Indian Daily Mail, 19 July 1946

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 11 1 Indian Daily Mail SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1946. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 93 1 LAST NIGHT'S INDIA NKWSCABLE FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT I he Ass;mi Assembly has given a man $eniatives on the Constituent Assembly to d met Ministers' Krimpin^ plan. W [y met to elect oner Badoioi 'aould direct me and settle itution at a Lone
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  • 121 1 I Follouii meetings between It.. md India GovBniiii' it is likely the Komul wiU !•<> settled m immediate B 73 lakhs and a Hiring relief, B iv commend- j B 1 the dis- Iministratioi a 1 hough t of reference J c on the new II
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  • 128 1 no doubt accused was trying to hide behind politics. The Court-martial held the use of abusive language was not proved but sentenced king on the other charge. P-- ommander King, m charge of the lishment, "Taldismissed from •rely reprimanded m R1N T mutiny berday's issue),
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  • 43 1 MUSLIMS FAVOUR OLD MAN— YOUNG GIRL MARRIAGES! Bombay, Juiy 18.— Mrs. Lilavat Munshi moved m the Bombay Assembly yesterday a Bill to prevent unequal marriages, namely, marriages between men aged over 45 and younger than 18. Only League members opposed the Bill's introduction.
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  • 485 1 An Official Press release last night says payment will now be made to members of Civil Defence Services and temporary Government servants of Singapore who were interned m accordance with the recent memorandum received from the Colonial Office which states: It has been
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  • 118 1 BACK PAY: COMMONS QUESTIONS London, July 18.— In the House of Commons Captain Gammans, Conservative, asked if a statement would be made about claims for compensation from widows and relatives of rivil defence workers killed m Malaya at the tune of the Japanese invasion and the petition by the Junior
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  • 134 1 British Politicians, Capitalists Responsible For Fascism" Home. July 18. Actionist deputy Emilio Lusso yesterday urged Italy not to si?*n the "punitive peace* because British politicians and International capitalists, and not the Italian people, were responsible for Fascism. "Winston Churchill and Chamberlain, and other leading British politicians were supporting, handshakj and
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  • 83 1 London, July IS. There were 59 murders and 458 armed robberies m Singapore of which 101 wore robberies by armed £anss during the period between Jan. 1 and July 10. said Mr. CreechJones. Under-Secretary for the Colonies, m reply to a question 1" the House
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  • 109 1 JNTew York, July 18.— Krishnalal Shrin dharani, Indian author who Ifi about to return to India after 12 years' study m the United States, yesterday told an audience at Columbia University where he has been a member of the staff: "By the granting of
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  • 66 1 London, July 17.— For the first time m the current financial yz&x United Kingdcm revenue exceeds expenditure. The return for the week ended July 13 shows revenue at £48.000,000 ana expenditure £2,000--000 compared with previous week* £48.000.003 and £61,000,000 res pectively. The fall m the expenditure
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  • 164 1 Seattle, July 18. Russian naval lieutenant Nicholai Redin, acquitted by a federal jury on charges of spying against the United Spates. promptly thanked the jurymen for "the fair trial I have received In j this country/ The 30 -year-old Redin was found innocent on one count of
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  • 72 1 Nanking, July 17. The throat of a military showdown between the Nationalist and Communist armies seemed 1 more real with an independent report of Government troops activity on North China stepped up several hundred per cent, while Government quarters referred to a Communist "general offensive"
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  • 75 1 Washington, July 18. It was learned authoritatively yesterday that the United Nations suggested placing: Siam's case against France on the Security Council agenda for Julj 24, but the Siamese representative was forced to ask for a later date because of uncertainty as to when the delegation
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  • 272 1 Hongkong, July 18. Hongkong was lashed today by a typhoon which drove at least five vessels ashore m various parts of the harbour, flooded parts of main- streets, paralysed all the colony's business and traffic, and caused at least one house to collapse. So far no casualties
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  • 176 1 Manila, July 1£. Foreign Secretary Flpidio Quirino announced that the Philippines would ask the United Nations for one group of French-claimed islands and several British-leas-ed islets m British North Borneo. He told at a news conference that the Philippines Republic would ask for sovereignty over
    AP  -  176 words
  • 296 1 Shanghai, July 18.— Demand for the evacuation of Uniied States armed forces from China has been made by the Federation of Shanghai Peoples's Organizations which claims to represent 54 various associations, including one student, eight political and 11 cultural— in a statement addressed to
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  • 806 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Friday, July 19, 1946. A BURNING PROBLEM UOOD apart, the next most urgent need of the people today is clothing. But food is rationed, and cloth is not. This is exactly the reason for the prevailing black market m cloth, the adverse effects of which on
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  • 1062 2 Calcutta, July 18. Pandit JawaharJal Nehru, has announced this new All-India Congress Party 14-Member Working Committee, the first to be named m six years: 1. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, ex-Congress President, (Bengal). 2. Sardar Vallabhai Patel (Bombay), who continues as Treasurer. 3. Dr. Rajendra
    A.P.  -  1,062 words
  • 56 2 Lonaon. July 17.— The Agent General for India m Washington, Sir Glrja Bajpai, landed at London airport yesterday on h!« way back to Washington. Bajpai, who has been m New Delhi for two months tor consultation, was accompanied by his son X- S. Bajpai who has
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  • 283 2 MALAYAN PLANTEROCRA CY BLAMED FO R LOCAL INDIANS' NEGLECT Madras, July 18. The proCongress Party "Hindu" of Madras said m an editorial the 1 "extraordinary neglect" of In- 1 dian interests m Alalaya is due to the return of the "old gang which left Malaya pell-mell as a result of
    A.P.  -  283 words
  • 175 2 Jail-Birds Boycotted Seven Years By Ceylon Parliament London, JUiy 10. Mr. i>. ai. run Labour, asked the Colonial Secretary In the House oi Common* yesterday whether he would amend section 13 (three) of the Ceylon (Constitution) order m council 1046 to make it correspond with the previous law and with
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  • 93 2 New York, July 18.— The Amerl-' can newspaper journal "Editor and Publisher" reports from Quebec that several thousand tons of Canadian newsprint are now on way to India aboard the Australian liner City of Agra. Its purchase was arranged by the Indian mission which recently visited
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  • 54 2 "I NDIA CLAIMS GOA" REPORT CENSORED Lisbon, July 18. Portuguese censoishit) has banned the publication m newspapers of a report that India had laid claim to Portuguese Goa and that Mahatma Gandhi advocated a passive resistance campaign The censorship office also suppressed publication of thr reoort containing an alleged proposal
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  • 258 2 Congress Volunte er Corps A Sure Th ing Bombay Jujy ]x have been iakr U J tion of a (undress 3 under the lead. ,1 Nawaz Khan f||l J Army. 8 BruiMi n lnuian National J buona^ Upn< 1 a Major-O-n. '3 «m«iclenta ana wuiciai uoii gi -m auparu (11
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  • 122 2 MONSOON IN W. INDIA GIVES HEAD ACHE TO FOOD AUTHORITIES Homb.r. luf\ 17- i m the monsoon m \< e-i and the abwor— l mini and boding m eastern In presenting identical w India's food authr.rn m Bombay pm Inct coast the cessation ralm which fa d lood crops i.s
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  • 76 2 SI AM PURCHASING MISSION IN INDIA r^i-mta. Juiv r A i b ar Slam^-'p purrba fni Inriin. wM-h rrMvrd Etonetrok Tm d p« will )-ur->in ,r poodJ f r construction undor a P cr«Hi t nranted h of Inn H Tho ru poo loan v *l In nro. I otl
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  • 233 3 Tol erance Is The Important Remaining Fr eedom in China Harold K. Milks Associated Press Correspondent) hllj 18, Troubled China with it.s bewildered bitter political conflict has been spared the nous warfare suffered by her Asiatic neighbours. een the basis of iting vi India] xsia lor years. i u:ouii-si:ilii»ig is
    A.P.  -  233 words
  • 53 3 11 7,000 WANT SHIP TRANSPORTATION IJI i tely 117,000 |c' -ue wait- ml l)f tru X: rtation, ac--1 New York I I. N :>0.550 perml die PaciI' and 21 400 I United States I: the Pacific X 1 10.000 Am- aced persons ■t: tor transX states, and R the United
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  • 32 3 NO INDIAN BRITISH CASUALTIES i-No Indian or -"c report-i.-'rania^ Ott Mr. Ernest ary, today the strike of Company between local ilted m n 115 wounded, was held safety of British property.— Reuter
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  • 173 3 Shanghai, July 18.— Dr. Robert K. Williams, distinguished chemist and a major inventor o) the principal prow ss Mcd m the manufae* lure i Vitamin B-l, ii:»>> arrived In Snanghai from tae United oiaieb to I up v process lor enriching rice with Vitamin ii-i.
    AP  -  173 words
  • 65 3 Kio De Janeiro, July 18.— Brazil 10 settle labour disputes with a new law which provides compulsory mediation before a strike can take place. Labour unrest is widespread and a number of union groups have reported disputes 10 government agencies as required by the law
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  • 213 3 Shanghai, July 18, Shanghai literally stinks today. Piles ot refuse, mounting daily, cover the city s sidewalks m many sections as garbage collectors continue their strike for higher wages. Ouier strikes are doing their bit to exasperate me lour million peopie wnu uve m mis worlds lourtn
    A.P.  -  213 words
  • 49 3 Townsend, Montana. A single gold nugget weighing 60 ounces was mined recently from the superior lode of the late H. O. Miller's mine near here. Mrs. Miller said tht nugget was about the size of pound oi butter— and was wortl U.S. $1,300.- A.P.
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  • 429 3 ondon, July 18, -World surplus of natural rubber within c next year is foreseen by informed trade sources here, if ?al peace returns to the XEI by the end of 1946. The Indies* also is dependent upon improvements m supply of short
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  • 279 3 Jedda, Saudi Arabia, July 18. The legend that Eve was buried m this Ked Sea coast town is dying. A large "iomb" tor mother Eve has been demolished and the gates to the burial ground have been bricked up. A European, who has lived here for 35
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  • 5 3 ■ssßssrfifwsiss. A.P.
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  • 699 3 IX RUMANIA (By Frank O'Brien Associated Press Correspondent) Bucharest, July 18. Opposition parties m Rumania again are going through a period of repression, a situation supposed to have been dissipated by the Big Three Moscow accord m December which recognized the two chief
    AP  -  699 words
  • 378 3 IN GERMANY iJS\ Hal Bojle, Associated Press Correspondent.) Berlin, July 18.— Soviet Russia is beating out America and Britain m art of winning friends among the German cultural classes. The Russians are making a powerful and apparently increasingly successful bid for the support
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  • 127 3 Paris, July 18. Complete Vietnam independence, including separate diplomatic representation is expected to emerge from the discussions now going: on m Paris between the French and the Vietnam delegation led by its president Ho Chi Minh, who declared m a recent statement "we are beginning to
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  • 68 3 New York July 18.— Production of steel m the United States haa Increased greatly since the end of *he strike of steel workers. By the last week of June, production waa at 87.2 per cent of normal capacity, compared with operations a month earlier at 43.8
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  • 29 3 Bornes, July 17.— The Bwt*s Federal Council officially announced they have decided not to change the International value of the Swiss franc, according to the Swiss radio report.- Reuter
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  • 847 4 COMMONS Told Everything Being Done For Rehobili lotion Of Malayan Ports L London, July IS.-— The Colonial Secretary is doing all m his power to expedite Ihe supply of materials and equipment for the rehabilitation of >;ayan ports, including Singapore and Port Swettenhain, said Air. Creech-Jones, T nder-Secretarv for the
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  • 188 4 The steamer "Berwyn Victory" which it was announced Wednesday has been diverted by UNRRA from Shanghai to Singapore with 8,500 tons of flour aboard, is expected to arrive here about 25th or 26th July. This measure had its origin at tne Liaison Officers
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  • 77 4 "The Medical College Council has accepted the principle that no former student should be prevented from completing his course of study because of lack of money. Students who had State Government Scholarships formerly will be paid their scholarships, and such additional sums as
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  • 89 4 The Kocklites' will open then cricket season with a match against the ALFSEA at Changi on Sunday the 21st at 9.30 a.m. The following players are kindly requested to assemble at the junction of Telok Kurau and East Coast Roads at 8.30 a.m. for transport. G. K. Narcndra,
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  • 70 4 Tokyo. July 17. Japan will have exported more than $100,000,000 worth of goods during May. June and July an increase of more than 50 per cent of the preceding three months and is planning an export programme for the second half on 1946 to total 400,000.000
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  • 39 4 Fukuoka, July 17. The Japanese police has arrested a 27 year-olci Japanese and fourteen Koreans on charges of smuggling 3,000,000 worth of counterfeited new Japanese yen from Korea, and dispersing them m Tokyo. Osaka and other large cities. UP
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  • 35 4 Tokyo. July 17.— Mobilizing all non-strikers with compositors experience, the Yomiurin Shimbun, one of Tokyo's big three newspapers published its paper for the first time since last Saturday when its employees went on strike.- UP
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  • 26 4 Tokyo, July 17.—SCAP Public Health and Welfare officials said 218 cholera or cholera suspects were reported m Jaoan from .Tnn P 1 to July 15.- UP
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  • 49 4 Tokyo, July 17.— In response to questions from the Japanese Government, SCAP announced that it does not believe it advisable for the Japanese Government to prohibit police and fire brigade officers irom joining political associations or particina ion m politics. The Japanese Government was planning such an action.- UP
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  • 59 4 London, July 18— The number of Tews arrested m the military searches m Palestine was 2.675. Releases p to July 16 we-e 677. On that late 1.998 were still detained. These figures were given by the Jnder-Secretary for the Colonies at. Creech-Jones, m reply to
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  • 212 4 AROUND THE COURTS The jury returning a unanimous verdict of guilty on two of the three charges brought against him, K. Narayanasamy, a long-service detective, wasyesteday, at the Assizes sentenced to two years' r.i. on each charge, the sentences to run concurrently. He was
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  • 247 4 "The Court believes the ncostm 1 tion evidence In spite of its discrepancies. Offences of extortion under normal conditions is a very serious one," said Major Jack when he sentenced Lim Chow Bcnc Manager of Hock Ouan Co timber merchants, to three months'' r.i. m the
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  • 31 4 sp^ r nVo lson n Jones Hon Hnandal Secietary will give a radio talk on ay U e o a, StatCS Loan and uaiaja, at 9.45 p.m. to-day
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  • 82 4 ALL SET FOR AGA K HAN DIAMOND CE RE MONY Par Bi fliltim. ju carpenters, buiiri tradesmen working quod propr* wnh the exhibition an unexpected {> mond Jubilf diamonds rem< Khan here on A The exhibr and run b\ i young peoplr of la Ami Kh:m\s foil of its kind
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 I f I.N.A l(i( Hind G< U CHALO DELHT ?i f ill" :-i- Bj H a Subbaiah For- tord by J. A. 1 t; sqr >•: Former State Minister of c Ij >\ viovt., A J rj Indian t •nd J Piffhter ;:j: Get it at once *o avoid :|i;
      148 words
    • 74 4 MARLBOROUGH opknim; to-day I "Bhakta Surdas" 1 (HINDUSTANI) MIDNIGHT: TO-NIGHT AND TO-MORKOW U PANNA" (Hindustani; VAVi j.. m S QARRICK THEATRp I Geylang:— Phone ***** d 6 !u OPENING TO-DAY 3 SHOWS: 3—6—9 Bombay Talkies Present I "J HO OLA" (Hindustani; !K with *J I K L^la Chitnls Ashok Kumar
      74 words
    • 164 4 j ROYAL TO -I),VY::;p.m.A TO-MORROW I r>.i;>__<i.;;< m J The Fruitful Ron Banished Pi nee! v "JAGATHAI A 1 KATHAPAN" p. r. chirm v k j NB. KRBHN I Supported P. 11. Raagai h i J M. S. Sarojini J T. A. Mathu. R. Jeevarttn fc J SPEC TA( I
      164 words