Indian Daily Mail, 3 July 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 PKICE 10 CENTS SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1946. Vol t. No. 122.
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  • 134 1 "NO THING CAN STOP INDEPENDENCE FOR INDSA VERY SOON: NOT EVEN THE INDIANS" NEWS (ABLE FROM INDIA LOUIS FISCHER {From Om Own Correspondent) July 2. Louis Fischer, famous American author. it Delhi last nij»ht declared thai Indian independable. going to tfet indepen- soon; nothing can even the Indians can due
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  • 157 1 (I row O/rr Ou v Correspondent) Delhi, .July 2.— The India Government s intention to keep i Ihe postal services running m j Ihe event of a strike was Stressed by Krishna I'rasada, Direc-tor-General Of Posts and leleat a press conference m Delhi yesterday. Prasada opined
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  • 93 1 ipondent) Jul) 2. Twentysons have so far been 160 injured m the i riots which broke out edabad esterday when opened fire many (imi bances followed a proout by the Hindus. as s.oned by Mus- rouble spread to many localities appearance of hostile 'uslims staged with
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  • 127 1 (From Our On v Correspondent) Bombay, July 2. Replying top a correspondent who aimed \viial] he does with the large sums ot money he collected ior the j Manjan rund, Mahatnta Gandhi j-a>s: "All narijan collections j I made by me are
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  • 73 1 Aboard U.S.S. Appalachian off Bikini, July I.— The crew of this press ship was tonight formally cautioned against discussing the atom bomb explosion m letters home because "enemy cars are still listening." "Remember the atom bomb is our baby and there are many
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 75 1 Manila, July 2.— War-blaste< Philippines capital prepared to day for its greatest day sine [Spanish landings, four centurie jago its independence inaugura 1 tion on July 1. The events of the day will nil ijninate the three centuries o bloody struggle against feudal Spa nish
    A.P.  -  75 words
  • 50 1 Bombay Govt. Returns Confiscated Properties I >u v Correspondent) July 2.— The Bombay have decided to resrs properties confiscated tion with the civil disvement of 1940-1941. confiscated by the he Court as a result of for some violent offenbe returned, recalled the GovernUly decided to restore onfiseated during the disturbances.
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  • 37 1 I Own Correspondent) Jul) 2.— Gandhiji is congratulaUons from the world m his escape ung him long a nd happy <«o\ernment have 4/' thorough enauirv into 7* li «mpt to wreck Gandhi's »*fa
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  • 166 1 London, July 1. "I wish to make it plain," said the Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, "that His Majesty's Government will not tolerate any attempts by any party to influence the decision on Palestine by force." Mr. Attlee who was making a statement on Palestine m the
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  • 150 1 Zevi, President of the Jewish .a National Council, said today that.c the Council would demand the im- c mediate cessation of Britain's miliI Uxry action against Palestine Jewish organisations and the re- L lease of Jewish leaders. "We will particularly protest^ against the insult to
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  150 words
  • 38 1 Pietermaritzberg. July 2.—The Asiatic land tenure and Indian representation bill is going to be administered as Parliament intended notwithstanding any protests that may take place, said the Minister of the Interior, Senator Clarkson, here yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 261 1 Taingtao, July 2.—Government circles m an interview with United Press disclosed they had received a report about a Chinese Communist— Outer Mongolia Mutual Military Assistance Pact" signed at Commu-nist-held Kalgan, m southern Charhar province, Inner Mongolia, about May 13. The report alleged that eight men of the
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  • 357 1 Batavia, July 2.— Premier i Republic jocularly told the i kidnapped him thought he was Calling the whole plot to be exiremeiy well-organised," he ioued thai apparently tne schemers usea ignorant youths as ioois because wiien he was m nuiody nis guards did not
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  • 369 1 A-BOMB NO. 4 WAS NOT AS EFH-CTIVE AS PREDECESSORS Aboard U.S.S. Panamint, bikini Lagoon. July 2.—Plutoni-num-filled atom bomb number our tailed to do at Bikini what ier sister did to Nagasaki, vrites Murray Moler oi United 'less. Nor did she wreck the lavoc here that her uraniumeaded cousin did at
    UP  -  369 words
  • 93 1 Athens. July I.— A member of the British Cabine. Mission to India, First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A. V. Alexander, arrived here by air from India on his way to London.— Reuter. couraged and trained the inhabitants into anti-government fighting uni.s. Chinese Communists m Inner Mongolia are m close
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 Subscription Rates For "INDIAN DAILY MAIL" Local Foreign By Post MONTHLY I 3-<x>: QUARTERLY 9.<*>; HALF-YEARLY 18.00; ANNUALLY 3 5-<>o.
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  • 1332 2 Calcutta The milestones along the slow and sometimes tedious road toward India's goal of complete independence clicked by rapidly this week m a series of political developments that m some quarters are being regarded as some of the greatest historic steps to freedom this
    AP  -  1,332 words
  • 165 2 Calcutta, .Tuly 2. Indian Government engineers are working en a plan to control a river that m the last 200 years has moved 70 miles westward laying waste to agricultural land estimated at between '2,ooo and 3,000 square miles. ttui i eys to control the
    AP  -  165 words
  • 262 2 Calcutta. July 2.— A sevenyear plan designed to place India's steel industry m step with the proposed post-war industrial development of the country has been recommended by a committee of iron and steel experts m a report submitted to the government of India. I
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  • 117 2 Private India-Siam Trade Restored Calcutta, Ju*y 2. Private trade between oulia and buun is oeing restored w_in tne withdrawal of Siam as an enemy territory under the defence of india rules. Persons and firms can carry on trade, subject to the existing lm-port-ex, and financial regulations, wi 1 Siamese concerns,
    AP  -  117 words
  • 624 2 MALAYAN INDIANS CAN GET 3 ACRES "TO GO BACK TO LAND" Singapore Malayan Indiana who wish to settle down oa the land may applj for home Les I three acres as the v an i talon '*ut horitiea i I i el Com ording to r i nunittee olucials, write
    AP  -  624 words
  • 48 2 Reviewing the activities of the relief since Its nception, T r. Kailasam said that the "machinery Is almost complete" now that various branches and sub-branche have been established all over Malaya. The head office, at Kuala Lumper, 13 working |n c:os© liaison with
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  • 169 2 Bombay, July l. Six ware killed and 80 inju. medabad today In an org) ing, looting, arson and Which was touched off bj Moslem clash. Three of the dead wer. Dy who ooem-d tire >< m a futile effort to res A
    UP  -  169 words

  • 427 3 Only Dutch Or British Approach Make Indonesians Mad! ikarta, (Central Java), i Indonesians like to point such few Europeans as are rmitted to visit the interior ol there far trom the of the Allied-heid c is complete peace, to ;he ultra-courteous c streets of Soerakarta, royal capital, who > are
    Reuter  -  427 words
  • 447 3 Nuremberg, June 30. The mystery ot whether Hitler's deputy, Mertin liormann, died at the end of the war or is still alive remained unsolved yesterday as the attorney defending him presented his entire case m exactly one hour. "I regret lhat I cannot prove that
    UP  -  447 words
  • 102 3 Jerusalem, July 1.-' Voice ox Israel, the secret radio, last night appealed to United States Jewry for help. The broadcast sa^d .he -operations throughout the country by British forces are only the beginning of an assault on Jewish Communists and on Zionism," the
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 85 3 PHILIPPINES WILL BE U.S. B ASE FOR ATOMIC MISSILES New rork, July I.—The New York Herald Tribane m a detailed sumury cf Philippines history, obseryes, "today, the Philippines is of vital importance to the United Sates In her fjuest for security against invasion or attack m atomic age tomorrow, the
    UP  -  85 words
  • 32 3 Bikini, July 2.— The German cruiser Prince Eugen apparently wKh- stood the shock of yesterday's atomic blast better than did United State or Japanese built vessels, a navy survey today showed.- UP
    UP  -  32 words
  • 200 3 Mr. George Hall, Secretary of State for the Colonies, sent the following message to the people of, Sarawak a the occasion of Sarawak joining the British Empire: "The instrument incorporating Sarawak into His Majesty's Dominions enters into force to-day* i July Ist. This day marks
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  • 48 3 Trieste. July 1. Crowds late last I night were trying to reach the centre of Trieste from the suburbs to take revenge against Italians after the disorders earlier yesterday. One Italian has been killed, one man wounded and wo civil policem n slightly hurt.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 615 3 (By Vernon Morgan. Reuters opww Londo*. June 30.-l?ntish -Port^ten havea «nc «f heiite "Rood losers." We are supposed to play games l» r l,le tin 'sake and know, to -m well and lose f-efu. It hM been a «*2^^J?^*JSl^
    Reuter  -  615 words
  • 578 3 LATEST INVENTION The typewriter, based an electronic and mechanical prin cipks, was invented and patented by Kao Chung-chin, chief of the radio division of the Central News Agent} of China. Kao u^nonsirated his machine this afternoon before the annual convention of the American
    UP  -  578 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 618 4 AROUND THE COURTS A long service Inspector m the Straits Settlements Police Force and later attached to the Japanese Special Branch, K. Vadivellu Pillay, appeared before the Hon. Mr. Justice. N. Worley who was assisted by a special jury at the Assizes yesterday, charged
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  • 37 4 There will be a public lecture at the Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society, 8 Cairnhill Road, on Thursday at 6.30 p.m. on the subject: 'What are the' Occult Feature of Soul" by Prof. T. B. Lam.
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  • 86 4 A cable has been received announcing the death of Mrs. Angela D'Silva a^ Trivandrum, South India ->n the 29th June. She is the wife of Mr. Gracey 1 D'Silva. who is at present m Nyassaland. and a sister of the Rt Rev. Fr. Victor Fernandez,
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  • 242 4 "The evidence of the complainant is not at all reliable, but you were foolish m trying to drive the taxi/* said Mr. Paul Storr m the First Police Court yesterday when he acquitted and discharged M. Macdonald. a ships' carpenter, on a charge of robbing
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  • 110 4 All Indians and Csylonese (including those m the Police Force) who wish to take part m the forthcoming Singapore Island Amateur Athletic Association Meet which will take place on sth August at the Jalan Besar Stadium, are requested to send their entries through either Mr. B.
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 163 4 Dara Singh Fights British Champion At The New World Arena To-night All lovers of all-in-wrestling thrills will not miss the big flght at the New World Arena to-night. Dara Singh, the 6 ft. 10 ins. Punjabi giant wrestler, will clash against the world-famous Britisher Jeff Conda of Manchester. Dara Singh
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  • 93 4 The Special Commissioner, Lord Killearn, who is going to Manila as H.M.s Special Ambassador at the inaugural ceremony of Philippines independence on July 4th, lef„ yesterday morning at 8 o'clock from Changi airstrip by York aircraft. Accompanying Lord Killearn are Mr. R. H. Scott, Political Counsellor,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 128 4 BUY LATEST "YOUNG J INDIA" RECORDS In Hindi, Urdu. Tamil and Other Indian Languages (1940—1946 Film Hits) Made and Manufactured m India. Support Indian Industry. Obtainable everywhere. Sole Agent: MANUFACTURERS' DISTRIBUTING BUREAU LTD., i 25. 26, Chartered Bank. j Chambers, Singapore. India's Great Destiny LIES IN THE HANDS OF HER
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    • 96 4 Every Indian sportsman should be present to cheer our genuine champion to victory this Wednes- day. The British has beaten us m cricket last week but we are out to win this big wrestling match this week INDIA vs. ENGLAND DARA SINGH Present No. 1 Punjabi Wrestler. Weighs 205 lbs.!
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    • 130 4 ALHAMBRA The Big-Action All-Ma! Premiere Of The Year MIDNIGHT TO-NIGHI "STUNT KING' Starring: JOHN CAY India's greatest kin? stunts! A hair-raising Hindu film crammed with brc_ taking escapes and dared adventures. ACTION AND BIG I I SI SPENSE! EXCITEMENT! SPI.I I second thrills escapades: Released through the l Exhibitors Syndicate
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