Indian Daily Mail, 27 July 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 14 1 Indian Daily Mail i 13. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 27. I!U6. PRICE 10 CENTS yy^
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  • 1758 1 —The future of Malaya was debated m the yesterday at the request of the Opposition. 1 ..Hiih. Colonial Secretary George Hall, referring over the new Malayan constitution, said: ohio tn rviAAl mnnv nf the criticisms rai ana uu\ Have during been most unto bring
    Reuter  -  1,758 words
  • 537 1 India 's Best Talent For Constituent Assembly Congress Gesture Made This Possible Kevised Interim Oovt. Favourable To Congress? (From Our Own Correspondent) Madras, July 26.— The elections to the Constituent Assembly completed m British India during the past week show lhat the country has sent the cream of her leadership
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  • 178 1 (From our Own Correspondent) Delhi. July "!;i. Though negotiations <»'i a level are going on m Delhi and Bombay, there still are no signs of the fortnight -.>Ul postal strike exmihiß to an end The country's life lis be; thrown out oi gear and
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  • 54 1 Singapore, Jui 26 a radio black-out for n I >i today. It may have be< n Uu a bomb bin communicatioi refused all work and merely through." I ud to rour o'clock, I ojn radio morse transm could even contact Kuala Lumpur. ditious began
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 240 1 Nunanberg, July 26.— Demanding ttj »o he SeX- defendants m the war cr ''V V?e nrosecutor Roberl Jackaon, m a 20,000 word summ m<> the P^Sutfon'aeflforts m the eight month todaj asked th« court to ignore the "Nazis' lies and d. i
    UP  -  240 words
  • 162 1 Kuala Lumpur, July 26.-^-A summary of the -vidence against 203 diox'j of the !3th Parachute intent of the Si*th Airborne Division now under close arrest .uuang, Johore, has been sent lo the Judge Advocate's Department for decision whether there ill be court
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 76 1 I dlt Jawa- President 61 the X ishmlr last month the State In denresterday m tal. the drr.'ncr ■>* ci] m Abdullah (leader for the abdication se trial on a IBt the State and rul( kunir becan three nen on iii« hctl er
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 129 1 FEAR PREVALENT CHINA MAY BE DIVIDED FOR MANY YEARS Nankini lull While taosiM lies uiuunticl throughout China, a belief appeared to be powtagtti Nanking the nation might be divided for yours to come. Although am. George Marshall Iscontinuing hlsefforta to unify the co everj ta« da >' ol 4 tne
    A.P.  -  129 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 725 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Saturday, July 27, 1946. NOTES AND COMMENTS HOME FOR INDIAN DESTITUTES QP the many pressing problems Confronting the Indian Community of Malaya today, none is more urgent and acute than the problem of Indian destitutes. This problem of distress and destitution among Indians m this country
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  • 1463 2 MEN AND POLITICS: A WEEKLY FEATURE "Passion Vies With Reason In Shaping Policy: British Not The Only Target" (By Louis Fischer) The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki has, I find, left a deep scar on many Indians. According to report, it has created much
    1,463 words
  • 47 2 LOUIS FISCHER WRITES FOR US In this, the series of weekly ten exclusively for Daily Mail, Loui* India is m ferm' plains why. International^ an acknowledged India and Indian will contribute v c sively to us and Tamil newspaper Murasu. Watch this Saturday mornim dynamic writer. i *<^
    47 words
  • 82 2 Batavia. July 25. It k UIiC stood that Sjahrir. former Prffj* of the Indonesian "Government returning to .logkarl.i tfu. or tomorrow, following J'rev.^ Soekarno's request he form a new Cabinet Prrvion.sly i: h.ui b» I Sjahrir would not lv Cabinet, though b< responsible^ \c>r
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 576 2 OIK OWN OKRKSI'ONDKM 's NEWSCABLE H«'M IMI {f torn O/n Own Correspondent) New Delhi. July 27). The first move m fresh mx for forming the Provisional Interim (iovornment U btlfcvd have been initialed hv the VfcCTOJ when he met PfcltdH on Monday. It
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  • 121 2 London, July 25.— Hitler's con fidence m the fact that he could conquer India is illustrated m special postage stamps which he prepared for the German conquest, says today's News Chronicle which prints pictures of two of these stamps. They were given to
    Reuter  -  121 words

  • 480 3 ISo Far So Good, But It Has Crop Of Troubles Ahead If Bj I raser Wighton, Reuters' Correspondent) ago today (July 27) Britain's first majority I n hour I ,ame into bring nf tor a tm^mdmS^fSL^Z .wept Mr. Winston Churchill, the wartime "V l
    Reuter  -  480 words
  • 118 3 London, July 26.— Prime Minister Clement Attlee made it clear m the House of Commons yesterday that the Government did not intend to set up a commission of inquiry into the loss of British Malayan and the fall of Singapore, and all relevant matters.
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 895 3 Foreign Minister Bevm Has Overwhelming Support Of British Public (From Reuters Diplomatic Correspondent) Ernest Kevin is liked beemssc he calls a spade a spade. London, July 2|7.— Great Power Conference* marked the begins and the end of the first year's conduct of foreign policy by the Labour Government. Immediately he
    Reuter  -  895 words
  • 107 3 London. Jul> 2G. For fhe first time m history man was successfully ejected from jet- propelled meteor aircraft lisi mi;ht. says (he Daily Mai) The man, Kernard Lynch, wa* shot out of the plane when it was travelling at more than 300 miles an hour and
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 805 3 (By Sydney Campbell Reiner's Financial Correspondent) London, July 27. After on c year of Socialist Government the Stock Exchange is at about record high levels for both Government securities and industrial shares m general though not for steels and a
    Reuter  -  805 words
  • 157 3 London, July 25 *'lt has been a great pleasure to our country that the Indian team have visited us. They have proved themselves great cricketers.'* This tribute was* paid by the leader of the House of Commons, Mr. Herbert Morrison, when the Indian cricketeers
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 84 3 INDIAN'S TRIBUTE TO MacARTHUR Sydney, July 25. The Indian trade commissioner m Australia. Mr. R. R. Sakbtna, who represented India on the Far Eastern Advisory Commission today described General Douglas Mac Arthur's administration In Japan as "first class" and said: "If Gen. Mac Arthur relinquished his command m Japan It
    Reuter  -  84 words

  • 218 4 Federal Solution Of Palestine Problem Possible (From Paul Scott Rankin, Reuter's Correspondent Washington, July 26.— The possibility that the British will convene a meeting: of representatives of Jews and Arabs to consider a Federal solution of the Palestine problem after the conclusion of .the Anglo-American talks m London Ls being
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 222 4 Washington, July 26. Evans Carlson, retired Brigadier General of the Marine Corps and Chairman of the National Committee to Win the Peace, said m a statement that the United States has "become a kty factor" m encouraging (he civil ♦\ar m China. Carlson, one
    A.P.  -  222 words
  • 125 4 Washington, July 26.— The United States State Department spokesman disclosed last night that the Secretary of State, Mr. James i. Byrnes, today received two alternative plans for the solution of the Palestine problem. f The plans were drawn up by the Anglo American Committee" on
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 36 4 Bangkok, July 25.— Queen Mother Pnrara Janani Srisangwan will testify Friday morning before the Commission of Inquiry investigating the strange death of her son, King Ananda Mahidol, reports Associated Press correspondent i .Alexander Mac Donald- AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 128 4 U.S. Democrat Blames Britain For Jewish Outrage Washington, July 26.— Emmanuel Celler, Democrat representative from New York, commenting on the outrage said m a statement: "This crime is the procrastination of the British m their failure to carry out their pledges and establish a Jewish national homeland m Palestine. "While
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 84 4 Jerusalem.- July 26. —The High Commissioner tor Palestine, bir Alan Cunningham, has prohibited troops to enter Jewish premises ol any kind, and the curfew zone has 'been widened especially around (he King David Hotel wnicn earlier was maue a closed area accessible only by
    U.P.  -  84 words
  • 163 4 M. M. Ishak. 27 -year-old Singapore Muslim, called off his "fast unto death" at 2.30 p.m. yesterday alter a fast of about 27 hours when the Indian Muslim Committee, which met after mid-day prayers under the chairmanship ol .lanab A. Mohamed Sharif! appealed to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 70 4 Ex s.s, "SAMEDEN" and s.s. "TAYBANK" Jain, Chocolate Puddin&s, Madeira Puddings, Ginger Puddings, Sweetcorn, Honey, Potatoes. D.D.T. powder and spray. COSMETICS (Large variety) Bookings: Accepted May June Supplied. TANNS CO. 173-B, Cecil Street, (Second floor) Singapore. NPI7O LAXENDtR STftmSNCAPOR? ftotfi- U tl Wft vt 'J^7d Mfr U. R BAN HOCK
      70 words
    • 72 4 AX INDIAN CONCERN TO ATTEND YOl'R LUGGAGES AND CARGOES. SAFE DELIVERY ASSIRED COLONIAL BAGGAGE SERVICE. 54. The Arcade. Singapore. To-day: p.m. 7.30 p.m. To-morrow 12 noon. 4.15 p.m., 8.30 p.m. GREETED UY PACKED HOUSES DAILY! The Great Romantic Drama "JAGATHALA PRATHAPAN" Celebrated cast includes P. r. Chinnappa N. S. Krishnan
      72 words
    • 211 4 IGSicKTIIK\TItt at 11.ii. I "AMAZi' (HlNl)lsi She uields thr iw< ig those who hulls t g a true AM MONDAY Mil xjAshok Kumar i!i I "KISMI (HINDI SI ;-;.v.jXvXv v.v.v.v.-..-. MARLBORO dCI Daily 3 Shows: 'PANNA 1 (In Hindv Stan. GEELA NIZAMi Her beauty she didn't commit sentenced to
      211 words