Indian Daily Mail, 23 September 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 14 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol I/. No, |92. SIXGAI'OKK. MOADAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1916 10 i,hXSl^
    14 words
  • 217 1 Batavia, Sept. 85.—Lord tUliearn met the Dutch and Indonesians yesterday m an effort to set the -nic ;i»h! place of formal re*n.p.p--i mi oi negotiations which are expet*i**d to begin within a week. Ii donesian Premier Sutan Bjaiirir>s ntative, Dr. Sugarsono d d Mallang, east oi
    UP  -  217 words
  • 73 1 LATEST: KILLEARN ASKS SJ AHRIR TO HURRY Batarfa, Sert. II. Lord Killeara, t the British mediator In Java, has written letter requesting Satan .^.juijrir, Premier of tie Indonesian I (lepublic. to speed u;> truce negotiations with the Allies, m order to clear the way for the first formal negotiations, an
    AP  -  73 words
  • 87 1 The seven Chinese vessels whicii were still detained at Aluntok— because they carried cargoes oi estate produce of which the legal Matus required a further investigation are now beins released, a tress release from the Dutch Consul-Genera! said on Saturday. The Hague, Sept. 21. —The Sultan
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 304 1 DUTCH -INDONESIAN DEADLOCK NRARING SOLUTION P 'ssion-General Recognises Sjahrir's Authority »?irf fe/are British Quit In November} !son, Associated i»r#»^v t■•m^h,.rmerh, l rn. lor,n,r I) u «h .>.;•'!., ta< i" authority of the Siahrir il also i,, Sumatra. r report, al- Liiowled i* re t icession yei J i ut( h
    AP  -  304 words
  • 236 1 London, Sept £S.—Atsam Pasha. Secretary-General of the Arab League told United Tress m an exclusive interview yesterday that Pandit Nehru was a "great Oriental whose broadminded universalism and tolerance will no doubt satisfy ihe Muslim community of India. In expre sing his viewpoint he said
    peo  -  236 words
  • 119 1 Warsaw. Sept. 2>.— l\ S. Secretary of State James B\rnes and the Britain's wartime Premier, Winston Churchill, were sharply attacked by President Beirut m a speech m the opening special session of the Polish National Council convened to pass the new electoral law and decide the
    UP  -  119 words
  • 192 1 —Mahatnia (.andhi. New Delhi. Sept. 2>.—Mahatnn Gandhi, m an exclusive mlerviev with I nited Press, Friday rei(eratec His need that the philosophy oi non-violence is essential lor rea harmony. Ke.uaraing the problem of India Ganuniji .said he (ell certain tiiai j ii Congress ana the
    UP  -  192 words
  • 144 1 Knavesmire Estate Case: First Indian Goes To Prison Colombo, Sept. 22.— 5. Selvanayagam, an Indian labourer on Knavesmire Estate, Undugoda, gave himself up to the Kegalle Court Friday to serve a sentence of two months' rigorous imprisonment imposed upon him by the Kegalh magistrate for criminal trespass. The sentence was
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 239 1 BhmTpT: SC t An at(om <" aswuwiaaU former I>> t l'r,,n,, r I Saw, leader Of the Myochil Party, wu made n Rangoon yesterday. As Saw was driTinf mi n ;i cat from the party headquarters a rifle shot rang oiu from a
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 168 1 Tribesmen Surprise Gendarmerie And Disarm Them H 81 I.IKE l.\ MOVIEBI reheimn, Sept. U^Sevara *iuiuueu unneu Horsemen, mem •>ers oi the Uuaeniain tribe, de* cended Iron nu- mountains pester •^ay ieci oy Kosroti l*nacttgaili occupied me localities <»■ Haserotu umi uanriuu, disarmed me iota (tndinnenc and arm, gmrrteoii -nu fmiltfpca
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 102 1 CONGRESS AND LEAGUE WORKING COMMITTEES IN SESSION New Delhi, Sept. 22— Meetings of the Working Committees of both (he Congress Party and the Muslim League were held in Delhi yesterda v. The meeting of the Congress Party Working Committee, presided over by Pandit Nehru, head oi the Interim Indian Government.
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 132 1 CONGRESS \V \Ms Deilti, fe*ept. ZZ. A resol«•»"« >tLrtlu., toi tocß lon i Mondays nieeth*H oi U-India I 'onfrmi Committee urges the issue at i an immediate radio appeal to the leader oi the "Indian .National .Army, suonas Chaiuira BOSC reported l»y the
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 225 1 Aung San Wants all Powers, Portfolios For Burmese Rangoon. Sept. n.~ l Aung Shu, President of the Anti-Fascist League, had M-minute uilk with the Governor yesterdaj about the forI mation of a new government. "The Governor made certain proposals which I shall place be- lore the Leagu< cutive com- mittee
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 74 1 HOUSE-TO-HOUSE SEARCH FOR CRIMINALS Rangoon, Sept 21.- rroopi made a house-to*>h pch tor arms today m the town ol Pyapon where iniiial.-. nave been terrorising the people .since the police went' on .strike A report from Pyapon. 50 mtlM south-west 01 Rangoon .says thai 20 persona i killed at the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 714 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Monday, Sept. 23, 1946. BLACK MARKET REFLECTIONS THE Governor ox the Malayan Union has rightly characterised the Black Marketeers as "leeches' who are endangering the health of the public. Replying to the debate on the Price Control Ordinance m the Malayan Union Advisory Council recently, His
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  • 1267 2  - Why Stalin Refused To Go To The U.S. Louis Fischer By President Truman's revelation that Joseph Stalin twice rejected his invitation to visit the United States is a fact of major political importance. The Bolshevik leader refused when Truman first asked him at Potsdam m July, 1945, and refused again
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  • 862 2 Last Week In In dia POLITICAL OBSERVERS OPINE LEAGUE'S CO-OPERATION SURE (From Our Own Correspondent) New Delhi, Sept. 21. Opinion among Muslim Leaguers seems to be veerymg towards joining the Interim Government. Ihe latest betting m political circles is more m favour ol the leagues co-operation. Mr. Jinnah met the
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  • 48 2 FATHER OF 30 CHILDREN SAYS Jolianiiesburg, S. Africa. Peerbhai Lbrahim, Malay ginger-beer manufacturer m Cape Town, who expects his 3(Kh child shortly, says: "1 think European people spend too much time m cinemas." When he takes his family tor a picnic, Lbrahim has to hire a truck.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 95 2 London, Sept. 21. Sudhir Ghosh, A'ho acted as the link between jtandhi and the Cabinet Mission m .ndia addressed a private meeting jf the Fabian Society m London ['hursday night. It is understood that lie save his dews on the present situation m .ndia and an
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 106 2 COMPENSATION FOR CALCUTTA RIOT'S VICTIMS Calcutta (Air Mail*. —The Government, of Bengal, it Ls under- stood, have prepared a scheme for 5 giving compensation to certain categories ol sufferers during the recent Calcutta riots. According to the scheme shops and establishments whose capitals are more than Rs. 2,000 will not
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  • 57 2 MADRAS BUYS FROM HYDERABAD Madras. The Government ol Madras has purchased about 2.000 tons of groundnut oil cake from Hyderabad state. This has been clone to make up the deficiency caused by the diversion ol nearly 5,000 tons oi oakc for distribution as manure fur shortterm crops In the district*
    AP  -  57 words
  • 116 2 Botnbaj -i> I fulosis I India lust, Public 11. I fewer tha, I die of tub I that m th. I measures u T. He said -«S cate that L per cent all inhab j to tlir- I and betwi I cent. In
    A.P.  -  116 words
  • 41 2 Residential University Tirumalai Hills Calcutta.- Step are beinj (or establishing residei vcrsity m the Tirumalaj Madras The i-.' iy from the Tirumalai un< of tin m India and the Rovernnn Tile m«v planning to set expert educati details ol th< AP
    AP  -  41 words
  • 54 2 Madru.v 1 Association has 1 1 vices oi A. F W xcx CTiC en as part scheme dn. Cricket Afl standard of play In order to success, thr A to 45 the numb coached. The nets will Ing and the week *x concrete wick< besides tin
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 33 2 rr:i;i Clll South tndi and thi imong thi c Aland C R Rao Sahib nid Rao B pressive i 1 sonsists ol *8 arc < rhr remal iquare mile 2,000.0(10 A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 37 2 ORISSA PAGES HUGE DEFICIT Cut tack na i i revenui ;otnpar< I t ted 4X>k Tht nciease >übllc md d Har< li i issembly Madra neat Is ij) B 'Y< o bi int( ilnii i ireatdea AP
    AP  -  37 words

  • 728 3 Muslims Can Achieve Pakistan By Converting Hindus To Their Point" Ilail).— Ma hat ma (iandhi declared relim League was "really serious" about the only way is to discuss it with their convert ther.i to their own viewpoint n s communal problem during his evenine Mahal ma deplored threats of violence
    UPI  -  728 words
  • 30 3 MEKONG RIVER ON RAMPAGE Mekong m and tnpa r towns i prohighest village, the dry vi is which has or ihi m anti- pi. er at c ol relief AP
    AP  -  30 words
  • 281 3 London, Sept. 21. The police >tnke m Rangoon probably foreshadows a wave of unrest, says the London 'Times" m an eaitoriai Thursday. TIUS unrest is partly due to the legacy of distress inseparable from the frightful damage wrought m Burma by the war, the "Times"
    Reuter  -  281 words
  • 71 3 Berlin, Sept. SI. The Olympic Game* flag which, according to international custom, wai left m the custody of Berlin m 19M as the last host city, was recovered after intensive searches. The emblem, missing since the Battle of Berlin, was found sealed m an unpreten-tious-looking metal
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 124 3 Shanghai, Sept. 22. —Reliable sources reported Friday that the Canton Overseas Affairs Bureau m Canton has received a telegram from the Bangkok branch of the Kuotiimtati£ reporting the existence of a "nourishing traffic m Chinese women and girls between Kwangtiing and Slant." The
    UP  -  124 words
  • 94 3 Rangoon, Sept. 21.— Twenty-two convicts who escaped at midnight on Thursday last were from the Rangoon central jail ancl not Insein jail it was authoritatively stated today. Casualties among the convicts now total four killed and two seriously wounded. The number of police strikers In Burma has
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 867 3 I GANDHI ASTROLOGER I (3 Established m 1917. jjj 28 YEAKS OF MIRACULOUS SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC. 5 FOUNDATION STONE OF the new premises oi HANUMAN JOTHISHA ASKRAMAM, TIRUTANI, was laid by Sjt. BABU RAJENDRA PRASAD, President of the Indian National Congress,' on G 29-11-1935. OPENED By Sjt. T. PRAKASAM
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  • 996 4 H.E. the Governor, Sir Edward Gent, last week, paid a visit to the Technical College premises m High Street, Kuala Lumpur. *o m pec t the buildings. He was met at the College by Mr. G. J. Gurney, the Acting Principal of the
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  • 93 4 OFFICIALS APPOINTED TO REGISTER CONGRESS MEMBERS FOR S'PORE The Regional Congress Interim Committee, Singapore, meeting on Saturday, resolved to ceieorate Mahatma Gandhi's birthday m a fitting manner on Oct. 2. The meeting also broke up Singapore District into nine divisions and appointed a Convener and a Secretary and Treasurer lor
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  • 101 4 In a letter to the Editor, the Hon. General Secretary of the Singapore NVwsvendors' Association complains that many "respectable (iipapcrs and periodicals on credit, at their residential quarters, "move from their original places to some other places" without informing them, thereby involving them (the vendors) m great loss.
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  • 162 4 Singapore Indians turned out m large numbers at the Theatre j Royal yesterday morning to pay honour to Periyar E.V.R., revered social reformer and leader of the Self-Respect Movement: the occasion was the celebration of the leaders 68th birthday (which fell on Sept.
    162 words
  • 272 4 Azad Hind Men From Germany To Be Repatriated Berlin Sept. 21. Forty Indians who were living m Germany m lO.'S!) and remained (here tliroughoul the war are to be repatriated. At one time since the occupation they were Interned, but all have now been released and the Govern- ment. ol
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  • 225 4 Johannesburg, South Africa.— First new Immigrants to the Union Of South Africa are likely to be printers and nurses. The government printing works bs so shortstaffed that application has been made to fly a government plane to Britain to brfng back a cargo <>i
    225 words
  • 254 4 New Delhi (Air Mail).— T!ie AllIndia Congress Committee »tmi*n September zs anu 24 wi.. commence m the spacious hall of the rtamjas College m Daryaganj, Delhi. The United Press of India learnj from the local Congress Committee which is entrusted with making arrangements for it that
    UPI  -  254 words
  • 99 4 INDI AN FOOD SITUATION CRITICAL I mhmivo, >ept. sz.— lhe Manchester Guardian dispatch from New Delhi warned the Interim Government yesterdaj th«i me rapid depleting food stocks were leading to a critical situation. The dispatch said reductions In daily rations Imposed b\ some ProV 11]! rove "insufficient" to bridge th,
    UP  -  99 words
  • 77 4 London, Sept. 22.— Churchill will be the guest of honour at this rear's celebration of th»« battle ol El Alamein to be held on Oc( Pield Marshal Lord Montgonj ry is to preside Both ire to be broad i Variety artist* and a band ol tin Guards will
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 35 4 master J^r r_ i*~mS}* k firtl tS 1^ BF 5 0o«0 SYSTEM v<^>^ NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (N«II Bras Basah Koad (oming Soon ABBOCIAYID PICTLREH LH> PRKB£NT "AMEEREE 5 (Hindustani) With MANWAMA PAH BATI KEBA BOSE
      35 words
    • 72 4 U I r,|] W: .bOuJ I 1)1 VASI I AjJo FTemtS STUDIO All-Mala m I i (luring: Kan PushpavalU OPENING "Ala, LAIU 1 Great Mj "VADIRANI, Gulam There's Biispen interest i OPE 'VIMiVAS I eaiuring METAB, CH d ihe i mill Mil/ion Thrills Fot ■B m^^K^^^^^S^B^m mSSa&i: '%tm^ jmm^mßB^^Bß^R^Bwß^^^ B^^Hk'-
      72 words