Indian Daily Mail, 27 March 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 14 1 Indian Daily Mail V0»_:! Xo39 I SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH. 27, i<;46. PRICK 10 CENTS.
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  • 673 1 peoples Of World Want To Travel On Road To Peace: UNO Must Not Let Them Down" New York, Mar. 25. A stern warning on behalf of the lited Slates that nations must not take the law into their own n ds and leave the questions of
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  • 233 1 "We are all gofef to have to eat less and wt must all start now; we are all ftfaf to grow more, and we must start now. "The Viceroy has said that famine m India can bi fought. If is a thing which must
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  • 198 1 New Delhi, Mar. 26.— The Government of India is seriously considering taking its dispute with South Africa over the Asiatic Land Tenure Legislation before the UNO and a decision on the matter is expected soon, Commonwealth Relations Secretary Banerjce stated m the Central Legislative Assembly here today. (Under
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  • 467 1 London* Mar. 25.— As delegates of 11 member nations of the United f Nations Security Council met hi New York this afternoon, the British Charge d'Affairs m Teheran. H. L. Farquhar. was trying to confirm reports that Soviet evacuation of Persia was m progress and whether
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  • 639 2 South African Govt. Determined To Give Indians A Square Deal Capetown, Mar. 25. Despite the present Indian opposition to the Asiatic Land Tenure and Indian Representation Bill, South African Prime Minister Gen. Jan Smuts strongly defended the measure when he moved its second reading
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  • 149 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) T. K. Nayar, who saw service under the Japanese as an engineer and now m his pre-war job m the same capacity under the British, related m Madras conditions of Malayan Indians today. Nayar who is come on leave to meet
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  • 122 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Karachi, March 25. The Sind Ministry was today defeated by one vote. The Ministry which is the only one the Muslim League has been able to form m India so far survived last week a no-confidence motion by the same one vote margin.
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  • 85 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Maras March 25. The Tamil Edition of Gandhi's Hiir.jan weekly is being published soon under the Editorship of the well-known Tamil poet Ra.-nalingam Pillai of Namakkal, Guntur Narasimha Ra.i and N. S. Varadachari, Congress candidates were elected for the Madras Assembly defeating their opponents.
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  • 38 2 A general meeting of the Indian Printers' Union will be held at 32, Race Course Lane, on Sunday, March }I,at 10 a.m. All members and other Indian Printers are cordially invited to attend.
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  • 66 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bombay, Mar. 25. Bombay Muslims went to the polls today for electing three Muslim members from the city to the Bombay Assembly. The League candidates are expected to win as the opposition is only nominal. Voting took place today for
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  • 49 2 (From Our Ou/n Correspondent) Madras, March 26. Satyamurti's services to the Congress cause and his championing a parliamentary programme, which now the Congress has accepted, were unhesitatingly recounted here m connection with the South Indian leader'? death anniversary. Speakers appealed for a suitable memorial for Satyamurti.
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  • 76 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Delhi, March z6. Lieut. Jaswant Singh, of the 1.N.A., who was recently sentenced to three years' jail for cruel acts to Indian PoWs wrote to his counsel on the eve of his sentence: "I am quite indifferent whatever may be my punishment. I sincerely
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  • 113 2 Bengal Europeans Ami In Self-Defence {From Our Own Correspondent) Calcutta, March 25.— pj meeting any threat to civijj* life, person and property m event of serious dUturbancJ which temporarily may be beyond j reach of the forces of law tod or( L the European Association of Bengal g considering advising
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  • 105 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Delhi, March 2 One thousam workers m the Government of lndi Printing Press, Delhi, are on strike! the last 12 days. They resolved vesttr day to continue the strike indetinitdj tili demands for better wages uc ma Eight hundred Press workers
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  • 83 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Addressing a public meeting Madras, Lt.-Col. Lakshmi ijkM violence was the creed of all I.NJ men as violence which the l.N^ attempted outside is not necessary 1 India. From her experience she felt W nese were best soldiers
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  • 43 2 CONGRESS COMMUNIST CLASH (From Our Own Correspondent) Calcutta, Mar 25.— Serious eh* between Congress and the Coning Party occurred here on Sun Jay election. Over 200 persons were jured. The Communists alfcgjj berate assaults by Congress > U PP°^ m areas where Commum strongest
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  • 332 3 Japs In Action Against British In Bandoeng Area gy u March 25.— British troops late this afternoon I -npleted encirclement of the black and burning H IK rt T 9 M of Bandoeng, Java s pre-war summer capital, I ycrable section of which was set on fire last night by
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  • 52 3 r. M dr 2 ).—The RAh vmber, reported overdue ft /r on a flight from England MJ/rtftei, b§\ arrived safely at a h->< the RAF announced tofxpected here by Thursday. 1 "frr, manned by an Audtra- gomg to Aiistrali* for It uas due at LeierV'tfori*,
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  • 204 3 One of the disastrous consequences of the Japanese war of aggression m this country is the pitiable position of the large numbers of widows and orphans, whose bread-winners lost their lives owing to the barbarous treatment and inhuman activities of the Nips against the civilian
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  • 101 3 Chungking, March 25.— The sixman Indian Trade Mission, headed by Deputy Secretary of the Commerce Department of India S. K. Chettur 1 which arrived here this afternoon, expects to have an interview with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. The pre sent exploratory trip may lead
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  • 84 3 AVw Dc/A/, Afar. 25. Srrrf/<ir;y I 0/ State Lord Pet hick-Lawrence told a press conference here today the discussions about to begin were preliminary to setting up an acceptable machinery for the realization of independence quickly and making tlye necessary interim arraiigenicnts,
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  • 174 3 NEW FRENCH NOTE CALLS FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST SPAIN Paris, March 25. --Georges Bidault, French Foreign Minister, this evening handed a new French note on the subject of Spain to Alfred Duff Cooper, British Ambassador to France, and Jefferson CafTery, United States Ambassador to France. The Soviet Government is being informed
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  • 156 3 London, March 25. British public opinion is already wondering whether there will be a change m the wording of the Royal title and inscriptions on British coins after India has chosen to be either an independent state or a member of the British Commonwealth. At
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  • 105 3 London, March 25.— Leave was granted by the King's,bench divisional court today for the issue of a writ of habeas corpus directed to the High Commissioner for South Africa and the Governor of Brixton prison m respect of an Indian Abdul Hag Majec, now detained m Brixton
    A.P.I.  -  105 words
  • 243 3 Mr. Claude Massey has arrived m Singapore to assume duty as Australian Ciovernment Commissioner m Malaya. Mr. M.isscy has had a distinguished career and one which particularly fits him to serve as a representative of one of the world's greatest food producing countries. of Food
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  • 65 3 The advisers to the Jmenile Court met under the Chairmanship of Wing-Commander Brings on Monday night. It was decided that the Jmenile Court will sit as from this (Wednesday, March ij) afternoon, w/x'n Mr. L. C. Goh will preside. The Court will sit m the First
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  • 39 3 The trial of Wan Teh, who was charged with the murder of Theodore Hubback, was held at Kuala Lipis on jMar. 20, and the accused was acquitted and discharged. The defence was not called.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 MADRAS— CHINESE AND PERSIAN CARPETS m the following sizes obtainable 25* x 16' 22' x 10' 20' x 8' 15' x 6* at reasonable price. MAGHAR SINGH, 8, De Solza Stri ft, Singapore.
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  • 671 4 Admiral Mountbatten Talks Of Topical Things In His Command Canberra, Mar. 25.— Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten. Supreme Commander m South-east Asia who is visiting Australia, said today: "The whole of South-east Asia is overshadowed by the threat of famine. There is a serious food
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  • 220 4 Dr. B. M. Basu, Deputy Director of the long-awaited Congress Medical Mission, accompanied by Sri Jibananda Bhattacharya, reached Singapore by plane and left last night by train for Kuala Lumpur. These two gentlemen have arrived m advance to suVvey the area m which the
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  • 636 4 Car Nicobar Spy Case End After 16-Day Hearing: Jay Major-Gen. 5 Others To Di After 16 days' hearing, the Car-Nicobar Spy Case" which Major-General Itzuki Toshio and If others stood their tri before Lt.-Col. C. Coleman, assisted by Major M. Gray a Capt. R. D. Kohli m the First War
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  • 128 4 INDIAN LAWYERS KEPT IDLE— SO THEY LEAVE Became they had no Indian coll boration cases to defend m Smgapo Messrs. K. Bhashyam and R. Venki ratrun, two of the five Indian Uvy who arrived m this country hh weeks ago to defend Indian coltalx* tors. left for India' yesterday. TTk
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  • 34 4 FLOWN TO UNKNOWN DESTINATION Delhi Cantonment.— U ii /^""j that Suhedar Shinoara Singb tm Jemedsr fate Khan had ba n f/.-ni on March 13 from Kabul /I Delhi Cantonment, to tn imbvjt§ destination.- A.P.I.
    A.P.I.  -  34 words
  • 63 4 London, Mar. 25.— Report* tto Dr. Alexander Alekhim 1 chess champion, had <<;'" nll suicide because of a Rani M"".'" were stated today to be incorwj Dr. Alekhine who was fouwJ yesterday at Estoril, a few m»«» t here, suffered from a bad ca j
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