Indian Daily Mail, 23 July 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
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  • 250 1 8, 00 0 ON STRIKE AT NAVAL BASE <By Our Staff Reporter; I and Naval Base workers went on strike yester- r workers of all sorts and all nationalities and of the workers who live outside the Naval Those who live inside reported for work as v informed. sequel to
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  • 45 1 CY CLON E HITS ADRIATIC PORTS I A cyclone hit astai villages \ith vacateast 53 lives '1 i- r.>. million lire ot i ere over* :cupants drowni klich reportedly reacn--sity of 150 miles o. Sweeping Inland Lriatic, the storm desI of lires worth ol U.P.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 219 1 Istanbul, July SI«— TIM people of Turkey went to the polls today to elect— -for the first time m Turkey's history by universal suffrage and secret ballot the National Assembl> which again for the first time .will have an opposition to the Republican People's Party
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 123 1 .Mini-, near Macrassar, Celebes, july 22-Thc Lieutenant Governor of Dutch East Indies, Doctor 1 bertus van Mook, has sugftrsted here Indonesia should B*«J vailed 'the united states of Indonesia" and Hs constituent parts should he termed "states. p, van Mook is attending a i.orference of representatives
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  • 89 1 BRITISH CRUISERS ARRIVAL EXCITES PERSIANS T.hcian Tuly 22— The report thli Ar"e British cruisers had 'arrived m the Persian Gulf created considerable excitement m Teheran ast nteht and anti-British seuttl^ntshave b,,-n expressed m some newspapers tenera] Ra/.mara, Persian C fau t of Staff, told the newspaper Etelaat thai 'the British
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  • 355 1 Chi nese, U.S. 'Reactionaries' Planning New Woold War, Warns Madame Sun Yat Sen Kivil War Being Intensified To Draw America And Russia PRESENCE OF U.S. FORCES IN CHINA NOT HELPFUL, AMERICANS TOLD Shanghai, July 22. Madamo Sun Vat Sen m her first political action m more than two years warned
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  • 136 1 Nanking, July 22.- Tne Chinese Communists claimed a resounding victory on the vital coastal plain only 60 miles east of Nanking. The Communist spokesman Wang Blli-shan* asserted that 12 000 Government troops were captured along with their commending general, V*mg Tieh-han m the vicinity of Taihing
    AP  -  136 words
  • 175 1 London, July 22. Moscow radio on Monday broadcast a warning that the Soviet public cannot "remain indifferent" to the American policy m China. After a detailed examination of the United States economic, political and strategic aspirations m China, it detailed the following complaints
    AP  -  175 words
  • 170 1 BOLIVIAN PRESIDENT ASSASSINATED La Paz, (Bolivia) July 22. President Bualbert Villaroel of Bolivia yesterday was killed and the Popular Revolutionary Forces have assumed power. Authoritative sources indicate*! that the 'popular revolt has ousted the Villaroel regime which had been m ptower since December 1943, when Villaroel executed a military coup,
    UP  -  170 words
  • 128 1 Bombay, July 22.— Armed British and Indian troops stood m readiness at strategic points m the strike-bound city of Bombay today against any sudden flareup. The city police armed with rifles and wooden staves were out m torce. At one place a stave charge
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  • 392 1 ricnes 01 mcua Ail ncr moves and parleys are aimed at delaying the granting of independence. Charges brought against the United States are: "Atom diplomacy easily first on the list Imperialistic" expansion shown by efforts to secure a worldwide chain of air
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  • 63 1 Jerusalem, July 22.— Ten persons were killed and 60 were wounded today when a bomb exploded at the British Govern ment Secretariat and Army Headquarters m th« Kin* David Hotei. The Secretariat m one end of the building was destroyed by the tremendous
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 29 1 Old Trafford, Manchester, July The latest scores m the Test match between England and India are; England first innings 294, India 160 for 7 wickets.— Reuter
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  • 33 1 London, July 22.— A special meeting of the British Cabinet was held yesterday morning nad lasted for two hours The holding of a Cabinet Meeting or Sunday is extremely unusual m Britain.- Reuter
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  • 812 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Tuesday, July 23, 1946. BIRTHRIGHT AND THE BRITISH I ast week's debate on India m the v House ot Commons reveals a lot of significant matters m regard to the British attitude to the Iji'ian question. And an analysif of the same should mak*> it rler.r
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  • 914 2 Fakir Of Ipi Is Indian Frontier Probl ems His Word Is Law, But He Carries No Arms (r'rnm Khalek Qurreshi. Routers Special Correspondent) Peshawar (Air Mail). Waiiristan, barren, hostile Man's-Land offering fertile soil <m the border for embarrassing intrigues by Central Asian rivals of the British Kmpire. is still the
    Reuter  -  914 words
  • 136 2 What Pandit Nehru Th in ks Of Indian Problem s Bombay, .lu!.v 22- Pandit Nehru, ne* Coi y explained his stand-point on these points: k, uonsuiueni v i an nunorith i: "Th qu< i iiU > an i u•••. lv toxlu uiu ,t i vi 1 114 mat v i
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  • 188 2 "Suicide For League To Join Constituent Assembly" New Delhi, July 22w—Nawab:u\u Liaquall Ah Khan, General .secretary of (ho All-India Aiulira League, lold the Associated .*ivss ot America m an exclusive that ii would be suicide ihe Muslims to agree to go the Constituent iemblj as in* situation now stands <
    A.P.  -  188 words
  • 139 2 Calcutta, Juiv 22.— The newspaper Statesman yesterday re ported from CbJttagons tint recent heavy floods have def Iroyed lons or so per cent of the current rice crop. Hie lovs v as estimated would iercl the inhabitants of the district for three months
    UP; Reuter  -  139 words
  • 70 2 New^York, July 22. ttve p oml "<n Americana who arrived from India da 3 will n j' Hesident Truman r,500-mile tour ol Indian fai areas Di Theodon Bchultz chain oi the mi aion, ;u- J "We hope bo get India an, equitable sharp of the
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 151 2 CHETTUR IN JAVA SAYS 16,000 INDIANS WA NT TO GO HOME liatavia, .:ul> 21.— The Overnment ol India arc watching: the int* n (ndianu Wr. s. k. lutiu!. the Go%'^ rtine Id h .•< inirui i itkl communitii > n Batavia. conditi re foj lto Indu it i, i niy
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  • 28 2 CO MMUNISTS APPEAL TO U.S. ENVOY flf< n c to p rj er. mi v r 14 Kuomii f v enunentj armies wit i jt»d tai Reu ter
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  • 68 2 BRITISH HOUSE WIVES "RU SH" BAKERIES London, J*lj nonsewivei seised and rvi i rushed <•»» Saturday In '<> i»u\ bread m i. i In some bakei were s.#i(i ,is ih. ">(i upplies w uitki.N i>\ irom< 11 who man) it io.i market b Bah i low i ru re more
    AP  -  68 words

  • 2058 3 PRO POSED RULES OF "THE MALAYAN IND IA N CONGRESS"-I I idel) publicised, Indian, from all over Malaya 1 huala Lumpur during the August Hank I* tomaiiijiiraii- the Malayan Indian Congress |v" hl(l lhi < lraft Proposals and today we rive 1 nt of the proposed rules. The next and
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  • 178 3 Manila, July 21. President Manuel Rosas WIMM military police are clashing bloodily with Hukbulahaps throughout Central Luzon bluntly told the liuk leader at a three- hour conference: "I will not trade concession* lor the observance of law." The President demanded the "immediate termination of the lawlessness
    AP  -  178 words
  • 151 3 "GHETTO FO R INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA" —SOVIET COMMENT Moscow, Inly 21.— Pravda on Friday published a lengthy dispatch from i»s Istanbul correspondent under the titie "Cihetto for Indians In South Africa, 1 dealing with the "reactionary legislation m the Union of South Africa direrU*l against Indian national minority In
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 142 3 FORMER INDIA ENGINEER PASSES London, Julj 21. The deatli of k c Rose, Commandei of the Star ol India. M a distinguished civil engineer whose best work was don. m India md China" is reported In this morning's Times Mr. Robe aged 81, died on July 18 at Losslemouth, Scotland
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  • 51 3 Melbourne, July 21 -Abnormal gales which have been sweeping south-east Australia fur the pas< six day. are holding up shipping, and inland are tearing oil roof" 51,£ and Broundin Flooding Is reported m western Victoria, ski parties have been snowbound m the Australian Alp*
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 -*O*V I C liT i i ill 1 1 1 r TjTThI If k if ''\wA\ 4e% M.\ w\ s^ 1 m t 1 lli I 1 9' m "t 7 c llv>r«o Xi J «r V\ iiyW/*l9fi Afli Ifi 9 J i i li 1 li f I Amazing
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  • 456 4 Azad Hind Day was celebrated by the Indians of Singapore on Sunday. The National Tri colour was flown from many public buildings, business establishments and Indian homes. In the evening «t 6 p.m. Indiana from all parts of
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  • 56 4 Liverpool, England, Jufy 21. The arrival here of Doctor Ernst Wendlei, formei German ministei to Bolivia and Sunn and brother* niaw of Heinrich Himmlei. Chief of the German Gestapo, from the Fai East m the troopship Empress of Australia is a Qrst class passenger ivds created
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 282 4 British Ambassador Wants Strong, United China (B> Our Stall Kcporter) Paying a tribute to the Chinese Community <>f Singapore, Sir K. C. Skrine Stevenson. 'British Ambassador designate to China, said that he had heard with great pleasure Irom our Governor, Sir Franklin, about the fine worn and services of the
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  • 127 4 A well-attended faeetlng of the representatives 01 various Indian Organisations ot Singapore was held at 'iiu Unii-in Association piv mises, Wo. 6, Race Course Lane Singapore on Saturday, 13th July. 1946, under the auspices of the Indian Association, m to the request
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  • 306 4 Washington. July 22. Two Senators uho dissented from the Peafl Harbour Majority report said that toi^T»'>N uridouhtedly wortld be interested m reopening an inquiry Senators Owen Brewster and Homer Ferguson suggested that the Republican Congress might m- vesiigate further tlie "diplomatic angles oi'
    UP  -  306 words
  • 380 4 AROUND THE COURTS "Going rouua ana preying on people, una puiung them m leaf oi ufcing roooea or Deu ten iis a very despicable tumg to uo. Il ii> oiuy an act of ii bialy,' saici Mr i^uui btorr 111 me First t^ouce Court yeiiteroay wnon
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  • 203 4 'Britain Does Not Want War', Says Labour M P Moscow, July 22t— "Britain does not want wr." ThbsUtfl Kent, attributed to Mr. Silverman, a British Laboui MP, was prominently displayed m Moscon newsDapers yenterday. Silvernuui. who is (ourim; Russia, is quoted here as strongly defending the people of Britain and
    UP  -  203 words
  • 81 4 "^rrvatu of iMam, nas IlltinntfWl us <it nil decision io East unto cieain. commencing at ji.ij a.m. on Jul^' 25 i.» iayi thai he bas taken this decision Because <«*i 1.0.4 urn not restore 1 certain moppore, ior me pun..>x«' it wai, namely, a Nteea.Be
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  • 73 4 v Europe uufctte tiiiu iiioian foerciu iiave uiscustfed uae requebi 01 hr aver i dual hire snoiua f• pej eh r <>• i.i i goocu per cnai Li cai< i Dy tn< ton |3 t>o pel ton 't \w\ coi kt the oi tne» i atea m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 120 4 Buildup fX ■ia jfS SjCL tEs IVNiv .3ti-m&-&m <T Here is a wonderful Food Tonic ovhich gives you a dai!y ration of 9 body building Mineral* and Food lodine those precious substances so vital to health and j trench The concentrated food faloe b tremendous One week's tjpply of ViUe'p
      120 words
    • 88 4 Magaiinea Periodicals, > aapon Ind Bo< ki oi 1•••« << nu-rcst from India, Awtralla, Imeriea ad England hi English Tamil, Dlndi Crda, Punjabi, Tulega, Malajralam, Gojaratl, GorkhaU, etc Call at oi write The National Store 138 IM- Berangoon Road Singapore^ g (;ARRK:K THEATRE I n yj Geylang— Phone BIO7S-" TO-DAY
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    • 193 4 DMI i I;» ii» 6REEI fc U The Gr« 1 1 rJAGATHAI I HtATHAPAIJ (m I Celebrated < P. U. Chirm I N, S. Xii i P. K. Rang; M. 8 s T. A. Mathui j U. R. J« m One ol tht* > MJUHJOh« jilil D.iiK Bhowi 'PANJNA l.\
      193 words