Indian Daily Mail, 17 May 1946

Total Pages: 4
5 8 Indian Daily Mail
  • 14 5 Indian Daily Mail \<»l No- 82- II SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. 17, 1946. PRIrK 10 CENTS
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  • 334 5 I Moslem Demand For Pakistan Rejected Simultaneous Release Ot White Paper In Britain And India New Delhi, Thursday The British I ibinet Mission to India tonight issued it* statement on the British plan for Indun independent and the making of an Indian constitution. The statement rejects the
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  • 369 5 New Delhi, Thursday The Secretary of Stale for India, Lord Pethick-Lawrence, broadcast a speech from AllIndia Radio at 10.45 Malayan time. He gave exposition of the statement issued above and rejected the Muslim League demand for Pakistan. Opening his speech with reference to their efforts to bring about
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  • 926 5 London. May 16. The new plan for India which the Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee, will place before the House of Commons thN afternoon makes six major proposals which are beinij submitted to the principal Indian majority parties by the Cabinet M -ion The
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  • 195 6 Wants Transfer Of Full Power To Interim Govt Won't Accept Parity Representation (From Our Oun Correspondent) Madras, May l.~>.— The Cabinet Mission Ls likely to make an announcement on the Indian issue on Thursday e\eninp simultaneously m Delhi and London. The Coi Kress is reported
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  • 100 6 j/, mJewi) b traeM, ftfaj r.— The Bw menace N a.'am rearing its head m S'md. rw I Hurs raided a md Ixr <>t i md lniurj^q mother. The .MithttritH-s are po»ti'>L; .irnud jju |ftr mum here- i d mhly l I rnittec formed to
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  • 109 6 I^' (fun L firfisfHindent) New Delhi, May 15. A new scheme of short-term commissions m the Ind-an Army above which emergency commissioned otfwers can continue to wrve if they wish is just announced. The commission will be granted for three years for thosv iged over
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  • 73 6 mm >Mf Uu"; C ""<>[*,nJt>nt) M.tJr-s, May 15. A resolution reCORtntending the reconstruction of the Madras Ministry m accordance wirh the High Command's advice has been tabled by a prominent member of the Congress I'arty for consideration at thi- coming Party meeting] It will be recalled
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  • 63 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) 1-rnjk.uhni, May 15. The Cochin State Government has banned the use of the road leading to the famous Kudalmanikkam Temple at Irinjalkud.i b> llur/jam and non-Hindus. The decision has raised a storm of protest and State Har/jaiis are organising protest demonstrations. Prajamatnlnl president statement
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  • 43 6 >(ff9m Our Own Correspondent) Hombav, M.iv if, Bombay Congress Ministers will receive I salary of Rs. 850 monthly plus a motor allow .ince of Rs. 200 The Orina Congress Ministers, X\V<: MM Midrai colleagues II 6rx% a Bf thousand r
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  • 111 6 I'rom Our Out, Q Madras, May 1 rh thousand tons of rice ;«n exn2 ed to arrive m Punjab shortly. The recent wheat V taring Ixvn m; -rjctor.. had offered to help M, rruch rice as can be span So tar Australia his Rnt .M
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  • 65 6 CABINET CRISIS PENDING IN U.P. (From Oin Hurt Cotti > <\ Lucknow, May 15. A ihinet crisis is threatenH m the I nited Provinces. Though the Congress Mil irt ordered the release of j!1 polif ik the Province, it is under- .1 the Governor is delaying tin n It is
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  • 450 6 London. May 15.— The British House of Commons scene of so many historic debates on India m the past, is awaiting with keen expectancy the Prime Minister. Mr. Attlee's statement on the future constitution to be made at approximately 2.30 p.m. In
    Reuter  -  450 words
  • 106 6 Montreal, May 15. India- [i i bl t'( od and ncwtpriTit will ho partiaflf answered this mmk when the Britisfc trLightcrs llolnu and I ry. "s> htiU sail for Calcutta ?nJ Bi My bca«f cargoes. The Holme is taking of wheat and the Motmbtsu
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  • 84 6 London, May 15. Authoritative circles m London confirmed today thai the British Cabinet Mission wil! be returning from India shortly. It is stated that implementation of the proposals the Miss-on will make will be left to the Viceroy, While no definite d.itc tor their return
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  • 110 6 THREAT TO "FAST INTO DEATH Bombay, May 15. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, President ot the Assam Provincial Moslem League, stated today that he would undertake I " unto death" unless A->sjm's newly-formed Congress Party Government abandoned its policy of evicting "emigres* 1 from the neighbouring district of Bengal. The "emigres''
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  • 99 6 London. May Ifr- Labour Member Thomas Reid asked m the H -.-c of Commons today whet! i I ott> tiona between the Governments of India and Ceyioi regarding francs** right* of Indians m Ceylon had Yen completed and if bo wita wl Mr. George
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  • 36 6 Paris. May 15.— The Cai ronfratniated the Prtucli Mil t Coloniei M. Mariui Mout< i J conduct of Far Eastt-rn at T ministen paid homage to th< of sacrifice and effort of Pren« m Imlo-China. Reuter
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  • 19 6 Haifa. May L.4.— The P arrested the captain and ere* v Smyrna which arrived here laal >■•■■!■ jhg jgjgr Reuter
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  • 159 7 i \J;i\ 15. The Lib* JJ i >(»n£ article from its ho concluded "M [o fi?:ht us before tr x\hic:: v\a« promi- < i. «.a^ a historical frMi a point of tic to the MalaI Art' Japan w j* l heroic deeds can .au'd by those who difficulties under
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  • 88 7 1&. The conference 0/ 1 <us agreed tonight to BB until June 1 5 when it will 1 Paris. The conference ,'n the revised Italian mM proj osfcd hy Mr. date was fixed For the 1 ••nee. en Minister? will decide Id the peace
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  • 112 7 Slaj 14. The Minister of Vneurin Bevan, speaking given by the Amtritan C rce m London polidtt which inspired v preuit time Wttt not lir.t pc licies nor were m n< attitudes to- r nut of any sense f Reuter 14.— Gen. Sir
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  • 105 7 London, May 10.— Two British Membeni of Parliament, Lit-ut-Col. Wflliama, labour, and (apt. L. Gammar.s. Conservative, who went to Sarawak a t the im ration of the Bri- I Government independent 'y to ascertain the views of the Sarawak people on thr proposed cession of their
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  • 81 7 FIERCE FLUCTUATING BATTLES Nanking, May 16. Fierce lluetuatiiiK battk's weif reported today arou: d Szepinjrkai, south-west of Changchun, Manchurian capita!, where Chinese Nationalists supply lines are m cianger though they were said to be now m a more favourable position. Communist forces are attempting to cut the railway out of
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  • 188 7 British Can't Afford To Allow Burmese To Lose Heart London, May l."». Declaring ;h.«t the "British cannot afford to allow the Burmese to lojse heart,'* the influential L< ndon Times" today recommended two, ■tflpi to overcome the growing I divergency m outlook between the Government and political leaders. These we
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  • 151 7 PROSECUTION WITHDRAWS HARGES— ACCUSED ASKS FOR COMPENSATION K.u.m Singh, a JTOOng Sikh, was acquitted .hhl discharged by Major A. P. Jack, m the Relief Police Court yestefday, when the prosecution withdrew the charges against him. When the c.ise failed, the defence counsel. Mr. De Mello, made an application to the
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  • 93 7 MISSION MEETS INDIAN LEADERS New Delhi, Thuraday Before the statement was released the three Cabinet Ministers and the Viceroy met the Indian political leaders. Cripps and Lord Pethick-Law-rence had one hour's meeting with Mahatma Gandhi. Later A?ad and Nehruji met the Viceroy and Alexander. Shortly afterwards the Muslim League delegates,
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  • 150 7 HARD-BOILED NEWSMEN CRY AS ROXAS SPEAKS piMi PreSkntflfcrt Mwml Rom today brmieht t«-ar» to the ry»- of rht- capital's hard-hoilrd i>r»-s# corps whm he railed for a democratic Philippine- Republic to b* h» ideological bridge between th» I'nitcd Staff k and the Orient. H vavc hi^ persona' asfiranee thai hi-
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  • 99 7 diverted from construe ti\e t critic activities. "At i moment when the state .>• the country demands j united effon m general rehabilitation. th«- growing divergence m outlook between tin Government and political L iders serious. Two steps s««m ».s» Endeavours should be made to associa'< represent Jtive leaders more
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 270 7 The Indian Shipping Priorities C on xnittee under the Chairmanship at Mr. S. K. Chettur, Representative, Government of India, took m important decision at their muting on the 15 th that the S. S. Nevasa with 1,300 spaces which i> due to sail from Singapore on
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  • 817 8 (Nutrition Confab Recommendations tor SEA "Grow More Food Prime Need," says Lord Killearn Singapore, nnundajr. m his tinaJ address to the tirst Nutrition Conference m Ifcgapm which MMbdM Itl fourth day today. H. E. the >{Kx:iiii Ooirimidsiom-r m South-Eust Asia, Lord KilWarn, rtfttfftftid th;it the
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  • 247 8 1 was asked to bnni; m\ K>rrv clos; to the door ot the ground floor at the Central Poliu Station. I did M 1 wjs told, and a few minutes later, four prisoner, carried a body m a i;unn\sack, followed by four dctccti\cs.
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  • 66 8 THEFT OF BED-SHEET ALLEGED Wta and cu?,^^ I Urn Major A. P Ppe|«iß --1 The four lnj ljr, I Dabholkar. Nfohamn, 1 Ahmad Din. the last ,X f Havin X stolen the bednd?l 'm.htarv depot on \f •laswant Sirl^ '!l with abetment „f cation. Tan Ah Von,.. I was charged
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  • 51 8 INDIAN VARIETY SHOW AT JOHORE An Indian wriet] entertainmen show will* be held at the Johore Bahru Park, on 2^.5.1946 at 8 p.m. ii order to raise fund for relief worl among the needy Indi.ins. An interesting programme consist ing of musical item? m Hindustan and Tamil sketches etc. is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 235 8 NOTICE TENDERS INVITED Tenders will be received at the Office of the Sensor Executive Engineer, C ml, up to noon of the isth May, 1946 for the following words:Repain to Quarter? at St. Michael's Road Wirele-s. Station. Singapore. Even- person applying for a form of tender will be required to
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    • 131 8 "MARLBOROUH Til. 6yu'i. NOW SHOWING Daily 3 Shows at f Sunday 4 Sho\^^ ramous rilm< present "PHOOL" (Hin*»t. with VEEN A STTAIi SURRIVA PRITHMR.^ AY« loi: Som^f! Emcbmt Otmenl tMUmg Maarf S/'c c/jfulur Ruma>ue\ Rdcated b>: The United Exhij Syndicate^ Singapore. Midni-hr Saturday iSfl "LAILA MAJNU" (Hrndsftsni) Theatre ROYAL SEASON'S
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