Indian Daily Mail, 24 July 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 12 1 Indian Daily Mail Ji2i SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1946. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 461 1 Death Toll Now 93, Including 14 Senior utticers London, July 23. Bombing of the British Military Headquarters m Jerusalem appeared today to have deslro ved virtually all possibility for early implementation of rue recent pro no&als to admit iOK.OiiQ Jews in.v l^alcstme. While official comment
    A.P.  -  461 words
  • 70 1 22.— The Rom,he Goa (I'ortuCongress Comtoday that the horities m Goa Negro troops passive resistby the t-oa nittee. C mmittee is lie Indian Nanovement when Dr. prominent ader In British J ted alter defylDK meetings and P Leased after Nehru, new .j prvaicied
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 137 1 British Troops Learning Jangle Warfare In Malaya I ipur, July ->.— m st bill tie school m ft, heart o) the Malayan jungle ft m Kuala Lum-■iiru-hvr Ludents undergo the f ms of train- cold water laid t 0 The modern U lilies froid the numerm iilpluir -rvin<r nearby. Mes
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 49 1 DUTCH MILITARY STRENGTHENING JAVA, SUMATRA Inly 23.- -The Indotatara rcport.■.uormed. cir- are endeavourien their military Sumatra by octhrough Siam. the Dutch employed Siam as a redirect armament the Netherl nited Statesd that the Dutch force, a division c. It is comecrui 3 from the iutlying Indone- ra said. A.P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 41 1 RUSSIANS EXPERIMENTING WITH V-1 BOMBS? 1:1. -Two sources ia reported new flights hicta were lor tbed as reserablbomb iper Aitnpoßten rocket bombs" o o Mjoesa near Bye-witnesses bombs looked like moving fast and altitude. is conjectured that he testine the U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 33 1 Jerusalem, July 23. Palestine police authorities have so far arrested 25 suspects m connection with yesterday's blowing up of the british military headquarters noused m King David hotel. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 329 1 FARMER REPORT SAW (By John (aider, Reuter's Correspondent) Jerusalem, July 23. British military intelligence officers who narrowly escaped death when high explosive charges blasted five stories of King David Hotel m Jerusalem yesterday, last night pinned down the responsibility for the outrage on the
    Reuter  -  329 words
  • 96 1 Finland, Italy Loses Washington, July 23.— Finland loses her outlet to the Arctic at Petsamo and Italy's aimed forces are severely cut m the draft treaties agreed upon by the Big Four Foreign Ministers' at their Paris Conference, it became known here last night Finland's treaty confirms the
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 22 1 India all out for 170; England 2nd innings 153 for five declared, India 2nd innings 152 for nine. MATCH DRAWN
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  • 36 1 Three thousand more are stated to have joined the ranks of the strikers at the Naval Base jesterday, thus making the total 11,000 to date: otherwise the situation remains unchanged. >
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  • 142 1 Tokyo, July 23. Jose P. Laurel, president of the Philippines puppet Government set up when the Japanese dominated those islands, and reportedly charged with treason as a result, will be turned over to the new Philippine Government for trial at the request of President Manuel
    A.P.  -  142 words
  • 202 1 Malino, Celebes, July 23.— Four resolutions embodying a feciera* plan lor the future government 01 vie Dutch East incties were adopted unanimously yesterday by cleiesaie* from tae outer territories UMitcti |£ast Indies except Java and Madura) at Malino near Macassar m tut' Celebes. The resolutions
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 61 1 I New York. July 23.-The New York Post syndicate's column by Harold ickes 5 consisting of an open letter to President Koxas of the Philippines Republic, reiterating your war record speak* for iu>cu until the time of Bataan and Coirouidor. -Tt was a public record
    U.P.  -  61 words
  • 102 1 Have You Seen Them? 72 Indonesian Girls Brought To S'pore By Japs Jogjakarta, July 23.— The Indonesian New 3 Agency Antara reported today thai Mrs. Maria Ulffth Santoao, Uepubikan MinittCT of Social A:\airs, has asked the Allied iicad quarters for permission to send Indonesian Red Cross representatives to Singapore m
    A.P.  -  102 words
  • 156 1 Bombay, July 23. The threats of all for a general strike of all post 'orkera throughout India if the ciiaiids of the post nun and teleraphlsta *lrca»iy on suike'are not o»»ip%lvil lurthcr complicated internal communication losition toda?<. .ile. Bombay ;.illst nrvs- :a recorded the success of
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 123 1 Manila, July 23. Foreign Secretary Elpido Quirino said Tuesday a formal representation >sas beins prepared requesting; cancellation of the 1930 treaty giving Britain control over the Turtle islands oft Xorth BorneHe said inbuiries would be maar with the U.S.* over the terms of the treaty which
    A.P.  -  123 words
  • 30 1 Aboard UBS Appalachian, 'July 23.— Four men of "Operation Crossroads," were exposed too long to radioactivity after the July 1 explosion, but ail aie recovering, said task lorce officials. A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 87 1 La Paz, Bolivia, July 23.— At the insistence of women civic leaders, 1 the bodies of President O. Vellarroe! 'ard three of his lieutenants were nit down troxn lamp-posts last nignt and taken to await burial as Christians." The bodies had bong Lefore
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 57 1 i Sydney J 5.— The 11 Jdan high tn opened in dn< *^n ml- e» Charles Clu i rtargca wkh brcadca6iu'ig for thfl Japano-e The trial was ao^^noa uniu August 6. Ma^or Cluzenswas tur'.cn prisoner 'n Singapore uad before tne war yften took part'to Lpccia!
    Reuter  -  57 words

  • 522 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Wednesday, July 24 1946. MAIN ISSUE EVADED IN its anxiety k> lave the Malayan Rubber industry from Imminent collapse, the "Straits 'limes" writing on the 17th instant, appealed for the immediate lifting of the Government of India's Ban on the Immigration or Unskilkd Indian Labour into
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    • 265 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Delhi, July 22-—The Omgrfss attitude to the Constituent Assembly was restated by Pandit Nehru addressing a meeting m Delhi last evening. He said circumstances had forced the liritish Government to agree to India's deiland for summoning a Constituent
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    • 132 2 CRIME AND CORRUPTION ON INCREASE !N FRONTIER (From Uur Own Correspondent) Peshawar, July 22. Addressing a public meet in^ at Peshawar, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan icclared the Congress Ministry *v the Frontier has been unable k <> alleviate the people's suffering because <>f the lack of cooperation of Government officials
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    • 96 2 WEAVERS CAUSE TROUBLE (From Our Own Correspondent) .Madras, July 22. Trouble ;roke out m Karur yesterday >hen v crowd of 2,000 weavers tttempted to prevent the distribution of yarn to master weavers by the wholesalers. Police lathi charged to disperse „he crowd but an angry mob went .bout town burning
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    • 88 2 (From Oui Own Correspondent) Madras, .luh 22. The postal Strike spread further today when telegraph workers m Bombaj and Calcutta struck at midnight. Telephone operators; 100 joined m Calcutta. Madras and Delhi telegraphists, however, are working. Following the strike m Bombay Telegraphs, India's connection
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    • 509 2 Cakutta^lndia'a Pnh says <* Urn pi recent AlMndja Congreas CoMmitte at Boml imifs oi iiinu. Ram hay r a linn impression oi souo intent o turn from tne role ol calculated agitation ana to assu*!.. responsibility m me less spectacular uui essential work oi
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    • 164 2 600 UNTOUCHABLES COURT ARREST j [From Our Own Corrczpomh-nl) Ptama, July 22.— The Scheduled Castes' Satyagraha m Poona continues and nearly HOO have courted arrest so far. Ambedkar yesterday declared the purpose of the 'Satyapraha was to get an answer trom the Congress to the question as to how they
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    • 117 2 INDIANS DO N'T WANT TANGANYIKA TO BECOME BRITISH COLONY Dar-es-Salaani, July 22. The Indian Association of Tanganyika yesterday declared that Indian's m rangmnyika are greatly opposed to any suggestion that Tanganyika should become ;i British colony instead of a British trusteeship. The Association, said a statem< nt issued today, fully
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 98 2 Bombay. July 22 R 8. Dange, [ndian Trade Union and Communist leader, declared today on his return trom the International Trade Union Conference m Moscow: "The next world war will be a war between Democratic and anti-Democratic forces. The only [question is when it
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 371 2 Bombay. Sir I hunilal I>. Mehta. who led the Indian delegation to the international business conference at Rye. New York, m It) It, said recently that the recent change m the terms ol the jjold and silver contracts lon the Bombay bullion exchange
      AP  -  371 words
    • 49 2 PROPOSALS AGAINST ABUSES AT ELECTIONS olombo I w.i ..i lls KU ion .uc tv i.:i ■o (hat i \u\ can lion .it Urn trienni mi m ben to he xl m Urn Island i i 1 i proposals i i-t the 1< Ik t ,t. m. f UiTll: U.P.
      U.P.  -  49 words

  • 1508 3 ing is ready for the during the Auf ious issues, we el rait proposals instalment of the of the now lay we give the I nt: ma! Conference <>i the Indian Congress: I Coi :< tvm-e shall d delegates Local Conj res; I itc
    1,508 words
  • 571 3 Nanking, July 23. Def< this capital we being strengthened aa Government sources claimed that the Communist threat to Nanking and Shanghai wan increasing mo mentarily. Pillboxes were erected along the Yangtze to the Nanking railway station. A brief visit to the waterfront c
    U.P.  -  571 words
  • 207 3 London, July 23.— The question why ships were allowed to leave British ports Tor Singapore with empty cargo $ace view of the importance of export trade and the fact thai Sing; pore merchants found great difficulty m obtaining shipping space
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 43 3 U.S. MILITARY ASSISTANCE TO CHINA Washington. July 2 --< pon*-.e to questions from the Pres an oili. ial ol tru' Suite i>mem. diaries o. s. said lie nab Heard notning about the lepoiis that military assistance to China might be cut <- i 4 U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 20 3 On Wednesday July 24. ]).m. Sir Edward Gent will br« cast a talk from Kuala Lumpui
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  • 157 3 H.K. Ban On Pillion Transportation -One of ri thing t-war businesses, a leftovei v se occupation, to b< I the Govern ut aftei August f. lack theii (100,000 I Koiiy it vii j I iin L 5 bi iland and the i. vthai can ucith ul ere, all 11 d
    AP  -  157 words

  • 368 4 To Provide Post-Graduate Scholarship m Foreign University Son*s Philanthropy Io I erpeiuste Name Oi His Father We understand that Mr. LkfW Kwong Hon of Koala Lumpur has offered to donate $150,000, (One hundred and fifty thousand dollars) to the King Ldward \ll
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  • 89 4 ENCASHMENT OF FRENCH FRANC NOTES The Controller of Foi ign Exchange notifies for funeral info] matlon that holders on 15th July. 1946, oi current (as distinct from demonetised) notes of the French Franc Area should apply Immediately to any Bank vnicn is a member o! the Malayan Exchange Banks Association
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  • 35 4 New York, July 23—-The Dotted Nations Organization Secretariat yesterday announced that the United Nations General Assembly is postponed from September 3 to Sept. 23, after member nations had failed to object.— UP
    UP  -  35 words
  • 628 4 Jap Regime Prison Superintendent Makes Defence Manikam Tanapathy, Superintendent of Prisons during the occupation, m making his defence at the Assizes yesterday on two charges, firstly, of having abetted the murder of one unknown Chinese, and secondly of having abetted the causing lof grievous hurt to the same Chinese, denied
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  • 226 4 In the Fourth Police Court yt* lerday. four Chinese were eon mitted to stand their trial at th* next. Assizes on a ehaife < x .f armed gans; robbery. They were alleged t»> have robb a house m Reformatory Road on the night of April 281. All
    226 words
  • 507 4 Johannesburg (Air Mail). South Africa's Cabinet Ministerare showing some concern at a new Parliamentary diversion, which has already greatly prolonged the time needeJ to gel certain measures through Parliament. A growing number of foung members, many oi them In tnc Government's own ranJcs, are
    AP  -  507 words
  • 73 4 A mass meeting, of Indians of Singapore will be held on Sunday. July 28. 1946, at 11 a.m. at the Happy World Stadium for the formation of a United Organisation for Indians. Those who wish io address the meeting are requested to send
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  • 42 4 The next meeting of the and West Society will take place to-dny (Wednesday, July 24 > at Toc-H t Stamford Road) at 8 p.m. Mrs. E. V. Davies, M.A., will speakon 'The Changing Status of Women m Malaya."
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 67 4 W AN EVENING REMINDER PUNJAB i R RESTAURANT where you get ii Delicious Indian Dishes V and ourteous Service. U 175, ALBERT STREET, SINGAPORE. Just arrived by "Empire Duchess" after 4 years. The famous remedy for hair diseases. DECCAN HAiR OIL Analysed by M.E.IL The f Nizam's Go;t. Laboratory. Award
      67 words
    • 173 4 •^S2S2S IS2S2SZS2SZSZS2S2SZS2SZSI i'fARRICK THEATRE 1 OPENING TO-DAY 3 SHOWS: 3 «i 0 "MUN kl JEET 1 g ru I" i J P t MI NA <n.l SIIVAM COME \M> IINJOY j R Released by: U;. B tors Syndicate, B S2S2S2SZS2SZ2 j DAILY: :J p.m. 7.50 p.m-H 1 ENTERS INTO ITS
      173 words
    • 159 4 MARLbOKOUGJT I Daily :> shu r^ I m VC (,LLL.\ NIZAMi Ky I Hoi beauty Uu I M i.\< item* mi: o inlff sue dkin'i ■eateneed to lif< nifiu la the Aiu» i MasUni j uiicn tbe^ land uvr eoaauy si»* tin n m Rele:ioca UlTOUgb iVc I Exnibitois I
      159 words