control and supervise the work oi different go vein mem departments.- Reuter
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  • 99 3 Caux, Switzerland, Oct. 10. Mr. Cedric Mayadas, Director of Agriculture m the United Provinces, summing up the challenge of tne tirst post-war conference on moral rearmament just concluded here oaid that two ideologies were likely to capture tne imagination of the worid. One was the ideology
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  • 51 3 SIAMESE BUFFALOES FOR MALAYA Bangkok. Oct. 10.— The Siamese Government has officially announced that it will permit the export of 240 buffaloes per month to Singapore on three-month trial basis. Half of this total wiU yo lo the Malayan Union. The measure U intended to counter cattle smuggling to Malaya.
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  • 40 3 MOSCOW, Oct. 8. -Former Czarist subjects and ex-citizens of the Soviet Uj ion and their children now living m Japan will He able to regain Soviet citizenship under a decree issued today by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. Reuter
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  • 1078 3 PARIS, Oct. <>.— Mr. Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Minister. speaking Tor the first time m the Paris Conference as the leader of the British delegation declared yesterday afternoon:* 4 What ever decisions are arrived at it cannot be said the Conferenc and the world
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  • 414 3 London, Oct. 10. The Secrttary lor the Colonies, Mr. \r thur Creech-Jones, told the House of Commons yesterday thai he hoped there would emerge from the consultations between the Government and Malay representatives m Malaya a scheme acceptable to all concerned which
    Reuter  -  414 words
  • 135 3 New York, Oct. I —Leaders of the Spanish Republican Government m exile reported preparations to pul up a strenuous fight for action against the Franco regime at the session of the I'nitcd Nations General Assembly. Informed quarters said that Dr. Juse Ciral 'b^ Republican
    AP  -  135 words
  • 859 3 (From Henry Navlor, Keuters Correspondent) LIVERPOOL. (Air Mail) Believed to be one of the first experiments of its kind m Great Britain, a new community centre for coloured people has been opened at Stanley House, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool with one of its main aims to
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  • 372 4 "Double Tenth" Celebrated On Pre-war Scale Warm tributes to the "distinguished leadership and perseverance of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, and his "determined and consistent" efforts to "brin^ about a cessation of civil war" m China and establish a "fully representative* national government were expressed yesterday by
    AP  -  372 words
  • 63 4 The Hind Volunteer Service, Stlatlgor Region, will hold an athletic sports meeting under the auspices of the Selangor Regional Indian Congress on 20th October at the T.P.C.A. Padang m commemoration of the 3rd anniversary Of the Provisional Government of Azad Hind Various items have been kept
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  • 43 4 The following is the organisation of the War Damage Claims Commission The Secretary of the Com mission is Mr. M. H. Blacker, MCS with two Deputy Secretaries, Mr. D. Brennan m Singapore and Mr. David Wong m Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 59 4 A meeting oi' the Regional Indian Congress Interim Committee of Johore will be held on Thursday the 17th October, 1946, at 4 p.m., at No. 47. Jaian Ibrahim, Johore Bahni. All members are kindly requested to attend. Peiping. The Police Bureau reported that 19,620 persons or
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  • 33 4 WANTED an office assistant for the Regional Congress Interim Committee of Singapore. Applications stating qualifications and salary expected must reach the Hony Secretary, p.o. Box 621, Singapore, on or before 12th Oct. ]<j<tf>
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  • 185 4 London, Oct. 10. Mr. (ieorgc Bernard Shaw did not attend the ceremony of presenting to him the freedom of Saint Pancras at Saint Paneras town Hall. London, yesterliay. He stumbled and bruised his eg at his London flat yesterday and remained indoors on medical advice. A
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  • 169 4 EDINBOROUGH, Oct. t<— The leading Scottish daily the Scotsman pesterdaj published letter from N. Chaudhuri. a WeU*knoWß resident, criticising Mr. Churchill's speech at tin* Conservative l\ut> Conference at Blackpool. "Mr, Churchill's speech' 1 says Chaudhuri, "was masterpiece of rhetoric and deserved every applause it received
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  • 80 4 INDIAN SCIENTIST PRESENTED WITH PRECIOUS STONES, GEMS BANGALORE, Oct I).— Sir C. V. Raman, India's well-known scientist, has been presented with a collection of precious stones ami gems from Ceylon. The *rift is from owners of gem fields m Ratnapura, Ceylon, to commemmorate Sir C. V. Raman's recent visit to
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  • 59 4 New York, Oct. 8.— Cigarette price Increases Of 25 cents (U.S.» per thousand, effective immediately, were announced Monday almost simultaneously by two major producers, the American Tobacco Company and Philip Morris Company. Limited. This brings the net cost to wholesalers to $6.50 (American) per thousand compared to
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 63 4 Peshawar. Oct. 10. The Afghan Government are believed to be ttiating for the import oi AjnerJ can food grains to meet a shortay:*' m the country. The imported train will be sold at cost price. Private lorry owners have volun teered t<> transport the grain
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 272 4 Department of Broadcasting presents its third Radio Malaya Orchestral concert on Sunday 13th October. It is evident from past successes that the continuation of these programmes as public performances is justified. The people ol Singapore have .shown by their enthusiasm that these concerts fill
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  • 156 4 In the District Court, Jelebu, Tuesday, the (irst two offenders m .Yegri Sembilan under the Agricultural I no dn up Proclamation No. 67, Section 3 (1), Wong Ah Kwee and Tan Keong Inn, were charged for failing to cultivate two per cent of the
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  • 63 4 A communication received this morning states that, any person or public body desiring to make representations to the Estate Toddy Shop Committee appointed by His Excellency the Governor of the Malayan Union, should forward a statement of evidence or views not later than October 31,
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  • 56 4 The 4th Quarter allocations or rubber for export to countries other than the United Kingdom and United States of America have now been announced. Exporters are notified that the Registrar of Imports and Exports, Singapore, can only issue Export licences to the individual shippers nominated by the Board
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  • 81 4 Tokyo, Oct. 10.— The wartime spirit whicli prompted Japanese airmen to fly without parachutes still manifests itself today m Japanese window cleaners. Workmen cleaning the windows of the Radio Tokyo office building scorn wearing belis or other safety devices and are surprised if questioned as
    UP  -  81 words
  • 290 4 Governor's Tribute To G.O.C.-In-C. At Wednesday morning's session of the Advisory Council meeting m Kuala Lumpur, 11. B. the Governor, Sir Edward Gent, paid the following tribute to Lieut. -Gen. Sir Frank Metfservy. KBE, CB, I)SO f .G.O.C-ill-C., Malaya Command, who will be leaving Malaya shortly to take up an
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  • 135 4 Jerusalem, Oct. 10. The Haganah Jewish resistance movement estimated to number 80,000 is mobilising for an all-out "offensive" against the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern gang, two Jewish exiiemist organisations, according to usually dependable sources here. A "showdown" m what has hitherto been purely propaganda
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  • 45 4 The information appearing m a newspaper of October luth thai a reduction m the price of bread will be made with the iniroduction of bread rationing is incorrect. The controlled retail selling price of bread will remain at 20 eta, per lb.
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  • 141 4 NEW DELHI, Oct. 10.— Denuded of supplies of imported sulphur during 1 war years, the Government of India employed a special staff of geologists to explore indigenous resources. And after two years, stoekfl of sulphur were discovered m the hilly regions of northern Baluchistan.
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  • 73 4 New Delhi, Oct. 10— India has been elected to all six commissions set up by the Economic and Social Council of the I nited Nations, it was learned today. Excluding the "Big-Five—Britain, the U.S. China, Russia and France —India is the only country to be represented on all
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 57 4 POONA mile hour recently, cut on i telephone conmui hours. Restoration ing the traffic Indian Radio al tions >\u\ ions at I India t«« ov< cable route tl Ti unk communii and Madra pur were di The storm la minute v i telep and telej
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 211 4 I MARLBOr.JGS; BEACH I r***^ DAILI tows :;.»;>—♦;.:;(» Rciurn Screen feu Days ilj I Ü BASANT M 1 'Hindu Starring: MUMTA2 SHANII and CLLHAS I;; Released Through United Exhibitors Bj j TO-MORROW Al WIDNIGHI I GULAMI (Hind usts v-e A R R I C X Geylans Phor.e 8407S THREE SHOWS
      211 words