Indian Daily Mail, 22 March 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 17 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL II- No 35- SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARC 1 1 22, 1946. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 387 1 "Indian Nationalism Will Not Lead To Aggression" —NEHRU Rousing Reception At Malacca (From Our Special Correspondent) icca, March 20. All the roads led to the Malacca OU|0 U >unds today when, from very early m the afternoon, ill nationalities wended their way there to await rival of India's famous leader,
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  • 118 1 Paris, Mar. 20. Japanese officers and soldiers are leading Annamite nationalists m attacks on French troops m southern Indo-China. violating the armistice agreement signed on Mar ft, according to a French spokesman, the French News Agency reported. Nationalists are chiefly operating m southern Indo-China
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  • 83 1 Ex-Persian Premier Taken Into Protective Custody" Teheran, March 20.— Said Zia cd Din, former Persian Premier, was taken into protective custody this afternoon on orders of Prime Minister Ghavam Sultanch. He was taken to the Foreign Office for questioning but no charge has been brought against him. Earlier today, Said
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  • 153 1 London, Mar. ti. British troops are tonight guarding oilfields and pipelines around Kirkuk m Iraq, and tin- Iraq Government has posted troops m mountain passes along the frontier to face the threatened march m In' Kurdish tribesmen from their newly declared "republic*' m Persia, according to a cable
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  • 301 1 THE FERSIAN PROBLEM DISCUSSION Washington, March 21. Hussein Ala, Persian Ambassador to the United States and Persian envoy to the United Nations Security Council, is completing after a conference with advisers his brief for submission to the Council, according to a
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  • 200 1 RUSSIA WANTS A POSTPONEMENT: U.S. WANTS IT FIRST ON AGENDA New York, Mar. 20.— Russia has asked that discussion of Persia by the United Nations Organisation Security Council be postponed from March 25 to April 10. UNO's Secretary-General Trygve Lie tonight disclosed that Russia had made this request m an
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  • 1197 2 I COMPARABLE TO BEST IN WORLD Gen. Auchinleck Reveals India Government's Plans London. March 20.— The strength of the three Indian fighting services— lndian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Foree when present plans for demobilisation have been carried out, should be adequate to fulfil local
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  • 167 2 INA MEN WILL CONTINUE FREEDOM STRUGGLE, SAYS "RANI" LAKSHMI (From Our Own Correspondent) Bombay, March 20. Lieut. -Col. Lakshrni addrcsking pressmen last night m Bombay said that though the I.N.A. failed to achieve its object of freeing India, she had no doubt the I.N.A. men back m India would continue
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  • 131 2 MAHATMAJI DEEPLY CONCERNED ABOUT S.A. ANTI-INDIAN LEGISLATION (From Our Correspondent) Poona, March 20. The anti-Indian legislation sponsored by Field Marshal Smuts m South Africa has caused deep concern for Mahatma Gandhi, who before participating and leading m India's struggle for freedom led Satyagraha nearly 30 years ago against racial discrimination
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  • 48 2 (From Our Correspondent) Calcutta, March 20. It is learned the Congress Medical Mission might not leave for Singapore on March 25, as originally expected, shipping difficulties causing the postponement. Two members of the Mission, however, arc expected to leave by air by the week-end.
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  • 64 2 (From Our Correspondent) Madras, March 20. The Adviser to the Administration m Madras yesterday published the budget proposals of the Government for this year. The publication comes on the eve of Congress returning to office m the province. The province's Income is estimated over 41 crores of rupees,
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  • 103 2 (From Our Correspondent) Delhi, March 20.— Jemadar Pu« Singh, of the 1.N.A., has ban )[c jm ed to seven years rigorous impr«*™ ment, dismissed from service jnd« arrears of pay forfeited. A Press communique ann»>unc^» Commander-in-Chicfs confirmation the recommendations of Court I VB says it
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  • 173 3 ton, March 20. President Truman today sent ring message to the starvation threatened popula--\Ye will do all we can and possibly more than nfOflUs< rk message was given by Truman to Sir Mudaiiar, head I* Indian Food. Minion, m interview. for seeing Prettit**
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  • 106 3 SIAMESE GOVERNMENT RESIGNS U*tkok, Mtir. 20. The Siamese Wemmeni headed b\ Khuang )ktbwong ft 'signed today after a feat m the National Assembly. w iefest has on a priiate memr'< /v// to regulate lit mg cotnlim which wss passed by 65 totes 63. Aphuiunn^ announced that his Wtnmeni would be
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  • 97 3 Jnngking, Mar. 20.— Generalissimo iang Kai-shek today told delegates the Chinese People's Political that China's greatest present 'dwas reconversion and reconstrucn. Carles must be removed, the sufferingi alleviated and tllh °oJ stabilised, he said, urging continue assisting the Govgivinj comprehensive and ptble advice peaking at the opening
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  • 120 3 When a large fire broke out m the control tower at Butterworth airstrip last month it spread quickly to a dump of Jap bombs and small arms ammunition nearby. Signalman Chella Muthu, 4 Indian Air Formation Signals, was on telephone duty on the airstrip exchange. When
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  • 162 3 (From Our Correspondent) Karachi, March 20. The Sind's Muslim League Ministry had a life yesterday when it survived by a narrow margin of one, a vote of no-confidence. The motion was directed against one Minister, but had it been carried, the Ministry would
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  • 123 3 Dutch Timor, m the Netherlands East Indies, has been transferred from the control of the Australian Military Forces and now comes within the area of South-East Asia Command. This transfer is consequently upon the withdrawal of Australian troops from T1 Dutch troops who have been
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  • 56 3 This picture taken at the Kallang Airport shows Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru m a specially- posed picture with Mr. Tan Kah Kee. Panditji is wearing the garland put round his neck by the local Chinese leader. Behind the leaders are the Presidents of both the
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  • 143 3 (Front Our Own Correspondent) Calcutta, Mar. 19. P. K. Sehgal has addressed to I.N.A. personnel a letter wherein he assures them that by May 1 all of them will be released and advises them not to resort to any direct action m the
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  • 73 3 STALIN MOLOTOV'S APPOINTMENTS London, March 19.— Moscow radio reports that Generalissimo Stalin has been confirmed as Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at the plenary'session of the Central Committee. Generalissimo Stalin has been appointed chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister for
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  • 41 3 The marriage of Mr. K. Manickam, son of Mr. Kasinatha Kalappadiar, with Miss Govindammal, daughter of Mr. S. Appavu Kandiar, will take place on I riday, Mar. 22, betweei 3.45 a.m. and 5.30 a.m. at No. 395, Coronation Road, Singapore.
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  • 57 3 Wellington, New Zealand, March 20. Sir Ben Smith, British Food Minister, thanking Mr. Peter Fraser, New Zealand Prime Minister, for the gift of £1,000,000 worth of food from New Zealand said the whole of the milk powder and malted milk would go to India,
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  • 103 3 A Public Relations Department, Malayan Union, will be under the direction of Mr. M. C. ff Sheppard, M.C.S., with H.Q. m Kuala Lumpur. A Public Relations Dept, Singapore, with its H.Q., at the Old Secretariat Building (Phone 2302), will be temporarily m the charge of Lt.-Col. G.
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  • 546 4 "A Public Nuisance" Sent To Jail 41 You Mtfc to show yourself as a martyr. You are nothing of th;i! kind. You art a public nuisance." Thus said Win* Commander F. A. Briffl m the British Officer Court yesterday, vvlun Ik- Miitcmed Kin Ah UaMff,
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  • 118 4 liidin bin Nubi who was not a Volunteer posed himself as a member of 1 (I'ahang) Bn. P.M.f. Voluntet r Tone, reuistered his name as an tmlxKlied Volunteer at the Volunteer Torce Record Office. Singapore, drew current pay and allowances as an unemployed Volunteer at the Singapore.
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  • 153 4 War Crimes Ini estimations (BMA), Singapore /'Js moi ed from the Old Colonial Si'cretariat to tbt Offices of tin' High Commissioner yd floor, left wing of the Snprem: Court Buildings. Telephone 61 of for the Officer i c and 5545, Ext. 26 for the General Office. JAPANESE
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  • 134 4 KEMPEITAI VICTIM REVIVED IN ICE CHEST I fber stories of unspesksble horror, "stark and wsked,** </v Lit ut. -Col. Simian, the Prosecutor, described them on the first Jj), wen reUied yesterdsy m the War Crimes Court presided over h) Lieut. -Col Silkin when the "Double Tenth" case entered its fourth
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  • 322 4 Batavia, Mar. 20. The Semarang area on the north coast of central Java was shaken by an artillery duel early today when Allied guns replied to Indonesian bombardment. According to an official report Indonesian troop movements were observed m the area. At Kandoeng hill station,
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  • 153 4 London. Mar. 20.-] try KriHKt Bt«vin pointl m reply to q u < H HoMt of Common;- r m askcJ if he did not coi sonal pNMMt desiral I meeting of the UNO JM Mr. Btvin said he would I closely hut one could i B
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  • 103 4 GENERAL ELECTION M CEYLON PREMATURE London, Mar. 20. I V, Seen for the Colonies Creech .1 J m the House of Commoi saw no reason for the general election m Ceyloi uni 1 Dew constitution came ii I He was replying to Mr. Ja Callaghan, Labour, who h ed the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 Vol. I. No. v I The Malayan Standard greets I'jnfl Nehru m this special number. I An extract from "China's Dt by Gen. Chiang Kai-shek is 1 Barrister-at-law discusses th( li of Banishment. Malayan Standard reports Clerical Union. Margaret Grant write 1 Feeding lor the People. The situation m Greece
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