Indian Daily Mail, 24 April 1946

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 14 1 Indian Daily Mail Zn N 6; SINCAI'ORK. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1946. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 502 1 U. S. Britain's Firm Stand Against Russia ALL SET FOR FOREIGN MINISTERS CONFERENCE Washington, April 23. United States Secretary of State James F. Byrnes is scheduled to leave by plane for Paris and the Foreign Ministers' conference at 17 GMT today armed with what many observers believe to be a
    U.P.  -  502 words
  • 102 1 liadras Deadlock Solved Own Correspondent) M lias, April 23. The y press Legislature p Mr. T. Praka- Revenue MinisL leader by 82 votes to iting Mr. C. N. I^l .a Mudaliar. members remained r. 1 which was by secret Lit 1 M following Congress p.
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  • 65 1 I [ft )nr Oun Correspondent) 1 Following the ingrcss<*MmUin League ition of a coalition Mr. H. S. Suhra- r old premier-designate I leader of the Provincial Parliamentary Party list of eight memben of the Governor of Bengal, Burrmws. T been accepted by the m m new ministn
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  • 66 1 H Oh n Correspondent H j Mr. Herbert President of the H won Chairman of r'i fsmme tmtrg" H trrited in Ksrscbi I gorffj Dt//'/ H ;> /> \pecidly tpH ..A >// Truman to f XJ situation. H /<//,• /u>/ '//.i,'/'/ H- 1 1 out tt bm
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  • 51 1 Bhopal, April 23. Addressing a public meeting ben today. Pandit Jluaharl.ll Nduu made an appeal to the Indian people to rise above petty squabbles and internal bickerings, "which benefit not us but our enemies," and focus their attention on higher and more vital issues at
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  • 83 1 (From Oitr Own Correspondent) Tnvjndrum. April 23. Netaji Subhjs CJunJra Bosc is probably alive and it is mon likclv that he is in China rather than in Russia. This is the belief expressed bv Irih.-CoI. Lakshmi at a Press conference at Quilon. She urged thai
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  • 33 1 Colombo, April xj.— Om tlxmsand and jfl< hundred Ceylonac rc.idi'it m Mslsy* armed in Colombo u f.tdj) being tin first contingent of Ceylomae to return to their bonu LmJ.
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  • 33 1 (Fr9tn Our Ou n Correspondent) Pooru. April A committee known .is the 'POOM District Azad Mandal" has been formal to do Conmm propaganda among demobilised •olden and discharged INA personnel.
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  • 39 1 Nuremberg, Apr. 22.— Fvulcncc ot deliberate poisoning l>-' s been found at Sulag 13, Nurembert, *lw-™- ll was announced lan week, ..900 GerniM prisoners of war bad been taken senousl) ill from ;>"'- t niri^-~ Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 22 1 London. Apr. lMXe l burg reported toda) tlut the Polish Cabinet has decided W use Carman prisoners of *ar to rebuild Reuter
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  • 183 1 Paris, Apr. 22. Twelve French soldiers were killed and 20 injured in a shooting incident at Hanoi, chief city of Tongking in Northern Indochina, according to i Cornell Agency report from Hanoi todav. Some of the mfured are grtvety hurt a,nl it h ffmti there
    Reuter  -  183 words

  • 648 2 London Muslims Want Azad To Resign Congress Presidentship Otherwise History Will Count Him As The Architect Of Muslims' Downfall London, Apr. 22. A demand in the name of Islam to Dr. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, President of the Indian Xational Congress, to resign his office "to make room for Coneress-League
    Reuter  -  648 words
  • 129 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Patna, April zz. Mahboob, who served js military secretary to N'etaji Subhas Bose, tfpttUd M tlic public to raise enough funds for the maintenance ol disabltd IN taUkn and their l.inulKs who sacrihccd their lives in an attempt to liberate
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  • 95 2 (From Our Ouvt Correspondent) Madras, Apr. 2.1. Uttam Chand. Indian merchant in Kabul, who claims to hava given shelter to Xetaii Subhas Bose while he was there on his way to Germany, gave at a meeting an account of the escape of Xetaji Subhas Bose
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  • 63 2 (From Our Oun Correspondent) New Delhi, Apr. iz. Shah Xawa/, speaking at a flag salutation ceremony under the auspices of the Congress Seva Dal in Delhi, said there was a scheme before Congress to form an All-India Azad Hind Volunteer Corps. He said there was
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  • 45 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Trivendrum, April 1Z Lieut-Col. Lakshmi is at present visiting Trav.incore accompanied by Mr. K. P. Thomas, Editor of the Orient Illustrated Weekly, who has been deputed to tour Kerala and report on conditions of IX A relief there.
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  • 100 2 CRIMINAL EXPLOITATION OF INDIAN WOMEN AND CHILDREN lomdom, Apr. xy— n teople ht Britain and other countries enjoy the use of compmstiveiy cbesp rail sets and rlectticd tpplkncn be.cause of the criminal txptdtstion of children and WOmtn in India's mica mines and factories," the Libtrd "Xeus Chronicle's" foreign litor said
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  • 76 2 U.S. REACTIONARY CIRCLES PREACH RACIAL DISCRIMINATION Moscou Apr. 22.—. unter today dttiorei -•:o»H of Xcgrocs, lndtati<. anj \f, \.r««H f£tf United States uhi H cribt'S as i ict inn of fi nation. H TbotUtudi of tlh "i //jc- jrwy o/ tMtMfioyeJ, Jtf.l j* /v/t" reactionary ctrctt lie^m tbt effort to
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 10 2 New Delhi, Apr. 22.— V Officers were released today. H
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  • 28 2 Mohammad hhaque, Germany, >a/i her* tbt -fl Chandra Bose adopted a fd and atloucd himself to /'< 'S His Excellency Mamta u <-« Germany for hooduwkm < an spies.
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  • 160 2 New Delhi, Apr. zi.~ The belief that the Cbngr< would be willing to accept international arbitration the Indian constitutional problem was expressed 1 Sardar Vallabhai Patel, member of the Congrc Working Committee and one of the country's most political figures. There could be no
    Reuter  -  160 words

  • 87 3 (Front Our Own Correspondent) Apr. 22.- Sarat Chandra Bote, leader oi the in the Central Assembly, addressing [NA .t t Ca>M P ore yesterday, laid }l re irere many itai result of the Bnr,\h Cabinet Mission'"* India would be
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  • 140 3 W ashington, Apr. 12.— India will he among the countries receiving > 1,000,000 worth of lurplui food in Alaska, it was announced today bv the Secretary of the Interior, Mr. J. A. Krug. The surplus food will be distributed in India, Korea. Indochina
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 41 3 MARSHAL'S PLANS TO SETTLE MANCHURIAN PROBLEM \pr. 22.— The Catho- day that Gen. ,1 llic.iJv drawn settlement <>t the The phns will iter. d thai .ill trt»ops wil! m tvtmtnn beSott The newspaper tide will make an L territorial control U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 42 3 INDONESIA APOLOGISES TO AUSTRALIA 1... I Tbt InJmu^jn mtiet bate a polo Austrdkm Govern* iViJ u otuulmg ■t the Australian mission in the It ■iu4\ reported that gmbtubtd and ism when return* /o a lapan,\t />r/- amp at P'mJnk- Buiti rtzori.— U.P.
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  • 31 3 I. it, The Hunan has w ired Gen. iling for the first transport foodrelieve the famine of Hunan are it :o the General ei Uitude to him. U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 30 3 7/v rWfJN elected Mr. 7". ?<>*/<? />/ \K PrsktUH*, K. -/.A'// Mini- mier in the Usi MsJrss. ■la \ll 'luajor/f) Muslims juJ other \o flccttom in U.P.
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  • 14 3 IZ.—An Indian ource Hinl tOm circlet are i visit of iin rsdc Mission U.P.
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  • 103 3 atican City. April Hie exCavatkM works .ire well under way beneath the ancient Basilica of St. Peter'*-. The work is being carried out with the greatest teCltCf but a complete report on discoveriei is to be made in the near future. The excavations are centered
    U.P.  -  103 words
  • 54 3 London, Apr. A new salvation army general to succeed General George Carpenter— who retires June 10 W UI be elected by the Salvation Army Higfc Council which meets in Londori April Is. The council is (.omposed of commissioners and commanders of the armv drawn from
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • 57 3 Mexico City, April 21.— Ine average Mexican family budgei is being clipped jg too many bull fights this season ami Federal District authorities have asked bull fight promoters to reduce the number of performances. Tickets now sell for several tunes the money fo* h
    U.P.  -  57 words
  • 709 3 Internal Political Scene In Korea 3 '1 his is the third in a series of roundup articles dealing with the internal political scene in Korea and cspeually that of the .Imerican occupation zone. Ry Palmer Hoyt, Jr., United Press Staff Correspondent. Seoul, April 23. Today there ib a definite alignment
    U.P.  -  709 words
  • 43 3 Moscow, Apr. 2;. Frsvds todsy rgve prominence to toe lndisn> Communist Pat/}\ m, moranJinii t<> the British Government's delegation in hhl/a demanding the c/ 1/1 itiif/nii u( British troops from li.ulni, tin, l outlining the Communists' pUut '<" independence. U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words

  • 391 4 Australia Desires Malaya's Friendship -Mr.C.Massel Kindness Shown To Aussi PoWs Cannot Be Forgotten 1H a heart-to-neart cnat unn 10c.11 rressmen, at hij os.| in Union Building yesterday, Mr. Claude Masse}", \ii«*- a ]-'J Government Commissioner for Malaya, said that tlu-kinjj shown to Australians, during the period of their ca I
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  • 218 4 LEGISLATIVE COUNCII The Singapore Colony Order in Council 1946, provide? that the future Legislative Council shall consist of the Governor ai Proident, four ex-otficio members and such nominated official members not exceeding seven, such nominated unofficial members not exceeding two, and
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  • 255 4 Facing a charge of murder. Fan Boon Tong, an elderlv Chinese uras produced before U.-COI.G.C. H.Culley in the \ssessors 1 Court yesterday. \ccuscd is alleged to have caused the leath of Ng Hock Lao b\ subbing on Vov. 11 1945. Mr. A. P. Rajah, conducting the prosecution alleged
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  • 326 4 "Most of the people caught as spies were well-known and educated residents of Port Blair, and so the Japanese thought that they were a danger to them. That is why they decided to eliminate them," said Abdul Vfahab. Superintendent of the Prison
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  • 61 4 Messrs. Surcsh FimiK rp j^H the well-known Film I iuik 9 liomkiv. have made screen -o over Indian p fl M.ila\.i. and other parts I v H Asia through their S»i > -fl They control the w orki fl outstandini; Indian riln IH 1 Call Of Jungle," "Pan; Kr..^B
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  • 35 4 All Indian organisations doing relief >r welfare work are requested to comnunicatC their full addresses CO 4m iecreury, Indian Relief Committee in rfalaya, c 0 P. O. Box 141, Kuala umpur.
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  • 151 4 SUPREMO TO ATTEND ANZAC DAY CEREMONT Anzac Day falN on ThuH da\, Apr. 25, and .V-.^M in Singapore, like M countrymen and r I over the world, uil remember the gallant h up their lives in both I MOOnd Tkmndrfx wrvkt it t I /<*/>/> uill i<> untie m\ .fl
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