Indian Daily Mail, 7 March 1946

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail I^,l |I. No. 22. SINCAPQRK, .THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946. PRICE io CENTS
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  • 1085 1 President Truman introducing Winston Churchill before his historic speech here today described Mr. Churchill as "that great world citizen.'* President Truman said he first met him with Stalin at the B?rlin conference, adding, "I became very fond of both of them. They are m n and
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  • 50 1 Moscow, Ma?-. 5 Britain Is accused of trying to er ate a Second Java m Persia" by the Moscow press today m a fresh barrage of anti-British criticism un'oosed as opinion m the United Slates a: d Britain on the Persian issue hourly stiffens.
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  • 339 1 London, Mar. 6. The following aiv London press comments on Mr. Winston Churchill's speech at Fulton Missouri. Independent The London Times: Anglo-American friendship is an essential element m British policy. It can never be its sole and all-suffi cient foundation Ideological warfare between Western democracy and
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  • 75 1 Detroit, Michigan, Mar. 6. Pa' i pc'ulti Gopala Krishnaya, editor a: publisher of the magazine "The Orien and the United States," and of tl: dynasty that ruled Southern India i< 500 years before the British OCCUpa tion, predicts that India will gain h:i freedom within
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  • 773 2 Indian Daily Mail Thursday, March 7, 1946. ON THE RIALTO fc WHAT news ho, on the Rialto?' The front page news of the day is, of course, Jawaharlal. The longexpected visit to Malaya of one oi India's greatest leaders, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru has been announced. Beloved of his countrymen, the
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  • 755 2 The fdiowmg exclusive feature for the "Indian Daily Mail" /s uritten />) a former Singapore newspaperman, Mr. ROY IIRROA. Back m Singapore again after visiting India I have brought hack with me an indelible impression of India s 400 million human beings crowded on the edge
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  • 98 2 {From Oiir Correspondent) I Allahabad, Mar. 5. It is now J^l mtely learned that the Governp\. nt Jm^ India has arranged facilities for I'an^Bj Nehru to leave for Malaya on Mar. \M He will be returning on Mar. X G. P. Huthee Singh, Vhru'M brother-in-law
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  • 71 2 (From Our CorrrsponJcuf) Hf Allahabad, March 5. In .1 <^mj ment on Indian Army pei i-ncl'B strike at Jubbulpore, Pand I supports their demands for ivuamj treatment and post-demobilisatio^| facilities, but considers their d«:nundH should not be mixed up with poiiticfl issues. H He hopes the
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  • 82 2 (From Our Correspondent) Delhi, March s. About ;> •1^ of the German wing of I.N.A M released from detention here wodH Viceroy Wavell has written to M the members of the Executive CountH to set up an example for austcnu H living m view of the all-roun*
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  • 59 2 RIAF DEMAND FOR EQUA TREATMENT WITH BRITISH GRANTED (From Our Correspondent) M Rangoon, Mar. 5. About isonfl of the Royal Indian Air Fore, »l here called off today their nin I strike as most of their demands, H B included equal treatment with H personnel, better living conditio H speedy
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  • 93 3 Om ContsponJctit) Much 5. Stfdai Vafla[ndian mtionafot leader 1 nghthand nun today wipiv ;>t India to maintain (pherc so that Congress t the British cabinet mission Itmospheft to discuss the r [ndu'l iiulepcndence. 1 1 J 1 large gackering of work- [ndij bound
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  • 119 3 (From Our Correspondent] re, March Political interest India at present is focuued on njab where preliminary u!!<\ to the forming of a new taking place. Congress Hid I eague parties are trying to secure support ot the Sikhs who with numbers cm convert
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  • 139 3 From Our Corrcsjx)ndcnt) Madras, March s.— Mr. K. Bha- presently m Singapore defendIndian collaborationists, is conBting m the Madras Legislative Lssembly elections as a Congress canidate. f \\s nomination papers were led on his behalf yesterday. Five candidates are opposing him. fee rival, P. Xarayan Kurup, objectu to
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  • 96 3 (Frow Our Cor res fa talent) Calcutta, March 2. The Hindustan Standard, an English daily here contains a report of the death of a villager m a clash with soldiers. The report says that three soldiers, two o\ them Europeans entered a village on the night
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  • 275 3 Lieut-Col. Lakshmi Interviewed In Delhi (From Our Correspondent) Delhi March 5. --Lieut.-Col. Lakshmi Swaminadhan arnv.j )elhl yesterday by plane from Calcutta and was met -:r the aerodrome by her mother and received a large ovation amidst cries of Jai Hind." She intends
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  • 53 3 (Irani Our Correspondent) Patna, March, L— Captain Sha- v. of the I.N.A. speaking here csUrday s.tid: "So long as the Britishers are m this country. India v\i.l eu'ain (Julamistan, iami of sk.vvs. Whether we want Pakistan. Khal .tan r Chiistiar.istan, let us unite Alit| md force the Britishers
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  • 68 3 {From Our Cor<esU)ndcnt) Madras, March, 3.— The Madras Government will spend one crore of rupees for growing more food crops. Every cultivator who grows with certain prospect of good harvest of cereals will get Rs. 15 per acre by way of bonus. Madras
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  • 56 3 (From Our Correspondent) Madras, March f. The Police registered a case against Justice Byers, of the Madras High Court, for culpable homicide not amounting to murder, owing to his own admission of a pistol shot at a boy during last week's disturbances. Meantime, Byers
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  • 80 3 (From Our Correspondent) Madras, Mar. 5. Police opened fire on March 3 at Cbeyyar, North Arcot district, on a mob who attacked the Taluk Food Supply Office. Earlier the mob had at- tacked the grain shop demanding I boiled rice. Helsinki, Mar. 4. A Government
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  • 282 3 London, Mar. 4. Richard Butler, former Under Secretary for India, speaking as Opposition's chief spokesman m today's House of Commons debate on Britain's defences declared: I hope that the cohort of Cabinet Ministers proceeding shortly to India will do a great
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  • 167 3 As from midnight tonight IndoChina nill cease to form part of South-East Asia Command. Henceforward control of IndoChina south of l«;o parallel will be exercised solely by the Trench .mthorities. This decision has been made bf the Allied Powers; and is the direct development of the
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  • 182 3 Bombay, Mar. s.— The immediate future of half a million Anglo-Indiana m India is worrying Mr. i rank Anthony, President of the AngloIndian and Domiciled European Association (A. l. and D.E.A.). He il afraid that their services and their rights are inclined to he
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  • 4 4 agkalgjahgf
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  • 99 4 lour Chinese, namely, Ice Ah Pow, Heng Wcng Jooi, Voon Yew Thor, and (ho Liang Senj;, were each sentenced lo five years r.i. by Lt. Col. G. C. Cullcy m the Assessors' CU)un yesterday. The first accused Lee Ah Pow was charged with bein^
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  • 96 4 Licencei for the import of cotton piece goods, woollens and worsteds m the piece, rayoiU mu\ rayon mixtures, knitwear (cotton, woollens and mixtures), and made-up goods, from the United Kingdom only, will now be granted to individual importers. Licences will DC unrestricted, is to quantities,
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  • 257 4 BRITISH SCIENTIST CHARGED WITH DIVULGING ATOM SECRETS Accused Uuwilling To Disclose Anything About 'Other Person' London, Alar. .">.—Charged with having divulged atomic energy secrets to an unknown person, the distinguished British scientist and lecturer, .11-years-old Dr. Alan Nunn May. who was arrested by British counter-espionage police just ftftcr he had
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  • 180 4 The following official communique was issued by the BMA., HQ., m Kuala Lumpur on Mar. 5:As a measure to improve conditions of service of daily paid Government employees, the question of pay whilst absent from duty on account of sickness has been under consideration.
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  • 124 4 The result of the London University Kxaminations, June 1941 have now been received. Candidates should apply to the Education Officer, BMA (M), of the centre at which they sat for the examinations for detail^ of their results. Information tan also be supplied by the Director of
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  • 154 4 With effort from Monday. Mar. 18, L 946, family remittances to China may bi iccom mended, subject to the following conditions Remittances must be made through Hank or an authorised remittance ■hop; the maximum sum that may be i emitted on behalf of any one family
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  • 171 4 During the years of the Japanese occupation of Malaya, a l*r& number of pre-occupation mining leases were* not renewed and expired. Although, under normal circumstance beyond their control, it has been decided that such leases, known as pre-occupation leases, with respect to which there have been no dealings
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  • 127 4 The export of ffOOdl to Canada, Newfoundland and to a lar^e number of foreign countries, including their Colonial Possessions, Protectorates ard Mandated Territories, and to China, is permitted only by parcel post and is subject to the production of a Currency Declaration (Form C. I I), li). Full
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  • 554 4 BydMjr, Mar. .".-The "s ,i, tv I Son/* hi a wport ''-om its Townsviiic Kj Qih iiNJand, correspondent*. sa\> that fl the hutch have bought tro\\\ tk I United Statts authorities Mk X •aval 1-asc at Hollandia. Ktthcria^ W Now Guinea, for the dollar equivalent t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 DO YOU KNOW HIM K. V. Vellu. Indian, former Jap Inspector of Police and Chief of Indian Section of tin- Special Branch, <Vntr;.i Police Station. Information is required by War ('rimes Investigations, (BMA), Old Secretariat Building, Spore. Telephone Nos: *<■ WM extension 4. I
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