Indian Daily Mail, 8 July 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 11 1 Indian Daily Mail Xo. 126. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, w PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 708 1 Congress Socialists, Netaji's Forward Bloc Oppose Acceptance Of British Plan Retiring President Defends High command's Action ALL-INDIA CONGRESS COMMITTEE MEETING Well- Described Tributes To Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (From Our Own Correspondent) Bombay, July 7. After six eventful and strenuous years of stewardship, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Congress President, handed
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  • 161 1 Soekarno Engineered Sjahrir's Kidnapping? i> 7.— lt is learnt that the kidnapping of the mier. Dr. Sjahrir. on .fun? 27 he was released iter— was not a case of terrorist activity, states the Kmdenl of the Sunday newspaper. Observer. ■Mine Batavia. i <(1 by the quisling i Soekarno, to pro»ii
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  • 88 1 BRITAIN WANTS INDIANS TO LIVE IN COMPLETE FREEDOM, SAYS MR. ALEXANDER 7— The Indian n last persuaded desire for them to hut complete freeidependenec as they without, the BriI'h. declared the he Admiralty. Mr. here last night. who was one of ision to India, adit they will now working of
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  • 19 1 I, £■»«'< luly v_The theft of of top secret atomic reached the Was unoflicially but U U here Saturday. AP
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  • 229 1 Vietnam Prime Minister Alleges "Mutilation Of Our Country" Paris, July 7. At the opening session of the Franco-Viet-nam conference at Fontainebleau yesterday the Vietnam Prime .Minister, Pham Van Dong, said: "We are determined to protest with all the forces of which a nation of 20.000,000 is capable against the mutilation
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  • 32 1 Nanking. July 7. As China's protracted peace talks drag on there is an uneasy lull m Manchuria with a feeling at Communist headquarters that lighting may flare up "at any minute."- Reuter
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  • 153 1 British Colonial Office Refutes 'Federation' Story MALAYAN INION London, July 7 The British Colonial Office last night made the following statement concerning the constitution of the Malayan Union Constitution "A report had appeared m the Press to the effect that the Secretary of State lor Colonies had agreed to a
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  • 351 1 THE 'HINDU' FLAYS MALAYAN GOVERNMENT (From Our Own Correspondent) Madras. July 7.— The Hindu, India's premier nationalist paper, publishes today a one-column interview with Mr. M. Kaghayan, Malaya leader, who is now m Madras, on the plight of Indians m Malaya and urges m a strong leader the improvement of
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  • 173 1 MAHATMA GANDHIS VIEWS ON THE ATOM BOMB Bombay, J u |> 7.— Mahal ma Gandhi, writing mi n hi* weekly journal "Harijan" today, said the atonic bomb had "destroyed the soul of Japan" and "what has happened to the soul of the destroying nation it w as yet !ih. early
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  • 58 1 iriuZ S *J d Jn!y 7 ~One person killed and fortj w.-re injured, two of them seriously, m a clash between the Moslem Biutlurn and Wafdist* here accordiii:: to unofllcial estimates. The police brok«« up the nght and arrested several. Four hand grenades reportedly exploded and hundreds of shots were
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  • 756 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Monday, July 8, 1946. THE WHITING ON THE WALL THE British regime m India is] beginning to end and Indiana j stand on the doorstep of freedom." Thus declared Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the new President of the Indian National Congress, m the course of his address
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  • 306 2 Bangalore, July 7.— Dr. Sir C. V. Raman, the well-known physicist and Nobel Prize winner, welcomed the proposal recentlj' made by an American scientist, Dr. Gordon F. Hule, to form a World Association of Scientists, its purpose being to secure
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  • 297 2 Bombay, Julj 7. Among the conclusions reached through (he rapeutic studies undertaken by the Indian Council of the British Empire Leprosy Relief Association, m its annual report for 1945 was that penicillin is of no value m the treatment of leprosy. However, the report
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  • 330 2 Bangalore, July 7. There isj little possibility of a food crisis j m Mysore, a high ranking official of the Food Department told the United Press. Reviewing the present food situation, the official spokesman said that with the supplies of grains they had received and
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  • 185 2 CHINA WANTS FOREIGN MINISTERS' COUNCIL TO CONVENE PEACE CONFAB Nanking, July The Chinese Government demanded Saturday that the full Council of Foreign Ministers rather than only the Big Four convene the Paris conference to consider peace treaties with enemy countries. Foreign Minister Wui^ ShihChieh said m a statement: "In accordance
    AP  -  185 words
  • 171 2 Durban. July 7.— The National Indian Congress announced yesterday that Indians participating m passive resistance against the South African Asiatic Land Tenure Bill will adopt new tactics within the next few days. The announcement said that the fulfilment of the first part of
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  • 177 2 Colombo. July 7. The Ceylon Indians' cast' for multiple constituencies to return 12 Indians to the first House of Representatives under Ceylon's new constitution (expected to be implemented m May or June next year> has been put before the Delimitation Commission by Diwan Bahadur
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  • 153 2 Moscow. July 7. "The lerrihU- poverty" m which the masses of I Indian youth live was referred to by Mr. S. A. Dange. Vice President of the All-India Council of Trade' I'nions, m an interview appearing m Konisemolaya Pravda. last week. He said children aged
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  • 152 2 Colombo. July 7.— The Ceylon) Government hopes to invite Then Majesties the Kin^ and Queen, the two Princesses— Princess Elizabeth I and Princess Margaret Root the British Prime Minister and Prhm Ministers of the Dominions, and leading personalities m different parts of the
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  • 114 2 "ONE PISH AND INDEPENDENCE" PANDIT NEHRU Bomba>. July 7— l\u harlal Nehru on Salun; t( I I assumed leadership <>i 1 gress Tarty and urued In to maintain inti«t th. with which thr iui I the Britishers all Uirv, Congress mathintn. Pandit Nehru was k his predecessor Kalain A/ad, at
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  • 165 2 Kuala Lumpur, .luh I i ••i.intl Shastrt. Director. Indian <• overt nient .Medical Mission m Mala? Kuala Lumpur, issued th« t<>llnu I ins: statement to the I'ivns gard to the work of his Mivion.-I lAs the special BN 11 work ol giving media -I Indian
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  • 56 2 iii oonnactlon ith th tion Ol -Nctau W- Singapore an requeitod Jai Hind Committee, s, hoist the national (lav 01 sf l^ July 194 G. Wreaths will b( laid I ol the I.N.A. Mem or i.». on Monday. Those \vh«. send wreath.s are requi send them feo Kaliamman
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  • 132 2 FINANCIERS SPECULATE SHELLAC PRICE RISES Calcutta Jul > 7. Ih< price of shellac m Calc-mt. world's only port export int: far tu red shellac-— -touched post-^ar high Saturdax <>t (Straits) p r maund pounds) as some dealers prn a continued rise. A for one largest shippers said re: the runaway
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  • 534 3 But Opponents Are Not Giving Up: Return Bouts Soon/ ndon, .June 7. Britain's Labour Government has just two of the most serious challenges during its existence, came from Us own supporters on the Palestine issue second came from the Opposition on the bread
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  • 244 3 Kanuoon. July 7. The bombbatiered port of Rangoon is gradually returning to normal and will be working to full capacity early next year. Heavy moorings valued at £250.000 were sunk m 1042 when the British evacuated Burma. These are lying covered with silt on the
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  • 160 3 Birmingham. July 7.—Prince Ah Khan, son of the Aga Khan, spiritual head of the Ismaili Moslems, was refused permission to buy a big British aeroplane for a world tour of his father's adherents, declared Wednesday's Liberal provincial Birmingham Gazette, m commenting on
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  • 315 3 A JAPANESE FAIRY TALE! mI?SR July 7 The Japanese, uho tell wonderful fairy tales, have added another to their national folk-lore with the ama^in^ story that General Mac Arthur was born m Japan and his mother was probably Japanese. There are several version* current, but
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  • 132 3 "PHILIPPINES INDEPENDENCE INFERIOR TO THAT OFFERED INDIA" London Sunday Times London. July 7. In practical terms the Philippines independence is "radically inferior to that of a British dominion or that open to India as soon as she chooses to take it," declares the Sunday Times today m congratulating Filipinos and
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  • 125 3 Guam, July 7.— James Forrcstal. 1 Secretary for the Navy, described the atom bomb for an Indcpen- dence Day croud at Agala City as i a "flash that can either be a symbol < of hope for the world, or a beacon
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  • 310 3 Batavia Perimeter Again In Dispute: Terrorists Still Sniping Away Batavia, July 7. The Batavia perimeter is again m dispute and British troops have made a further advance to occupy the east bank of the Bekassi River which runs south and north about 12 miles east of Batavia and had formed
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  • 118 3 Batavia. July 1. A number ot unspecified radio stations have been on the air m Java during the last few days. Today "Nationalist Radio hu> been heard violently attacking Jou Jakarta Republicans and directing propaganda to Allied-held pen meters The station claims to
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  • 487 3 Kuchin^. July 7. According to Government officials here, it is possible that the oil refineries destroyed at Miri <m the fourth day of the Pacific War will not he rebuilt. The Shell interests concerned ma> decide to rebuild their refineries Rnutei,
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  • 101 3 Batavla, July 7.— Ten thousand Indonesians attended a public meeting at Jogjakarta, Java beadquartern ol the Indonesian "Republic/ 1 to celebrate the grant of Inde pendence on July 4 to the Philip pines, according to today's re ports from the interior The meeting was sponsored bj
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  • 580 4 The gift parcel scheme between India and Britain which is, and has been operating for some years, bringing consolation and relief to many m England, has now, thanks to the agitation of public-spirited men both here and m India, been extended to Malaya.
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  • 745 4 A hint of greater iaxauun than m the past, for Singapore, was made by His Excellency the (iovernor, Sir Franklin Gimson, during the course of a speech on the occasion of the unveiling ceremony of Sir Stamford Raffles, on Saturday evening. The ceremony was witnessed by
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  • 107 4 STRABOLGI URGES AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF S. A. UNION Capetown— Lord Strabolgi, British Labour Peer, suggested m a recent broadcast from Johannesburg that South Africa would be capable of supporting 20,000,000 Europeans m a good standard of living following a greater agricultural development m the Union. Speaking after a tour of
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  • 257 4 Rome, July 7. -A screaming mob of several hundred Italian youths inspired to hostile demonstrations by a mass meeting protesting decisions of the Big Four Foreign Ministers' Council m Paris Saturday night attacked several automobiles bearing Allied military personnel and civilians. The mob hurled large
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  • 92 4 Washington, July 7. Hopes that malaria will be wiped out within iive years and tuberculosis and rheumatic fevers substantially eliminated are expressed m reports CO the U.S. Senate's education and labour committee In Washington. The committee sent out questionnaires to doctors,
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  • 91 4 ABRIDGED HISTORY OF INDIA'S WAR ACHIEVEMENTS London, July 7. Mr. Comp.on Mackenzie, well-known British novelist, is leaving for India m October to write a popular history of India's military achievements m the recent war. "It is felt that an abridged history by a popular writer is required to be produced
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  • 93 4 London, July 7.— The first samples of tractors and motor cars to be produced m India by Shaikh Ali Ahmed m conjunction* with the Kendall Motor Company of Grantham, England, will arrive m India on July 15, the spokesman of Ali
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  • 309 4 WELLS' ATTACK ON ROYALTY London, July 7. Sir Oswald Moslcy Saturday night described as "fantastic nonsense" the question publicly raised by author H. G. Wells was the Royal Family "involved m the payment of Italian funds" to Moslcy's British Fascist Union. "This is the most fantastic
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  • 48 4 Manchester, July 6.— An Indian student S. R. Prasad of Manchester University has created a record b> achieving the unique distinction of being the only student who passed m the First Division this year and secured a postgraduate certificate m industrial administration. Reuter
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  • 36 4 Vatican City, July 7. has appointed M;;noT Riberi. Archbishop oi Daj inp; Papal Nuncio m ohll officially announced heft So far the Holy Sro h,\ an apostolic dtv q without diplomatic itat
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 88 4 JUST OUT! Good News To Our Patrons CHALO DELHI" A Book Which You Must Own Price S5. per copy. Postage 30 cts per copy. Call at Of write to: THE NATIONAL STORE 13ti 136- A, Serangoon Road SINGAPORE. Phone. 1834. MIDNIGHT PREMIERE WEDNESDAY 10TH JULY, 1946. ALHAMBRA A Prabhakar Picture
      88 words
    • 178 4 (ROYAL TO- DAY 3 P.iM. and 7.30 V.v I SEASON LOSIV The Tamil Mllttrpl i f SIVA KA\ I" Featuring M. K. T.BAGAVAII T. K. RAJAKUMARI N. S. DOBHNAM T. A. MATHURAIfI I NEXT CHAMUU |"SITA KALVANAM ii (In Taniil« A Brand Neu ,»p\ MARLBOROUGH DAILY 3 NK>WS .'< ti
      178 words