Indian Daily Mail, 25 June 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Indian Daily Mail
  • 18 1 Indian Daily Mail \oL 11. No. 115. 11 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JMffc m 19 ig. PRICE 10 CENTS 1
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  • 112 1 Hritain, U.S. Accused Of Concentrating troops In Trieste Area To Intimidate Yugoslavia Kelgrade, June 24. An offi clal Yugoslav communique said f that Britain and United States were concentrating troop* iiesle area with the aim of "influencing public opinion dur ins the Paris conference as
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  • 102 1 New York, June 24.— Indian ikjws made the front pages of \ew York morning papers twice 'odzy with the UNO action igainst South Africa and Congress rejection of the India plan. The first was the leading story Tor aIL The New York Times headed
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  • 79 1 Durban, June 24.— Five batches of Indian passive registers were arrested by police from corpora; Uon-owned land at Durban during the week-end and charged with trespasses. A party of .ibout 40 Europeans last night charged across to the plot where the Indians had en-i-auipcu
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  • 50 1 Renter reports that in reply to Indians' Ist innings score of m, England yesterday piled u\. 428 runs ail oui. Kardstai? was unbeaten with 205. Amarnath bagged live wickets for 118 runs. England resumed their innings yesterday with the score at 135 for four wickers
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  • 47 1 Hongkong, June 24.— The head j offices of the Hon^koiiiT and Shanghai Bank were transferred back to j Hongkong from London on June 20. j cording to a Government proclamation. The powers which were "tnsf erred to a committee in Lon- during th^war have been withdrawn Reuter
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  • 77 1 SARAWAK BECOMES CROWN COLONY ON MONDAY I PI UJ v Singapore, June 24.— -Sara- j Q w.ik w ill be formally hicor- m 1 porated within the British I j m Empire on Monday when the n 2 Kingdom of the White Rajahs 6 I tjl becomes a Crown Colony.
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  • 129 1 Bangkok, June 24^— in spite of the assurances of the French Commissaire at Vientaine, sporadic rifle and machinegun Are have been directed against this Siamese village and other localities, according to Official telegrams received yesterday in Bangkok. The written a.*surance of the Commissaire was given June 15
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  • 116 1 Cambridge. June 23— For the lirst time in the history of Cambudge University, an Indian law stuaent has obtained iirst-class first henous degree in iaw triposHe is Subrata Key Chowdhury, aged 23, son of Mr. G. N. Roy Chowdhiir.v, Superintendent of Excise in tne Bengal
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  • 32 1 London, June 24.-- The i nisi granted on December 17 to Field-Marshal Sir Claude Auchin leek, Commander-in-Chief, Ind i. was made absolute In the dh court today Reuter
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  • 626 1 I United Press that the Congress Partv Working Committee has rejected unanimously the P>ri tish Mission's proposals for an interim Government. The rejection came after <u minutes of talks between Congress representatives and Mission members, wherein the litter appealed to the Con^resn delegates
    U.P.; Reuter  -  626 words

  • 285 2 BaUvia, June 21— Plantation produce and stolen plantation equipment to an estimated value of between $8,000,000 and $10,000,000 (Straits) has been shipped from Indonesian-held ports in lava and Sumatra to, Singapore and other Malayan; ports since the surrender of Japan, according
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  • 212 2 Reuter Rangoon. June 2».-The Chitmm. Government-, ,_.ot>o,o(Kl f«>r the relief »>t hine^. uar destitute, in Burma m welcomed by Chinese c ,n Rangoon. f wh!le me »Ct n™* r hl C»«;;» be known in Burma. M But Burma* look at the allßation in a diflereiu
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  • 68 2 rune 24. —A forma- S a f os fleet will v; N therlands this summer. to reliable sou.-ces. sit is planned to emphasize lati< ns between the and to commemorate wartime comradeship. niral Henry K. Hewitt, Com--;n-Chief of the United fleet in EuroDe, understood to
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  • 91 2 San Francisco. (Bv Air Mail)— I b v arrested Francisco Cannona of The l>alles. Oregon, and put »im In prison after he had slit tm wife's throat when he found her looking through his trousers pockets. Kut the morning after his arrest
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  • 151 2 Hongkong, June 21. The Kuomintang newspaper National i Times will resume publication today, it was learned here. It is reported that the government will issue a statement to the efiect .hat the decision to curtail the period of suspension, originally one month, followed assurances by the
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  • 59 2 Oxford, June 23.— Oxford University has accepted another grant from Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Spalding for a lecturer on Eastern culture. The first Spalding grant for a professorship in Eastern religion was accepted a few years ago and Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan is now in Oxford for this professorship. The
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  • 180 2 FRANK KEEFE WANTS TO KNOW WHO IS TO BLAME FOR PEARL HARBOUR? Wellington. June 24.— BepresenV u^nkß Keefe of Wincon that the -I nig committee -place the bfame -fo? the 1941 disaster ins:. Ming the public -jus: another historical review.' Keefe said the public waajmdtled to findings that are bin
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  • 90 2 I Damascus. June 24.-The Syrian i press today demanded tha. Haj Amin el Husseini. Mufti of Jerusalem, who recently appeared sud--1 denlv in Egypt after being under protective arrest in France, be allowed to return to Palestine There he could "assume leader- ship of
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  • 85 2 Bombay, June 23.— The death toll rose to seven today, with at least 30 wounded, in the three day riots at Madura against the arrest of Pandit Nehru by the authorises of Kashmir. Four of the dead wtre shot and three stabbed. The police
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  • 95 2 Edinburgh, June 24.— The behind the scenes highlight of .he visit to Edinburgh of the women's contingent of the Indian forces who took part in the recent Victory Parade in London was the dress exchange between the girls and members of the
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  • 207 2 Wa -hinrton. June 24 -P: Truman's failure :o decide nounce the kind of control United States will exercise 01 former Japanese mandated has increased the demands by o Pacific powers that they be der United Nations trusteeship, writes R. H. Shackford of Press. Delay
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  • 164 2 Bidault Announces New Cabinet Paris, June 24.— Georges dault, at 2 a.m. today, announced he formation of a new government with himself as Tremor ind Minister of Foreign Aft airs. Vice Presidents of the Council .via he 80 ilist Felix GOUin ann Communist Maurice Ttoorez; Mini* of State, MRP W^Sf^J
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  • 56 2 London, June 23.— Minister Finance Safronov told a meet the Supreme Soviet of Fin' Federation, the budget for the year of the new flve-yeai would be 303,201,000.000 roubh 7946, Radio Moscow reported to The President of the C(|incil the meeting that the total valu industrial output for 1950
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  • 1085 3 Lord Kiliearn has pointed out, in the toti I war on It". tnd transportation are twin pi' Neither ol v without the other. And in the case of Siam the key transportation is the restoration of the railway-. riy the whole of
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  • 75 3 Luv Letrs Nu Styl? Los Angeles. June 23. Bet tiisp her husband received love notes from his secretary in phoneties, Mrs. Norma lirilev. 41. was granted a di veree at Los ftnfitlrs. One of the notes read: "I no that I In v I I no uhat I want and
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  • 177 3 H.K. GOVT. REASON FOR SUSPENDING CHINESE NEWSPAPER Hongkong, June 22*— The Govenunenl today issued statement on the reason for the suspension of the Kuomintang organ "The National Times." The statement said the National Times had -urged its readers to capture alive a local editor ano smash his paper to pieces"
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  • 98 3 Edinburgh, June 22 Edinburgh's citizens, enjoying the hottest day of the summer, turned out In force yesterday afternoon to welcome the Indian victory contingent when they marched along the streets here. The march-past salute was taken by Edinburgh's first citizen. Lord Provost Sir John Falconer with
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  • 152 3 tont Osi Own Corra pondt nt > Coimbatore, June 29. addressing the Coimbatore District Dravidian Conference last week. Ramaswami N ticker demanded 'hat Dravlda uad. comprising all Tamil. Cana rese, indhra, and Malayalam Districts, should be separated from the rest of India and foi med Into Dravidistan. He
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  • 167 3 Kerford, British Zone, June 22. Anti-British feeling is mounting In the Ruhr. A .senior military government officer here admitted thai the task of governing the area w;i becoming more difficult in view of the mass of criticism directed al the military govemmeni which Is
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  • 60 3 ilL IVl lilt, *J l* f i w >^ll I i i i l Krishna Mehtab, Premier ol Orlssa and member of the Congress Executive has informed the Viceroy, Field Mar hal Lord Wavell, that for personal reasons he Is unable to accept the
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  • 40 3 Teheran, June 22. The Soviet I>d Cross has invited Princess Ashraf Reza Pahlevi, sister oj the Shah of Persia to visit eighl Soviet cities including Moscow, Kiev, StalingraW, Leningrad and Karkov, a high ranking Persian Government spokesman said today Reuter
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  • 334 4 gIJNPA} KKPQKTSOI PELH] PABL£I2 (From Our Ouni tfrrespondent) New Delhi June 2.WL nless a miracle happen^ b> the time SSSSsKfassaarwS S£L£Tw» that the Viceroy conceded e> cry one ol .l.nnah s demand*. This c:e.:i.i->d :he entire enaracter ol the Interim Government scheme for, while
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  • 210 4 New Delhi. June 23.— Congress decision to reject the plans for an interim government is unaltered. The Party's Working is xpected u o pass a resolution t-o that ffect tomorrow morning, it was learned here tonight. Mahatma I handhl Is giving linal
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  • 105 4 t (From Our Chin Correspondent) New Delhi, June 23.— The Kashmir crisis has been averted for the present with the return <»f Pandit Nehru to Delhi to attend the Working Committee meeting. When President Maulana Azad the urgent summons callin- Panditji back, the latter refused
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  • 127 4 Madura. June 23— The police opened fire today to disperse crowds taking part in the third day of demonstra ions in Madura against last week's arrest in Kashmir of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Presi-dent-designate of Congress. Demonstrators, attempting to j throw burning oil-soaked rags on
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  • 329 4 Congress Trio Meet Wavell and Cabinet Mission New Delhi, June 2H.— The K\ change Telegraph reported froai New Delhi today that then* a frank exchange of opinion at the two-hour conference ink afternoon between Viceroy Lord Wavell. British Cabinet Minis ters and three leader i of tin Congress Party (according
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  • 48 4 (From Our Own Correspondent Madras, June 23. The Madras Government have made provl for one crore of rupees for tn moval of disabilities of Harijan The intention is to start colon non schemes where Han;. live side bv side with caste hu
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  • 321 5 Discrimination And Deprivation Against Indians Alleged I In South Africa New >«»rk. .lune Tl Iwim*. compluininu bitterly ©1 the <»n war campaign of mistreatment of Indian- in South Africa, toda) demanded that the I nited Nations take up the p.obb m at It* annual General Aaaembh
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  • 275 5 The Hague. June 24, Whik is felt that the new Dutch „<»\ernment. when formed, aril 'and a good chance of remainrig in office I l<>rn' time, perhaps i four-year term, it is recognised ;hat its policy on Indonesia Ks likely to present difficulties. Significantly, however.
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  • 90 5 Po<>:..t June 1 LOU and jow» r /rade p i stimated at 200,000. wil T I d not meet I mandi an Increase In salarii .<i.u alloi ances The strike Ision ken today at a conh ren >* ol unions which decided to give M
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  • 140 5 BEAUTIFUL CHINESE PIRATE QUEEN ARRESTED Hongkong, June 24.— lhe Chinese Dailv "China Post reported today that tbe beautiful and famous binese pirates' queen Who led nnmerens piracies had been arrested by the police in Waicho*. in the interior of KuanKtun*. "hich is famous as a pirate retreat. Ihe pirate qu<
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  • 67 5 SJAHRIR— VAN MOOK MEETING Batavia, June 24. Premiej Sjahrir ol the "Indonesian Republic- and Dr. Hubertus van Mook, Lieutenant-Govemor-Genera. ♦.he Netherlands East Indies, met yesterday "on neutral ground in introductory discussions on Indonesian independence Later Sjahrir met the BrtUSn consul, Gilbert M.vcKtreth Particulars of Uie talks were not disclosed but
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  • 101 5 The Hague. June 23.— The coun-ter-proposals to the Dutch offer on :he future of Indonesia submitted oy Dr. Butan Sjahrir, the Indonesian Prime Minister to Dr. HubertUS van Mook, Lieutenant-Gov-emor-Oeneral of the Nettieriands East Indies mean a "fundamental -ejection oi the Dutch proposal. aid The Hague
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  • 92 5 Tokyo, June 24.— The 78th Military Government, acting on a tip from Korean and Japanese sources, have uncovered 29 bars of buried I silver weiuhing 80 pounds each, on property formerly belonging to the lap navy. ch bar was numbered serially and carried the .seal
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  • 93 5 Wuppertal, Germany June 23.— k> many war criminals have been ondemned to death in. the Bn.ish one ol Germany and the waiting is t ol trials is so large that a se- ond official hangman m addition o pierrepoint may have to be appointed, it
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  • 97 5 New York, June 23. The Indian .complaint with UNO charging the Union of Soutn Afrk i with discrimination of Indians living in Sou.h Africa will probably be the first to go directlj to the General Assembly instead of to the Security Council Under the charter,
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  • 153 5 Calcutta. Jane vainol.r attack id today's influential Nationalist newspaper Amrita Kazaar.* calling Smuts d.lonalh •the chief perpct rater f shameful crimes against thousands©! Indians who made South Africa their home." and charged that his (iovernments polh concern ing Indians has dona I >'<y times more
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  • 140 5 from Our Own Coftespondi > Madras, June 83*— News free Durban reveals satyagraha i> v Indians in full suing Addressing a prayer meetln Mahatma Gandhi sympathised with the plight of Indians these and *aid the behaviour of the Europeans towards Indians there is WOlse
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  • 121 5 Jerusalem, June 23. Hones that the three British officers still h< l< as hostages by Irgun Zval Uuml would be freed w< re d< troyed l night by a declaration by the Drgun secret radio "the voice of flghl Zion." Thestatemenl -aid We released two officers
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  • 372 6 l.h. Ol R CONf VH Paris, Jui —Surprise developments at yesterday s third of the four Foreign Ministers al which plan ned discussion ol rrieste wan abandoned in favo i Mr. James Byrnes' mow proposal on the procedure and summoning of the
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  • 132 6 New York, lune 23. The United States and Russia split sharply mi .lune 20 over the question <>f whether the Tinted I States should scrap its atom j bombs before or after the esta-j hlishment of global sanctions against would-be aggrenaora. The United States
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  • 146 6 Helsinki, June 22. -Devadas Gandhi, representing the Indian and Eastern Newspaper Society, and Derek Currie, Director of Paper In the Government of India, have secured for India considerably Increased newsprint export from Finland, Sweden and Norway this year. They have been negotiating with Government Departments
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  • 208 6 Washington, .lime 23w— The House of Representatives' Foreign Affairs Committee was thrown into an uproar Thursda> when chairman Sol Bloom blocked action on Ihe bitterly critical "Report on the Russians" and denounced one ot its tranters as a "cheap" publicity seeker. Bloom rented his
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  • 81 6 New York. June 23.— Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harvard Law School left New York by plane Thursday en- route to China to assist In the revision of that country's legal system The 80-year-Old 'Dean has been assigned to be the Chinese Ministry of
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  • 143 6 WAGES ACCORDING TO WORK. NOT ACCORDING TO COLOUR. DEMANDED Seattle. Washington, June 22. Rashid Zaman. Government delegate and joint secretary of the Commerce Depart men: Of India, declared in yesterday's session of the Wages, Hours and Manning Committee of the International Labour Office Maritime Conference that wages of seamen should
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  • 72 6 DOCTORATE F OR SIR RAMASWAMI MUDALIAR Pew York. June 22.- The Indian delegate and Chairman of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Sir Ramaswami Muduliar. left by aeroplane for Britain, on the way to New Delhi. Mudaliar told correspondents he would stop in Britain a tew days to receive
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  • 234 6 2,500 YEARS OF BUDDHISM t olombo.— Ceylon u,ll be I back on is ot Buddhisi the full moor, day of July. 19& the full moon ds) ot Julv this 1490 nui\ tad women ill retreat and observe Ata s,!— ..j, Eight Precepts enjoined In the Bud Tins trill inaugurate
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  • 151 6 New York, June 22.— The Indian author Krishnalal Shridhrani. in a broadcast interview declared: "India like America, is becoming country dominated by women, a change which, he said lie welcorned. In reply to the question: nnai do vou feel that America women WOttM
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  • 78 6 Washington, June 23. Mr. So Bldom. Chairman of the U.S. Honof Representatives Foreign Rew lions Committee, has disowned th< statement published by tour members of his Committee calling lot an end in the '"appeasement ol Russia" and urging an early meet ing between President Truman Generalissimo Stalin Mr. Bloom said:
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  • 587 7 Teheran, Meeting Point 'Of Allied Interests, Is A City Of Contrast Teheran, June 24. Teheran, political meeting point ot -itish, American and Russian diplomatic and economic intcrste in Persia, is a city of contrast of caviare at 7s. Ud. per ortion and open trains, of streamlined limousines and archaic torse-drawn
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  • 110 7 INDEPENDENCE FOR PHILIPPINES HAS GAINED ASIATIC CONFIDENCE FOR U.S. Washington, June 24.— The forthcoming independence of the Philippines, due July 4, is a "tremendous and priceless asset" .o the United States in keeping peace in the Far Eas., Senator Millar Tydings said yesterday. "All the peoples of China and India
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  • 90 7 Peiping, June 24 -A report in the Qsin Min Pao, which was not carnod by any other paper, said today that the Communists were atOng Shihchieochung, an unportant rail centre on the Peipingtnkow line. 160 miles south 01 reiping. The paper claimed to have received the
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  • 77 7 NATIVE AGITATION FOR INDEPENDENCE OF MADAGASCAR Pans, June 23.— The morning newspaper Le Pays today carried a special from Tanganyika, describing the native agitation for independence of Madagascar, and said the arrival of the French Governor General Raoul de Coppet las I May was greeted by riots and demonstrations. Railroad
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  • 216 7 London, June 21.— Prominent members of the Indian National Confess are understood to be the chief movers behind a plan of a world survey of land capable of food production. This survey which includes all I land capable of
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  • 127 7 New YorU, lune 2.s.— The New York Herald Trihune editorially said the civil aaaM China is Mtuanj a. toUt national conllict to at least as great a degree as It ifl "'t cr national matter. Ittenartof a worldwide contest b^nthe force ea«hfc«ij mmiism and
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  • 10 7 June khiU At*' .mi id cm i iwal i UP
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  • 149 7 CHANGE IN U.S. ATTITUDE TOWARDS INDIA'S FOOD NEEDS Washington, June 24.--Dr V. K. R. Rao. Indian delegare to the Far Eastern Commission, P«dtej22 yesterday that by the end of IMS ine United States "might turn out to be the largest con.rlbutor to Indis s Import of food and gram. He
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  • 26 7 Jerusalem, June Twe o the five British officers kidnapped by the Irgun Zvai Leumi were released tonight, according to an unconfirmed report from J«'l .Uiv.— Reuter
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  • 428 8 INDIAN JAILED FOR HAVING ARMS AROUND THE COURTS Indi. the being In posse: d fin< d $11 i C h po; session ol jo inltlon, by Mr. Paul Cour. c an, Ivtog information i ...>td to River Val hei he I to sell. Then he diseovered ha the accused had
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  • 371 8 CIVIL DEFENCE ORGANISATIONS: PAYMENT OF ARREARS OF SALARY The payment of am ars *m I Jnry and allowances up to and including February Kiih, i> authorised. Claims should be -cut to the oliicer-.n-char-c. Local Forces ttecord otlice, Singapore. t..< b v laim oaould or MUlied o. recipient t ha. I
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  • 99 8 London. T U -The share;he British Nortli Boi at a meeting er hey tratioii in the British I of North wn. C which has been Nortli Borneo since nations for cestory to the British Gov- nt to I 44. The Governtly bought Soraisland of
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  • 75 8 Attached to the PoW Camp at' R .F. Seletar, 13 Japanese PoWs ared be tore Mr. Tan Thoon Lip In UiC Second District Court yesterday on a charge of wrongfully being in possession of certain gocds. They were eon vie ted qn the charge and sentenced
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  • 35 8 RATION CARDS FOR NEW ARRIV ALS Persons arriving from overseas I who require ration cards must I produce their passports at the RuI tinning Office. Customs House. I Maxwell Road, Singapore, during I office hours.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 j All«Malayan Premiere To-morrow Midnight ALHAMSRAi Bombay Talkies Present "BASANT" (Hindustani) Starring: MUMTAZ SHANTI ULLHAS The story of a kitchen Maid who became matinee idol of a L i despised orphan who became a loyal wife and an exemplarv mother! i Released through the United Exhibitors Syndicate. I I «»I»*IIMM|.|.
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