Indian Daily Mail, 26 September 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 18 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol. 11. N o i fls I SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1916 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 211 1 Siam Malaya Border Incident Revealed Several" British Troops Killed And Wounded Bangkok. Sept. 25. An incomplete report of an outbreak on the border of Siam and Malaya was revealed today m an announcement of the Ministry of Communications m Bangkok, that a convoy of
    AP  -  211 words
  • 77 1 LONDON'S INDIAN STUDENTS PLANNING DEMONSTRATION London. Sept. 24. Following Mahatma Gandhi's demand for the withdrawal of British troops from India" as stated m his exclusive interview with United Press correspondent Gerry Rock, a section of the Indian students m London is planning to stage a serious demonMration here. Last Sunday
    UP  -  77 words
  • 158 1 Uxi EXPLAINS m Our Own Correspondent) ~.V. lh f AiC u (A!I In < lj a Congress ComUicUM last n ,«ht after adopt.,,* VandU ermjttm* members of the Interim Govern- the Congress Working Committee 135 lutionand Wl i*cfadin* Socialists, againrt i* 10 reMiu rkiai
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  • 58 1 °ur On,, orrespondent) -The INA Peace iihitma Gandhi. Mr. Jinnah and Delhi and discussme for communal Committee's Ish amity. Nehruji to many ways this work. have set an ■us living and the common •m of India." Singh also tnd appealed all help to
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  • 24 1 orrespondent) rhe arrival of l>olhi on Mono the speculabe appointed 'lava, but con. V meeting other 1 niment.
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  • 20 1 FREE RUBBER MARKET SOON. li is reliably Kritish Gov:ii """t the immitk€ free rubber M T" -rttli the restart ■>, Reuter
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  • 294 1 i From Our Own Correspondent) Cakuua, Sept. m e Hindu ♦lahasabha Executive meeting m Calcutta yesterday expressed the •riew that tlie Muslim League should Je declared an illegal body and should he dealt with as such if it hould still persist m its
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  • 118 1 Tokyo, Sept. 24. Japan's subsiding crime wave took on a new and astonishing twists as the police reported today depradations by pistol packing gun girls, deaf and dumb burglars and with blush theft of clothes and belongings from two of their own number. One newspaper
    A.P.  -  118 words
  • 39 1 In our report of the Singapore Regional Congress Interim Committee's plans to enrol members,! published yesterday, the names of; Sree Ponniah and Sree Chandrasekharan to represent Pasir Panjang, Havelock Road and Alexandra Road (Division 9) were inadvertently omitted.
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  • 306 1 Hongkong, Sept. 25.—An RAF Dakota plane crashed on he hmside of Kowloon on the opposite side of the harbour Cr^r* When ta ki X fl for Sai thi morning. I BSMagmi and crew totalling 19 were all killed. The crash occurred shortly
    Reuter; UP  -  306 words
  • 150 1 Dutch Workers Protest Against Sending Troops To Indonesia Amsterdam, Sept. 25- As a protest against sending troops to Indonesia, workers m a number of Amsterdam factories and shipyards and tramway workers have gone on strike. The Communists staged a meeting m one of the city's squares while they announced a
    UP; Reuter  -  150 words
  • 49 1 Shanghai, Sept. 25. Radio Yenan quoting a Kalgan dispatch today reported the execution by firing squad of nine Japanese war criminals on September 20. Among those executed was a newspaperman who was tne Domei correspondent m Nanking shortly before the outbreak of the war m 1937.- UP
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  • 188 1 Batavia, Sept. 25.— "T00 much blood has flowed m Indonesia," Professor Schermerhoni said m a speech on the eve of Thursday's scheduled truce talks between Allied Headquarters and the. Indonesian Republican Army. "I hope discussions which are necessary to call a halt to military hostilities may
    AP  -  188 words
  • 43 1 New Delhi, Sept. 25. Mohammed AH Jinnah, Moslem League President, had one and three-quarter hours' interview with the Viceroy, Field Marshal Lord Wavell, this evening. A further meeting between the two is expected within the next few days.- Reuter
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  • 189 1 London, Sept. 25. Mr. Jonkman. Dutch Minister for Overseas Territories, stated yesterday that the Commission-Geiveral which went to the Netherlands East Indies was instructed to attirtii emphatically that Holland according' to its historical Standing 1 is prepared and desirous
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  • 75 1 Batavia, Sept. 24.— The Denpassar, Bali, Conference, where final plans will be laid for the Dutchsponsored United States of Indonesia, probably will not be held until December or early January. A Dutch spokesman oaid the conference definitely will not begin on October 25, as originally scheduled. The
    AP  -  75 words
  • 112 1 Montreal, Sept. 24. --South Africa workers and employers delegate.! clashed m the International Labour Organisation conference over the position of South African Union's nat*ve workers. Emil Solomon Sachs, the workers spokesman, made the charge that the South African (iovernnient tolerate the "vicious colour bar
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 115 1 Batavia, Sept. 24. -Dr. Butan QJahrlr, Indonesian Prime Minister, has agreed m principle to dispatch some thousand tons of rice to famine threatened Molucca Islands ol the Dutch East Indies, according to Indonesian sources. The Republican Governor lor the Moluccas. Dr. J. Latuharharty.
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  • 88 1 London, Sept. 25.— Prominent members of the. India League, including Mr. Reginald Sorensen. member oi Parliament, and Reginal Bridgman, champion oi the Central Indian Committee, welcomed Mr. V. K. Krishna Menon, GfeneraJ Secretary, when he arrived m London by air yesterday afternoon Mr Munun had
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  • 204 1 AUNG SAN DISSATISFIED WITH PROFFERED FINANCIAL POWERS London, Sept. 25. Commenting on conflicting reports on the progress of discussions between Sir Hubert Kance. the Governor of Burma, and Burmese political leaders, spokesman at the Burma Office said today that discussions were still going on and that when they had reached
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 969 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Thursday, Sept. 26, 1946. ANARCHICAL BURMA pREEDOM is an Intoxicatin thing. Those who drink of i once, must have it again, and creator measure. The Burmes who were granted freedom by th Japanese during the war, are no\ hungering for it. It Is a natura desire
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  • 542 2 Speech At A ICC Session (From Our Own Correspondent) Delhi Sept U (Delayed).— The All-India Congress (om?Jli«liS 1K r T! f^ 1 aPP™vin X the Working Committees action m lorming the Interim Government by 255 votes against 120. Addressing the
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  • 131 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) < alcutta Sept. M Mcsyal lolite tame m for condemnation from all sections of the House during the budget debate m the Bengal Assembly yesterday. The charge levelled was that communal reelings had permeated all ranks of the Police, who *ere characterised as
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  • 72 2 NETAJI TO APPEAR OCT. 22 Followers of Netaji. believe that Sjt. Subhas Chandra Bose may emerge out of. his hiding and reappear before the public on Oct. 22. While appreciating the remoral of prohibitory orders against Sjt. Subhas Chandra Bose by Ihe Government of India doubts are expressed m some
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  • 51 2 (hroni Our Own Correspondent) Madras, sept. 24.— it La understood that 120 members of the Madras Legislature Congress Party have signed a memorandum to be submitted to the Congress High Command urging the rceonsthution of the Madras Ministry and expressing dissatisfaction with Premier Prakasams
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  • 238 2 London Sept. 25 Yuoait* w) i. the -Muslin, Lejgue T n the S p k Hi X P*»««t of i J on Thursday i, h „n r lro XV > who living for Foreign Ministe r a Jhk ,L
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 713 2 Pferw, Sept 24.— Tbe defln«tion reqw M anH South Africa of the ]>hrasr "intei »no Ritf Four's declaration on forniej- j discussed by the council of Foreign Mini.s Mr. Gladwyn Jebb, the British dele^at< tand Territorial Committee of th^ Paris The declaration
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  • 171 2 Buenos Aires. Sept .'l-Arr three days' standstill [nfc tine trade Defoliations resum yesterday, are beiß| coatJMri day when it is expected II a?m ment may be readied In thai event Dl head of the Indii leave for Montreal tomorn Kng some membbenind to work out thi
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 42 2 INDIAN ENGINEER FOR PARIS For thGovernment engineer to eutive commit International Dams which October 3. He is R Consul* dian Oovernm< the Central and Navigati the CentraJ The ii. High Dama France, and member sinc< KliuLi will electric d< >■ Canada, and AP
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  • 51 2 GOVT. OF CEYLON REPRESENTATIVE IN LONDON i-onaon, sopt. 25.— The Colonial Office announced yesterday that H. Corea, former Minister of Labour, Industry and Commerce m Ceylon, has been appointed be the representative of the Government of Ceylon m London. I He la proceeding to the United < Kingdom to assume
    UP  -  51 words
  • 46 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Patna. Sept. 24. -A large number of police constables, jail warders and military policemen m Bihar hav^ hunger struck as their demands tor better wag€.s and service conditions submitted m July last have not yet been met.
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  • 106 2 Foundation Of Future Anglo-Indian Relations? London, Sept. 25.— British culture and the English language should form the foundation of a)! future relations between Britain and India, said Shoran Slngha, international Secretary of the Indian Students tnion. addressing Hackney (London) Rotary Club yesterday. Singha told the rotarians—influential local businessmen— "after the
    Reuter  -  106 words

  • 342 3 Eyes On Jinnah Wavell Parleys In New Dalhi r INDIAN NEWS ROUNDUP-DELAYED ISOCIATED PRKSS O F AMERICA) nes Ol a coaht,on government n the toy Jinnah h the memVi league com- m hours Khan. Cien--1 All India I c conJ til f nf m E OandhJ A/ad. .hi. ol the
    A.P.  -  342 words
  • 73 3 Melbourne Sept. 23. Miss Paranjpye, daughter of the Indian High Commissioner Sir Raghunath Paranjpye. and Miss Khandvala and Mrs. Lam, delegates of the New Education Fellowship, addressed a rally of Indian famine relief yesterday. Judge Foster, patron of the Australia India Association, presided and
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  • 71 3 Capetou n. "Can opener Wives" have created one of the biggest domestic problems m South Africa today. Husbands are finding their newly-wed wives incapable of boiling an egg or cooking a cauliflower. During the war. thousands of girls left school for the army or took up business pests
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 79 3 Medan, Sumatra.— The Chinese Consul at Medan has gone to Siantar to discuss protection of Chinese lives and property with Republican authorities, following the kidnapping of several Chinese from Medan, according to the Medan Chinese press, which Is quoted m Dutch dispatches. "The New China Times,"
    AP  -  79 words
  • 152 3 Manchester. Sept. 23.— The Manchester Guardian today publishes a long letter from Mr. H. S. L. Polak, doyen of the Indian legal community m London on the subject ot Indians m South Africa. Mr. Polak was replying t\ a letter by Bishop Ferguson who
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 165 3 Asian Youth Congress In September At Djogjakarta? I>jog.>akarta.— Five new schools and a polytechnic college have been opened within Indone-sian-occupied zones of Java, the Indonesian Republican news agency Antara reported. Antara also announced that an international youth congress to "tighten the bond of friendship between Indonesian youths and juvenile organizations
    A.P.  -  165 words
  • 49 3 INDONESIANS ORGANISE SOCIAL WELFARE Solo, Java, Sept. 24.—Establishment of an 18-month serial welfare officers' training course under the joint auspices ot the Indonesian Republic's ministers of Social Affairs and Education was announced here. Students will study management of orphanages, poor houses, boarding homes, kindergartens and simi- lar subjects.- AP
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  • 236 3 Inability of the Indian labourer to support the meagre rice ration, due to limited income, is the chief cause for widespread strikes and strike threats on rubber estates m Malaya, reported S. K. Chettur, Indian Government representative m Malaya, after a recent tour
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  • 177 3 King Of Nepal Honours King And Queen Of England London. Sept. 23. A special mission from the King of Nepal will present the insignia of honorary rank of Commanding-General m the Nepalese Army to the King at Buckingham Palace tomorrow, and the Queen will be presented with the insignia of
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  • 130 3 Melbourne, Sept. 23.— Sir Keith Murdoch, Australian newspaper proprietor, addressing the Royal Society of St. George today declar- ed that people should recognise Russia for what she was. The true facts were, he alleged, that Russia was a ruthless and a suppressive police state. She
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  • 148 3 Hamburg, Sept. 23. In a declar. ation on the fundamental rights for the German people the German Socialist Unity Party said: "The German people cannot live without the restoration of the unity of the Reich. The dejlaration, which appeared m newspaper Neves Deutsclila.iid, said that reaction
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  • 316 3 London, Sept. j, A man, who claims to be the oldest to land with British troops m the assault on Sicilian beaches. Dr. Francis Leonard Harden, is celebrating his 75th birthday and is taking his first holiday after a lifetime
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  • 581 3 Batavia, Sept. 23. The unrecognised Republic of Indonesia" committed itself to a comprehensive series of guarantees of Chinese interests m a two- day Sino-Indonesian Conference which has just ended at Djokjakarta. The conference, which was attended by more than 500 persons including two Chinese
    AP  -  581 words
  • 221 3 "WHOLE OIL INDUSTRY UNDER REPUBLICAN CONTROL" Batavia. Sept. 23.— Kepair work on the $70,000,000 NKTM (Socony Vacuum) and the equally important BFM (Royal Dutch Shell) Palembang, is underway as a result iof a direct agreement between native workmen and oil companies, according to oil sources here. It is emphasised the
    A.P.  -  221 words
  • 173 3 London, Sept. 25. -The distinguished British film star Deborah Ken yesterday afternoon presented each member of the Indian cricket team with a .special type radio set designed for Indian climatic conditions. The gift was made by a cricket enthusiast, Mr. M. Raymond, who is shortly visiting
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 ASTROLOGY. Your Future questions correctly answered by Sri Gayathri Upasam Pooja. Write any 5 questions, about your future with a name of a flower, and your age. Correct answers will be sent by next post. Send Rs. 5 by M.O. or by British Postal Order. Prof. R. Swaminatha Iyer, Astrologer,
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  • 280 4 British Expert Returns Home After Secret Investigation Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 25. Malayan rubber and tin circles are considerably interested m the visit to the capital of the Malayan I nion of an expert on port facilities and working capacity, Mr. H. A. Short,
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  • 79 4 CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS ing* the week the two officer* Hvlr. R. p. s. Walker. Assistant Director ».>i Education (Malaya) Mr. T. P M Lewis Secretary tor Examinations) who have presented the Department of Eduation at the discussions with the i ambsidge Syndicate regarding uscitation o\ [Aw School Certificate examinations
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  • 91 4 t\ mass meeting of Indians was Id on Saturday m the Local v ongress premises to celebrate the au Umd Day and thereafter to form the Hind Volunteer Service, dvir. AH. Arunachalam Chettiar, the convenor was m the chair. The following members were elected unanimously to
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  • 57 4 Mr. f. Daniel. Acting Headmaster ol the Victoria institution, has returned from leave. The official re-opening ol the Victoria Institution by H.E. the Governor will take place on October 11, and tiie Golden Jubilee ol the school i .vjl be celebrated by the school and Ol<3
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  • 130 4 His Excellency the Governor ol the Malayan Union has appointed the following: Committee to investigate the question of Estate toclct} shops and to make recommendations to the Government on future polity for the sale of toddy: The Deputy Commissioner foi Labour. Malayan Union. Chairman),
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  • 51 4 Nuremberg, Sept. 2r>. it was officially announced today that judgment against Herman Ooering and other Nazi accused m the war crimes trial here will be delivered next Monday as planned. The court will meet at lv a.m. and sit throughout Monday and into Tuesday.
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  • 43 4 "FUTILIY OF MARRIAGE" DISCUSSION TONIGHT rhe Singapore East and West Society will meet at 8 p.m. today. September 26th, In the y.m.c.a. Pavilion. Bras Basal) Road. Miss Liau Nyuk Oi will lead the discussion on 'The. Futility oi Marriage*. Everyone bs cordially invited.
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  • 55 4 A recent donation oi $100 to the Malayan Welfare Fund was accompanied by the following note:— "In memory oi the late Major Adrian Clark, L.D.C., Selangor "A true Englishman In his justice and fairplay besides being d Malayan at heart.'' R.I. P. From
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  • 181 4 London, Sept. 25. Anthony Eden. Conservative party wartime Foreign Minister, ur^ed yesterday "for i new approach" towards Russia by Britain and the United Stales became present relations contain imminent threat of war.' 1 He said m an address that there LB
    AP  -  181 words
  • 174 4 British Empire "Greatest Enslaver Of Human Beings," Says Robeson Washington, Sept. 24. Paul Robcson f (he Negro singer, said or» Monday that he headed ii delegation which told President Truman at a While House conference thai If the government does not do something about lynching, the Negroes will." The delegation
    A.P.  -  174 words
  • 322 4 Washington, Sept. 25.— The recent United States shipping strike cost India 110.000 tons of urgently needed mm Mr R. Gupta, food adviser at the Indian Agency General', said shipments this month will fall short by that much on account of the dispute.
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  • 60 4 Montreal, Sept. 25.— Sir Eric Bowater, head of the Bowater pulp G and paper interests was reported C yesterday to have predicted that the price of newsprint would be g advanced to $85 per ton "to cope with added production costs." Among the costs L-e mentioned increased
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  • 265 4 First Reaction To Stalin's Pronouncement London, Sept. 25. Stalin's interview with British correspondent Alexander Worth m which he said there was no 1 danger of war and that the atom bomb was not such a serious threat as some politicians think, "is being examined with interest," according to a Foreign
    U.P.  -  265 words
  • 78 4 The next meeting of the IV.ala*an Union Advisory Council will bo held at the Council Chamber, Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday October 9, 1946, commencing at 11 a.m. The Directoi" U j Education 11J 3riUsh North Borneo (Major Fairy i arrived m Kuala Lumpur and held
    AP  -  78 words
  • 139 4 DHALL FOR INDIAN PUBLIC Dhall will be distributed to the Indian public through ration ,-ards at the rate of one tatty 101 each person states a note from the Indian Chamber of Commerce, Singapore. The Indian Chamber received only about 303 pikuls of different varieties. Over 100 bags contain j
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 29 4 KARRICK-GEYLANG Phone No. ***** LAST DAY 3.15 6.:i0 9.15 MAZD 0 0 R 'm HINDUSTANI! Preceded by .ATEST INDIAN NEWS PARADE! 1 B «d by United Exhibitors ndicate, Singapore.
      29 words
    • 154 4 CHARITY SO( II SINGAPORE INDIAN ASSOCIATE REHABILITATION TIM [I The Singapore Ind i am The Singapore Chinese Football Associate KICK-OFF 5-15 I.M SUNDAY, 29th SEPTEMBER, j^ JALAN BESAR STADIOI Admission $2.00, $1.00 and 50 to NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (Near Bras Basah M COMING VERY SOON! THESE TWO PICTURES 'MANIMEGAL.II 111
      154 words
    • 65 4 ■uZhih-c-SZL' gl I MARLBORO! ru ll n Kf»a/j 'S DAII slll u KIi LNDAAI ru .11 nJ Ntor I r i a Dj Rele. (6.30 p.m. wd% H Chao. end, m Hr^ Millionaire senses followii*^ Idt! Slrange happen^ f rini. VISHV^ All M |Mtinl^ father i *f"l with MEHI I
      65 words