Indian Daily Mail, 1 July 1946

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol 1L No. 120. > SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 1, 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 593 1 President_Soerkarno_Prepared To Use Force To Effect Rescue No Contact Yet With Either Kidnappers Or Victims Batavia, June 30. The Indonesian Ministry of Information has officially confirmed that I Vernier Sjahrir and nine members of his staff, including two full cabinet ministers, were kidnapped m Soerakarta on
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  • 280 1 i NEWS CABLE FROM INDIA I PETHK K-LAWRE.M E i rom Om On Correspondent) Delhi. June 30.— After 1 1 weeks of ceaseless work, the Mission left for Kn^land today. A caretaker Govc rnr; <>i officials takes charge on July l. of Sirs
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  • 77 1 VICEROY JINNAH LETTERS P UBLISHED Jinnah and the ipondence durI parleys have been former reveals sion announced the irn the talks for a and constitute a iment Jinnah wrote ting thai the honour boui d to formation ol an •'in with th< help CO oper ite be only the as
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  • 159 1 Police Creatures Of Killing Power, Says Bihar Premier (trom Ouu Correspondent) Bihar, June >o.— The Police was characterised as an arm; of occupation, maintained to preserve the interest oi the British Government, during discussion of the Police budget m the Bihar Assembly. Withering criticism was made by members who said
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  • 60 1 Karachi. June .50.— The Secretary of State for India, Lord PethickLawrence, and the President of the Board of Trade, Sir Stafford C ripps. will leave here for Britain teday. Lord Pcthick-Lawrenee said m a farewell message: "We started work here about M weeks ago. We hope we
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  • 101 1 Washington. June 30. President Harry S. Truman has signed toda> the "G.I. Sweetheart Bill" permitting foreign girls (or men) engaged *o American war veterans to enter the United States to get married. The law allows them three months' residence m the United States, but it
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  • 186 1 Nanking. June 30. The pros pects of an internal peace m China appeared at its dimmest as Generalissimo Chiang Kaishek rejected Gen. George Marshall's compromise plan. Whether civil war can be averted depends on the outcome of a las:-minute meeting between Gen. Marshall and Generalissimo
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  • 87 1 Peiping, June 30. A Communist counter-offensive m Changchun is foreseen by the local office of the Ministry of Information whose daily bulletin revealed that Communist activities are increasing m Manchuria. The Communists are reported to be moving to Changchun from the Harbin area with a
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  • 98 1 New Delhi. June 30. Viceroy Lord Wavell yesterday informed Mohammed Ali Jinnah, president of the Moslem League, thai arrangements for the constituent assembly cannot be postponed. Wavell repudiated the suggestions that Britain has gone back on her word m arranging the caretaker government, pending the
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  • 57 1 Nanking. June 30. Another Chinese political party will have an army if the Communist New China News Agency report of a formation of a Democratic League army m Manchuria is true. The report which appeared too late for confirmation said that a member of the
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  • 263 1 Bangkok. June SO.— King Ananda Mahidol of Siam committed suicide. This was the conclusion drawn by Prince Sakol Wanakorn brother of Prince Warn Wail hay Kom m an interview with the daily paper Slang Thai* literally the Voice of the people. The Prince said
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  • 57 1 Hong Kong, June 29. Former Crown Sergeant m the Hong Kong police Reserve, Tsui Kwok-ching. was today sentenced to be hanged for treason, after the jury has found him guilty of 23 overt actof aiding the Japs. Tsui is the third Chinese to be sentenced
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  • 31 1 Shanghai, June 29. the United States has notified China that n regards as an unfriendly act the removal of 400 Germans from the American list of "dangerous and objectionable" Nazis.- UP
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  • 223 2 More Bouquets For The British Cabinet Mission London, June 30.— The British Cabinet Mission to India "has been outstanding and memorably successful" despite its failure to place India on the road to full independence, says the diplomatic correspondent of the Sunday paper The Observer; "Its success can be measured m
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  • 35 2 New Delhi, June :>U. A reliable informant said today that Lord I'ethick-Lawrcnec is expected to resign the India Secretaryship as soon as he returns to London. The exact reasons were not siren UP
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  • 446 2 <>>Si>o<2B> 43<>G» 'K)o(2^ ftrrto^^ 'Now that the final clinching oj these agreements has failed tnen Will probably be some bitterness and verbal recrimination again But even this recrimination— m which the mam reproach will be that Of having prevented lull unity is hardly of a kind thai precludes bloodshed. The
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  • 43 2 Jerusalem. June 29.— Doctor Chaim Weizman. world President of the Jewish Agency, was reported tonight to have arrived at Government House m Jerusalem with a strong escort of airborne troops for a conlcrrjice with General .Sir Alan Cunningham High Commissioner for Palestine Reuter
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  • 80 2 Da r-Ls- Salaam, June 29. A diamond-studded sari worth £15,000 will be worn by the Begum when the Aga Khan is weighed against diamonds at the jubilee ceremony here on August 10. The sari is now being made m India. The proceeds of the exhibitions after
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  • 118 2 Durban, June 25). A woman Doctor, K. Goonam. was sentenced to six months' hard labour here today charged under the riotous assemblies Act. Four months of the sentence was suspended for six months on condition of good behaviour. The suspended sentcnee of 7 days' hard labour
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  • 57 2 India's Representatives For Independence Day Ceremonies Tokyo. June 29. Brigadier K. S. Thimayya commanding 268 infantry brigade, Eritish Indian Army, and Doctor L. C. Jain, economic adviser for the Government of India on the Allied Council for Japan, will fly to Manila to represent the Government of a: the Philippines
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  • 45 2 Madrid. June 29. -Eighteen Spanish anarchists were today sentenced to terms of imprisonment by a court martial at Alcala de Henares for attempting to reconstitute the anarchist National I aoour Confederation and to form armed groups for purposes of rebellion.— Reuter
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  • 29 2 Washington. June 29. President Truman today vetoed the United Spates price control bill passed by the Senate yesterday and renewed price control legislation i" n greatly restricted form Reuter
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  • 160 2 WORSE THAN NAZI TERROR IN EUROPE" Hat a via. June 2V. Lieute-nant-General S. H. van Spoor, Commander in-Chief of the Netherlands East Indies Arm\, answered Dutch criticisms of the British Army m Indonesia m a broadcast to his troops today. "Our British Allies have given
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  • 84 2 Mr. George Lee has presented $3,448.95 to H.E. The Governor lor allocation to charity. This sum was collected during the King's Vietoiy Birthday Exhibition, organised m the Happy World Amusemem Park m conjunction with the Public Relations Office. The offer was generously made that all
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  • 286 2 London, June 2«. After a special meeting today the Executive of the Jewish Agency m London issued a statement protesting against the British action against the Jewish Agency m Palestine. The statement says: "The action by the British Government m ar resting members
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  • 55 2 Gandhi ji Has Narrow Escape Bombay, Jm UJ. M;ih,i i.andhj b.,,i MRII csr.i early when a tram which he travelling Poona ran u\> several bouldn placed a< fie track. There wis jolt as the ran over |fc boulders but n., one was in m Ih c .j r vain, he
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  • 368 2 I.iexiCO City: <Air Mail) Elections witlK»i;< riots, voting without shooting, a change of government without revolution that Is wha most Mexicans expect on July 7 when they go to the polls to elect their President for he next six years. Probably for the
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  • 33 2 Paris. June 30. Delegates to the Foreign .Ministers' conference stated last night that no decision had been reached on the question of holding the penes eonferenee. Reuter
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  • 152 2 board the U B llp >paia ehian oil Bikini A oil, Jui last-mmute check today ot supei fortress Davles Dream" winch wl that om bomb on Bikini ato disclosed that one engine wa faulty, ii «ras Immediately n placed. While -4 0 mi ml
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  • 134 2 Only Two Indians ffmm Delhi June iO.— Vie roy" Lord Wavell ycstenl announced tbe members S4 the earetakcr (iovernimmi for India with Field M SJ shall Sir Clark Auchinlcck India command m clue! holding the war psatfsHs The names of the mendwere issued as the British
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  • 376 3 Attempt To Smash Growing Terrorism Wave In Holy Land a V, (,aWrt to<lav iir «'*h «« and police swooped m (he headquarters of the Jewish -the world Jewish "iKanisalion— i„ fc „.„> ni„ ,r a 11} conceived smash h c SU? JJJ »v
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  • 67 3 June 30. Te les irom callable for Ceylon s Jayaratne, Deputy extiles, Ceylon, said apply Organisation Si igapore is inves-■-abilities of Japafor countries m South gested that a repn ntatives of these Ceylon, should k out di tails of itribution. Mr >c the repreion on
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  • 175 3 .h'lusalem June 29- An official Ma tement issued tonight said that 1,000 persons have so far been detained m the Palestine round-up operations. Twenty rifles and 30.000 rounds of ammunition have been conned. There was increased passive resist ance m some places but there
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  • 52 3 Beirut. June 29. The Syrian Ministry Of the Interior reports that the Palestine authorities have closed their frontiers until further notice. All traffic destined for Palestine has been s.opped. The closure is thought here to be a temporary measure m connection with the present search operations m
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  • 37 3 Jerusalem. June 29. One thousand eight hundred Jews, mos ly people who had broken the curlew or thrown stones, were reported to have been detained m Jerusalem today. The majority were released after a brief 'screening." Reuter
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  • 170 3 Semi -permanent camps for the forces stationed m Ma lava will start erection this week. There are three croups oi camps. Each group IS composed of four camps each accommodating 750 men, a further lour accommodating 250 each. There is also a hospital with 224
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  • 157 3 British Hospital Ships For Evacuating French Children Two British Hospital Ships, the "Amarapoora'' and "Gerusalemme are shortly to be employed m the evacuation of French children and children of French extraction, from Indo-China. This is m response to a request from the French Government to the Admiralty for assistance m
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  • 330 3 Allied Attempts To Check Crime Wave In Italy "Just A Big Joke" Rome, .June SO. So much authority has been handed back to the Italians, that Allied efforts to bring the rising crime wave under control are 'Must a bi£ Joke" according to a highranking I.S. C.1.1), officer m Rome.
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  • 175 3 FOR THE WOMAN New York, June :>0. A New York perfumer. Erik Eichwald claims he has found the secret woman has been striving to obtain through the ages how to control her man. The key to the problem is perfume. This, according to Eighwald, is
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  • 180 3 Seattle, June JO*— A pretty 20-year-old who lived m the woods around Seattle and crept from her lair at night to rob homes m the town has been captured by the Seattle police. An "animal woman" is how police described hereafter they had crep: up
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  • 570 3  -  R OMULO New York, June 30. A Filipino- American "passion for freedom which held us together on Bataan" may well provide a history-making example affecting the whole world, according to Philippines Resident Commissioner Carlos I\ Romulo. This belief is the main theme
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  • 550 3 Guam, June SO, Americas armed forces had no soonct whipped Japan than they begun planning how to defend the United States against any future attack from the Pacific-Asia area. This island of Guam, already piled high with the war materials left over from
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  • 188 3 Moscow. June 28. The SOVU I Press yesterday launched an attack on United States foreign pollc? from a new angle charging that the U.S. Navy is oppressing the natives ol Guam and Samoa, and quoting a Shanghai Tass dispatch declaring that 100.000 Chinese
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  • 66 3 London. June 30. Moscow Radio recently reported that Moscow school children are learning English the easy way dash by presenting stage plays m English. The first which "is provine very oonular"' is Cinderella. UP Mr. Lemare. Head of the PanMalayan Department ol Fisheries will hold a
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  • 270 4 Cable Sympathy And Support To Passive Resisters In S. Africa Singapore, June 50. A message of sympathy and support was sent today by the local Indian association to the President of the South African Indian Congress. The message reads: "Sympathise with your cause and wish you
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  • 215 4 "Situation In India Dangerous, Unstable And Full Of Latent Conflict" CABINET MISSION RETURNS LEAVING London. June 30. When the Cabinet Mission returns to England over the week-end, the true tacts of the situation will have to lie faced, says a special correspondent of Daily Worker cabling from Bombay. The Mission
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  • 51 4 (More bouquets for Mission sec page 2) Washington, June 27.— The Unitd Press learned authoritatively today thai the United States S.ate Department prevented Great Briand Canada from signing a two-year wheat pact stabilizing prices which, according to a wheat expert, would have been considerably lower than the United States price.
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  • 31 4 New York. June 24.— Mrs. Andrew Carnegie, g j, widow of the late steel magnate who rose to become one ol the riche M men In Hip wurlH here tod UP
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  • 392 4 New orders under the Food Control Proclamation have been made declaring a large variety of foodSwUfts controlled and requiring reference to the Food Controller before export of controlled articles is allowed other than tO the Malayan Union. Controlicd snides now include rice, paddy, flour, biscuits, bread,
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  • 131 4 The United States Information Services were the hosts at a very enjoyable tea-party yes.erday evening at the Victoria School. Jalan Besar. to the Principals of the various schools, the information services, and representatives of the Press, of Singapore. Air. Fasson. the Ofhccr-in-Charge of the U.S. Information
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  • 36 4 London. June v/.-An emergency conference on famine m India 1 as been convened by the India League for July 1. with the object of campaigning for more relief measures including incrpnsoH aiH f»v,™ laV; tain API
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  • 150 4 9 MONKS' "NO CONFIDENCE* IN PRESENT LEADERS Colombo, June SO, About 2.000 yellow robed /juddhrst monks appealed to monks to ''dedicate their whole lives to save Ceylon from Britain" at a meeting held last night under the auspices of the Ceylon Cnion of Monks.
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  • 85 4 White House Austerity Menus Washington.* June 30.-In response to a request from a US Citizen the White House made public the following food conservation menus, which is said are typical and i Mr in<A sorvod to P«*Went and Mrs. Truman at present (LUNCHJ Jellied Madriiene .Cold Consomme) Cheese Omelet e
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  • 209 4 Washington, June i, The \vnv today announced that 308.y7<> soldiers and officers lost their lives m the four-year battles against Germany and [Japan, In the army >s ftrs, official listing of war casualth!t h o y Rnn 2 Un <»d last week tnat 87,959 members of
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  • 26 4 Paris. June 30.— There will be no Big Four conference meeting toda.. and the Foreign Ministers will next meet at 3.00 p.m. GMT on Monday Reuter
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  • 238 4 Batavia, June 29. Efforts which Indonesian officials are making to cfieck the Jogjakarta broadcast re--1 porting the Kianapping of Doctor t>utan Sjahrir. Indonesian Republican Prime .Minister, were still unsuccesstul late tonight. Owing to tne fighting arouna Bekassi the telegrapn line Detwecn Batavia and Jokjakarta is
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  • 174 4 Paris. June SO. The Qttai D'Orsay last night issued an oflieial denial thai Trance will use force if necessary to compel Siam to evacuate parts of Indochina seized m 1941. spokesman for the French High Commissioner for Indo-China admitted informing United Press that "France
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  • 31 4 Jerusalem. June 29. \n official statement issued here shortly after midday today stated that operations were proceeding "according to Plan" and added that little resistance had so far been offered Reuter
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  • 49 4 Madrid. June 30. Tin:! people have been arrested toria, northern Spam a report reaching here fron Sebastian. The repor: d the followed active Basque Nats propaganda when foreign d< i< passed through on their Congress at Salamanca oi 1' Romana, international R Catholic students' or Reuter
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 17 4 For all kinds of Colour Printing STAR PRESS 71, Selegie Road SINGAPORE P.O. Box 621 Phone 2095
      17 words
    • 251 4 For interior decoration and n tion comult: SHERWOOD JONES (Engineering Section) 31-34, MEDEAOS BUILDIN« SINGAPORE. PHONE 4590 ALHAMBRA The Rig-Action Ml Main.., Premiere Of The Sal MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY "STUNT KIN(. Starring: MMN < W Ifl India s greatest Ring ol stunts' A hair-raising Hindu t.uu film crammed with Int.itl: Inking
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