Indian Daily Mail, 21 March 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 17 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL K. Xo 34- SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH M i 946.4 6. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 1198 1 Discrimination By BMA Alleged [From Our Correspondent) Calcutta, Mar. 19. Pandit Nehru's Malayan Jour 5 front page news m the Indian newspapers and commented widely. dn t of Madras, commenting J n m a leading article entitled [Malayan Indians' Plight," says: "The gress has done well m
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  • 2960 2 FULL TEXT OF RECENT UNITED STATES I FOREIGN POLICY SPEECH We are be^innin^ to realize that the war is over. It is good to have sons, husbands and fathers home a^ain. It is Kood to open a MWflptptr uithout the fear of finding m
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  • 68 3 Referring to Indonesia at Tuesday night's Press con fere nee. Pandit Kebru said: r We m India are interested m Indonesia and all our sympathies haie been with the Indonesians. There is much resentment there at Indian troops being used to suppress the Indonesia!; fight
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  • 112 3 "INDO- BRITISH RELATIONS Mr. K. Bhashvam, one oi tlv Indian lawyers who have arrived m this country to defend Indian nationals charged with offences committed during the Japanese occupation, will this evening give a lecture on IndoBritish Relations," at the Army Education Centre, Armenian Street, at 8 p.m. The public
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  • 502 3 London, March 19. The historic British Cabinet -Mission to Indialeft Britain today by air after farcnell state- f three llel b "s expiring Ugh hop es for successful fulfilment of their task. secretary ot State for India Lord Pcthick-Lawrcnce who
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  • 276 3 London, March 19. The late President Roosevelt appealed on several occasions to the former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, 10 end the political deadlock m India, said Dr. Syed Hossain, President of the National Committee for India Freedom m America, at a
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  • 197 4 Lav Kirn Moon, a youn? Chinese, WMM yesterday sentenced to leven yean r.i. by Wing-Comm ander FA. Briggl m the British Officer Court on a charge of armed robbery. Accused, who was undefended, pleaded quilt v to the charge. Mr. A. R Rajah, for the
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  • 97 4 JINNAH REVOLT Questioned about Jinnah's reported threat to call a revolt. Pandit Nehru just said: "I should like to see Jinnah call a revolt." After explaining the Muslim leader's request for Pakistan and how this question affected the relevant peoples and States m India, and the reasons for the present
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  • 113 4 Mr. G. Hewa, Manager of B. P. I)c Silva Co., Ltd., was the at I tea-party held at the ABC Cafe, yesterday evening. The hosts were Messrs. V. E. Shanmugam Chcttiar and K. M. Ru/ak, and the party was given prior to Mr. I lewa's departure
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  • 121 4 When Pandit Nehru, at the Press conference on Tuesday night, was questioned about India's defence, he said that an Independent India will have to take care of its Army, Navy and Air Force. It was obvious that these Services could not be anything but be first grade. It
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  • 95 4 Washington, March 19. Trygve Lie, Secretary-General of UNO, has issued a communique stating that. Persia has protested to the Security Council both because Soviet troops arc still m the country contrary to the Tripartite Treaty and also because the Soviet is alleged to be continuing
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  • 154 4 BaUvia, March i<y. Stern measures against groups who by "propaganda, agitation or arms" hinder the development of the Indonesian republic were promised today m a proclamation issued jointly by the Indonesian National Defence and Internal Affairs departments. A letter made public here today from
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  • 52 4 Washington, March [9. fames Byrnes, United States Secretary of State, today denied knowledge of any secret agreement between the late President Kootevelt, Mr. Churchill .jiuj Generalissimo Stalin regarding Italian colonies and mtcrnationalisation of Trieste, stated m American press reports to have been reached at the
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  • 185 4 >X hen Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru wi> asked at Tuesday night's Press conference if he had any advice for the Malayan Indians with respect to the proposed Malayan citizenship, he replied that he could only give them the same advice that he had given the Indians
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  • 210 4 BRITISH COLONISERS BLAMED FOR INDIAN FOOD CRISIS London, March 19. Under the heading "feasting m the midst of plague," the Soviet periodical, NtW Times, blames the British "colonisers" for the food crisis m India, Moscow radio said today. Despite the crisis the British authorities had arranged a victory festival m
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  • 270 4 Panditji itarted on Tuesday X visiting the A/ad Hind VTI Memorial at Connaught I)rj Vc h.s respects. Next he paid a\!°, the Ramakrishru Mission o r i"" at Bartley Road. Pandit ,i m singing the National Atfc, unfurling the tri-colour tinThen Panditji paid visits t
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  • 62 4 Referring to the notorious 'ft Rgtfwsy" that the fspttitst with Indian labour mtinly, Pandit ji said that nhoei cr n the Railtiay now haie bid <i W ble acquisition free froui rorf //c thought it only fight thin Government, or Govtnm now compensate the depended
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  • 53 4 READING ROOM FOR LABOURERS Under the auspices oi tht Association,, a readiflj WM opened at the 9th Mile, Mj Gambans Road, on March 13. calculated to improve the I* labourers m that locality. Sri P. ST. Sithampar.ini (X the President of the Associarf formed the opening cercmonj presence of
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