Indian Daily Mail, 16 July 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail 101. Il No. 133. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, v |f> lf4c PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 186 1 RAF PARACHUTE SUPPLIES IN EASTERN BENGAL Calcutta, July 15. Following heavy rains, vast areas m East BengsH and Assam have been submerged by floods. Brahmaputra and other rivers have swollen and lakhs of villagers rendered homeless. Silchar town is completely cut off and attempts
    Corr; Reuter  -  186 words
  • 547 1 —MAHATMA GANDHI {Prom Our Own Correspondent) |a> July 15— "If the Constituent Assembly fizzles, not be because the British are wicked every timet u) ]l t> !»>cause we are fools or, shall I say, even wicked Whether are fools, or wicked,
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  • 61 1 New Delhi, July 14.— The Government of India has granted the Siamese Government a 20-year credit of Rs. 50,000,000 (£3,250--000). Aii official announcement yesterday said the credit will carry interest at three per cent. Prince Viwattanachai Chinyan, Governor of the Bank of Siam, is
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 31 1 London, July 14. Turkey expects .cry rich crops this year* Ankara 3adio reported today. According co present estimates this year's oarvest will be double that of 1945, che broadcast added. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 71 1 REME MAJOR CASHIERED FOR FRAUD The findings of the field general court-martial which tried Major F. T. MethereU, of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, m Singapore last month, have now been confirmed and promulgated. The accused is found guilty on all five charges of fraudulent conversion of War Department
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  • 154 1 RESULT OF POSTMEN'S STRIKE As the strike of uniformed personnel of the Postal Department, Singapore continues m spite of a revised salary scheme being ottered to them, the Post Office regrets tos announce that effect from Tues-" day the 16, July and until further
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  • 570 1 First Step To Free, Expanding World Trade WHAT THE U.S. LOAN TO BRITAIN MEANS John Scali Associa ted Press Correspondent) Washington, July 14. Congressional approval of the $3,750,000,000 loan to Britain starts the United Nations toward the distant goal of expanding and freeing world trade through cooperative action. The loan,
    A.P.  -  570 words
  • 92 1 Peiping, July 15.— Fighting flared up again m Manchuria and North China today. The Chinese Press reported that 10,000 Communists assaulted Chienchang m Manchuria and completed the encirclement of the city while others captured the Hungfantzu bridgehead on the north bank of the Sungari
    AP  -  92 words
  • 93 1 STORMING OF BASTILLE CEREMONY DE GAULLE ABSENT Paris, ,July 15.— Twelve thousand troops paraded along the Paris Boulevard yesterday m a tradition ally military celebration of the 157.h anniversary of the Storming of Bastille, which gave birth to the French revolution. Wartime commander of the First French Army, General Lattre
    UP  -  93 words
  • 95 1 Brussels, July 15.— Mr. Winston Churchill was held up on his way to Luxembourg yesterday evening after his speech at Metz when the people of the French frontier town of Thionville threatened to throw themselves under his car if he did not stop and talk to them.
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 70 1 Washington, July 15.— A loan of 3,000,000 U.S. dollars (750,000 pounds) to Ethiopia was announced Sunday by the United States ExportImport Bank, on Sunday. The loan is to be used for the purchase m the United States of equipment needed for the rehabilitation of Ethiopia's economy.
    AP  -  70 words
  • 48 1 Belgrade, July 15. General Draja Mihailovich, who was once haUed by the Allies as the heroic leader of the Yugoslav resistance movement, was convicted by a military court today of wartime collaboration with the Germans and was sentenced to die before a firine squad. AP
    AP  -  48 words
  • 43 1 Malaya's allocation of cotton piecegoods, cotton blankets and cotton towels from U.S.A. for third quarter of 1946 will be procured commercially. Applications supported by firm offers against U.S.A. allocations should be submitted to the Registrar of Imports and Exports, Singapore.
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  • 25 1 CRICKET: LATEST SCORES Yorkshire, Ist innings, 300 for 6 (Decld.) India, Ist innings 312 for 3. (Hazare not out 158. Mankad not out 103). Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 36 1 Nanking, July 15 J. Leighton Stuart, the new American Ambassador to China, arrived from Peiping on July 15 and he is expected to fly to Kuling this week to present his credentials to Chiang Kai-shek.- AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 156 1 "Self -Governing Indonesia Is Aim Of Dutch Policy"- van Mook Batavia, Julj 15. British and Indian troops have now been withdrawn from the whole of the Netherlands East Indies, except Java, Sumatra and Rhio Archipelago, it was announced by the Alliec Forces' Headquarters today. At the same time the LieutenantGovernor
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 123 1 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ORDINANCE IS IN FORCE The fact that the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance is m force does not seem to be fully understood by the workers of Singapore. Since there appears to be some doubt on the matter, it is notified for general information that the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance is
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  • 35 1 Poona, July 14. Six people In* eluding B. G. Gaikwad, President of the Bombay Scheduled Castes (Untouchables) Federation were injured today when stones** were thrown into a camp of 100 representatives of the Castes, Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 HP -*g -^g Subscription Rates For y "INDIAN DAILY MAIL' 9 j; Local Foreign By Post MONTHLY 3.00; QUARTERLY QO o; j HALF-YEARLY jg'.oo; ANNUALLY jj.oo.
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  • 856 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Tuesday, July 16, 1946. CHURCHILL'S PANACEA IT is a great pity that despite the bitter lesson of the Second World War. the Western Powers are still hugging to the long-exploded belief that the one and only criterion for world peace is the existence of an omnipotent
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  • 2118 2 JINNAH- VICEROY LETTERS Wavell Repudiates League Leader's 'Breach Of Faith' Charge A denial of Mr. Jinnah's suggestion m his recent statement and letter that the Cabinet xMission and the Viceroy m adjourning the formation of an Interim Centre, have gone back on their word, is contained m a letter sent
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  • 493 2 Main Points In Congress- Viceroy Letters Yesterday we publish I of the Congress- Vieer,, 'W today we reveal the V that passed between i ,v 4 I Lord VVavell n 1 These were the m ,p discussed m the e\ lB T 1 correspondence bet we. ;iu j 4 1
    A.P.  -  493 words
  • 81 2 BELIEVE IT OR not...... BIT THIS HAPPENED IN BOMBAY! Bamba\, Jul\ IS. Fuel v. dred rupee eurrene\ not* tered from the open window taxi m the heart of Bomi' broad daylight. The taxi proceeded with stopping. Thousands of ped. ans Hatched with popping tl but none picked up the mone>
    U.P.  -  81 words

  • 323 3 Neglect, Insects Cause Wastage Of 6,570,000,000 Pounds Food Grain In India? Ihi, July ll.— Daring the first half of 1916 India m outside the country 566,000 tons of food grains 53 ns of wheat and 33,000 tons of rice. Over 197,000 tons C'jn pipeline"— in transit or awaiting shipment. K.
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  • 44 3 U.S. Famine Inquiry Co mmission Ir aerican Famine Jk left New Delhi Ci tour of the criti|Th( Ben I( rn lndi^n nment has an- up a Food Advi--1.. posed of reprep main political ft nt non-officials to the rural disp tidling its food AP
    AP  -  44 words
  • 73 3 SUGAR FACTORIES FOR MADRAS It 15. -The Madras I idering a plan nber of sugar facsections of the I a 50,000-ton m the province. d be run on a ith the cane I IH-rsl H-rs of the orftrst factory is t built at Kattupuore district and to serve sugar n
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 10 3 ad.— The State > here have com--1.000 railroad Poland's libera- AP
    AP  -  10 words
  • 157 3 SHINWELL WANTS LORDS ABOLISHED England, July 14.-The Minister lor Fuel and Power, Mr. Emanuel Sninwell, addressing several thousands of miners yesterday, expressed the hope that the House of Lords will soon be^bolished. and. as the miners laughed and cheered,, said: "The fight between democracy and the Lords has ye* to
    UP  -  157 words
  • 142 3 Manila, July 14.— Arguments lor dismissal of a test case which might lead to quashing of over 5.000 indictments charging collaboration with the Japanese were postponed In the people's court on July 13 until July 20. The court previously announced it would hear the arguments
    AP  -  142 words
  • 105 3 Washington. July 14.— An agreement ex Lending the $650,000,000 Export Import Bank loan to France was signed formally on Saturday by representatives ol French agreement reached m May, extending $1,370,000,000 m U.S. rehabilitation credits to France. Francis Lacoste, French Minister Plenipotentiary, signed the agreement on
    AP  -  105 words
  • 133 3 Beverley Hills, California, July 14. Irwin Williams, deep-sea diver and explorer, has posed a new problem for the United Nations. It was disclosed he is seeking the organisation's aid m dispelling the 'Curse of Montezuma," which according to legend has hovered for 400 years over
    AP  -  133 words
  • 36 3 London, July 14. The executive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine will meet m London next week and not m Paris as previously arranged. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organisation, will attend. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 278 3 INDONESIANS BLAME CHINESE FOR TANGERANG MASSACRE Batavia, July 15.— A resolution requesting the Chinese Central Government to "give proper regard" to the Indonesian Movement for freedom and "to officially intervene to prevent the Dutch from using Chinese troops against Indonesians, was unanimously passed at a mass meeting of the Chinese
    Reuter  -  278 words
  • 126 3 Bombay. July 15. India's postal strike which already affects over 60.000 men may spread shortly owing: to a threatened stoppage by telegraph messengers and linesmen. Arrangements are being made to sort telegrams m alphabetical order so that the public can collect them. Official reports say that
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 132 3 Calcutta, July 15.— The Government of India has sent eight Indian students to Australia fdr advanced geological training. The students have joined the Melbourne University and will be there on a three-year course. This scheme of training Indian geologists m Australia was taken up by
    AP  -  132 words
  • 105 3 Calcutta, July 14. The Government of Assam are considering chartering several planes to send help to the flood-stricken town of Silchar m Assam, the Premier of Assam, Mr. Bardoli, told Reuter at Shillong, capital of Assam. Government officers are said to
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 27 3 London, July 14. The Brussels radio reported from Hungary today that Hungary has dissolved the Boy Scout and Catholic Youth Organisations, at the request of Russia.— UP
    UP  -  27 words
  • 269 3 by 21 n 6 1 J V'y 5 the Dalmia interests of eieht n r f e H- Indian to*«ttW concernV M i"£ *ST ,ndian National lu--' mtrai w he Dhr anghadhra Che£j£L s«** deal involving more than ten million rupees" was announced here. R In
    A.P.  -  269 words
  • 36 3 Rome, July 14.— The first mira cle which was attributed to the recently -cannonized Saint Frances Xaxier Ca brine, was reported to have occurred yesterday when a five-year-old blind boy renined his sight. UP
    UP  -  36 words
  • 193 3 "POLITICAL SLEEPY HYDERABAD Madras, July 15. "Politically sleepy" Hyderabad State can he brought into the "land of the living" only through a "huge and popular upheaval," Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya, member of the Congress Party Working Committee, said here m an interview. Commenting on the appointment of Sir Mirza Ismail as
    A.P.  -  193 words
  • 409 3 (By Victor Kendrick United Press Staff Correspondent) Hong Kong. July 15.— Hong Kong today is the happy hunting ground of hinese secret agents, gendarmes, strong-arm men propagandists, agitators and political Malcontents Of various stripes and allegiances. Operating against a background of official British
    U.P.  -  409 words
  • 98 3 WHY CANT BRITAIN KEEP HER PLEDGES?" Washington, July 14, -Representative Fracis Case m a speech before the House of Representatives regretted the "way Britain hangs on to Hongkong which should belong to China." Case, who voted for the British loan, and Russia was receiving reparations from Germany, Manchuria and Korea,
    UP  -  98 words
  • 33 3 Rome. July 15.— President Enricc de Nicola, provisional President of Italy's new Republic, swore m the Republic's first government formed by M Alcide de Gasperi at his official residence at noon yesterday Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 97 3 HOUSEWIVES PETITION KING AGAINST BREAD RATIONING London, July 15. Two petitions addressed to the King pleading for a repeal of bread rationing, one bearing the signature of 165,000 housewives and the other 150,000 were handed m at the Home Office yesterday after a protest meeting m Trafalgar Square, London. The
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 50 3 Washington, July 15 United States Secretary of State, Mr. James Byrnes, who returned by air from the Paris "Big Four" conference, said on arrival here: "We haye made some progress on the road towards peace." President Truman was at the airport to meet the plane. Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words

  • 1136 4 Community Leaders Assure Mac Donald Of Co-operation Jesselton, July 15. British North Borneo, with Labuan added, became a British Colony this morning at a ceremony m Jesselton's bullet-riddled woode n Survey HalL Seventy per cent, of Jessel ton's buildings were destroyed during last year's fighting
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  • 436 4 To-morrow evening, the New! World Arena will be staging another of their top line programme of wrestling. Three new wrestlers from up-country will make their debut here. They are Baby I^ondos, Pretam Singh and Dai Morgan. In the main event (attraction) Bosca Boa,
    436 words
  • 47 4 To avoid congestion at the Immi- j gration Office, Havelock Road, all j persons leaving for overseas should first produce their ration cards at their local Rationing Office for the j necessary cancellation. Failure to io may prevent the issue of boat iir tickets.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 W ATwewSßilN £P THIN, TIRED. J W^ i RUNDOWN, %t*sl3^ 1.. y0u nett/th/t 1 52 JfOOP J Iff roNicJ "~-*<'>«ußS uSM Shu y^ Mt eJKE&fc!. .\^BSSSSSj w; aST When overwork, worry and strain sap Vital mineraU from your body you gat Rundown) Weak* Depressed. Replace chos*. practopi minerala re-nourish your
      187 words
      126 words
    • 252 4 Just arrived hv j Durness' af tf r *JJ*i| The famous rerm<fv, f DECCAN HAIR J Analysed by to H J I I Nizam's Govt, i ab<Jf t|9 J Award Gold M (Uls Sold m lar*, Dealers only 742, North Br R SINGAPo^/^l BGARRICKTHh\TRi S Geylang— Phon- «40:tll X OPENING
      252 words