Indian Daily Mail, 9 July 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 18 1 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. JULYj ULY 9 11M6 PRICE 10 CENTS I Vol. 11. N<> 7 a
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  • 447 1 Mahatma Gandhi Reiterates Faith In Non- Violence: Says "Revolutionary Activities Cannot Carry Us Far" ALL-INDIA CONGRESS COMMITTEE MEETING ENDS RtPLY TO CONGRESS SOCIALISTS Working Committee's Decision Ratified By Huge Majority (From Our Own Correspondent) t ul > B^Thf AJI- India Congress Committee consion late last night after adopting two resolutions:
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  • 223 1 New York, July B— The United Nations Security Council, m lull for the past 10 days, may soon get four new cases (including the explosive Palestine question.) Although the Council has no: received formal requests for action, developments m the past few days indicated that
    A.P.  -  223 words
  • 82 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Hyderabad. July 8 A new reforms scheme under which two popular ministers would be appointed to the Executive Council is announced by the Nizam's Government, A new Legislative Assembly providing opportunities to all classes and interests to obtain representation is bein<4 inaugurated
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  • 139 1 Ciipetown. July 8. The Passive Resistance Council yesterday announced that 14 volunteers will leave for Natal next week m order to demonstrate against the antiIndian property law. A member of the Cape Town council will lead the delegation which will have three non -Indian members.
    Reuter; UP  -  139 words
  • 51 1 Rome. July B.— Dispatches from Padua on Monday said several hundred university students broke into a British officers' club on July 6. chased out Italian women attendnig a dance and carried away flags hung In the club— all m protest against the Paris foreign ministers' conference decision on Italian boundaries
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 205 1 YUGOSLAVS DISAGREE WITH BIG FOUR Uelgrade. July The Yugoslav Vice-Premier Edward Kardelj declared Sunday on his return from Paris that the recent conference of the four Fereign Ministers resulted m decisions which the Yugoslav people cannot accept, because again as at Versailles, the Slovenian and Croated peoples have been divided
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  • 10 1 Lancashire 388; Indians 164 for four wickets.— Reuter.
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  • 161 1 London, July 8. The Russian newspaper Izvtfstia, in an article quoted by Moscow radio, said yesterday that while the British once allowed such emigrees as Marx and Lenin to starve in London, "influential Englishmen'' now offer "love and generosity*' to emigree Polt** The article said
    UP  -  161 words
  • 187 1 llon.Kkons. July 7.— A group of former American and Australian war pilots are contributing materially towards Hongkong's rehabilitation. The> have been flying m raw materials, essential medical and chemical supplies. Roy Farrell. American pilot of the Chinese National Aviation Corporation, and forUMT owner of a flying
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 64 1 Canberra, July B.— Sir Richard Casey, Governor of Bengal until lasi February, will be a candidate for the Queensland constituency m the forthcoming Federal general elections, it is authoritativeh learned. Before his appointment In Bengal, Sir Casey was successively Australian Minister of Supply and Development, Australian
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 124 1 Estate Labourers Demand Manager's Recall (By A Special Correspondent > Telnk Anson, July B—The8 The estate labourers on one of the bigpesl rubber estates m Perak. Nova Stotia Estate, have sent teli -grains, through the Perak Indian Labour Association, to thr London Head Oiluc of the F.statc demanding thi- recall
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  • 133 1 Nanking, July 8. Chinese Communist authorities here reported today (he fall of Ilstianhuatien Ift Hupeh (Central China) where they said tiO.Oflo Communist troops hud been isolated by a pinccr movement on the part oi Kiiomintanjr (Central Government* troops Stating that the Kuomintang troopfl involved i47th
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 147 1 PATIALA SAYS O.K. TO AMARNATH PLAYING FOR BURNLEY London, July 8. Reuter's corre* pondent at Manchester understand* the Maharajah of Patiala has granted Amarnath, a Captain his state Army, permission to m«m a contract with Burnley, the Lancashire League Crirket Club, for the next season. Final acceptance, therefore would depend
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 754 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Tuesday, July 9, 1946. A TRAGIC PICTURE QNE of the most deplorable and tragic features of the postwar period to-day is the revival and enhancement of the Western Imperialistic influence and domination m the less fortunate continents or Asia and Africa. In countries where this influence
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  • 1085 2 Five Years Of A Free India....And There' Be No Maharajas Left? New Delhi The approach of independence for India is threatening to upset one of the most colourful and romanticfeatures of life m India the autocratic rule of the mighty Maharajas. These princely rulers range all the way from the
    AP  -  1,085 words
  • 189 2 Yellowsprings, Ohio, July 8, ''America has now last, learned to recognize India's present and potential m as a nation m the family of powerful nations," th« n tn Institute of International Relations was told hv the not. n( j lecturer and
    UP  -  189 words
  • 71 2 Detroit, July B.— Pretty Wanda Zebroski, Michigan State College student landed a barefoot kick m an armed robber's stomach then overpowered him and tied him up with her mother's apron strings. Barefooted, pyjania-tlad Wanda intercepted the culprit escaping from her father then kicked him so
    AP  -  71 words
  • 106 2 Hongkong. July B— Admiral Chak Chan, one of China's most colourful public men. has been appointed Commander-in-Chief. South China Area, of China's revived Navy. Admiral Chak Chan, who recently resigned as Mayor of Canton, was made K.C.M.G. by the Bri.ish Government In 1942 for his services m
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 116 2 Rangoon. July B— l General Secretary of th« Council of Buddhist Mtftka day protested against thr riecfafai of the British Parliament to remot* the clause dis-enfranchising Bui dhist monks and nuns from tbt Burma Legislature Bill "It is almosv an |m t Buddhists of Burma,"
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 58 2 Bremen, July 8. Th» u«'st submarine ts^etnbl] reinforced OOnCTetC ttTOCtUP ling Egyptian pyramids In li weigh' still itinrti detpifc longed hammering with bombs The supertoi ■tiv.sst'M Ilyn. England have dropped piercing bombs on 111 rool causing appai«-m nriOOl dan The Germans designed r sembly
    AP  -  58 words
  • 326 2 ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW London. July S. The newly-formed !ndo-l*rili-h Dei emtk League held a reception yesterda> m London X* mm Mr. Hanek Homi, Vice President of the Indian Federation of Llftl and Indian workers delegate to the recent meeting of
    Reuter  -  326 words
  • 90 2 Calcutta. July K.— Keuoii Dacca. th«- second cit> of M said vestcrdax that that «it "m a state of panic Hindu and Htfltai ofaalMl Bevtral fatal ported. Wmd froir. L>. li lii tin- eastern pan province, mid thai all shop.- were tloaad and U police
    UP  -  90 words

  • 292 3 Was .ton. July 8. Jtmmttm manoeuvres to keep the Soviet spread over Eastern Europe as kmm v possible is beiiT X |lf did privately b> dipoinatic authorities here despite pr ,,n "wiring m Paris. F v lKl t that the failure ot
    AP  -  292 words
  • 31 3 X.— The nations »11 which was climbeached 324 dead as I week-end came to n> accounted ior ngs 85, tireuorks X and Ml Mi._ UP
    UP  -  31 words
  • 17 3 His Holiness Pope benediction and Catholics m Japan, holies here said was ever written by the pan.
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  • 497 3 New York—Through the masic of television, an estimated 75,000 to 100,000 persons mi n four Eastern rS. cities saw worlds champion Joe 1 ouis knock oin challenger Billy Conn as clearly as if they had a $100 ringside seat at New York's huge Yankee Stadium. Television,
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  • 42 3 Regina, Canada-A prac— sightless girl, Myrtle Stevcne of Regina. has won several prizes m knitting and bowling. Now she is working to complete a course m thiropracty and to win a degree as AP 1 a pia nwt.-
    AP  -  42 words
  • 266 3 Detroit— The Ford Motor Company, which has written one of the most fabulous chapters m American industrial history, has just entered Us 44 th year. Starred on June 16, 1903, with only $23,000 <US> cash on hand, the big empire that grew with unparalelleled rapidity
    AP  -  266 words
  • 99 3 Rome. July 7. Six thousand Italian war veterans yesterday demonstrated Rgainfti the internationalization of Trieste In tht> Pla/a del Popolo, and their leader, m a heated speech, accused France of "stabbing Italy m the back four times m less than a Century. The
    UP  -  99 words
  • 95 3 Moscow, July 7. -Two United States Commerce Department officials are here to present to the Russian Government proposals by Secretary of Commerce Henry A. Wallace for stabilised import-ex-port trade between the two countries, which may total 500 million dollars (U.S.) annually 'by 1950.
    AP  -  95 words
  • 90 3 Tokyo. July 7.— Minister witno. Portfolio Tokujiro Kanamori told the Diet House Constitutional Revision Committee that Japan, once known as "Dai Nippon Teikoku" or Great Japan Empire, henceforth will be called "Nippon Koku" or Japan Country. The latter name henceforth will be used m official documents.
    AP  -  90 words
  • 54 3 London, July R. Civorue Bernard Shaw turned sports columnist >esterday for the Sunday newspaper, "Pictorial." said that international sports do not contribute anything to the goodwill between nations. "It obviously creates the most furious animosity between nations who have no natural quarrels. All competitive j*a,mes
    UP  -  54 words
  • 55 3 MYSTERIOUS PLANES AND PILOTS Shanghai. July 8. Dispatcher* Ironi Peiping. quoting foreign sources, stated yesterday that many airplanes and over 100 aviators of unknown nationality have arrived at Yenan and at the Communist military base at Kalgan. m .'ha bar province m North China. They arrived on July 3 and
    UP  -  55 words
  • 77 3 Manila. (Air Mail) Snow. ot a reasonable fastimile thereof, came to this tropical cit\ one sunin afternoon recent l\ Hailstones, -no v, l/f ,i a, man's thumb, ifll foe fifteen minutes, In a mile-square area Weather experts. a loss '<> explain this phenomenon, confirmed the report and
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  • 247 3 TO CIVIL WAR ON GREAT SCALE" Moscow, July 8. The United States is accused by the Soviet commentator. Boris Isakov. m I'ravda of assisting the Chinese National Government m violating the Chinese civil war truce and preparing for a new anti-Communist campaign that
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 138 3 Manila, (Air Mail)-— The Philippines today is making con siderable progress m airways, transportation and rommunica tion. At present, over a year alter the liberation., the Philippines has two large air companies- the Philippines Air Lines and the Far Eastern Air Transport. Inc. whose routes
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 62 3 Nanking, July 7.- Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek promised '"better times" within six months if evcrj body in China worked hard and Fulfilled the "full duty' when he addressed over 20,000 soldiers and civilians at a memorial service on the occasion of he ninth anniversary
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 24 3 TAMIL MURASU ANNUAL WILL BE PUBLISHED IN AUGUST. i Profusely illustrated with colour pictures PLEASE WRITE FOR ADVERTISEMENT RATES In Double And Triple Colours.
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  • 327 4 AROUND THE COURTS The accused who was a member of the local Kempeitai attached to the Central Police Station, was convicted on a charge of having been responsible for the deaths of two civilian residents of Singapore, namely Wahab and Wee Cheng Wu, and for
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  • 206 4 TWO YEARS FOR POSSESSING OPIUM "It is a very serious offence, and she must have been a tool for someone else m carrying this opium. These carriers must be stopped," said Mr. Paul Storr m the First Police Court yesterday when he sentenced Poon Tye Heng (33», a Chinese woman,
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  • 162 4 "1 have gone over the evidence very carefully, and the evidence of the prosecution is not sufficient enough to call upon the defence. "Moreover, there is no evidence to whether it was stolen property ur not," said Mr. Paul Storr m the First Police Court yesterday
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  • 217 4 ToKyo, July 7.— Three hundred women marched m the lirst allwomen's demonstration m Japan to the Premier's official residence today where they presented a 22--point demand requesting equal rights with men and also the solution to the acute food situation. The demands also included
    UP  -  217 words
  • 408 4 NEW MALAYAN BODY WILL BE THOROUGHLY DEMOCRATIC Mr J A Thivy, Chairman of the Interim Committee lor the setting up of an All-Malayan Indian body/speaking at a public meeting last week at the Young Men's Indian Association, Sentul to celebrate the opening
    A.P.  -  408 words
  • 546 4 Do You Know The Quins Born During The Occupation? If Not Read On Buenos Aires— The five little Diligentis, one of the two sets of quintuplets m the world, will be three years old July 15— but nobody is paying much attention either to them or their birthday. The father,
    AP  -  546 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 115 4 ALL-IN WRESTLING— NEW WORLD AT 815 PM The thousands of Indians who WmMl??!* A V 1 1 11 V IATII witnessed thrilling wrestling H MJIMmUIX I JULI IVMII matches last week will AGAIN SEE ANOTHER SUPER PRO- j££: R dXrA SINGH m*** 5s TALLEST WRESTLER' IN THK V^' v EAST!
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    • 98 4 QARRICK THEATRE GEYLANd Phone ***** OPENING TO-DAY: :{.15. 6.30 and 1.18 P.M VEENA (of 'Chand A Phool Fame). HAZIR and YAKUB m -'MA-BAAP" A love story so human and touching a Picture you must see! Released by: United Exhibitors Syndicate. Singapore. MARLBOROUGH DAILY 3 SHOWS 3—6 9 P.M. OKIENT FILM
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    • 271 4 FIRST AMERICAN u N Rome, July g._ ltni^ g thousand people j?ath«-r. Peters yesterday when iv, p conducted the service of „o n* j tion of Mother Superior Saverio Cabrini— first citizen to be made a She went from Italy States m 1889 and uorkt-d |fa almost continuously unii m
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