Indian Daily Mail, 5 July 1946

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 14 1 Indian Dialy Mail Vol. 11. No. 124. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, July 3. ,«>,« PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 161 1 I says union uovt Repression Becoming Worse Son Manilal Precedes Him To Send First Hand Report i rom (>/// On n orn tpondt ni M July 1— Speaking at Poona last evening, Gandhiji -dilation m South Africa, where Indians are carrying on paiksiv* resistance
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  • 101 1 I Durban, Juh 1. Mr. Aahwifl (houdree, who is Hying to New i<»rk ru\t week to assist Sir Kaaiaswami MudaHar 'n predentin" India's protest against f: < """Ut'j African discriminalegislation, told United yesterday thai he will m N| ;i lull UNO discussion wi
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  • 35 1 ECHO OF "QUIT INDIA" MOV EMENT I* Own Correspondent) 4, The Bombay decided that all a nls who resigned, I on the ground of direct or indirect, m h-idla" movement be the posts held by
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  • 25 1 lITUR July 4.—Mr. S. K. atative of the Govtndia m Malaya, rctour of Labuan. Sandakan and Kuching fternoon after studying the Indian nationals
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  • 115 1 Rom Oar Own Correspondent Madras, July 4.— The entry of I.N. A. personnel into Bilaspur State is banned by the Stale authorities. State bus companies have been instructed not to transport I.N.A. men and persons wearing Ne'.ajis badges. I.N.A. men m the stair have been
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  • 113 1 M. S. ANEY REFUTES CEYLON STATEMENT Colombo, July I. Mr. M. S. Aney. the Government oi" India representative |m Ceylon, yesterday refuted recent statements here that Ceylon had not received any rice from India lor two and a half years. He told the press that last year 25.000 tons ot
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  • 45 1 mm Our Ou n Correspondent) Bombay. July 4.-Major Donald, political agent. South Waziristan, who with two members of his star!', was kidnapped by tribesmen recently, has been released through political pressure. The guilty tribesmen have surrendered unconditionally and have asked for pardon.
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  • 49 1 I trom Our Own Correspondent) Bombay, July 4.— The Kashmir Premier. Ramchandra Kak is visiting Bombay to discuss the political situation m his State with Azad and Sardar Patel. News come from Srinagar that political prisoners arc on hunger strike, but it is officially denied.
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  • 55 1 DUTCH DESTROYER SHELLS INDONESIAN COASTAL BATTERIES London. July 4.— Dutch destroyer i Kortenaer has shelled Indonesian coastal batteries at the old Dutch fortress of Menari In the area ot Sourabaya, important East Java naval base, the Netherlands News Agency reported yesterday. The Indonesians there recentl> shelled patrol ships and. other
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  • 106 1 Singapore, Julj 4. -Malayan Filipinos today celebrated the birth ot the Philippines Republic m simple bur impressive fashion. In Singapore, the Filipino colony ol 200 members, most of whom have been resident m the island since the Philippine uprising m L 896, sponsored a programme including a
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  • 97 1 SINCERITY OF U.S. ATOMIC L DISARMAMENT TALK QUESTIONED London. July 4. Izveslia, uilicial organ of the Soviet Government, declared yesterday, m an article broadcast by Moscow Radio, that the Pacific atom bomb test had fundamentally shaken the faith m the sincerity of the American talk of atomic disarm;* men!* Would
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  • 58 1 Tokyo.. July 4. —Japan wants to join the United Nations Organization, and the present government will exer; it.s efforts to make Japan acceptable This statement was made by Premier Shigeru Yoshida at a meeting of the House of Representatives Constitution Committee when it
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  • 52 1 FULL FREEDOM FOR MUSSO'S DAUGHTER Rome, July 4 —The Ministry of the Interior yesterday issued an order, granting full freedom for Edda Ciano, Mussolini's daughter and wife of Fascist Italian Foreign M.nister. Countess Ciano had been held m Dipari, the penal island for the past year for reasons of public
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  • 119 1 Truman Proclaims Independence Of Philippines Washington. July i.-— President Truman on Thursday formally proclaimed the independence of the Philippines Commonwealth, a dependency of the Tnited States since 1898. "The l nited Slates of America hereby withdraws and surrenders all right! of possession, supervision, jurisdiction and control of the sovereignty now
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  • 157 1 The Colonial Secretary. Mr. P P. A. B. MacKerron. at a Press conference held yester- > day said that a plan to open i up a modern civic centre for this city with the demolishing of the Victoria Memorial f Hall and Government Offif^ ces, and
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  • 211 1 "LET US TAKE OUR LIVES TOO SIAM'S QUEEN MOTHER Bangkok, Inly 1. The special inquiry commission studying the death of the late Kine: Ananda Muhidol received Royal permission to Question 19-year-old Kinj» Phumipon Adundet and the louden Mother on July 5 at Roromphiman Palace. Previous testimony showed the Queen Mother
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  • 74 1 Bathurst, Gambia, July 3.— A bill abolishing corporal punishment for military offenders m the Royal West African Frontier Force was passed by the Legislative Council yesterday. Governor Sir Hilary Blood declared the bill to be urgent and standing rules and orders were suspended to enable
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  • 15 1 Latest scores are: India first innings 138: Yorkshire 177 for 2 wkts.- Reuter
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  • 127 1 Paris. July 1. The big lour Foreign Ministers today agreed on the United States plan for injternvititmalisin^ Trieste. Adriatic storm centre. The plan was described by the delegates leaving the conference tonight as a result of the original Russian six-point plan which was amended by
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  • 63 1 BRITAIN, U.S. S UPPORT SIAM Washington, July 4. Britain ami the United States will support Siam's claim lo a hearing of the dispute with France before the UNO,, according to authoritative sources here today. It is not known whether Siam will appeal only against French m cursions m North Siam,
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  • 44 1 Jerusalem. July 4.— The b« ak 1 1 oft ol all contacts between the Jewish conununity and the Pales tine Government was urged m I resolution adopted by the emergency council of the Jewish Fed*ration of Labour afJer i live Reuter hour meetuv.: tonight
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  • 48 1 Batavis July 4 —All the Indonesians kidnapped by extremists on Thursday night In the interior of Java have now been released; it was officially stated here today. Dr. Stitan Sjahrir, "fndonesiar. Premier,, and onr of the kidnapper! wnrp ™*eased after 75 hours Reuter AP
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  • 74 1 Colombo, July 4. Mr. C. ii Thorogood has been appointed first United Kingdom Trade Commissioner to Ceylon and will arrive here by air on Saturday, it is officially announced Mr. Thorogood. who was taken prisoner by the Japanese while set ving as assistant to the
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  • 162 1 {From Our Own Correspondent) Simla, July 4.— The first change m India's administration was effected today with the assumption of office by the Care taker Government. All the neu members were sworn m at 11 o'clock m Simla, the Viceroy being present. The Commander- m -Chief,
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  • 803 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Friday, July 5, 1946. A JUST CAUSE QONP: are the days when the Indians abroad used to kx quiet and meek, submissive anc helpless. To-day they are a virile people, wide awake anc fully conscious, active and aler. and determined not to submi any longer to
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  • 352 2 In view of the continued and stores of food and supplies, bo Jolony- by organised gangs, it ,teps must he taken by way of Yesterday, at the Singapore Advisory Council meeting, lour Bills *ere passed of wfticn one was tne ro.eeied Maces ism, wuicn
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  • 168 2 LATEST ARREST IN NAKAMIRA TREASURE THEFT Batavia. July 4. Police yesterday arrested Loa Wan I lei, after microscopically searching every nook and cranny of his Cnin.j/,wn house including his furniture and upholstery, and finally discovering four gold bracelets, three diamond rings and two pearl necklaces of the Naaasanjra treasure, concealed
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  • 72 2 Hong Kong, July 4. A Chinese was sentenced to six weeks for offering his four-year-old son for sale. Leung Kam-ki. 54. was arrested near the Fenry Wharf, carrying his child and a sign "Small Child for sale." He told the t ourt he was
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  • 362 2 Russia Drops Economic Bomo! (By James u. WuuA Associated > new o,/Ci,lai Cui»C^|<jUUtlH.) San rrancisco, July 4. As the biKini atom oomo went on, k^oviei uussia loosed an economic oomo which may or may not have been liitcuued as sucn. Cut pi MceS Oil inaustnany manuiiictui-ea u.> <ku per
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  • 285 2 Batavia, July 4.— Premier Sutan Sjahrir of the unrecognized Indonesian republic m a radio broadcas. declared his kidnapping- ostensibly carried out by youthful Republic army soldiers might have had serious effects on the Indonesian independence movement. "Suppose that I were not free at his time, or
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  • 409 2 "No Basis For War Between Soviet And U.S.' —RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR Washington, July 1. In hi_ first interview since becoming Russian Ambassador to thy i States, Nikolai V. Novi kov declared, with ieehngs: Ai'.ow this the people of th United States do not want t vvafce war against
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  • 155 2 Franco spam Be fore UNO In September Paris, July 4. Oscar Lang* Polish delegate on the United Na tioiis Security Council, leader o' the attempt to force a world-wide diplomatic break with the Franc regime, said here yesterday that the Spanish question will certain!? be brought before the UNO General
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  • 94 2 Canberra. July 4.^ Bri.ish Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee. with Mrs. Attlee will arrive m Australia on July 28 for a fortnight's visit i' was officially announced hen yesterday. Mr. Attlee will be the first British Prime Minister to visit Australli while m office He expected
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  • 142 2 Kuching, July 4.— Japanese dt. crters are believed to fern rews of three pirate ship^ /ere responsible for the n l(re i 40 people on Pulau Jatih nf »f the islands of the Natuna Tne were last une 19th. when a 40- •< .aoted
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  • 50 2 "CHINESE HAVE NO FEELING" AGAINST JAPS Sheflield. Yorkshire. July 4 The nave no feeling the Japanese, declared Di Cno Mm Wei. President Central China UmvcrsLy. a: lie meeting nere Tneaclay, reported m toaay's SheAeld graph. •me people of China k:. Japanese were misled b -arists. Dr. Wei added- Reuter
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  • 308 2 Washington, July 4— P lent Truman signed the "eleaaing organised milifc 'OPCeg of the Philippines Gov nent from service of armed forces m ehe United Stat /it the same tune, the Pi. igned into law legislation p i ing immigration into the Ui. States
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  • 344 3 1100,000 Persons Witness Historic I Ceremony In The Rain lIANIEL ROXAS FIRST PRESIDENT: PAUL VIcNUTT D.S. HIGH COMMISSIONER ila, July 4. The Commonwealth <u« i>ur ""wnweanß oi the 1 hilippmes the Ihilippmes Republic today. The United States ruled the
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  • 155 3 18,000,000 FILIPINOS DETERMINED TO PROGRESS Los Angeles, July 1. Vicente Yillamin, Filipino lawyer and economist, m an address prepared for international broadcast fen "America Salutes the Philippines Republic" declared that although the war had upset Philippines economy and the govI ernment treasury was empty, the future was far from gloomy.
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  • 38 3 I New York 4.— American sprinter Herb McKenley established a new i world's record here last evening when covering the 300 yards special race m 29.8 seconds, compared i with the old figure of 30.2 seconds I Reuter
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  • 95 3 Singapore Indonesian Labour Congratulates Philippines 4. A congratulax pressing sincere wishes to Manuel of the first RePhilippines and the oil he achievement I acquired indepensent by the "Perka-in-Malaya Labour of the Malayan was conveyed Peralta, vice--1 Filipino assoior Manila Tuesplane to represent Filipinos at the onies. because of the wrought
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  • 142 3 AMERICANS REJOICE AT PHILIPPINES INDEPENDENCE Hyde Park, July 4.— Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt m a statement here on the occasion marking the Philippines independence said: "All of us m this country must rejoice now that the time has come for the Philippines to enjoy independence. "The war has made it
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  • 555 3 Roxas Commits Philippines To Whole Hearted Co-Operation With U.S. (By Manuel A. Roxas President for the Asso Manila. The Philippines A have committed myself to a po hearted co-operation with the Ul particularly m the Far East, am I regard the United States i>art < E the world. I haw
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  • 526 3 I.S. Pouring Millions Of Dollars To Restore War Damage Washington On July 4, the United States will grant full political independence to the Philippine Islands, thus com- < pleting an American experiment j I m colonization which began with the Spanish- American War m 1898. j The act will occur
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  • 413 3 strong Arm Of Uncle Sam Will Be Present In Defence Mac Arthur, irho decUred his plete laith m Roxas. The president appet I i lead hi* people lr. the dlAi years ahead. His lon. vi political organii U and problems of Qnan tateeraft an- quail I ed m the Philippines
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  • 437 3 Washington, July 4. President Truman pledged that the United States will assist the new Philippines Republic m every way possiole, m a message broadcast Thursday to the Filipino people on the occasion of the birth of an independent nation. "This is a proud
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  • 49 3 San Francisco. July 3. Six hundred American army prisoners rioted at Watsonville disciplinary camp. California. yesterday Thirty-six barrack buildings were burn; down by the prisoners who also erected barricades The riot was quelled with teai gas, Tiie commandant ol the camu was slightly Injured Reuter
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  • 220 4 Every Indian organisation m Malaya (including Singapore) is requested to send at least one and at most three delegates to the Malayan Indian Conference to be held m Kuala Lumpur on August 3rd, 4th and 3th. The name and address of. and
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  • 81 4 Hugh Mcßridr and Peter McNally, both members of the Navy, were yesterday sentenced to four years' r i each, by the Hon. Mr. Justice N Worley at tin- Assizes, on a «'hargr of armed robberj They were alleged to have robbed one taxi driver.
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  • 244 4 Further evidence was recorded In the Australian War Crimes Court, yesterday, when a few local residents made allegations against Sgt. Maj. Toyoda Akichi, a member ot the Kempeitai. Central Police Station, who faces a charge of having been concerned m the ill-treatment of civilian residents, as
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  • 81 4 In the Fourth Police Court yesterday, tour Chinese, Ong An Yah Urn Kee Chuan, Ong lv Kuang and Lim Ah Soo, appeared before Mr. K. C. Hoffman, on a charge of murder. It is alleged that they murdered a Chinese, 'ran Hong Wat:, at 3
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  • 76 4 The picture that everybody here wants to see. the Louis-Conn fight. will be shown at the /ilhambra tonight at midnight, and repeat ed again tomorrow at the same time. The main picture for the show will be "The Hunchback of No. re Dame." a brand
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  • 143 4 K. Vadivellu Pillay. inspector oi' the Straits Settlements Police Force and later attached to the Japanese B Special Branch, was yesterday senr! teneed to two months* s.i. on each charge of the two charges of voluntarily causing hurt, the sentences to run concurrently. He
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  • 291 4 JUNE FINES TOTALLED MM— "The black marketing m this country has reached to s uch H serious stage that it can only be tackled gradually. A special comirtittee has heen set to tackle this problem and it met once last week, and also on Wednesday," said
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  • 234 4 Arrangements arc now complete for coordinated attack oo the j Blackmarkct m Singapore by all the Government Department* concerned. The Departments cooperation m this campaign will be Food Control. Police, Customs, Municipality. Public Relations and Social Welfare, states an official Pres.s release. The tirst aspect <»t the problem
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 165 4 GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE- REHABILITATION LOAN I- Repayable 1962—1970. The Financial Secretary, Singapore, has authorised the issue of $25,(MM),000 Rehabilitation Loan as from the 8TH JULY, 1946. The loans will be issued at par. 2. INTEREST will be at the RATE OF 3 PER CENT. PER ANNUM, and will be payable
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    • 58 4 MARLBOROUGH DAILY 3 SHOWS 3 6 9 P.M. ORIENT EIEM PRESENTS "STUNT KING" (Hindustani) Starring: John Csvvaa. India's greatest King of Stunts! A hair-raising Hindustani Film Crammed with Breathtaking Escapes and Daredevil Adventures! Action and Rig-time Suspense! Excitement! Split-second Thrills and Escapades! Released through the United Exhibitors Syndicate MIDNIGHT SAT.
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