Indian Daily Mail, 4 July 1946

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol. 11. No. 123. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. «L y IM6 PRICE 10 CEN
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  • 578 1 Says "It Is A Challenge And Threat: Not The Way Of Peace And Freedom" (From Om r Oum CorrtspomUmt) out at the' utilit flt^thfSim 1 il!?^ X h rU .i n »«™»««nall.v-famous Indian leader, lashed that the fanfare and pub1c7v,v b S \Y"7 ,,n
    UP; Reuter  -  578 words
  • 188 1 v York, July 2. Six propyl" H on which the charter f or controlling atomic energy mighf b< built were laid before -ul) committee of the i/itited Nations Atomic Energy Commission at its lirst closed meeting bj Dr, Herbert V. Evatt of Vustralia* vatt. chairman
    AP  -  188 words
  • 67 1 Java Reaction To New Dutch Cabinet Julj 2.— The lirst rethe announcement Dutch Cabinet is that no Netherlands policy is involved. is .shown m the 1 >- erseas Minister who held several a and is considered ■herlands circles to man than Dr. LogepubUcan circles to ctionary. Mock and Dr. Logenber
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  • 109 1 NOMINEES FOR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS (From Our Own Correspondent) Delhi, July :*.—The major political parties have completed arrangements for contesting the Constituent Assembly elections. The Muslim League* candidates have been announced and Include Jinnah, Firoze Khan Noon, Begum Shah Nawaz, Liaqat AH Khan. Suhrawardy. Sir Nazimuddin and Abdurrab Nishtar. The
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  • 128 1 WHAT MATTER IF F EW LAKHS ARE KILLED? (From Our Own Correspondent) Bombay, July 3. Rioting con tinucd m Ahmedabad yesterday when casualties reached S3 killed, and more than 250 injured. Over 100 arrests were made. Mahatma Gandhi referred to the riots at his prayer meeting last night and said
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  • 34 1 CHOUDREE TO PRESS FOR UNO HEARING ""> i-Mr. Ash win So«h lh rcoent, y «ed the •>■> Indian Congress BriUto, will shortly Britain press for a Or,,' L»*ted Nations ,1 the srievances of •n Indians.. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 208 1 New York, July 3. United States yesterday hinted that the Inited Nations Charter should he amended to eliminate the Big Five veto rights m the Security Council. whenever violators of the projected atomic energy code are up for punishment. The hint was contained m
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  • 61 1 Batavia, July 2.— A1l the young members of the Indonesian Republican Army who took part m the kidnapping are under arrest, a Dutch News Agency reports.— Reuter. JEWS CABLE MOSCOW Jerusalem, July 2.— The Jewish Federation of Labour has cabled to the Soviet Trade Unions Executive m
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  • 86 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Srinagar, July 3. Attempts are being made to settle the Kashmir affair amicably. It is understood the Maharaja has written m detail to Maulana Azad explaining the ban on Pandit Nehru's entry into the State and allied matters, Sardar Patel visited
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  • 77 1 {trom Our Own Correspondent) Delhi, June 3. According to Delhi political circles the Muslim League High Command is very displeased with the appointment of Sir Mirza Ismail as Premier of Hyderabad. It is rumoured Jinnah may even visit the State to bring pressure on
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  • 78 1 CONFLICTS Canberra, July '.—British policy m India was the cause of religious conflicts throughout India, declared the Indian High Commissioners daughter. Miss Shakuntala Paranjove, when she lectured the Victoria League today. Miss Paranjove said: "The religious conflict throughout India has been caused by
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  • 254 1 Bangkok, July 3. Premier Phanomyong's government today clamped a censorship on Bangkok newspaper under "state of emergency n powers invoked against unrest and criticism while an official commission of inquiry continues investigation of the fatal shooting of young King Ananda Mahidol. writes Associated Press Correspondent
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  • 139 1 London. July 3. A uaiiun- thai Malaya might easily become a "second Palestine" was given to the Royal Empire Society today b> Con servative Member of Parliament (apt. I* I), Gam mans who recently visited the area. Through its failure to consult public opinion on
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 65 1 Bradford, July 3 After hal£4m hour, rain stopped further play In the cricket match between Yorkshire and Indians. The Indians had scored 23 for one wicket when play ceased— Reuter. the interests of one religion against the other. "Before the British came, India had its own industries and
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  • 171 1 Plot To Stage An Uprising Unearthed PHILIPPINES GETS INDEPENDENCE TODAY Manila. July 3. Their spir rains, eager Filipinos put the site where the wartorn Philippin pendent on July 4. The programme committee announced if the weather was unfavourable the ceremonies may be transferred to the Rizal Stadium m south Manila.
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  • 70 1 London, July 3. Members oi the British Cabinet Mission to India Lord Pethick-Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps and Mr. A. V. Alexander, who reached Britain yesterday, will a tend the meeting of the British Cabinet to-morrow They will give a short and informal report of their mission and will
    Reuter  -  70 words

  • 745 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Thursday, July 4, 1946. A NOBLE EXAMPLE TO-DAY is a great day in the chequered history of the Filipinos. A brave and courageous people who have made im IMIiae sacrifices in the past in the cause of their national freedom, the Filipinos are to-day a proud
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  • 645 2 Pethick- Lawrence's Message For India Hopes Viceroy Will Achieve Interim Govt- In Early Future' With Help Of Major Parties i By Fraser Wighton, Reuter's Political Correspondent' London, July 3, The Cabinet Mission which returned last night by Hying boat from India received an enthusiastic welcome at Victoria Station, London, from
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  • 566 2 Press Comments The Times Comments On Recent Indian Political Parleys London, July 2.— The Times, commenting on I conversations for an interim government for India, pop I that the differences between the Congress Party and the League over the precise distribution of power offered t< were finally narrowed to the
    Reuter  -  566 words
  • 50 2 Prague. July [f learned that Jan Ma>aryk I retained as Foreign Minis i new Cabinet under the DTI of Communist Gottwald i ministries have been crca The twenty-six membn cabinet comprise nine Oommui tour members ot the People/ and four National Socia othcial announcement lonieht UP
    UP  -  50 words
  • 745 2 is rir,v„ I?.* \<.<»mpari*on betwee. India and Palestine X.Z'Z T Vlnl l ,beral "^spapers yesterday. The Mannosh i„ 3 fth I***- «M samples of India and Indo n,m.' hN v Cr me Shm, d ,H> h;,,v "Persuasion Cabinet Vli i h< \*T s
    Reuter  -  745 words

  • 152 3 D UTCH PAPER SUGGESTS COMMISSION TO DEAL WITH CHINESE PROBLEM IN N.E.I. July 3.— The Dutch wspaper "Het Dagblad*' editorial on the present aitlon" of the Chinese m Java caused by^the massacres at the hands of :.>. declares: iese citizenry does not rget the appreciation m many years of business
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  • 159 3 3 Small Nations Want To Be Members of UNO *m;iil natiom Siam. Albania and Outer MongoMa seek admission to the United Nations, md Albania were old League of NaOuter Mongolia which m the world. Until as nol even recognised legally part of Lcioally very close interpretation bid to enter the
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  • 31 3 July 3 -Rabbi Je--73-year-old acting Jewish Agency j on Saturday and detention camp i r) a hunger strike, a hospital m JeruHe i.s renortad to be Reuter
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  • 281 3 Ba avia, July 2.-All organization Tore ,w °T lan labou who were oicibly transported by the Japanese as slave labour to Malaya have written to the Netherlands Con7u' General m Singapore urging him to deliver us from the hands of Soekarno and Sjahrir and all
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  • 204 3 Tokyo. July 3, A 1110-page diary that may reveal the inside story of 15 years of Japanese aggteuuion provoked a spirited wrangle between Ihe prosecution and defence counsel yesterday at the trial of Japan's war makers. The defense protested that the prosecution
    AP  -  204 words
  • 68 3 "SAFEST PLACE IN FUTURE WAR IS ABOARD SHIP" ADMIRAL CUNNINGHAM London, July 2.— The first British I naval comment on the Bikini atom i bomb test came today from the First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir John Cunningham. He told British newspapers editors at a luncheon today that m spite of
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  • 193 3 Rio De Janeiro. July 3.—Fortyseven thousand survivors of Brazil's "rubber army"— sent into the feverridden Amazon zone to extract rubber for the Allied war r machine after Pearl Harbour— are alleged to be missing. Catalina flying-boats of the Brazilian air force, which hunted Üboats m
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  • 141 3 Washington. July.— The Far Eastern Commission is expected to approve, m a special session Tuesday, a policy directive to General Mac Arthur which acquiesces m his present policy of a reformed Emperor system for Japan, but at the same time suggests an alternative Of a
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  • 123 3 Jerusalem. July JL— The Jewish National Council Monday threatened to hold a civil disobedience campaign throughout Palestine unless "the general onslaught against institutions of the Zionist movement" ceased and Jewish leaders now held by the authorities were released. The Council's meeting which lasted the whole day
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  • 78 3 "VOICE OF ISRAEL" REPLIES TO ATTLEE Jerusalem. July 2. The Jewish resistance movement's secret radio "Voice of Israel" replying today to Mr. Attlee's House of Common's statement yesterday on Palestine declared: "We are ready for the struggle and we will not give up our arms." The Radio warned that disarmament
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 364 3 urn-UK All AUK ON UNITED STATES GOVT. London, July 2. A bitter attack on (he United States Government was made by Mr. John Platts-Mills, barrister and Socialist Member of Parliament for Finsbury, London, speaking at a "Prevent Famine m India*' meeting last night. Organised
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  • 183 3 I London. July 2. If the ex-Rajah of Sarawak becomes a British subject, resident m Britain, his liability m law to the British Income tax will be the same as with other British subjects, said Mr. Hugh Dalton, Chancellor of the Exchequer m the House of
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  • 44 3 Mr. 3. P. Garret. Trade Union Adviser. Singapore, will give a talk on "Trade Unionism" today July 4th, 194 G. at 5.15 p.m. a: the M.D.U. Assembly Hall, first floor, 331, North Bridge Road. Members ofj the public are cordially Invited
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  • 205 3 Paris, July 2.— The four power Foreign Ministers* Council reported "dramatic progress" m today's session with Russia's Foreign Commissar V. M, Molotov making important concessions toward a solution of the troublesome Trieste problem. The Council approved a French proposal establishing a boundary between Yugoslavia
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  • 178 3 Washington, Julj 2.—iVesipen! Truman today signed the Indian immigrratian Bill The Bill will permit 7g Indian* to enter the United States yearly The Bill also provides foi; the naturalisation of Indians already In the United States and for natu ralisation of those who chose to
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  • 77 3 Durban. July 2.— H. G. Lawrence. South African Minister of Justice, has 6vn: to Durban new orders prohibiting for a further seven days gathering within 500 yards of the "resisters' camp," which Indians have set up on corporation land mear the city, as a
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  • 71 3 GOVERNMENT DEFEATED FOURTH TIME London, July 2, -The Government was today defeated for the Fourth time In the House of Lord,-, during the pnesent Parliament-- and the Second time during the discussion of the Coal Nationalisation Bin when the Government amendment about the form m which the accounts of the
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  • 469 4 MURDER CHARGE AGAINST POLICE INSPECTOR FAILS: CONVICTED OF CAUSING HURT AROUND THE COURTS When the trial of Inspector of Police K. adivellu Pillay resumed at the Assizes yesterday morning, Mr. R. H. Greene. the prosecutor, informed the Court that from the evidence he had heard, and after consultation with the
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  • 210 4 Spi. Maj. Akit-hi Toyoda. known, as "the brute," who terrorised the local inhabitants, was yesterda> produced m the Wat Crimes Court on a charge of having committed War Crimes between the period of Feb. 13 to l>ee. 31, 1942. lie was a member of the local
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  • 195 4 TRIBUTES TO RETIRING PRESIDENT A large gathering of Indians were present at a tea party given by the Tamil Brotherhood Association m appreciation of the services rendered by Mr. K. Periayah who had served as President of the Association for the past seven years. Among those present
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  • 183 4 At a meeting of representatives of 11 Sangams held on May 80, ltMb at the Kamakrishna Mission premises, the following resolutions were unanimously passed: 1. That the meeting ol the representatives of Hindu Sangams m Singapore regret the removal of the Hindu Burial Ground
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  • 105 4 Rangoon. July 2. Maj. M. S. Cronie, British officer, was shot dead at the headquarters m South Burma last night. He was dining m the Pegu Officers Club with the Junior Commander of the Women's Auxiliary Corps m India when a man appeared on the verandah
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  • 670 4 During the period of the British Military Administration manv enquiries were received from members of the public in Singapore asking when Rattles statue, which was taken by the Japanese to Raffles Museum and preserved there by them, was to be restored to the site
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  • 69 4 Shanghai, July 2.— The province of Fukien, the home of many overseas Chinese m Malaya, is to be linked by two new railway lines to Kiangsi and Kwantftuntf provinces. Following approval of the plans for the two lines by the Government, the
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  • 276 4 It is hereby notified for general information that the B.M.A. (M.> registration will be abolished as from Ist August, 1946, and all B.M.AJM) cars registered with the Registrar of Vehicles, Singapore. In order that the task of re-registra-tion may be completed by the date specified it is requested
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  • 145 4 Human, July -X— Two mor« Indian leaders were senfcru three months' hard laboui e J terday for delving the So*U African law barring lm|j an from settling m specified I pean areas. One of the defendants, s Rustomjee, a Durban Ind. raised his right hand
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 95 4 QARRICK THEATRE GEYLANG Phone ***** THE BIG-ACTION AUL MALAYAN PREMIERE OF THE YEAR! MIDNIGHT SATURDAY "STUNT KING" I Hindustani I Starring: JOHN CAWS. India's greatest king ol stunts! Released by: United Exhibitors Syndicat, Singapore SUN CINEMA (New World Park) ALL-MALAY A PREMIERE of ASIATIC iMdTKKS" <Jiant Musical "MANSARAROVAR" <m Hindustani
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