Indian Daily Mail, 3 September 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol. 11. No. 175. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1946. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 414 1 l m Nehru's Inspiring message To Indians lie Are Crowns Made I morns' Says Gandhi ji I m our Own Correspondent) I "T A DeW eha P ter »n India's history L lhia "truing when i>andit Jawaharlai r gues were sworn m as Menders
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  • 153 1 NORMAL Police opened morning to dis- <« of Pathans and Hindu ehl briefly but MHlauaicr t i Inmarkadi— here communal f began yesterday ihc city. wl>ere of further tstantly pat--5 Indian troops, Sikhs and been SCOUTi roundup of to be likely I id
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 200 1 ALL OVER A FLMi RIOTING IN BOMBAY (From Our Own Correspondent) Bombay. Sept. 2.— Black flag hoisting by the Muslim Leaguers served as origin for the communal rioting here m Bombay yesterday evening and by nightfall 47 were killed and 170 injured It is stated that the trouble started when
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  • 126 1 PRESSMEN NOT PERMITTED TO INTERVIEW FASTING PRISONER New Delhi, Sept. 2.—The Government of Portuguese Goa has declined Mahatma Gandhi's request to let a representative of his weekly newspaper "Harijan" interview P. Kadodkar, a Goa prisoner who is reported to be fasting "unto death." The Portuguese Government
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  • 35 1 New Delhi. (By Air Mail).— Special police or other guards have been posted at the residences of Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Azad and some other Congress leaders m New Delhi.
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  • 145 1 New York. Sept. 2. Fifty one .swank New York hotels will be without music after tonight when 3.000 dance band musicians and members of the American Federation of Musicians walk out In a strike voted last Friday, after wage negotiations broke down. The union demanded
    UP  -  145 words
  • 89 1 Madras, Sept. 2.— Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was today requested, on his assumption of office as head of the interim Government, to intervene m the eight-day old South Indian railway stfrike. The General Secretary uf the strike committee made this request In a cable stating that "42,000
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  • 317 1 BOMBAY RIOTS— LATEST Bombay, Sept. 2. Riots spread to new areas m Bombay with at least 60 dead by early afternoon In fighting between Hindus and Muslim.s. Sporadic assaults continued. The police fired when crowds stoned reinforcements m troubled areas. A 24-hour curfew has been imposed for two days and
    AP; Reuter  -  317 words
  • 81 1 New Delhi, Sept. 2— Seven members of India's first popular government took their oaths or office. The group was led by the Congress Party leader. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The oaths were taken before Lord Wavell, Viceroy of India. All but one were wearing the white homespun khadder, popularized
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  • 113 1 PANDIT NEHRU TO LEAD DELEGATION TO PEACE CONFERENCE New Delhi, Sept. I.— lt was understood that Pandit Nehru may lead a delegation to the Paris Peace Conference.- dissident Muslim Leaguers bearing black flags and shouting antiCongress slogans, were cordoned off by the police. Some 5,000 cheering spectators waited for the
    AP; UP; Reuter  -  113 words
  • 40 1 Washington, Sept. 2.— The UJS. Agriculture Department reported Sunday that the world food supplies for the consumption yeai ending next July are expected to be slightly larger than the past year, but considerably below prewar average.- AP
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  • 67 1 New Delhi, Sept. 2.— One of the first acts of the new Indian Interim Government was to visit Mahatma Gandhi, who, observing his silence, wrote out a message for the members of the Government. During the inauguration ceremony, Muslims climbed the 120--foot high India gate
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  • 145 1 A mass meeting of Indians was held yesterday at the Indian Association premises at which resolutions were passed congratulating Pandit Jawaharlai Nehru and his colleagues on their assumption of office at the Centre and appealing to the Muslim League to join hands with the Congress.
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  • 118 1 REPUBLIC IN THE THROES OF A CIVIL WAR? Manila, Sept. 2.— The Philippines Government began wholesale arrests of rebellious peasant leaders and opened up with the artillery against their followers. While fighting raged m the mountains, 55 to 65 miles north of Manila, newspapers bannered
    AP  -  118 words
  • 44 1 Jerusalem, Sept. l. The Palestine Arab Executive unanimously rejected the British invitation to the talks m London on the future of Palestine declaring that the British refusal to Invite the Mum of Jerusalem was the result of Zionist influence. AP
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  • 89 1 Athens. Sept. 2. The Government announced that the monarchy has finally scored a 10 to 1 victory over the Republic m Sunday's plebiscite, insuring an early return of King George who is expected to fly to Athens from London as soon as the Government has arranged
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  • 194 1 London, Sept. 2. The conservative Daily Mail, welcoming ihe advent of administration m India composed wholly of Indians, says th| British people are united m the sincere hope that the new Prime Minister and his colleagues will labour with the primary object of bringing
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  • 57 1 Bangkok. Sept. 2. Head of the Siam Rice Commission, Mr. Somerset Butler, has been assured by the Siamese Premier, Tham Ronf, that rice deliveries will be speeded up to cover July and August deficit* in export and also that the full quota will be despatched in September,
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  • 198 1 Lincoln, (Nebraska), Sept. 2. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, Chief of Staff of the T.S. Army, pleaded earnestly for world "neighbourliness" m an address to veterans here arresting that "the people of no nation want a global war." Without mentioning any nation by name, but apparently
    AP  -  198 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • India Daily Mail
    • 677 2 •'IiAY we prove worthy servants of India and her people" thus declared Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru m an Inspiring message to the country on the eve of his assumption of office yesterday. An ardent patriot who has spent a great part of his life within the
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  • 415 2 Pandit Nehru Receives Greetings Good Wishes From One And All FORMATION OF INTERIM GOVT. ACCLAIMED AS FIRST STEP TOWARDS FREEDOM London, Aug. 31. Mr. Reginald Sorenson, a member of Parliament, sends the following message through United Press on the eve of the Nehru Government coming into power. "Would you Convey
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  • 112 2 Colombo, Sept. 2.— Secretary ot the Ceylon Indian Congress, A. R. Motha. m a cable to Pandit Nehru on the eve of his resumption of office says: -Indians overseas doubly rejoice because the occasion shall mark the end of their oppression and humiliation."' Mr. Motha expresses
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 282 2 Birmingham. Sept. I.— lndians m Birmingham today sent messages to both the Congress leader, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, and the Muslim League leader. Mohammed Ali Jinnah. assuring them of support. Congress supporters were members of the Birmingham Indian Association while the message to Mr. Jinnah supporting his "direct
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 175 2 The assumption of power by the Indian Interim Government on Monday will not go unnoticed here however. Several Indian restaurants have made arrangements to serve free meals to all Indians irrespective of caste or creed on that day. Swaraj House, a non-party organisation devoted entirely
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  • 144 2 New York, Sept. 2.— The India League of America has sent a cable to Pandit Nehru declaring: "As supporters of India's nationalist aspirations we m America hope your asumption of office will be the first step towards complete independence for the people of India. "We are
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  • 323 2 EARLIER REPORT Officially India House is very cautious on this point. "We have received a letter from the Indian Workers' Association and its receipt is being acknowledged," I was told when I spoke to the Deputy High Commissioner's office today. According
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  • 119 2 London. August 11 Tnlngl were sent out tonight by the Working Committee of the All-India Muslim League m London to their branches throughout the count n calling on them to observe Monday as Black Flag Day m accordant with the call by Nawa/ada Liaquat Ali Khan.
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  • 45 2 London, Aug. 30.— The Indian Workers' Association of Great Britain has cabled Pandit Nehru pledging all support to the new Indian Interim Government which takes office on Monday and to the Pan- Asian Congress which is to be
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  • 66 2 Copenhagen, Sept. I.— The leader of the Indian delegation to the Food and Agriculture Organisation, Iwalga Srivastava, cabled to Pandit Nehru today on the occasion of the inauguration of the Indian cabinet tomorrow: "On behalf of the Indian delegates at the Copenhagen conference and myself I send
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  • 38 2 London, Sept. I.— lndian merchants now m London have cabled congratulations to Pandit Nehru on the formation of the first Indian National Government. More than 200 merchants representing various Indian communities signed the telegram.- Reuter
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  • 47 2 London, Sept. 1. Radio Moscow today announced lavish plans for the September 3 celebration, marking the first anniversary of Japan's defeat. The broadcast said that streets and squares of Moscow were being decorated and big pageants and sports programmes were scheduled UP
    UP  -  47 words
  • 482 2 "WE HAVE GOT TO STAY IN THE HEARTS OF THK PEOPLE," Lnhour M.l\ Caux, Switzerland, Sept. 2. The need for a new British approach towards the problem of India was stressed at the world assembly for moral rearmament at Caux
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  • 76 2 Amy*Gf J plannm, P Natftoaal B initial ">| future ufl tones. Cadet I present 1 (c;rps, ur %i|| on an Mai ted disrip. Ing lo I oontldi can new N othei h I ■v I >n t},. I A N the i Bead ol Invlt o
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  • 50 2 Bombay Riots EARLIER REPORT I polic< an huu: empta ■>nn< J C v. >-omn lituation Rlgn frw ordi The n tiiuht c jencj e p«j witho i sa| be buu iers »s X i ire |c and m ■mii.:,, penon I police tlMll B blnkt Of I Trail r 1)
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  • 18 2 three rritlci J c<l Mi prnli< U •r|»ori Dc n short i and Import oflVcl thC
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  • 486 3 he Was There Greater IN* For United Efforts' I —THE OBSERVES i ept, 1. No government was "ever offered a lunitj lor true liberalism and conciliation" than f* composed entirely of Indians which takes Lj- tomorrow, declares the Observer m its chiel I
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  • 82 3 SIR STAFFORD CRIPPS' WARNING Sir Start orcl Cripps assured Parliament that pledges had been re-' ceived from all Indian leaders that they would enter the Assembly with the intention of making it work smoothly. If those promises 1 are carried out there may presently be an opportunity of replacing the
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 152 3 OFFER APPROVED BY "ALL GOVTS. CONCERNED" Washington, j>cpi. i.—m e Department ol Agriculture, reporting that "all governments concerned has "at last" approved an offer by Indonesian Premier Sutan Sjahrir to ship 500,000 tons of rice to India m exchange for barter goods, said the first shipment
    UP  -  152 words
  • 162 3 Colombo.— Perhaps the first Ceylonese to be associated with the research work that is being conducted m England m connection with atomic energy is Mr. K. Kandiah, a Jaffna Tamil, the Ceylon Government University Scholar m Mathematics m 1936. Alter a brilliant career In
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  • 147 3 London, Aug. 31. It is sheer nonsense to say that m two years every worthwhile post m India will be filled by an Indian, says the editorial m (he current issue of "Great Britain and the East." Justifying this stand, the leading aricle makes two points:
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  • 118 3 70 PER CENT VOTE FOX HIM Athens, Sept. 2. Acting Premier Stylianos Gonatas of Greece announced Monday that the tabulations showed 70 per cent of the votes were for return of the exiled monarch and that there was no longer any question as to the Greek
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  • 266 3 Indian Labourer's Appeal Dismissed missed and the sentence of two months' Lorous^ imposed by Kegalle Magistrate on June ZITJr criminal'""! lT™* by Justice Jayatil.eke, the l™™£ul?Sl This was the first appeal against the judgement of the Kegalle Magistrate m whose court prosecutions were launched by the Ceylon
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  • 200 3 CEYLON MINISTERS TO FIGHT "MISLEADING PROPAGANDA" Colombo— The Ceylon Board of Ministers is considering what action should be taken with regard to the misleading propaganda that is being carried out, specially m India, with regard to the subject of Indians m Ceylon generally and the Knavesmire Estate episode m particular.
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  • 762 3 Military Co Operation Between The North The South Americas New Bill Before U. 5. House Of Representatives Washington, Aug. 28.— The House of Representative now has before it a bill authorising a programme of military cooperation between the United States and the other American countries Canada to the North and
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  • 70 3 President Truman m his message stressed that the proposal was m line with the "new responsibilities, for their mutual defense and for the maintenance of peace" which the American Republics had assumed m the Act of Chapultepec and m the Charter of the United Nations. The Act
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  • 276 3 MICHAEL FOOTS ARTICLE IN "DAILY HERALD" (From Roland Bedford) London, Sept. I.— Much interest has been aroused m Indian and British political circles here by an article m Aug. 30, Daily Herald, official organ of the British Labour Party. The
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  • 90 3 Lahore, Sept. I.— Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan, prominent Punjab member of the Muslim League, told j meeting here that the aim of thMuslim League's "direct action" campaign was to "paralyse Nehru.; government." He suggested it might take the lorm of "no rent" campaign and social
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  • 204 3 "Lonely Prophet Of Pakistan London, Sept. 2. India's fate is m the hands, of Mohatned Aii Jinnah, President of the all-India Muslim League, declares Victor Lewis m yesterday's conservative "Sunday Chronicle." Lewis who recently returned from India refers to Mr. Jinnah m dramatic terms calling him the "lonely uncompromising prophet
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  • 93 3 MUSLIMS TO SOLICIT RUSSIAN SUPPORT? CAMPAIGN Karachi, Sept. I.— An Indian Muslim League Relegation to be sent to Soviet Russia to solicit support for the cause of Indian Muslims before the United Nations is proposed m a resolution to be discussed at the Sind provincial Muslim League council meeting on
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  • 639 4 Creation Ot A University College: Suggestion Favourably Viewed By Secy. Ot State During the progress of the war the Secretary of State for the Colonies appointed a Commission to advise on higher education m the Colonies under the Chairmanship of Mr.
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  • 94 4 The strike on Howard Estate. Kedah has now been amicably settled through the efforts of Mr. S. K. Chettur, the representative of the Government of India. Mi. Chettur, Mr. Harriet, the Manager of the Howard Estate and Mr. Samy, the President of the Gurun Labour
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  • 64 4 At a meeting ol the Municipal Commissioners on Aug. 30, it was agreed that certain available land m Bukit Brown Chinese Cemetery be marked out lor new grave plots and that the choice of such plots be allocated with priority to applicants m substitution for those
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  • 56 4 The defence committee held a routine meeting m Singapore on August 30. In addition to the members ol the Committee Uhe Governor-General, the Special Commissioner and the Supreme Allied Commander) the Governors of the Malayan Union, Singapore, Hongkong, the Australian representatives, the Service Chiefs and
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  • 40 4 Sri Naidu and Kapil of the India Government Medical Mission visited this place, examined and treated the Indian labourers on Aug. 19, which service was cordially appreciated by the public, especially the Indian community.
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  • 223 4 Control Of Foodstuffs In Singapore SYSTEM EXPLAINED In allocating responsibility for the present food shortage there seems to be a considerable and unjustified misunderstanding of the system by which foodstufta are allocated to Malaya. The allocation of the world supply of rice between the countries requiring it is done by
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  • 109 4 Bombay. Sept. l. Mahatma Gandhi writing m todays Harijan on the reported "fast unto death" by P. Kadodkar m a prison m Goa declared: Neither I nor any satyagrahl should deplore his death;" m such deaths of spotless victims lies the seed of true liberty."
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  • 107 4 Batavia. Sept. 2.— War-weary Batavia assumed a festive mood Saturday as thousands of Dutch soldiers and civilians celebrated ihe birthday of their Queen Wilhelmina. High-spot of the day was a morning parade before Lieut-Gov-ernor-General Hubertus van Mook of British and Dutch troops. Behind the regimental
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  • 101 4 Vital statistics for week-ending Aug. 24 last issued by the Municipal Health Officer. Singapore, show that during the week under review Tuberculosis claimed as many as 50 deaths out of a total of 52 deaths from zymotic diseases. There was one death each from smallpox and
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  • 52 4 LT.-COL. G. G. THOMSON TO SPEAK ON "BRITISH SPECIAL SERVICES" Lt.-Col. G. G. Thomson, Public Relations Officer, Singapore, will give a talk on "British Social Services" on Friday, Sept. 6, at 5.15 p.m. at the Malayan Democratic Union Hall, first floor, 331, North Bridge Road. Members and their friends are
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  • 159 4 Hatfield, Sept. I.— A hint of a new British political party opposed to the 'Socialist and Communist menace" which will be called the "New Democratic Party" was made here yesterday m a speech by Mr. Harold MacMillan, Conservative Member of Parliament and
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  • 152 4 Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 31. Foui Malays were fishing m a river m North Malaya. One of them suddenly called to the others that his hook stuck to a heavy object and as he pulled a large bundle stitched up m waterproof cloth, another grabbed the bundle.
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  • 130 4 ORDER TO STAY LIQUIDATION PROCEEDINGS Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 31— Tai Lee Limited, a large Malayan mining concern which went into voluntary liquidation during the Japanese regime rather than win tin ore for Japanese war effort made a successful application to the Perak State Supreme Court for proceedings m liquidation to
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  • 77 4 BIG-FOUR MEETING CANCELLED Paris. Sept. l.—A British Foreign Office spokesman said tonight that the Bis Four meeting originally scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, had been postponed. He said a new date had not been set and indicated that no meeting would occur before the end of next week. British quarters expect
    UP  -  77 words
  • 84 4 San Francisco, Aug. 30.—Immediately conditions permit, an American Army Air force B-29 Superfortress will take off from Hawaii on the longest non-stop flight m history. Over loaded 27,000 pounds with fuel, it will try to hop from Hawaii 10,000 miles over the top of the world to
    AP  -  84 words
  • 275 4 Colombo. A life-size painting O f the gathering of modern Sinhalese with Sri I mountain for 4 background is to he lit the famous British portrait painter. Mi. The work is intended to be a source <»! dhists, particularly young Buddhist Ceylon to
    UP  -  275 words
  • 414 4 New York— Man-made tidal waves and glaciers, onslaughts of disease germs and atomic dust are terrifying weapons that can be expected to he used m a future war, predicts Rear Admiral Luis I)e Florez of th«I .S. Navy. The day of man shooting man
    AP  -  414 words
  • 23 4 Di R th» < Malaya h from h will I). itid rahu .v. the ed cum.:: i. back
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  • 62 4 Colombo i troclurwl IM < ot remil.u m tnii tlOll .111(1 Mineral] In < lion is to r« Kestrel h> the for the olon Tin- na .should k> In th: trtea ■Ideratti IVMltfa heW \n now bcii be reri stona n The radl m Ceylon i
    U.P.  -  62 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 150 4 TglMh llx~t JOu^™ WcrMs Richest "»-fl|B source of SALTS' J I For all who m B arc Tired W w^^^^^^mk and Rundown W^ 1 this mg W" I nat v l|; ral fooJ ronij re-nourishes your body wiih a daily ration of It-- precious Minerals. The con- centrated Food value
      150 words
    • 64 4 (JAKKKhIHhAIC I'll.- I.lft- <• >\; "PWW <t I I NIZAMI i\li;i OPI KING i»» MOttM "SON 01 ROBIN DAIM I One 0| Iht mod < dramas yet M PREM BANHUI I Tallinn I SI H\ \KI M\- B I iKSHW |f M H\ N m mytho "CHANDRASEM -MAYII UAVA> l»arth
      64 words