Indian Daily Mail, 23 April 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 14 1 Indian Daily Mail No- 6i. 1 SI\(;.M'()KK 111 Sl)\Y, AI'RM, 1946. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 271 1 Practical Effort To Beat Famine: 2$ Million Bushels Wheat For Export Washington, April 22. The United States went on short bread rations today. The cut in wheat consumption wa> ordered by the Government as part of a worldwide elFort to beat Oil" the wor>t famine threat in the
    Reuter  -  271 words
  • 378 1 I J V o jap Deserters Reported Leading Gang That Ambushed Australians April 22. incidents between Indonesian extreUlied troops continue to be reported from several j at Kill a k a S tern Celebes) have Dutch police de- which five tiK-m-I ere killed, one wounded •v
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  • 158 1 (From Out Oun Ctnnptudeui) Madras, April 12. The Madras Congress Legislature Party, which Mras due to meet yesterday for the fourth day, adjourned without transacting any business and is meetin toda) again. No r-.pK has been received from the Congress President. Maul.tna Azad, to a telccrim sent
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  • 52 1 Ww York. Apr. ii.r-HoHand require oil, petrol, coal, machine t<x>k and agricultural products worth between B7S^X»^OO tO I'HK>.«H.(..(HM» tO earn out this year's reconstruction program, Hendrik Van Dutch minister of commerce, said here recently. Holland 1- expected to be iHe to export textiles, bulbs, chemical supplies, ceramics,
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  • 131 1 Tokyo, April 22. -The Japanese Government this afternoon at an extraordinary session of the Cabinet decided to ItagH in an effort to stabilise llic political situation, Baron. Shidehan immediately went to the palace to hand the resignation to the Lmpcror. The Cabinet's resignation COOK* within a fortnight
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 100 1 U.P. London, April 22. An England. Singapore .nr Mrvice opened tod.n whtn .1 York aircraft left Lyneham, Wiltshire, at 0600 GMT for Singapore the longest ftcheduled lervice <>i R.A.I'. Transpoci Command. The new tervicc is daily and will cover the distance in three days, four hours.
    U.P.  -  100 words
  • 73 1 Bogota, olumbia, April iz. A valuable archaeological discover) "f Indian weapons and utensils antedating the discovery of America has been made in Bolivar State, the Ministrj of Education announced. The relics given to the national Archaeological Museum, were found near the towns of Corezal and
    U.P.  -  73 words
  • 40 1 Berlin, April 21. The newspaper Dor Jurier has reported tli.u 40 year oIJ Schmeling will resume Ins ring career at the end of May meeting the present German heavyweight titleholder Walter Neusel at ll.nn--1 burg.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words

  • 293 2 Congress In Suspense, But Very Hopeful (From Our Own Correspondent) The Cabinet Ministers left Delhi on Friday for Kashmir ,n a brief holiday and they will return on Apr. 24. It if clear they realise that so long ai Mr. Jinnah does not retile from the
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  • 202 2 Malayan Government's Responsibility For Local Indians' Welfare Stressed (From Our Own Correspondent) Madras, Apr. 22. An appeal to UNRRA to render help ro Malayan Indians is made l\v the Hindu in an editorial. "Private communications received by friends and relations of people marooned in that now hopelessly inhospitable colonv show
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  • 110 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Th? League Congress coalition talks in Bengal have failed. The Congress Party made four conditions for joining the coalition: firstly, the League leader was asked to issue a statement allaying the fears caused by speeches in the recent League legislators' convention;
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  • 57 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Great panic is reported to be prevailing among Hindus in the Bhopal State following the N.nv.ib's statement regarding Pakistan. F.xodus of I lindus is going on and also desecration of temples by Muslims reported. The Hindus arc observing a hartal for the
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  • 143 2 THAT'S THE QUESTION (From Our Own Correspondent) What will the Cabinet Ministers do next? This question all India is asking now. It is believed the Cabinet Ministers immediately on their return to Delhi from their holiday will start another round of informal contacts with the
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  • 99 2 Suggesting a solution for the Indian deadlock, Brailsford, famous British writer, says Britain must tirst make clear to the League that power will be handed over to the most widely representative Government that can bt formed. Even if the League stands aloof this government will take office
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  • 50 2 NOT WANTED BECAUSE THEY PRAYED TOO LOUDLY Brooking, South Daki>ta, Apr. 21. The trmiret of Brooking* South Dakota church haie a<kcJ for an injunction to prci cut Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. McMillan from attending church iftvicts. Tbt couple shouted "rfmc/" too loudly and too often,, the tftuifti *aid. U.P.
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • 36 2 (From Our Oun Correspondent) Madras, Apr. 22. Owing to rice shortage, the Madras Government, it is learnt, have decided to introduce .1 ban on serving rice "iddiliej and dosais" in hotels.
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  • 29 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Policemen in Dacca -struck yesterday protesting against non-fulfilment of their demands tor better conditions. The strikers marched through the I city shouting slogans.
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  • 57 2 HANGMEN STRIKE (From Our Own Correspondent) Bengal, Apr. zz. l>u/uatif .\itualum h reported to hair arisen in Bengal follounr^ a strike />1 hangmen. Man\ esses of execution arc [)ct?(l/ng. Rationed at iuo pairs \o each buyer a consignment of fifty dozen pairs of nvlon st(xkini;s was sold out in one
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  • 191 2 CEYLON'S POST-WAR DEVELOPMENT HINDERED Colombo, April 22 fhj Ceylon Governments'i 1 rti to find work for the [si unemployed and at the saiae time get on with posi ..r development, are handicapped by wape demands and M go slow" tactics. Mr. J. L. Kotelawala, Chairs „f the Board of Ministers
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  • 116 2 NO NIGHT LONG DANCE FOR PRINCESS Windsor (h>njon) Apr. zo.— (UP) Princes Elizabeth h zo t<>morrrtu hut there u til he M Rail at Wimdtm Castle tonight. kin° George put a firm parental f(»t Jouu on the twimceit hi;h->pniteJ plan for a htrtbJa\-eie Ball, Jtcording to uell-'mforvuJ CtfSlfc tourcet. These
    U.P.  -  116 words

  • 176 3 Soviets Claim No Postwar World Organisation Possible Without Them 21.— Moscow Radio blunilv declared today ■rtant question concerning the postwar world i can be decided without rhe Soviet Union, or to it." .ken review of and accompurope, a Krepokesmaa icthe creation of a tu< and political bloc of leadership runn-
    U.P.  -  176 words
  • 134 3 At j Meeting of the Council of the Central Indian Association of Ma!a\a, I I is decided to revive its activities ind with a view to bringing it into tine uith the changed situ.ition in the country, a sub-committee was appointed to draft amendments to the r
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  • 199 3 Americans Eat More This Year Than Ever Before Apr. zz. Americans mav eat more food this ftU than ever before but sonic supplies will be "substantially below demand, it wj« reported recentlv bv the department of agriculture. It forecast a civilian diet larger in quantm md at least as good
    U.P.  -  199 words
  • 47 3 \pr, xi. SixtyfourI \ft ;;//vr o/ ParliaH > crnon h trying /./('j o/ /At' f<NM^ pmh.i'!.l \uj by In ing on diet of 1.000 calorm florin Ih'loh the required to maintain \[a')or started tbh Kperi- vi UerJsy but be u \u Int diet con- Reuter
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  • 47 3 .Manila. Apr! i -Copra is expected to flow from thi- Philippines in a heavy volume during the last ha.f of t] ii year at the rate of 80,000 tons per month, resulting in the production in the United State* of 314 million tons of cocoanut oil.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 46 3 Vpril iz. Mure than of wartime t.i\ evaaon ing black market •a under in\ estiga- investigation by the wiry. And these the surface" authori- Officials slid thit ild recover better chan j i half of dollars In the ►47, m unp.ud revenues. U.P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 751 3 Internal Political Scene In Korea 2 TktJ is the seamd M a series of roundup articles dealing with the internal political scene in Korea -and rsprnally that of thr American occupation zone. By Palmer IJoyt, Jr., United Press Staff Correspondent. Seoul, April 21. Following establishment of Amcrtican military government in
    U.P.  -  751 words
  • 46 3 Brockton, W«f. Apr. ii.—Wbem thieves broke Mo Joseph Freemati \bop here t*4 ttoU money, rig<§rettet, tmd cigsrs, Freemsm'i >l»z Rover tie pi umndly. />»/ Rovet wti n» the /"A. When the police trrived be woke nh tnd refused to lei them enter.'- U.P.
    U.P.  -  46 words

  • 537 4 Communists Charge Americans With Aerial Activity Against Them Chunjjkinj?, April 21. -Chinese CommunHtt charged today that American planes strafed Communists in the SzpniL'kai area April 17 and 19 and that on April 19 one nlane was shot down carrvine an "American >oldier.'' f— These report > came a? the Chinese
    U.P.  -  537 words
  • 62 4 JAP TEACHER SAID DEMOCRACY A SIN SACKED Tokyo. April 22. /iv nnira Command km ordered tbt dismissal of a Japanese school teacher uho told kk cla» that democracy; uuv "a </>;." He said In- uoulJ be "handed and killed" by the occupation forces before be would gfttf up hh militaristic
    U.P.  -  62 words
  • 68 4 I rom Tuesday, April 2;rd, at the Information Centre. Bata Building. North Bridge Road, an exhibition will be open to illustrate the development of the Civilian Departments during the period oi the B.M.A. The charts and graphs based on facts supplied b> the Department! have been
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  • 110 4 The following have been elected member! of 1 committee to manage the football lection of the SingaporeIndian Association: Hon. Secretary: Mr. P. Ramoo: onvenor: S. R. P. Naidu: and Messrs. A. Sankaran, S. Ntrayanatamy, M. Balasubramankn, \l. Ponnutamj a;id P. Suppiah. Will all those interested in
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  • 62 4 SUGGESTION TO USE CONGRESSMEN INSTEAD OF GOATS Jacksonville, A/ii. iz. \<>jt breeder? animation incensed at the disclosure that mil />, uhJ o>: tin Jnpy m the Bikini Atom bomb /nh hi-n i imggestem that instead tome Congressmen L\ used. Good ;i<>dt* ari too \otrce t the bteeden tMed ht proU
    U.P.  -  62 words
  • 36 4 MdSCOW, Apr. I.ici: r.-C u-n. Uemura, former ommander of the 4th Kwantung (Japanese) Army, committed suicide in a prisonit dt camp on Mar. n, according to a Pravda correspondent in the Faf East.- Reuter
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  • 147 4 Russia Protecting Herself From Aggression' Washington, April si. General Mikhail Gdaktkmov, military editor of the Russian newspaper Pravda, today told the American Societx ot newspaper editors the onl\ reason RmmM in maintaining a ItflMg army iv M protect herself from aggression. He sd/7 that be h urtairr that //>.
    U.P.  -  147 words
  • 159 4 The Hon. General Secretary of the Singapore Indian Association writes as follows: A meeting of certain representative Indian bodies (lltnliini md NonMuslims) held in Singapore, having learned with regret the recent unfortunate happenings which tend to bring about communal ill-teeling jmong Indians in
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  • 92 4 Government of I >, j. Day w;h observed i^ Indians. On Sund.i\, April 21. the Balak Sena and other Indian two lorries and on foot through Scrjn^oon Road the spot where the A^.ui >X'ar Memi>rul stood. Th. MM was sponsored by th, Committee. A wreath was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 95 4 For interior decoration 1; J? I tion consult: H SHERWOOD JONES I (Engineering Section H 51-34. MEDEIROS BUIIDIXG, I ■NGAFORI I PHONE 4590 I H O I E R o H CM EXCELLENT REMEUY T I T R q tfftCl m y H U R R'-. i H NOW PLAYING
      95 words